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DOI: 10.1002/chem.


Aerobic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide in a Tetrametallic Complex

Cristina Tejel,* Sofa Sancho, Jos A. Lpez, and Miguel A. Ciriano[a]

Aerobic oxidation of CO is a very important prototypical posed linearly, such as those found in metal-string com-
heterogeneous catalytic process for both practical applica- pounds or extended metal-atom chains (EMACs),[8] could
tions and fundamental catalysis research.[1] Since Harutas facilitate the interaction of different molecules (oxygen and
pioneering findings of very active catalysts, based on oxide- CO for example) on adjacent metals. Herein, we report tet-
supported small Au nanoparticles (AuNPs), for this and ranuclear rhodium/iridium complexes with a linear metallic
other oxidation reactions at or below room temperature,[2] a backbone, and only two bridging ligands (“seminaked
number of different effects and active sites have been pro- EMACs”), which undergo aerobic oxidation of carbonyl
posed as responsible for the high activity. Accumulated ex- groups to CO2 under very mild conditions.
perimental data indicate that the active sites are located at Reaction of [{RhACHTUNGRE(m-Cl)(CO)2}2] with 1,8-naphthyridine-
the particle-support periphery and a maximum reactivity is 2,7-dione ((HO)2napy) in the presence of KOH in methanol
reached if low-coordinated metal atoms, such as those at the gave a deep-purple solution of K2[{Rh(CO)2ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2]
edges and corners, serve as active sites for the reaction. (K2[1]). Subsequent addition of [{IrACHTUNGRE(m-Cl)ACHTUNGRE(cod)}2] (cod = 1,5-
However, mechanistic details and the way that oxygen is ac- cyclooctadiene) caused the development of an intensely col-
tivated are still controversial topics.[3] The current under- ored navy-blue solution, from which the hetero tetranuclear
standing of catalytic activity on oxide-supported AuNPs is complex [{RhIrACHTUNGRE(cod)(CO)2ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2] (2) was isolated as
based mainly on model surface systems, but very few molec- a navy blue crystalline solid in good yield (Scheme 1). In an
ular compounds have been reported to undergo or catalyze analogous way, by using [{RhACHTUNGRE(m-Cl)ACHTUNGRE(cod)}2], the complex
this reaction. Only a couple of h2-CO2 complexes have been [{Rh2ACHTUNGRE(cod)(CO)2ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2] (3) was isolated as an emer-
synthesized from the formal oxidation of a metal carbonyl ald-green solid.
complex with dioxygen.[4]
More common, but still rare, is
the oxygenation of carbonyl
groups to carbonate ligands in
mononuclear complexes.[5] On
the other hand, replacement of
metal-bound carbonyl groups
by oxidation to CO2 with tri-
methylamine N-oxide is a well-
known reaction in the realm of
cluster and organometallic
Scheme 1. Synthesis of tetranuclear complexes 2 and 3 and the equilibrium of 2 in solution: i = [{MACHTUNGRE(m-Cl)-
chemistry.[6] Nonetheless, com- ACHTUNGRE(cod)}2].
plexes with different binding
modes of CO2 have been
known for quite some time, a topic covered in excellent re- The molecular structures of 2 (Figure 1) and 3 consist in
views.[7] an essentially linear metallic backbone with two “MACHTUNGRE(cod)”
From a mechanistic point of view, molecular compounds (M = Ir or Rh) fragments at the ends of the chain and two
could possibly model some aspects of heterogeneous sys- Rh(CO)2 moieties in the center.[9] The metals are bridged by
tems and we envisaged that complexes with the metals dis- two tetradentate [O2napy]2 ligands in a relative cis position,
with each MACHTUNGRE(cod) fragment coordinated by two oxygen
[a] Dr. C. Tejel, S. Sancho, Dr. J. A. Lpez, Prof. Dr. M. A. Ciriano atoms. One carbonyl ligand bridges two contiguous rhodium
Departamento de Qumica Inorgnica and iridium atoms in 2, so that one of the iridium atoms is
Instituto de Sntesis Qumica y Catlisis Homognea (ISQCH) pentacoodinated in the solid state. On the contrary, the car-
CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza bonyl ligands in 3 are terminal and the central rhodium
Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009-Zaragoza (Spain)
Fax: (+ 34) 976-961189
atoms are essentially square planar. The CO distances in
E-mail: ctejel@unizar.es the [O2napy]2 ligands (in the range of 1.30–1.28 ) are
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW close to those found for double C=O bonds in ketones, so
under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.201202834. that the resonant form, dione–diamide, of the ligands (see

15250  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 15250 – 15253

Figure 1. Structure (ORTEP at 50 % probability level) of the heterome- Figure 2. Structure (ORTEP at 50 % probability level) of [{RhIr-
tallic complex [{RhIrACHTUNGRE(cod)(CO)2ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2] (2B). ACHTUNGRE(cod)(CO)ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2(m-CO2-k2-C,O)] (4).

Scheme 1) largely contributes to the electronic structure of metrical bridging CO2 moiety bound through the carbon
the complexes. Apart from electronic effects, steric require- and one oxygen atoms.[10] Rhodium complexes with CO2 li-
ments are a primary cause of the stereoselectivity of the syn- gands are extremely rare. A few mononuclear[4d, 11] com-
theses of 2 and 3. The interior of the molecules is occupied pounds have been reported to date and we are not aware of
by the less sterically demanding metal fragments, that is, previous examples of a CO2 group in a four-membered di-
those possessing the carbonyl groups. The more sterically ACHTUNGRErhodametallacycle. Moreover, this type of dimetallacycles
demanding MACHTUNGRE(cod) fragments occupy the outer positions are very uncommon with only a few examples characterized
and create a cavity that protects, in some way, the internal crystallographically.[12] Nonetheless, dinuclear complexes
metal atoms from attacks by bulky molecules. Noticeably, with bridging CO2 units in open arrangements, although
the external metal atoms have an exposed face and, hence, scarce, have been reported previously.[13]
these should be the most reactive sites (see below). The structural data of the CO2 moiety indicate a partial p
Complex 2 is fluxional. The averaged structure observed bond delocalization in the CO bonds, with angles around
shows equivalent [O2napy]2 and carbonyl ligands in the 1H the carbon (C35) close to 1208 and quite different CO
and 13C{1H} NMR spectra, respectively. This symmetrical bond lengths for the free (C35–O7ffi1.24 ) and coordinated
structure can be easily reached by a concerted cleavage and (C35–O8ffi1.35 ) oxygen atoms. Moreover, these data,
formation of the carbonyl bridge on both sides of the mole- along with the chemical shift for the carbon (d = 173.4 ppm),
cule. In addition, both isomers, 2A (with all terminal carbon- suggest a description of this group as a dianionic formate li-
yls) and 2B, are detected in solution by IR, which indicates gand.[12b] Accordingly, the ñACHTUNGRE(CO2) band for 4 at 1610 cm1,
they are in equilibrium in solution (see Scheme 1). On the identified by the 13C isotopically induced band shift (to
contrary, the structure of complex 3 in solution is analogous 1574 cm1), lies in the frequency range of carboxylate
to that found in the solid state. DFT calculations indicate groups. Hence, we propose that in the reaction giving 4, the
that the most stable configurations for 2 and 3 are those tetrametallic backbone is oxidized by two electrons, which
with “all-terminal” carbonyls. However, the bridging car- formally corresponds to the formation of a metal–metal
bonyl isomer 2B, isolated in the solid state, is only 4.0 kcal bond. Certainly, the shortening of the rhodium–rhodium
mol1 higher in energy than 2A, which explains the equilibri- separation on going from 2B (2.678 ) to 4 (2.493 ) is very
um observed in solution and makes it reasonable to assume pronounced. Therefore, complex 4 can in principle be de-
that solid-state effects counterbalance the difference in scribed as a species containing a metallic chain with the
energy calculated in gaseous phase. metals in an average oxidation state of + 1.5, displaying
Complexes 2 and 3 were found to be air sensitive. Thus, either a single, central RhIIRhII bond or a delocalized four-
dichloromethane solutions of 2 and 3 turned dark blue in an center two-electron (4c-2e) bond involving the four metal
oxygen atmosphere while dark-blue crystalline solids sepa- centers. DFT calculations for complex 4 reproduce well the
rated from the reaction media. The reaction for the hetero- crystallographic data and show a LUMO mainly composed
nuclear Rh/Ir compound 2, described in detail here, reaches by the four dz2 atomic orbitals developing an antibonding
completion in one day, whereas that of rhodium complex 3 character between every pair of adjacent metal atoms. The
gives a similar result, but it takes more than a week. The electron vacancy of this high-energy s-MO is responsible for
product of the reaction of 2 with oxygen, [{RhIrACHTUNGRE(cod)(CO)- the metal-metal bonds. Therefore, a delocalized 4c-2e
ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2(m-CO2-k2-C,O)] (4), is diamagnetic and lacks scheme seems to be the most appropriate description for the
symmetry, as shown by the 1H NMR spectrum of saturated, metal–metal bonding in 4. Interestingly, the HOMO is
but diluted, solutions of 4 in CDCl3. The molecular structure mainly centered on the Rh2–CO2 moiety.
of 4 (Figure 2) retains the tetranuclear backbone of 2, with It is quite remarkable that the cod ligands are not oxygen-
two outer O,O-coordinated IrACHTUNGRE(cod) fragments and two cen- ated with formation of metallaoxetanes or metalladioxo-
tral N,N-bonded Rh(CO) moieties.[9] These internal rhodium lanes.[14] Further, the reaction of 2 with oxygen was moni-
centers complete their coordination sphere with an unsym- tored by IR, 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopies by using

Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 15250 – 15253  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chemeurj.org 15251
C. Tejel et al.

both complex 2 and the labeled complex [{RhIrACHTUNGRE(cod)- complex A by DFT calculations is not simple because of the
ACHTUNGRE(13CO)2ACHTUNGRE(m-O2napy)}2] (2*). Apart from the disappearance of open-shell/closed-shell, triplet/singlet possibilities. Apart
the starting complex and the increase of a signal for free from that, the structures of B, C, and 4 converge to a mini-
CO2 (at d = 125.4 ppm) as well as the resonances of the mum and their relative energies are smaller than the reac-
product, which partly precipitates, no other diamagnetic in- tants in such a way that the reaction pathway is downhill
termediates were observed by 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy. from 2 to the products, being an overall highly exothermic
When the reaction was carried out with 18O2, one 18O atom process (DHffi94 kcal).
was observed in the resultant complex 4; this proves that In conclusion, we report the oxidation of coordinated car-
one oxygen atom from 18O2 is incorporated into the product. bonyl groups in a polynuclear compound to form free CO2
The other 18O atom was found in the released carbon diox- and CO2 coordinated to two adjacent metals under very
ide as evidenced from the peak at m/z = 46 in the MS of the mild conditions. Both oxygen atoms in the O2 molecule are
gaseous phase. Moreover, no variation in pressure occurs if transferred to two carbonyl ligands. Most probably, one of
the reaction is carried out in a sealed vessel; this corrobo- the metals activates dioxygen to react with a carbonyl group
rates that all oxygen consumed is transformed into free and bound to an adjacent metal in such a way that the metals
coordinated CO2. work in a cooperative manner, cleaving and transferring
The exact mechanism by which 2 is oxidized is not known both atoms of O2 to two carbonyl ligands in two distinct
and kinetic measurements are unfeasible because of the in- steps. These findings could provide additional information
solubility of the product.[15] Nonetheless, given that the Ir- to the way in which carbon monoxide and oxygen are trans-
ACHTUNGRE(cod) fragments possess an exposed face, oxidation could be formed into carbon dioxide on the periphery of supported
initiated by coordination of oxygen at one of these atoms, NPs.
perhaps assisted by the Rh center in close proximity (A,
Scheme 2). Thus, the dioxygen molecule would become for-
The generous financial support from MICINN/FEDER (Project
CTQ2011-22516), Gobierno de Aragn (GA)/FSE (E70) and GA-La
Caixa (2012/GA LC 057) is gratefully acknowledged. The generous allo-
cation of computational resources of the Centro de Supercomputacin de
Galicia (CESGA) is gratefully appreciated. S.S. thanks GA for a fellow-

Keywords: carbon monoxide · iridium · oxygen activation ·

oxidation · rhodium

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www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/data_request/cif. Published online: November 5, 2012

Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 15250 – 15253  2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chemeurj.org 15253

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