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T.D.AnnexDwg. No.

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approx.30-35mm approx.50-55mm


2) resinbasedrailjointprimer/ SEDRAPIX@ VHK
3) SEDRAPUR@ HD fillerblockstype BucharestRi 60 "ln-street-running"
4) gluingof the SEDRAPUReHD fillerblocksintothe railwebwith
SEDRAFERPPU 45 adhesive.Plastingup of thejoints 'pU betweenthe
SEDRAPURPHD fi er btockswith SEöRAFEP SM (FK)pastyfi er
5) resilientrailfoot profileof type SEDRAFER@ GU 180-60
6) cementprout(levellingfiller)to undercastthe rail,W x H = 220x30mm
7) SEDRA- ISOrailanchorto be setin drilling holeof 30 mm dia.x 180mm
depth.,centrespacing3,0 m
8) EDILONDEX R2Keooxv-adhesive
9) tie-barisolationproRteSLORA@ISO"roundshape",dia.29 mm,centre
spacing'l .5 m

edilonX sedraProdukt
Fordr6. zeichnu.qbehalls yi uß aro R*]ns ve, audrtur
d.n FarderPaledenetungod€rG.b€uchsnuslereinF.s uns.
v€toi.ltähguns,w.ireEabean oritr. und.ondigevercnu.g
uduräsrrg Diezeiohnuns
Fax :+49(0)61192301-15

(1.) installation ISOTiebar
of SEDRAFER- @ installation
isolationprofile railfootprofile

aÖ installation HDfillerblocks .4) installation

ISO railanchors

@ settingof the formworkto allowunderpour @ infittof e.g.cementgroutmaterial

of the railwithe.g.cementgroutmaterial

@ tramwaytrackto be completed with (9 the railjointsto be filledwith

concreteor asphalttop cover SEDRAFER@ ... bituminous hotsealing
compound andSEDRAPIX@ VHKPrimer
Ph]'sicalandchemicaluopqtigs qtllltejail.[llglblaek

Material: product on the basis of pol',urethaneand

Density(dry): ca 900 kg/m3
Speci qI char act er is t ic s: contaction afler a weathercycle of 12 h at -
25'C and 12h at +60'C, not bondedinto
position. without static compression:max.
filters vibrationswith frequenciesbetween20
to mould
Resßtqnceto chemicelsubstences: suchas oils, fats, hydrocarbons,diluted acids,
birumen.all polyurelhane andepoxyresins
Tetnperqture r esistance: allowshardsurfacingofthe rail at 300 "C
EIectr icaI resistafice: high, ensuringelectricalinsulationofthe track.
(s 2.5 S&m acc.to DIN VDE EN 50122-2)
Waterabsorption: < 1o/orelatedto volume
Service temperqturerqnge: -25 'C to +60 'C
Permissi ble contraction: < lYo
:.,.1...,,:i. : .. .

conlol]rdr 3.1'164 PollEer: SBR

DIN53505 62+-5 SHA

DrN 535t14 > l0 N/Nn'
DIN 53504 >380 %

Asins?d/70'c DrN 53508

relativeCba,lge tso 188

DIN 53505 tna)|+8 slore A

Tens e St€!8th DIN 53504
DIN 53504

Te.r Resisrance DtN 5350? >8 N/ED
DIN 53512 min 25 %
DIN 5351?
24h | 70'C <35 %
12b/ RT <30 %

I Ozolc 0.5ppm/ 48 h / 2J'C DIN5J509 0 Stufe

DN 53516 rnd200 mm3
tso 4649A
DIN IEC93 > lE+09 ohin* cm
(vDE 303T 30)
-30 to +90

updated: i rrre ll0' 2{)05

Technical information sheet rl,o.7.3/09.06

Field of application:Rails

SEDRA SDS@ Vibration

Damping Track Bedding
System for Tram Tracks
Thc advrnl$cs ot rrrms in locrl rratüc. such as ccononr
and enlnonnrentr! l endlnres- h.!e ahr.ys been recoe-- i:i! L, sn,slellr. sLDfi.{sr)s, f,s2i l{qlurcr srjDR.\ sDs"
nised. Ho$e\.r. thc lrcquend! sro.g !jbralions anit no,!c
lc\cls gcncrutcd Lr nil vchiclcs arc pcrccivcd as disadvu
r$cs. ln r pcriod oi incrcuscd cnlironmcnrd rN.rcnc$.
rtprol.iat. ribration.dantnrg ha.k bcddnrg.nd ottimiing
.onparibilirr betvc.n lr.man.nt$ry dcsign aDd thc !.hiclcs
detlo\Fd arc of nDjor nnt.rtrn.e.
O sEDR.\FtrR"
lo nrseaer
O SEDn,\PUR'I er btocks
G) Pref
Apxrr lfont Lhc!ibmtion dtmpn,g sv.tcn sclccr.d.
th. lbllowing tdan.t.ß n st bc trk.n @ concrete
O Polyurethane

O Ahernative
O P.mrnent wi] strnchrre . SEDRAFERiP(JSTJ65
'1ru.k sep.Gtion
. inliasrnüur. and brse coüß.

. Road contiguftlion !.d corsLruclion

singlc poh urelh.nc }.dd irg l!]c r in figurc I cdn Lc im
. ,\xt. loads xt to.d tf.qu.n.i.s tlcx,crlcd us, limplcr vcNion.
. lt.quncd ribratioD danInrg pro|.rtics -!cv.ral lcßions of the o Lirer dln\ring srslen, can bc
i m l L e m . n l l , dr s s h o \ n i . F i g . r . 2 .
. Intlctr,enlalio. lcchnology ({id,/Nirhoul rJiicl 'lhe
Ä h o r eh ' r d n e s so l b o r h l h e \ i b r i o i d r n , p n , gh \ r . ( 3 J
. P h l s i . , l l r o p . r t i . s . f n r . l l r i i l s u s e d0 o u n g s V o d r h i r . ,nd the pohurerhlne l.vcllifg la!.,. (5) .!n te laricd
string connnnr lo.g lenn behivio!r.re*(llng (SEDRAFERi Ptr SU Itun 25 1065).
prope,lics. elcctriel in{ !tion propcfLics.cLc.) The rail clanhrs urc liucd \Lilh S[DR,\PUR' clastic.
irsuhtug lill.r L,lods. thc h.rdnc$ olvhi.h $as oprjn,is.d
. (llcäa.ce.litic olconslruotion rnd us. oi!dj{ccr1
lbr tbc r..lDired vibmtion d,mping f,op.,lics. thc I oirrrcd
Luildin.gs(nsr and/or old t'uildnrgs) n!fti. loids lnd dre nalure ol lbc birumnious joi tilcf
. V i b ' , n i d r r u n s n r i l l i n g u n d o g r o u n ds 1 t r , . 1 ! . c s
t.icd xrd l.$ted SEDRAItrR' SPEZIiI, SElllt.\rrUlt'
. P c . a n d / . r r y a i l . b i l i 1 !o l n r a l o i r l s EXTRÄor SEDRAIIR" [Ljotut scxlinscompound.
Results: The folowing direclives, standardsand guidelines a.e gene
raly applicable:
Measur€m€ntsf.om instillcd SEDRA SDS6syslens in diffc
r€nt cities hdr shown that there is effeclile danling of the
vibration transfer and o{ shucturdborne noise. Th6 ielcvint 16. BImSchv (Traffic Proteclion Ordinance)öf r2th June
1990 limits the level of airborne noise lcvel. DIN 18005
(Noise conhol in urbd arers)' Technic€]noise guideline
vilucd in orde. to ensurelow-noisedweüings

DIN 4150 (vibrations in coNhuction) P.inciples

accordingto whjch the vibrationsin st ucturcscan be
p.e calculatedor measüred.
c) Stru.r re-boneNße
There are cürenliy no güidelines that er?licidy speciö
\ h d , d F , h p p " r m i d i b h l e ' . l s o l e r r u . n r r ^ b o r nn. o t e .
However, information sheet 23 isftd by thc Federal
Ranvay Offi@ in Munich p.ovidcs quantitative data on
the level of noise thal should be rincd for in dwellings.

I 2,0

5 6 ? 3 9 r 0

Fig.3: ileasmemenb madein a learby rqidendal LuildiD{ Lefo* "".1 "n".

tlE iin,Idion ol üc SEDR { SDS! Sydcm in Mannhcn",
Krklnzoi Zcilc. Janurryl99l

Regulations pe aining to p.evenlive enli.onmenlal pnlecli
on requne that planneN orrecdy asscssl.äIficindu@d noße
and vibrations and i{nece$ary p.ovidc rcdu.tion ncrsurcs n
their planning @ncept6.
The basi6for aI the regulatioDsand slandardspertaining he Fig.5: Inlbll{ion oI the SEDRT SDS,ibmrion dampingsrscn6
qfr. ii lvo*d$', Norelpa$Iiy Bri,lgc
,do i" ! 4'] tdr. l, l. \o. I or rhp l"d{al Tmmß.ion.
Protection Stalule (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetzcs) of
15.3.r974. Ow Company
Both the road and rail track planneN,i.e. the emtteß, and For nerrly 70 vears we have be€n worki.g {ith donesnc and
üe ciry and landscate planneF i.e- future emiltere, are en- foreign tram networks. Our activities range from the in6talla
cou.aged10dr.fi ecologicilly ninded plans. tion of our tried-andtested joiDt systems to the reakation o{
comllex in6ulation syslems on the lrack. TodrI, StrDRd is
With rega.d to thc shnda.ds, a d;linction nüst be madebef t h . E u r o p " r n m , r h a h d " r f o r p ' o \ i d i 1 9 . n . , l i o n bL o i n s u
ween airborne noise, st.uc1u.e-borne noisc (no;c which lation problems (structure-borne noise, coüosion and 61ray
spreadsin solidbodies)and vibrations(ribrationso{ solidbo- cunent) on lram trackr.
lleliable and punctual conpletion of a$ignments is a ndltcr

S/e would be tleased to rork foi you and to me€t you a1

an}1ine for a discussion.
Our btochup and iüomatioh hatettal haw been ptuduced as
condmtiausb and dcdtutelt as p6sible, howeer the .ontent i: nol
le4dlf bihdi"s. Wereene üe nqht to nake te.hhlcal dhehdhenß

/ \
Rheingaudr. ??. D55203 vicsbrdcn
Trlephone+d9 (0)6ll / 923010 . F.\ *49 (0)611/ 9230115
E nril olli.c@yd.r-wielldeo.otn . Inrrna, $a{.edü wiesbrden.con
Qüali!. cenitcale ec. b DIN Iso 9001/EN29001
Fig.,r TG(lsdi.n in Hciddlrftgwirh ü.k bcdd g n:ing SEDR,{FER' speci,lizcd buinc$ !cc. io wrrc
PU 35 and SEDRAPUR'filer blocks (wai{ Rdoucs Mma$Dcnr ad) t 19 L
Product Information No. 7.4/ 07.06
Field of application:Rails

Filler Blocks for
Tram Tracks
i \ x n t ! g . . o l r r , t r n rl , Ll , r i ' \ 1 ü 1 1 i .n. n h ! . . f . n . n r \
rr.l urjnjrnn l f i ( . n ( l l i j r . !l.' ! r , . h ! , r t ) p r r i r 1 . ( l l t n r l . n i l
r i n r . . O . r l , . . r h . r l , ü r l . L l r , l l . q u d r t h r , ' F i { l r L l ) 1 \, i l , r r i . r "
rri tl,r,r,!.il,li l ) \ r , ! f ] t c d\ f l i i f , \ r ' , 1 ) 1 r , . \ o LF
r1larl,rkr. l" r', ag, oi iiintrrl dni,onrrJrlxl !',rn!'. r
\ i l , i ' 1 i ( r i { l . , n , t ) i , itgr a r J r r l a ' t l - , ! ' r i d , i , r l (Dorr,ii!roir
l i , 1 \ , r ' ,r h , l t r , i l f t n L . \ ! v ( ] , \ i g n r l ( l !n i t ) r ' n r r ' r r . r i t l r h . n{ {J lilld hl{k
\ . 1 , nL r .r n l l J , r \ , ' , i d , t , . i r n L
1 , ,J , l ( l i l i , ' , 1 1 'r h , i , L l L , .. . s r . t r L h \ . r t n r l d d i " g , , r r l , f 'l
h . r f n , I o l l l r l ! ( 1 , \ . l t ' l ) ,f ,, 1 1f,i , , 1 r L L , o , F r \ t , . r i n n , r ' r ! '
r , r ( 1 , l r o , l , n r r t i I n r l i i i g 1 l t ,i , p t , . , 1 t h , l ) . , n r ! , r r r r \ , , \ ) n
1l,t SlDlt.\PLtt' fillcr Llock 1|rig. l. \l i, l, \N ir1,.il'n(l it
g l i r i r g n , j i i ) l , o r 1 ! r r r 'l ü l l i r i , r h . r h , r , r t l { \ r : n , l ) t i i n ( l l , \
It)(ri). 1h. \ jl)rlrion(t.nl|j|s l to 1lnFir. l,t r
h , , l L . \t o r . t r 1 . | l o i l t . o \ l , t r h " t f - . l ' \ . i d , t , l \ l i l l i r g L | l r u L t
d r . , n r h r ' \ 1 1g, r r ' 1 . , l , \ . \ ! r r l i , , ( L l r ' t , f , r , r , r r r t \ r \ L ' t ) r , ) 1 , ,\' r ' i 1 l r , t r l ) b , r . r n , l r i r , r n t r r u r r i r r t i .
n i ! ! r i . LllL , ! l ) d 1 ,! n f * l r r | l \ ! ' i l l r r h . ( ; t , n r f h , l . r l
l i r i L \ ! \ l ( n! \ . t r 1 | \ . r , . f t N l r i , l , l i r n , , r l , i r i i t ) i i s \ l l r r n t r , .
, r , r m r r d . i J i , l 0 ( r f ' r r , \ \ ( h l ) 1 1 .\ l o r o , ! : r l r i g l ' , l . r , ! , ) l
Solutions: , [ , r f i l r l i r r L h i t r i ( r n l i r ( l , i ( \ d [ \ u r ] r r g , , ! 't t r . , 1 , r l
\r1 ,.f!ntrrion nL,L,rir.. \l ,l, J,,n,ll rLnr lir\.
\ i l ) ' r L r i ,r)l x r , t , i n gr n ( lf | ( t r i ( n l i ,F U l r r l n gt ) ' 1 ? , r ' i l . i i r h . , N ! '
{ ) L r r| a r , r r L , r ,l r r l , L t L r , , i r tg, n . . * r l o \ . 1 l I l ) , o , h t r r i o n . l
ol rr!iiF l,r.l,1lro1l,",l,..L,,pr,' ol th.SriDR.\l'tR fillc.
f t ( l i l l i ( r h 1 ( n r , .l ; r : t r r i . J r o l u l i o ' ß .l l t r l . ' \ .r ! , n r l , : . 3 1 i ( )
| l o c k r ' l h . j ( l a ,\ r . 1 1 ' ( 1 , \ , 1 , , t .1' il , r l ) L , i l .( l , r f ! . L , J t ( l l ) \ :
i L l l i , . , r l i n n . ! r ^ r i h l ) l ( . 1 l . l n i , , g o , r1 r [ , ] , . i ' , r l 1 ' r , .
. \ l ' r ' , 1 . r " { r .| | , ' r ' - ' .1 '
t ' , , 1 i 1 ,r.l.r r \ f i r l r i , h . t u S . . t t
. \ 1 t r , ' , 1 , 1 iot ,l ,r i u l ( 1 ff r n . r i o , F ( u n , l l , \ l , t , r ) i 1 N L
\ l , n , r n f , . r l i ' t ) n r : . s 1 r . r , , 1 . . -l t ^ \ L ( , L f f l i , r .r , , , , x n \ 1 r r .
il,1 l'lil !r\ rlU,Ll, i.lil. l,irh.rn.r'. L|l .r.\ r,i,r,r]r.
. l n n r l ) . , 1 i 1 ) i l i l \ \ i r l , r l , , . r . r . l t l , , i nirnh! o. .rni r t o ! , ( l StiDlt.UlLfi üllrr blocL p-'"n' rti,l xr,l r..f.n,nrl

I i , , L l l \ r. l , , S l , l l l l t . \ P t . l t " l i l e r b l o & c v r l { t ' r l ' " , ' 1 " L l *

( i 1 ) , , , r ' i I, n | x l r r r | , idi 'r\L 1 R l ( , 1 c 1 , ) , m r r i l ' , ' 1 r L ßl ,(\l h , l z o n l r l ! , r l v J L i ( . 1 , r c . . ( h r 1 0
i L . f J d i , l , , o t ) d 1 i , \ .( l , L h , , r 1 . l r i i ' i i 1 t ,r h . t o n , t ) ! r l l , i l j tor l
ResuIts and Experience: The lolloriq rcgulatiors. standards and guiddnrcs apply:

Ongonrg,!se!.ch isignnents $ith spccirlizcd nßtirutions.

such as u.ilersities ol rpdicd scien.cs.cnnnc thc continüoN 16. Blnschl (l nlli. Prcledion (hdinance)of 12 JDne 1990
rcfincnenl and optimization of our SBDR{PUR' filler blocl.. hniling rhe lcrclol ai$oDre sound. l)lN 18005 (Noiseconrol
To d!1e, dre SEDRAPUII' {illd blo.k h.s bccn sü(csslullv in urban a.eas)Acousli. orienlalion lalucs 10 .nsure loMrois.
- p l ' ) ' u i r r- . j " ' r i o " s i r S , l " 5 l D R a , r r k b " d r j q n . o l
i,r conlnrdo. \tith olhcr lrackbed systcms by n,m.mc b) VihrutioLj
1tu.spon dthorili.s nr C.rmany and alrroad.
DIN 4150 (vibrationsin construcrion)prclid.s üc pdnci/.s
tr{elsuremenlsol üc matcrid. on rl,c onc hüd. and d1;.s1dLd ,..o nrg b shich libndons nr 51(rcr!res !F able 10 be
scclionsol rack on 1heothcr h.nd. bxvc conlifncd drc nnpdd s.crhnrcd ahc.d ordme ornr.aün!d.
ol Lhc SEDRAPUR'filler blod{. rh.rcforc track scctioN lnrd
(ilh StrDRÄPtlR'Iiller block rnd ini,lated coDrpbNith DIN c) Sotid-bonesound
uN5012::. Curendy, üfie lre no glidelines onraining extli.;l
inloünarion abour ie peniss;ble l.!ds ot rolid boüic sourd.
Ilovclcl qurnlitrrilc drra on thc .oisc .ontml to bc.imcd br
in housing are p,lvided in Inlornratio. Sh.i,t .o. :3 ot the
F.dera!R!il!!y 01iic. nr \'lunich.


lris.2, |n,tluql\i[.riotr, th ksrotheSlll)RA SI)S! ir{.in

Rc.suhdonsperu;r;rg 10 I re\rnlive cnvironm.nhl p.otcction
rcquif. fl.nncrs ro asccrläh 1tulticinduced no;e lnd !iLrmrions
Dd ro indudc rcdtrctionn,casurs ii their phrning con.ept- il

TLc Lasis 1or all ot the regulationsrnd stl,ndrrds pcftahing

h€rcto G S,l3 puf. I serltxic,, 1..o. I olthe f.denl InnnNrons Li0erüolt ru &rru{r/r.r0,
Prokdion lct ot 15 \lurch lg?.1.
lloth thnncß oi fouds a uack'. i.e.. the cnri!e\- rnd u Dn
lnd lands.alc fhnncß. i.c.. thc lrldnncN ol lL'1ureaFm ol Ourfirm
id'nissions.arc en.ourag.d to drattccoloserindcd phu
lor n]ore thdn t_0ye!N. $e hr!. b..n \odrir$ Ni1l, Ccrun
Vi , rcg-ardb üe sidnd.nls.. distin.tion hN to bc nadc ü,ong and lorcign tur, ruthorilies. Our rcrivirics rangc flon üc
airllornc souml. solitlbome sound (soundshich Ttcads in solid irplcncnt.rion ol our prov.n qurliry 1,a.k joinl syircns to
slrnctüfcs)rnd vibf alions(v;burio.s ol solid slrxc1,,rcs). ü. nNbll.rion o1 contlct. rmck svÄl.,r sol,niors. lbdly.
SEDIIA is onc ol rhc mlrkd lcrdcN in Flrote rcgliiig
solutions to if$rlalion protrlci\ (sohl bonre sou.d.
corros;o.. s1ruycur.ent) peruid;ig 101rär) üa.ks.
Otr leall.t and infonntion nal.rialt hare bee, !turjded a.c.rdihe
10ou ben knat le&e, brt the .ont.nt x "ot lqallt- bindihe. Stbkcl

nhenrgiur':?;. D6t203liicsL cr
' r ' f , p h q x + , r e ( r t 6 l l / e : r 3 0 r r0,.r \- . 1 q
1 0 t 6 1/ t9 1 3 0 1 1 5
LuuiL ollic!!.q1,!-\if51ul{'.1!o . lr{r{i \ $\ i.ilürrit!".--,., " ,
Qnilirr .o.ificsrc r.cord irg ro DIN lso 9001/ llN 29001
lir.3 SltDIllPLrll! lill.r block lTr Ult \ , t i i ' , 1 ' . , l m o r u f a d u r q o . , o r d ' n gb s l a I w H C
for oosi"gs d gfo01f.srru{:ks (\riq RqoK:6 nr!nigrD,,' 1d)
Product Information SheetNo. 8. 7/09.06
Workurea:Sealing compound

Bituminous hot sealins
coml)Ouno Ior tram I

tracks with elastic

SllllltA|l t ' l . l X l I t A i s a p p ) i e nh f r f r . k j o n r t r r i l s o n

SEDR.\ItrR' EXTR,\ pftrcrls $rter or 1;.ri.gr trrl-.ltux,
p e n e l . . 1 ; l g ; r t toh el f r , r k i r i . t sr n d i s . s i g n i l i c r t.ror n l r i b u
figu!. r: SIDRAIIIRa j.inl..rling,onitotrnn:
r i . n o l n u i n r r i n i n gr l i f n r1 , " . k b c d( l ) .
SEDIiÄl,'Eli' E\'l lt A is,r high.tu! il! hi1L,nrino,,s
4 . T I r r s: r u l n r gr r n l r r r r d s h o u kll) c n l t . d i n . n j n d j r c . l l !
r!mpourrl. rrrri.hi lN t[hnus. rnd Nill, .l!rti. t,tutxJ
he.1e.l rgilrlirg \esrel.,\t üe brgnun*. rhf lcsscl
s l n n d b c f i l l c dl n r a p p r o xl./ l l . A ss o o nr s r h c n r i s sr , .L l
SnDRÄfllR' LXTR.{ rorntli,'s yitl, tlli uruir: rluirl.n,r nalrrial ru h rddcrl.
ruls ol llc Luhrical rlelivtrl corulitiomliorLitu
mnroussellnr! compudds lor irinls Zl \' !trg
S t ß O 1c.d i t b n 2 0 0 1( l , r n c f l y T I - l , i t f , , g8 i ) . ( i )
l.d A l e n r f r r r u r e o 1r f t r . x . 1 6 0 ( l n m n b e . u ; r t r ; r e d .
( l i l c t l , cn , , r u i , l n n , slr. . o n ( r n t l r n r i \ e d . r . n . ! L r r e . r .
l l i s \ e r r i d p l r l . n r t h a l . t c d t n i . l u r c o l 1 8 0 - Cß r o Lc r

Processing: l)ur lo lß hi.ehconldrr ol biNl;r.c.gert. tlrr,,ompourd

l . : \ L t { { ( o n , f r l d i d , . l L c j o i r n x , u s 1l r . l c r n r ( l { r t l , { : r | } l{!!n,.s \is.id rnd does not florv rnr nrore i1 loNer
n,cars ol! s1.cl lr usL. .o!itr.s!d .ir. r rarun dern.r. lcx,tx,ruLür.s((hngrr oi klti$ of . iutnD ins . tle
or wrr.r: h.N.rcf rhc hn Dcrh..l is rh. crsl re..nr jo;n 16 1;* ;i Junp;{.). rLi| tlc corryund
beconres 1.o rhin rr higher le'ipehrrFs rnd runs l,lie
{rlcr $hnl, (rn rmlt n, !,grcgrtio.. {)ther conse.
Lhnnufion ofanrdnst and pefe.t dmess olthejoints
qucncescou.l be r denfu.lion ol thr pollnus or niodr
arc cssentiäl rcquirrments for good v{tcr lightncss. f t r t i d , s o 1r h . . o m p o , n x sl p r o p . . l i . s .

2. Nhen redde.ti.: j.nrG (rphclng rhe sei iig)- dre 5 . T h r :n a t r . r i asl h o u kol n h h . r n o ü I d . . l v l , . nr h c$ c , r h c fi s
rennants ol old ;ealing cornfonn.ls nrßr be renro\ed nr .hy u,l rl nomr tu,dMitn,n ldnpdrh,r.s (il). \tre re-
o r l ( y L ot ) . o c l t r . c { l u f l n ) r o f a r i h e s i o r . .onrn,cndrhc rtpLi.ilion olr prerm.ln nrjr!1iüi d.ricc.

, I' ru r ' l. i " i ' r, 1 , , r , , i , , , " , , , . 1 , i ' , .t , i , , r ' .

\ e f e . . n i n r c n . l r h e f c i r b l c t , r i n r e rS U I ) l t A P l \ ! V H K
Specific Weight:
ll,asrr1or rlrxr rcsiL spraul,l.. trrnst)rr,,,t). Ourv:alirrg
r u r p o u n r ll r r s . s t , c c i l iscc i g h ro l r p I f o \ . l . l l .
@ ffi .Y.l-\

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Fis{.:): (Liflifg rlr dn,m opo |i8tr'e3, riri,,goPen lrr \ard

About our companyl

l o r m o t u d r r n 1 0 0 l c d ß y c h r ! . l , . c n p r o d u c i n g . n ds e l i r y
'..'l 'o'.r,rro',,,J'i:J. , ' t { , ' , 1 , 1 ,1, , . , i , " , .
stuLing.ompounds lof roails !!d 1,acks $iLhi! Ccrnrnr
artl aLroad. Our pnxluilnxr ilcprfl,n.nr h.s proliled greall!
fronr ou. seNices ii the.eilcrelopx,ent ol ror(ls rn.]lr..ks.
Thus. our r:xp.rrise grined on consrrucljon siles crn dife.llr
llo\t iilo the d.rutuflu.c ol our pulü,ts.

Ou. seährL .ox,pounds SIDR,\CIT! (iof m.d .onslrucli

on).niL StrDR-{FER' (io. 1.r.k .orstrritid,) af. rll rede.l
r..odnrg to the Cenn.n glidelines ,rd .eqftcn,errs
ZT\B Fug Sß 01. cdnnrL 2001(lorrJlrTL bjtF,ig 82)- (2)
rnd af. $,bjed ro pcfio.liclL qtr,lil! checl..

St ,rc rhle l. .lier rtlracti\e lerDs on purchrs.s ol 10 L or

\i'c $or1d he greatlyinterested in adlisire youonlhecorrccl

ut' ol our serhig conpouarls.

(r) 5EDRA
0nlheetno 8/792.

(2) Foßdunsssesel lurstraßen

schatt undVerkehrs{elen
Packaging: D 5!679KöLn
toai anitranspod
Our scrlnrgrrrnpourd is rllivcrcd nr i10litrc ore *ay con
taiie.s ol ,rur regislere.lsrstenr-\'hi.h ,rc ersy1. openan.l (3) Oü produdorte.hn
Gl nformation paper.
to dis,nantle(scefig. 2.;). lor snall vrssclswc recornncnd Alldata
de b6edonthemanyledr5 oferperen.e
our trvin set (sepäräLdl't i pddljor). ptulnlnu ar eas"- depaftmenlhowryü
no iabi,ties
.nd hn melü,g ol the tnlll.l Geelie. 6).
Out kaftetanaiitfanratiovarteritls
hat. b(n t1tuli.id|anDnliry
ta art btst kno@t.4e,btt th. ca'1t.t,tis tot legrlly brrdi13.
T' ' t ' " r r' l 1 , . ,... ' i ' l ' l i , i r " . l c l l : F . l " ' i . ' r . ' i .
shoükll,. stoul in rn rt)figln posilnn rnd sl!,uld ro11n:cr-

H azardous zonesclassificat ion:

SEDIiA!!llt'riX'l-ll'\ is asign..l lo Irole.lion clas 0.n.j
docsnot f.quifc,rr trnn,uhr sulrtr prcrauLioas Nher pr,
ßh.;,3NFr i,-. l) rji:r!3 \\!slu{l(r
l r . L r r r , q r + 1 q 1 1 ) r 6/ qf : r $ r t 0 ' 1 , , ' 1l ' r l q 6 l r / r r i 0 l l r
lircJiL olLiql'.qr,N \if.!,rrn.tuD . rd{n,r:\,$,r r \ NLrtci..o(
Recycling: Quilii] cüriri(!b i(_ b r)rN rso 900rr.iN:r900r
SpRi.lizd Dusnr$ re, ro WHC
S E D l t A l t l l t ! | X T R A . r n b c n n l r r e c y c l eadn dr e u s c d . (\ri,r R$ou!$ lrrüs.nrnr 1c0 s 19 r,

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