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} | | € Do the questionnaire below, which comes from the book Affluenza HAVE YOU CONTRACTED THE ‘AFFLUENZA' VIRUS? Puta tick or erase next to the following statements: {2 Fwould ke to bea wealthy person. [7 Lwoutd tice to have my name. known by many people. {i I would ke to successfully hide the signs of ageing. I would tke 1 be admired ty many people would like tc have people comment aften about how tractive look, 71 Like to keep up with Fastions in halt and clothing, | Loften compare what Lown with avbat others own. Possessions can be just as important as peopl, Shopping or thinking sbout what tobuy greatly preoccupies me. ‘lm less concerned with what work Ido than with what | get paid forit’s admire people who own ‘expensive hames, cats, and clothes, My life would be boterif owned certain things | don't have now. £2 The things! wil own wil say ater about how well ve done ine J Iwant alot of uur in fe, £ © Communication Have you got ‘afluenza’p.117. According to your answers, are you suffering from ‘aflluenza’? Do you think the questionnaire i it? Takk twa partnes, Do you agree with the author of Affluenza that. ..? +

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