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International Conference On Materials And Energy 2015, ICOME 15, 19-22 May 2015, Tetouan,
Morocco, and the International Conference On Materials And Energy 2016, ICOME 16, 17-20 May
2016, La Rochelle, France
The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
Optimization of Absorption Refrigeration Systems by Design of
Assessing the feasibility of using
Experiments the heat demand-outdoor
temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast
Ridha Ben Iffa*, Nahla Bouaziz and Lakdar Kairouani
a,b,c a
Andrić *, A. Pina
Energetic & Environment, National Ferrãoa,School
, P. Engineering J. Fournier b
., B. ofLacarrière
of Tunis, University
Tunis El Manar,, BP37,
O. Le Correc1002,
Le Belvedere
IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Abstract Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France

The objective of this work is to present an energy analysis of different absorption refrigerating systems operating with diverse
refrigerants. Also we apply the method of experimental design to optimize configurations proposed by the absorption pairs used
and the operating conditions. We focus on both acceptable COP and low operating generator temperature. Therefore, a computer
program is developed. An investigation of the thermodynamic properties is presented. Results show the COP evolution versus
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
respectively the evaporator temperature, the temperature of condensation and the generator temperature. A particular interest is
greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
accorded to the intermediate pressure effect on the performance of the different systems. In order to better converge in the
sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
selection of the configuration and the refrigerant, which can ensure a high COP associated to relatively low operating generator
prolonging the investment return period.
temperature we have developed an experiments design, taking in account all parameters influencing the system performance and
The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
the operating function temperature. Results show that the refrigerating machine containing a compressor between the evaporator
forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
and the absorber has a coefficient of performance quite acceptable and that it can work at low generator temperature for about
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
60°C and using the NH3/LiNO3 as refrigerant.
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICOME 2015 and ICOME 2016.
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
Keywords: Absorption, COP, Evapo-compression, Refrigeration
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* Corresponding author
Keywords: Heat demand;
E-mail address: Forecast; Climate change

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICOME 2015 and ICOME 2016.
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICOME 2015 and ICOME 2016
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Energy / Energy Procedia
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000–000 281

1. Introduction

Absorption machines have several advantages such as protecting the environment and the nature, this type of
refrigerating machine does not use CFCs fluids (chlorofluorocarbons), which attack the ozone layer, Kang et al.[1];
Boer et al.[2]; Göktun [3]; Laouir et al. [4]. Besides they are quiet compared to vapor compression machines, Riffat
and Guoquan [5].
There are several models of absorption machines, as a simple stage machines consisting of an absorber, an
evaporator, a condenser and a generator, which are the conventional absorption machine. This machine is working
between two pressure levels (PEV evaporator pressure and PCD condenser pressure), it has been the subject of several
studies, Alvares and Trepp [6]; Misra et al. [7]; Mumah et al. [8]; Kouremenos [9]; Hulten and Berntsson [10];
Selahattin [11] and G. Sachdeva et al. [12].
Other models composed of different stages with different associations between the system components; they worked
at three pressure levels, Saghiruddin and Siddiqui [13]; Bouaziz et al. [14-15]; Charia et al. [16] and Kumar [17].
There is a wide range of refrigerant couples that can be used for the refrigerating machine such us NH3/H2O,
NH3/NaSCN and NH3/LiNO3, Rodakis and Antonopoulos [18]; Linghui and Junjie [19]; Kairouani et al. [20] and S.
Anand et al. [21].
In this study, we consider four absorption systems configurations, four couples refrigerant/absorbent and we
vary the evaporation, condensation and the generator temperature.
The method of design of experiments is used to identify optimal situations and particularly the configuration that
works with low temperatures at the generator.

Nomenclature W mechanical power, W

x mass fraction, %
COP coefficient of performance Subscripts
CP specific heat at constant pressure, Jkg-1K- 1 first stage
2 second stage
f circulation ratio AB absorber
h specific enthalpy, Jkg-1 CD condenser
H2O water COM compressor
LiBr lithium bromide ECH Inter-exchanger solution
LiNO3 lithium nitrate Ent input
 mass flow rate, kgs-1 EV evaporator
NaSCN sodium thiocyanate FF refrigerant
NH3 ammonia GE generator
P pressure, bar, Pa L liquid
 heat transfer rate, W p weak solution
S entropy, Jkg-1K-1 r rich solution
T temperature, °C, K v vapor

2. Description and analysis of the systems

2.1. Description of the systems

A single effect absorption refrigeration cycle, for which details are provided elsewhere, Bouaziz et al. [22], is
shown in Figure 1, the cascade cycle and double stage cycle represented respectively in Figure 2 and Figure 3 are
developed by Bouaziz et al. [14, 15, 22], and the new cycle ECA (evaporator -compressor- absorber) is composed
by an evaporator, an absorber, a generator, a condenser and a compressor inserted between the evaporator and the
absorber. The cycle is represented in Figure 4.
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19 18
9 8 5
20 17
4 6 11 5
7 EV/CD AB2 12 GE1
ECH 9 4
8 6
10 3 ECH1
10 7
1 2 Pum 1 Pump 3

Fig.1. Single effect absorption refrigeration system Fig. 2. cascade 1

Three pressure levels are present in this configuration: the generator and the condenser work at high pressure and the
evaporator at low pressure, while the absorber operates at an intermediate pressure. The refrigerant (NH3 for
NH3/H2O, NH3/NaSCN, NH3/LiNO3 and H2O for H2O/LiBr) vapor leaves the generator and enters in the condenser.
The weak solution exiting the generator passes through the solution heat exchanger before entering in the absorber;
the refrigerant condensate passes through expansion valve and enters the evaporator where it vaporizes, producing a
cooling effect. Vapor exiting the compressor enriches the solution in the absorber. The strong solution exiting the
absorber passes through the solution heat exchanger on its way to the generator.
16 15 12

Pump 10 10 9 5 6
8 5 7
AB2 GE1 3
4 AB
6 8
7 2
1 2 Pump

Fig.3. cascade 2 Fig. 4. Cycle of evapo-compression (ECA)

2.2. Energy and mass balances

The mass balance governing the three present substances: weak solution, rich solution and refrigerant gas give:
 +  −  = 0 (1)
The mass balance for refrigerant gives:
 +   −   = 0 (2)
The specific solution circulation factor f which represents the mass of rich solution per kg of vapor refrigerant
leaving the generator is given by:
 
= (3)
  
The rich and weak solution flow rates are given by equations (4) and (5):
 =  .  (4)
 =  . ( − 1) (5)
Ridha Ben Iffa et al. / Energy Procedia 139 (2017) 280–287 283
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Energy balance for each installation component is presented by the following general equations:
 =  (ℎ − ℎ ) (6)
 =  (ℎ + ( − 1)ℎ − ℎ ) (7)
 =  (ℎ + ( − 1)ℎ − ℎ ) (8)
 =  (ℎ − ℎ ) (9)
The value of enthalpy hv, hin and hout are not the same for all components.
For an isentropic process, Laplace relation gives:
   ()/ =   ()/ (10)
 ,  and  ,  , are the compressor temperature and pressure at the inlet and outlet, respectively.
Under the assumption of isentropic processes (ideal case), the consumed power is given by
 =   (  −  ) (11)
Taking into account of the isentropic efficiency  , the real power is given by:
 = (12)

 =  (ℎ − ℎ ) (13)

Were the isentropic efficiency is given by Brunin et al. [23].
 = 0.874 − 0.0135 (14)

The coefficient of performance (COP) is given by the following expression:

 = (15)
 

3. General assumptions and analysis of the systems

• All components are in steady state conditions.

• No imperfections in both generator and absorber.
• The pressure drops are negligible in all conduct.
• At the generator exit, the refrigerant vapor is pure.
• The effectiveness of the solution heat exchanger is 80% [24].
• Pump consumption is negligible.

4. Results and discussion

Several studies have been devoted to determine the COP and limitations of absorption system operating
conditions, Laouir et al. [4]. In order to evaluate the refrigeration absorption system performance, relative to
different previously presented configuration, we have developed a numerical program. The calculating procedures
of the fluid thermodynamic properties and the performance coefficient were obtained using MAPLE computer tools.
The numerical simulation, developed in the present investigation carries out a comparative study of the referents
systems performances.

4.1. Simple stage

Fig. 5 shows the COP’s evolution versus the generator temperature, for an evaporator temperature and a condenser
temperature fixed respectively to 10°C and 40°C.
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0 ,8 0 ,4 5

0 ,7
0 ,4 0

0 ,6

0 ,3 5

0 ,5

H 2 O /L iB r H 2 O /L iB r
0 ,3 0
0 ,4
N H 3 /H 2 O N H 3/ H 2 O
N H 3 /LiN O 3 N H 3 / L iN O 3
N H 3 /N a S C N N H 3/ N a S C N
0 ,3 0 ,2 5

0 ,2
65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 ,2 0
50 60 70 80 90 100
T _G E (°C ) T _ G E (° C )
Fig. 5. COP, of the simple stage system, evolution versus Fig. 6. COP of the cascade1 system evolution versus TGE with
TGE with TEV= 10 °C and TCD=40°C. TEV= 10 °C and TCD=40°C.

4.2. Cascade 1

The temperature of the evapo-condenser is fixed at 25°C. Fig. 6 shows the COP evolution versus TGE for
different fluids, with TEV = 10°C and TCD=40°C.

4.3. Cascade 2

Fig. 7 shows that the operating temperature is relatively lower than for the classic system. It is less than 70°C for all
fluids. Where TEV, TCD and Pint are fixed respectively at 10°C, 40°C and 3kPa for H2O/LiBr and 750 kPa for the
other fluids.
0 ,4 5

0 ,4 0

0 ,3 5


0 ,3 0 H 2 O/LiBr
H 2 O /L iB r NH 3 /H 2O
NH 3 /LiNO 3
N H 3 /H 2 O
0 ,2 5 N H 3 /L iN O 3
N H 3 /N a S C N

0 ,2 0 0,2
60 70 80 90 100 60 70 80 90 100
T_GE (°C)
T _ G E (°C )

Fig. 7. COP of the cascade 1 system as a function of a TGE Fig. 8. COP of the Novel system as a function of a TGE

with TEV= 10 °C and TCD=40°C. with TEV=10°C and TCD=40°C.

4.4. New cycle

In the new cycle, we fix the evaporator temperature and condenser temperature for each family of curve. The
numerical results illustrate the evolution of the performance coefficient for different generator temperatures, Fig. 8.

Fig. 5-8 show that the H2O/LiBr is a performing fluid, but the operating temperature is higher relative to other
fluids. The cascade cycles decrease operating temperatures in the generator but they have a low COP. The novel
configuration has the double advantages of single stage (high COP) and cascade cycle which operates at low
temperature. Following the large number of results, we used an experiments design to determine the right
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5. Experiments design

The objective of this research is to maximize the COP by maintaining a minimal value of the operating temperature
(TGE). It should be noted that the COP depends on three basic parameters:
- Generator temperature (TGE)
- Evaporator temperature (TEV)
- Condenser temperature (TCD)
The pair/couple used in the study and the installation type affect the COP. For a minimal value of TCD or TGE or a
maximal value of TEV, the COP is optimal. In our investigation we have 5 factors with 4 levels (see table 1).

Table1. Factor and levels

levels levels
Factor Levels Factor Factor
(°C) (°C)
N cycle 5 65
Casc 1 10 75
Casc 2 15 85
Simple 20 100
H2O TCD 25
LiNO3 30
NaSCN 35
LiBr 40

There are two types of experimental plans: factorial, which require a high number of experiments (in our case,
for example, five factors of four levels give 4 = 1024 experiments) and fractional plans which can reduce the
number. In our study, we are using a Carré Hyper Greco-Latin plan consisting of 16 experiments. The possible
combinations are drawn in table 2.
In Figure 9, we deduce that all the factors have a significant effect, and to obtain an acceptable COP with low
temperature of the generator, the evapo-compression cycle can be used.
The five factors are represented with their levels and their influence on the performance of an absorption
machine in Figure 9. The most influential factor on the COP is the type of refrigeration cycle. Other factors have
almost the same effect on the value of the COP.

Table 2. The experimental design


Cycle Absorbent COP
(°C) (°C) (°C)
N Cycle H2O 10 30 65 0,71
N Cycle LiNO3 15 35 75 0,68
N Cycle NaSCN 20 40 85 0,69
N Cycle LiBr 25 45 100 0,84
Cascde 1 H2O 15 40 100 0,38
Cascde 1 LiNO3 10 45 85 0,35
Cascde 1 NaSCN 25 30 75 0,39
Cascde 1 LiBr 20 35 65 0,47
Cascade 2 H2O 20 45 75 0,45
Cascade 2 LiNO3 25 40 65 0,46
Cascade 2 NaSCN 10 35 100 0,35
Cascade 2 LiBr 15 30 85 0,34
Simple H2O 25 35 85 0,73
Simple LiNO3 20 30 100 0,71
Simple NaSCN 15 45 65 0,00
Simple LiBr 10 40 75 0,52

Fig. 10 and 11 confirm that the new cycle can operate in difficult conditions on the level of the condenser (high TCD)
with low temperatures of the generator while the classical machine cannot operate unless the temperature is above
75°C and condensing temperature lower than 40°C to provide the same COP than the new installation for TGE= 65°C
and TCD=45°C.
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0,45 TEV
0,40 TGE
Grand Mean



Cascade 2








Fig. 9. Graph of Main Effects

Simple Simple

Cascade 2 Cascade 2


Cascade 1 Cascade 1
< 1,2
< 1,2
< 0,8
< 0,8
< 0,6 < 0,6
< 0,4 < 0,4
Ev-Comp < 0,2 Ev-Comp < 0,2

65°C 75°C 85°C 100°C 30°C 35°C 40°C 45°C


Fig. 10. COP versus TGE and type of Cycle Fig. 11: COP versus TCD and type of Cycle

The iso-responses of Fig. 12, show that evapo-compression works for an evaporation temperature range
wider than other systems. It gives acceptable COP values between 0.7 and 0.9 at relatively low
temperatures at the evaporator.
Simple Simple

Cascade 2 Cascade 2


Cascade 1 Cascade 1

< 1,1 < 1,1

< 0,9 < 0,9
< 0,7
< 0,7 < 0,5
Ev-Comp < 0,5 Ev-Comp < 0,3
< 0,3 < 0,1
< 0,1

10°C 15°C 20°C 25°C NH3/H2O NH3/LiNO3 NH3/NaSCN H2O/LiBr

TEV Fluid

Fig. 12. COP versus TEV and type of Cycle Figure 13: COP versus fluid nature and type of Cycle

Fig. 13 shows that the performance and optimum coefficient for the evapo-compression machine are obtained for
the four pairs used. The single stage has the highly efficient except for classic couples NH3/H2O and H2O/LiBr.
Cascading cycles remain non-performing; their COP does not exceed 0.5 in the best operating conditions.

6. Conclusions

The conventional machine provides a COP considered as acceptable. It operates with an operating temperature in
the generator around 75°C for a condensation temperature of 40°C and an evaporation temperature of 10°C. The
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cascade cycles 1 and 2 operate with a low TGE but their COP is half of the simple machine. They have an operating
problem in the first and second levels and this is due to the difference between the titles of the rich and the poor
solution which is very low. Therefore the driving factor, f, is very large and the generator heat consumption
increases. The new configuration has a COP higher than the cascade cycle and the simple machine. Besides, it
operates with a TGE lower than the cascade cycle. The new configuration can operate for TGE less than 60°C pour
NH3/H2O, NH3/NaSCN and NH3/LiNO3 with the same temperatures of the evaporator and condenser.


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