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Sending ID or location information

When you submit a query to some query applications, they

automatically elicit the following information from your organizer:
■ The number that uniquely identifies your organizer
■ Your approximate location, reported as the ZIP code of the area
where you are currently located

Having such information enables the query application to offer you

better service and more accurate information in its clippings.

If, however, you do not want to send this information over the
airwaves, you can receive a warning whenever a query application is
about to send this information. The warning gives you a choice; you
can continue the transaction or cancel the transaction before any
information is sent.
To activate the warning about transmission of ID or location:
■ Select the check box next to Warn when sending ID or location
information. A check mark should appear in the check box.

Page 228 Setting Preferences for Your Organizer

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