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Symbol Intepretation In Digital Massaging – A Study On

Semantics And Discourse Analysis

Erna Dwinata
English Education Department of STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

How if a language in digital messaging is presented without any symbols? Its
intended meaning will not be easily understood. Emoji are not so meaningful in email
massaging, but they give much contribution in social media massaging now. This can be
analysed on its languange. A text in digital massaging can have several interpretation if
it is uttered without any symbols or emoticons. This idea also lead us to think that one
symbol of emoticon in text massaging can have several interpretations based on the
context and also the social feature. Some cases show that miss interpretation will force to
create a deep hole on social relationship.Semantically symbol or emoticons give meaning
so that an utterance can be accepted in accordance with the speaker intended intent.
While in discourse, context helps the message to be interpreted correctly. The weakness
of written language is when the context is only a word or sentence before and after and
only a short chat. This article will also explain a case where an utterance will fai to be
interpreted without emoji. This article is semantics study which is considered as
discourse analysis. The discussion will more explain on how symbols and context play
important rule in creating an interpretation.

Key words : discourse analysis, digital messaging, emoji, interpretation

Introduction In the use of their own language, in digital

messaging whassap and blackberry messaging
BBM and WhatsApp may generate noticeable exchange word, phrase, simple sentences, and
improvements in people lives (Sultan, 2014). complex sentences up to several paragraphs.
Who is in digital mesaging? In a conversation Words and phrases are used when there is a
that occurs in digital messaging, naturally these reciprocal conversation, and so do sentences.
language users have created their own groups But complex sentences and even paragraphs are
based on common interests. Some groups usually not in a conversation which need direct
simply exchange topics of interest about work, reply continuously. Losing context often occur
hobbies, but in other case they are always when languages are exchanged in the form of
chatting about daily topics, jokes, tips or words, phrases or simple sentences only happen
information beyond that interest. Except for in that situation. Losing this context can result
groups whose members or speakers do not missinterpretation and misunderstanding.
know each other. It allows members of group to
feel more about it related to their friends, The effect of misunderstanding in
familymembers, social issues, and surrounding interpreting the language is not simply felt
news (Harrison & Gilmore, 2012) clearly by us. Especially when we interact using
text language. Recently, new mobile text The figure 1 contains about one member`s
message technologies have changed posting in a group of chatting. This group
interpersonal interactions drastically by consists of academics. This group is formed for
enabling more text-based communication rather sharing places related to social gathering.
than face-to-face encounters (Sultan, 2014). In Suddenly there was a member (woman A) who
principle, a language is interpreted correctly if it posts an announcement. It is said that there will
is known who the speaker is, who it is to talk to be BRIMOB anniveresary, therefore
and what the context is. Contextual elementary students are asked to welcome the
understanding has been discussed by Halliday event by gathering and carrying small flags.
& Hasan (1985), Thornburry (2005). Context The message of this post is that the children are
analysis is very important in understanding an asked to bring the flag. One member responded
utterance. Austin also (1962), emphasized the to this post with a chat below:
significance of a speech act for linguistic
production and interpretation in the form of
socio-cultural. Conventions. This context
analysis runs automatically when we hear or
read a language until we can translate the
meaning of that language. One Language has
many meanings if the context fails to

The missinterpretation also occurs when the

speaker and the reader are blocked by the gab.
In the language of digital messaging gap is due
to the absence of intonation and expression.

Figure 2.

This response comes from a friend (B). She

is the woman`s (A) friend who knows exactly
about the social background of the woman A.
The friend (B) asks "who's being asked to carry
a flag" with emotionally fever faces. Then she
asked again "are they students of our campus
too?" She asks if the students are also required
to carry the flag. She add her chat with crying
emoticons. From the above statement , other
members may will think that friend B is really
asks or she is just joking to remind the woman
Figure 1 that she has posted to a wrong group. And the
meaning of her utterance can create two
interpretation. The first is, the other members of
the group can interpret the second symbol of When the language is spoken in a social
the emoticon and assume that friend (B) really media conversation then the listener already
does not understand that the woman (A) send knows the language context. but the language
the post to a wrong group. While the second loses some context elements which are formed
and the correct meaning is the friend (B) is the meaning. It is because there are not
really sad because the woman has posted an expression and intonation. Kiesler, Siegel, and
announcement to the wrong group. We can McGuire (1984) observed that traditional forms
conclude that not everyone can interpret the of communication, head nods, smiles, eye
meaning of the language of the co-text only. contacts, distance, tone of voice, and other
Co-text here is the language that is exchanged nonverbal behaviors, and modify and control
before or after the utterance appears. exchanges. Electronic communication may be
inefficient for resolving such. . . problems. (p
Context in Digital Massaging 1125).

Is the context in digital messaging complete?

Nowadays social media becomes the medium
where language is exchanged. But the exchange
of this text sometimes does not adequately
represent the message that the speaker is trying
to address. Because the context is incomplete. It
is because of the absence of expression and
intonation. Context is bound up with
assumptions used by hearers to interpret
utterances, and all interpretive efforts are made
on the basis of the relevance of given
assumptions. As halliday explains that a clear
context analysis leads to an understanding of
Figure 3.
the true meaning of message language. Halliday
divides the context into 3 kinds (Halliday,
1985);( Hymes): context of culture, context of
situation and co-text. Context of situation is
devided into 3 parts, those are field, tenor and
mode. Field covers what is going on, to the
nature of social action that is taking place, tenor
refers to who is in the language, their status and
their role, and the relationships involved. While
mode refers to the role of the language. The role
of language means that what the speaker wants
with that language. On the other hand the so- Figure 4.
called co-text (nunan; 1993). It is the material
that exists around the sentence, such as The above conversation is the use of language
vocabulary or grammatical rule. with expressions. Let me explain the context of
the language. Mrs. Nia posted her picture. The
picture shows that she is hanging out in context is incomplete then the meaning of
Bandung. Then her friend, Rosa, responds by language that is exchanged will not perfectly
reminding Mrs. Nia on her tasks. Because mrs. received by the listener.
Nia is taking her Phd. right now so she must has
many tasks she has to finish. The fence sign (#) The Function of Symbol
in the picture means Mrs. rosa calls herself a
destroyer of pleasure. Mrs. Rosa's sentence The absence of speaker and listener expression
makes the atmosphere more humorous by and intonation sometimes makes incorrect
adding this sentence. Next the researcher interpretion. This case causes miss
comment that “it's ok to hang out but keep communication between the speaker and the
thinking about the scientific mood”. Mrs. Nia reader. To avoid this fact social media has been
replies Mrs. rosa's comment by saying "what facilitated with emoticons or a choice of various
the hell is this” symbols. But unfortunately the social media
users do not pinned this symbol in every
Context of situation of the sentence is: field utterance they exchanged. Social media like
of the conversation is a daily conversation whassap and Black berry messager have
between friends when one of the friends posted symbol emoticons that are not much different.
1 photo of the activity . The tenor is rosa, nia,
and the researcher herself. These three people In addition the symbol function also
are close friends. Mode is the function of the represent intonation. Example when a husband
language. Mrs. Rosa`s comment serves excange utterace in text messaging with his
respond by reminding in the context of humor. wife, then he asks his wife with whom the wife
My comment is just nice comment. And Mrs. went out last night, uses a high intonation, so he
Nia reply aims to pretend that Mrs. Rosa's can use angry emoticon. But if he wants to say
comments will disturb the atmosphere of her with a lace tone because there is no feeling of
hanging out. jealousy then he can use a smile symbol. The
wife as a text reader will certainly provides a
If we analyze the conversation and ignore different feedback when the husband uses an
the emoticon or symbol the interpretation will angry emooticon or smiley emoticons.
be different. The meaning of utterance
exchange will be difficult to understood by The symbol function is a substituteof an
other reader who donot know about the social idea. In a text messaging, symbol replaces an
background of of the participant. Even each expression which function is very powerful
participant who excange the utterances may feel because it replaces the facial expressions or
serious if she doesnot understand that the mode gestures of the speaker and listener body. As
of the converstation is humor. In considering stated by, Hiltz and Turoff (1982), "computer
this case emoticon or symbol in digital conferees also find ways to overcome the lack
messaging in crusial. Because this emoticon can of personal contact. They have even devised
change the function of intonation. The ways of sending computerized screams, hugs
explanation above is an example of how the and kisses by using graphic symbols formed in
language text in digital massaging will find ASCII characters”
some obstacles if it is exchanged without
symbol. it also explains how if the element of The Intepretation of Symbol
In interpreting a symbol of course the reader and Text: Aspects of Language in a
adjust to the perceptions that exist in their Social-Semiotic Perspective: Victoria,
thinking. it is sometimes confused when what Autralia. Deakin University press.
the symbol means does not match the intent of Harrison,M.A., & Gilmore,A. L.(2012). U
the speaker. If I can explain that is like this; I txt when?College students’ social
use to emoticons after my text in the main contexts of text messaging. The Social
social media whassap, when I interact with my Science Journal, 49, 513–518.
group of my close friends. I often use grimacing Nunan, D. 1993. Introducing Discourse
Analysis. London: Penguin.
face , a big smile, and a happy face. When I use
Sultan, A. J. (2014). Addiction to mobile
these emoticons so often, then my friend who text messaging applications is nothing
reads it will give the impression that every to “lol” about. Social Science Journal,
word / phrase I add grimicing face emoji means 51(1), 57–69.
I'm joking, or the sentence I'm saying is not https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soscij.2013.0
serious. Then they respond with a humorous or 9.003
somewhat serious language because in their
perceptions I am not serious. Though I could
use my emoticons just to make the language I
exchanged was not formal, and I donot mean
that I was not serious.

As in oral language, exspresion has several

meaning and so does emoji. One emoji has
more than 3 meaning. Example face emoji with
water droplets in front of it can mean drowsy,
bored, not interested, tired, etc. This is what
causes different of interpretation. The language
users only conclude based on their knowledge
so that it can cause misperception.interpretation
becomes severe when previously there was a
miss interpretaton in the previous conversation
between one speaker and other.


Austin, John, 1962. How to Do Things with

Words. Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA
Burke, P. (2002). Context in Context.
Common Knowledge, 8(1), 152–177.
Halliday & Hasan. 1985. Language, Context

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