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Ab bye APPENDIX A 1 AVERAGE PROPER- TIES OF SELECTED MATERIALS 2 STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAMS FOR 661 I s A ge OT oc ese 8H BENTO BL T909 TURTON | s oO Or OS eee BY OKO PAL POT “aUBNONE s oO Ot s+) 6 Oe OT pu-ploz “Iusnoam “wnUT nr oF 5e sh (OOLO os ‘usnuraenty SAoTTe TersU SMOLIAJUON, 6 ol Berea ities tet Ost set cazo—_pavean-reau ‘rer IVS “1918 96 sities cite exit HoK + 06t ° 982°0 —_pallos-preo (B-8T) Tears SFOTHTEIS 96 ss Stl sr 88 , Sacro Parwouue (g-g1) [oa1s ssaTuTeas 39 ° sz oot 970 Tejmpou—uost 186 v9 oz sz os . 99z'0 arquetreus—uort 6eD v9 <0 st tt st 09c'0 ‘AesS—uost 380 8 or zt so vaeO pomor04 5 268°0 “19218 6 of 8 ve es vero poTforrey D ast-0 ‘19a 9 wz of 06 2% ¥TO [peueprey D 947"0 ‘T2215 9 cd | 9 oe 78z'0 y90as fesmanns £8 woe xe oe St a or (iz wos] 1480 steiou! snoniot az GS oD =) waren SUSTON wuss 000) “suo vols vols usta a eL fay, "Su yeusout weoisd PBA Seta INPUT ——__ —~ sds yo 3uot9 eS afuang 16010 ea “yy03 gay SaL -Apow -RPOW, < s = & 662 TuoimjouynueUl UIO. Peufeigo eq ULo wonEWOFU asioord s10py “BUDIOM TeoTUEGoeU pu ‘WOUFTBAN ray “UoRIsodUIOD uF sosueY> Ait Ayopun Azea Avur sanea 19x (orttig, Jo warséy USHIBUR) syeHOTEIN SuUaoUITUGL paroates Jo sonodord 28E1-8V PTY aTaviL 663 AVERAGE PROPERTIES OF SELECTED MATERIALS suyeis oy 02 yorTered 928 soniodosd soquIN TTY « “ur g ur uonesuoT » ‘weeq SuneIoy > “worstoy Ur asoun Se sonyeA sures 241 aany worssauduios ul sansedosd ayp awunsse 07 £zeuLoIsno S11 “(uoNRBUOTS erEWNIN eIguideidde ue yim souR) s[eiouT BION JOS 4 7 (serous a19np 203 1wo920d 7-9 Ayfensn) r99Yo poytoads'w ae UAOENS PIEIK Jo ‘uFOd PIOIE “IHUUH TeUONIOdosd £q portasosdos 9q ABur yIBUOMS 09 os oz 280°0 unBuens yar Aures ‘2201009, 09 ore zr £30°0 uuans wnrpout ‘2:2:0409, 69 or ye szO'O (AIP fe "WO POW. er se oc LEO 29018 “370 POY wL eo re ooo Kap ane ‘ay sesnoc ee we 8 2200 u2es8 “ay se5noc sfeworeu omrereutON, v0 ve 2 . uw ero poreouue “eau es + Sst + ser 19r0 pereoune ‘ore wanmeresnL 6 9 «os « oz ozo poleauue “ezu0lE, v6 9 oor se oreo potjos-plos *szu0rg x6 ss 2 oF * st SEO porpouue ‘sei Pow 86 os se 09 TED parjos-ploo ‘sse2q Pa ve sé or 06 « os 6Ie0 parTos-104 “IYBROIM “|SUOW, wer ve ot Eg bE 9900 LELESZV ‘3800 pues ‘umrsousE, rere Pz 61 4 & oz SE (9900 | ORTH ‘HoIsRNxS ‘unIssUBEWY a a A See 4 el zr 087, * OL o6t ore ore “ee Pp L-PZ07 “TSnorM “wnuTUMTY oe Ee bee ot tae tae Ose FaTor “norm ‘emurmay mo Oe ost or ree Sager oeeo woncuny Set et SraFION 6r ol 007, ozs oso « col 0001 O16 wok parean-1eay “Orey AVS ‘1999S Seats toot vor ei Ee penorpion Geral) Tors seas fs 38st tes {oe ee + out 63 oer Lee te out < oF . tee bee £0 col os 069 tt oes 3 8 (Oe . Oe rey a oe $e lee ole 1 Soe ae pouopmey 3 2600 “Pers we tet oer toe ae teats jamanaig woe ter asks Soe ore rom witnoss a (ap) (ed) (Paw) (Pa) (edIN) (eaIN) (dN) dW) Guan) STRuAE | Gam caro Ga Ga Ca Gao Gas are — ag“ eh eg aoe 32 P89. ——Gacaag oma waioong Sees oe oe tie | psisoid s10yy “‘Buppiom feorueyoour pue ‘woUNy | (siluq Jo warsXg jeuoneusa2Uy) sp l APPENDIX A TgrsnjsefnUBW ULOIJ PoUTe}qo oq Wes WONEULOsUT year qwoy ‘uoNtsodwos UF seBuEyO yrIM AjopIM Area Kew Sanfea 1exXaL wiley Sulssoulsugq paiajag Jo seniedoig eeioay gi-W TTAVL AVERAGE PROPERTIES OF SELECTED MATERIALS 665 ured are samusdoid s9quin IW = ‘una OZ uI HOneSUOI “ureeq Sunwioy > ‘vorsusi UF asoun SY senTEA soup) sfe19u [ROMP JOT g (ernous leuonsodoid Aq peruesesdes oq Aew yaSuans onse1a 6 uyes3 pesuo|s sreumn ayqeissidde te Wy sures ou 2Aey orssosduio> UT safsiodosd at suInsse 01 AreUIOISNS St ainanp 103 u2oiad z°9 Ayrensn) 19syo poyrsads w re wBuans pIs1A 10 sol Te ve vt TPE wSuonS YY Apres “a1s1900D, sor i ia 8 we wp8uens umipews ‘e121900 a vu ae ze ss 690 2AIp ate 180 Paw be or £3 ve 3r of OT “oes "Yeo Poy © oe 1s vy os sso {Aap are ‘2y sey8noq i v9 a & ee 190 rr ra 95 ort ORF + 062 60's f1 96 96, 2 oor 2 08 | «ESY os: sp oor a Oe 2 Or (ORs € sr 001 069, ozs 98's 109 ‘s2uord, os. 6¢ —00T 2 Le «oO | LB reouue ‘sse3q POY > 6 oor ozs om ses PaTIOs-PTOD ‘sseIq PI se 588 wuz «08 + Oe 88 2204 "IYZNOI" “TeUOTK zr 3t se oot ote Le 96 OO €8'T LHL E9ZV “Ise pues ‘winIsouseWy a or sr ost ort ete O81 Ore EST. | XOBZY “UOISIKe ‘wnIsoUsEHy 666 APPENDIK A Uo OKT TT TT Siess-Stain Dram 1000 Elastic Range i) - sea I 120} - 800} 14. 18-8 Type 304 stainless steel T Coid-rolled 50% 70} 00} Lf e \e3 3.60 stl aly = eo | an t t £ | Et TA Ty % so0y- 2 5 5 ‘o 400 1 & Monel | [ee “1 1. Mild steel 300 40r—- -- 200 = = 14 al 7 6, Nie borze| | DEPTH TT 100} L L i : % Door 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 Unt stan FIG. AcL. Stress-stran diagrams in the elastic range fr a selection of engineering materials, (Courtesy of the International Nickel Company.) STRESS-STAAIN DIAGRAMS FOR TYPICAL METALS = 667 ca Fees eae] Suess-Stain Diagrams _| h te Utimate Strength 140} 200) MS a2 Bute Nick tet | 180 \ 1200} 1 \ 160 4, 18-8 Type 308 stainless tet fae SEE AT coco 5035 wort . & 3 3, 8620 steal a ’ en 1 120 nu B00 = 2 f e100 ‘ 5 ff aol 80 T14 Tt sco OO a= 0.38) “0 20 b= 20 dol 0 005 010 015020025 030038, Unit strain Stress-strain diagrams to ultimate strength for a selection of engineering FIG. A-2 materials. (Courtesy of the International Nickel Company.) APPENDIX B 1_ PROPERTIES OF SELECTED AREAS 2 SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 670 APPENDIX B. Rectangle Segment of 2rd-DegeePaabnla Asbh Neter] ys ke = (Ab eee eon |S . x sb He hee bre bre 6 kb ice Spandrel of 2nd-Degree Pareto = (ae? ‘Spandrel of 3rd-Degree Parabola y= ksh = (bbs? yea GE Alt ih a b bi5 y ‘panda of t-Degee Para eter rtd a a 2 by TABLE B-1 Properties of Selected Areas ‘SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS B-1 Definitions ‘The second moment of the area in Fig. B-1 with respect to the x axis is defined as the integral fay? dA where the integration is carried out over the area A. The quantity is called the second moment of the area to distinguish it from the first moment about the axis, which is defined as fy dA. The second moment is frequently referred to as moment of inertia of the area because of the similarity of the defining equation to that used to express the moment of inertia of the mass of a body and the terms second moment and moment of inertia are used interchangeably. From the definition in the preceding paragraph, it may be noted that a similar equation can be written for the second moment of the area with respect to any axis in the plane of the area. The symbol I is used for the second moment with respect to any axis in the plane of the area and is sometimes called the rectangular moment of inertia; thus, ta fpda =f tan 4) When the reference axis is normal to the plane of the area, for example through O in Fig. B-I, the integral is called the polar second moment or polar moment of inertia Jo and can be written as Jo> [nda = [@rma= fae | pa Ths, Jo=h tle (B-2) ‘Note that the x and y axes can be any two mutually perpendicular axes intersecting at O. From the definition, the second moment of an area is the product of a distance squared multiplied by an area and thus is always positive and has the dimension of a length raised to the fourth power (£4). Common units are mmé and in. FIG. B-1 672 FIG, B-2 APPENDIX B B-2 Parallel Axis Theorem When the second moment of an area has been determined with respect toa given axis, the second moment with respect to a parallel axis can be obtained by means of the parallel axis theorem (sometimes called the transfer formula), provided one of the axes passes through the centroid of the area. ‘The second moment of the area in Fig, B-2 about the b axis is i= [oe anda [aa vad [yaa fas ait uM [yaar ae @) ‘The integral [xy dA is the first moment of the area with respect to the x axis. If the x axis passes through the centroid of the area, the first moment is zero and Eq. a becomes: att Ad (B-3) where [,is the second moment of the area with respect to an axis parallel to band passing through the centroid C, and dis the distance between the two axes. Ina similar manner it can be shown that. Jn = Je + Adk (B-4) The parallel-axis theorem states that the second moment of an area with respect to any axis is equal to the second moment of the area with respect t0 a parallel axis through the centroid of the area added to the product of the area and the square of the distance between the two axes. ‘The theorem demonstrates that the second moment of an area with respect to an axis through the centroid of the area is less than thal for any parallel axis. Thus, solving Eq. B-3 for 1, gives I, =1,- Ad SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS B-3 Second Moments of Areas by Integration When determin- ing the second moment of an area by integration, itis first necessary to select an element of area. If ail parts of the element are the same distance from the axis, the second moment can be determined directly from the definition (see Art. B-1). When any other element is selected, the second moment of the element with respect to the axis must either be known or be obtainable from a known result by the parallel-axis theorem. Either single or double integration may be involved, depending on the clement selected. When double integration is used, all parts of the element will be the same distance from the moment axis, and the second moment of the element can be written directly. Special care must be taken in establish- ing the limits for the two integrations to see that the correct area is included. Ifa strip element is selected, the second moment can usually be obtained by a single integration, but the element must be properly selected in order for its second moment about the reference axis to be either known or readily calcu- lated. Either Cartesian or polar coordinates can be used for some problems. ‘The choice of a coordinate system and the selection of an element is a matter of either personal preference or previous experience. The following exam- ples illustrate the procedure for determining the second moments of areas by integration, EXAMPLE B-1 A rrectangle has a base b and « height h. Determine the second moment of the area with respect to (a) The base of the rectangle. (b) An axis through the centroid parallel to the base. (©) An axis through the centroid normal to the area (polar second moment), SOLUTION (a) The rectangular area is shown in Fig. B-3, together with an ele- ment of arca parallel to the reference axis. The second moment of the area of the element about the x area is ire 673 FIG. B-3 674 APPENDIX B di, = y dA = yb dy and the second moment of the entire area is bh h=ofyo=z Ans. ©) ‘The parallel-axis theorem can be used to determine the second moment about an axis through c parallel to the x axis, Thus, + be ay bP r-in(5) =e Ans The second moment with respect (o the vertical axis through ¢ can be obtained from the preceding solution by interchanging b and h; that is, © bs Ie = Tr and the polar second moment of the area about an axis at c is bie hb? het he =p = (2 +B) Ans. EXAMPLE B-2 Determine the second moment of a circular area with a radius R with respect to a diameter of the circle. SOLUTION Figure B-4 shows a circular area with a radius R. The x axis is the moment FIG. B-4 SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 675 axis. Polar coordinates are convenient for this problem. The second moment of the element about the x axis is di, = (v sin 6)? dr(r d0) = in’ dr dO The second moment of the entire area is : . t= [site ar do = [7 sve a8 pe 1 608 26 4g RY@ sin 2px _ RE lo 2 42 4 dy Ans. EXAMPLE B-3 ‘The equation of the parabolic curve in Fig, B-5 is cy = x? where c is a constant. Determine the second moment of the shaded area with respect to the x and y axes. SOLUTION ‘The constant in the equation can be obtained by substituting x = band y = h in the equation, which gives c = b'h and the equation becomes by = he A horizontal element (Fig. B-5) is selected for this example. The area of the element is dA = x dy = bh y!dy y=? V7, LL. }. See FIG. B-S 676 FIG. B-6 APPENDIX B and the second moment of the element about the x axis is dl, = y dA = bh My "dy ‘The second moment of the area is 2 alt 2 t= bie fh ysady = on ya an ta Since all parts of the clement are not the same distance from the y axis, the horizontal element can be used if its second moment with respect to the y axis is known, The clement is a rectangle of height x and width dy and the reference axis is the base of the rectangle. From Exam. B-1, the second moment of the element about the y axis is a-ha (Pa Ba and the second moment of the arca is = pel yy = a Ans, EXAMPLE B-4 Determine the second moment of the area in Fig, B-6 with respect to the x axis. SOLUTION, An clement of area parallel to the x axis is selected as shown in Fig. B-6. ‘The area of the element is dA = x dy where b-a@ xeat——y h ¢ ‘SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 677 and the second moment of the clement with respect to the x axis is (,,b-a = yd = (op ety dl, = y dA = [a v} ‘The second moment of the area about the x axis is iefloes tate EM B-4_ Radius of Gyration of Areas It is sometimes convenient to express the second moment of area {moment of inertia) as a function of the area and a length. Since the second moment of an area has the dimensions of length to the fourth power, it can be expressed as the product of the area multiplied by a length squared, The radius of gyration of an area with re- spect to a specified axis is defined as the length that when squared and ‘multiplied by the area, will give the second moment of the area with respect to the specified axis. The definition can be expressed by the equations Akb=1, and AkB = Jo (B-5) where ky and ko are the radii of gyration with respect to the 6 axis and the polar axis through O, respectively. The radius of gyration is not the distance from the reference axis to a fixed point in the area (such as the centroid), but itis a useful property of the area and the specified axis. ‘The radius of gyration of an area with respect to any axis is always ‘greater than the distance from the axis to the centroid of the area. From Fig, B-1, the moment of inertia of the area with respect to the b axis is I, =I, + Ad? = Akh = AK + Ad? ot Bakte from which ky = (B+ dy" FIG, B-7 678 FIG, B-8 APPENDIX B. This equation indicates that &, will always be greater than the distance d from the b axis to the centroid. If the distance d is increased, the value of ky will also be increased, but the increase in A, will be less than the increase in d, indicating that k;, is not the distance from the b axis to a fixed point in the area. ‘The radius of gyration of an area is @ convenient means of expressing a property of an area and is often useful in formulas developed in mechanics— for example, formulas giving the strength of columns. B-S Second Moments of Composite Areas __ It is often necessary to calculate the second moment of an irregularly shaped area, When such an area is made up of a series of simple shapes such as rectangles, triangles, and circles, the second moment can be determined by use of the parallel-axis theorem rather than by integration. The second moment of the irregular area, the composite area, with respect to any axis is equal to the sum of the second moments of the separate parts of the area with respect to the speci- fied axis. When an area such as a hole is removed from a larger area, its second moment must be subtracted from the second moment of the larger area to obtain the resulting second moment. It is useful to have formulas available giving second moments of areas frequently encountered in routine work. Table B-I lists properties of several geometric shapes frequently encountered. Tables listing second moments of the cross-sectional areas of various structural shapes are found in engineer- ing handbooks and in data books prepared by industrial organizations such as the American Institute of Steel Construction and the Aluminum Company ‘of America. Properties of a few selected shapes are included in Appendix C for use in solving problems. EXAMPLE B-5 Determine the second moment of the shaded area in Fig. B-8 with respect to the x axis. Centoidat * gistances SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 679 SOLUTION The shaded area can be divided into @ 10 X 6-in, rectangle A and a 10 x Grin triangle B with a sin, radius semicircle C removed. The location of the centroids of the three areas, as determined from Table B-I is shown to the right of the figure. The second moments of the three areas with respect to the x axis can be obtained, by using information from Table B-1, as follows: For area A, 2 = 106) sain, For area B, 2 Lett ad= Es ae = =e +O gp 1980 in’ For area C, although J, for the semicircle is given in Table B-{, the develop- ment of the expression here will expand the coverage of the subject matter. Since the area is half of a circle, its second moment with respect to a diameter is half that of a full circle, and from the parallel-axis theorem Lak! aR? (AR = leg Ad? = LORS aR ea Ge) 28.10 in. and = I, Ad? = 28.10 + 1 amp = 582.8 in.! ‘The second moment of the composite area is 1, = 720 + 1980 — 583 = 2117 in Ans. EXAMPLE B-6 A column (cross section in Fig. B-9) is constructed of a W254 x 89 wide flange section and a C381 X 50 standard channel. Determine the second ‘moments and radii of gyration of the cross-sectional area with respect to horizontal and vertical axes through the centroid of the section. c yy APPENDIK B fi FIG. B-9 ( SOLUTION The significant dimension ( of the section are shown on the figure. Centroidal distances are shown to the Tight, Properties of the structural shapes can be : obtained from Appendix C. In Fig. B-9, the x axis passes through the cen- Told ofthe wide-lange section andthe x axis passes through the ceatog the channel. The x. axis i ooo Joated using the principle of momens as applied to areas. The total area is ( A= Awe + Ac = 11355 + 6425 =.17 780 mm? ( and the moment of the area about the x axis is ; My = SAy, = 1 355(0) + 6425(120, 2) = 17 780(y.) ‘ ( {rom which the distance from tex axis tothe centroid, 43.4 em, The : second moment of each area with respect to the x, axis is ‘ ( for the wide-lange section, ‘ Ls de + Ad? = 142(109 + 11 355(43.4)? = 163.4(10°) mmé fl for the channel, I C E> he+ Ad = 3.38(109 + 6425(120.2 — 43.4? = 41,3(105) mm C ad for the composite area, : c= 163.4108) + 41 3(109 = 204.7009 mam Ans. : ( The radius of gyration about the x, axis is. | ( | = (2)? (20471109) 0 fae : > (= ™ Ty) = 1073. mm Ans, | SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS = 681. The y axis passes through the centroid of each of the areas; thus, the parallel ats theorem is not needed to obtain that is, 1, = 48.3(106) + 131(108) = 179.3(105) mt Ans, and Tye 79.3109) n k= () ary) ~ 104 mam Ans, B-6 Products of tnertia of Areas The product of inertia dl,y of the element o¢ area dA in Fig. B-10 with respect to the x and y axes is defined 28 the product of the two coordinates of the clement multiplied by the area of the element; the product of inertia of the total area A about the x and y aX¢S is the sum of the products of inertia of the elements of the area; thus, y= [2744 B-6) The dimensions of the product of inertia are the same as for the moment of inertia (secong moment), but since the product xy can be either positive or hegative, the product of inertia can be Positive, negative, or zero as con- trasted with the second moment, which is always positive. The product of inertia of an area with respect to any two orthogonal 4x65 18 270 When either of the axes is an axis of symmetry. This statement can be demonstrated by means of Fig. B-L, which is symmetsical with respect to the x axis. The products of inertia of the elements dA and dA’ on OppOSILE Sides of the axis of symmetry Will be equal in magnitude and oppo- site in sign and will thus cancel each other in the summation, Therefore, the resulting product of inertia will be 20. FIG. B-I1 682 FIG. B-12 APPENDIX B ‘The parallel-axis theorem for products of inertia can be derived from Fig, B-12 in which the x’ and y’ axes pass through the centroid C and are Parallel to the x and y axes. The product of inertia with respect to the x and y axes is y= [dd =| t+ 2%. 49) dA = ae | aA trefiy' aa 4 Ye, da + fyaa The second and third integrals in the preceding equation are zero since x! and y' are centroidal axes and the last integral is the product of inertia with respect to the centroidal axos. Consequently, the product of inertia is Try = Tey + eo (B-7 The parallel-axis theorem for products of inertia can be stated as fol- lows: The product of inertia of an area with respect (o any two perpendicular axes x and y is equal to the product of inertia of the area with respect to a pair of centroidal axes parallel to the x and y axes added to the product of the area and the two centroidal distances from the x and y axes. The product of inertia is useful in determining principal axes of inertia, as discussed in the following article. The determination of the product of inertia is illustrated in the next two examples, EXAMPLE B-7 Determine the product of inertia of the triangular area shown in Fig. B-13 with respect to (a) The x and y axes, () A pair of centroidal axes parallel to the x and y axes, : sci ectetae a y et #4} FIG. B-13. ( a oe a — SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 683 ( SOLUTION (a) The horizontal element in Fig. B-{3 has a length x and a height dy. From symmetry, the product of inertia of the element with ( respect to axes through the centroid of the element parallel to the x and y axes is zero, Thus, the product of inertia of the clement with respect to the x and y axes is From similar triangles, x is equal to (b/A)y and the product of ‘ inertia of the element becomes : aly = ay dy ¢ ‘The product of inertia of the triangular area is 2 aye i Eye l= spl ra= + Ans. ‘ (b) The product of inertia with respect (o the centroidal axes can be obtained from the parallel-axis theorem; thus, ( Bk? bh (b\ (2h _ bh tn) PE ( EXAMPLE B-8 i Determine the product of inertia of the quadrant of the circle in Fig. B14 fl with respect to the x and y axes. ‘ SOLUTION all ‘The horizontal element selected is shown in Fig. B14. As in Exam, B-7, the product of inertia of the element with respect to its centroidal axes is zero and its product of inertia with respect to the x and y axes is FIG. B-14 684 APPENDIX B. x Aly = 5 (ON cb) = 5 2 dy Since R? = x? + y*, the preceding expression becomes ay = F(R? ~ y9 dy and the product of inertia of the area is : - Lye y=5f Ry - y)dy = B-7_ Principal Moments of Inertia area A in Fig, B-15 with respect to the x’ axi vary with the of orthogonal ‘The moment of inertia of the is through O will, in general, angle 6. The x and y axes used to obtain Eq, B-2 were any pait axes in the plane of the area passing through O: therefore, Jo=h+h=ly+ly Where x" and y' are any pair of orthogonal axes through 0. Since the sum of 4 andy isa constaut, 1, willbe maximum and the corresponding fy willbe minimum for one pacticular value of 6, The set of axes for which the second moments are maximum and minimum are called the principal axes of the area through point O and are FIG. B-IS ‘SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS 685 designated as the wand v axes. The second momeats of the area with respect tothese axes are called the principal moments of inertia of the area and are designated J, and J,. There is only one set of principal axes for any point in an area unless all axes have the same second moment, such as the diameters. of a circle. A convenient way to determine the principal moments of inertia of an area is to express Iy as a function of f,, fy, fy, and 6 and then set the derivative of J, with respect to @ equal to zero to obtain the value of @ giving the maximum and minimum second moments. From Fig. B-15, dy = y'?dA = (y cos @ ~ x sin 6)? dA and Ly = cosy? dA ~ 2sin cos 0 | xy dA + sito fx? dA = 1, c0s'0 — U., sin 6 cos 0 + J, sin’ 1 1 6-8) = 7 Ui +1) + 5 ~ feos 20 ~ Ly sin 28 ‘The angle 20 for which I, is maximum can be obtained by setting the deriva- tive of fy with respect to 0 equal to zero; thus, & = ~2(L/2)(Le ~ J,)sin 20 ~ ly cos 26 = 0 from which I, tan 28 =~ Tn 8») where B represents the two values of @ that locate the principal axes wand v, Equation B-9 gives two values of 2 that are 180° apart, and thus two values of f that are 90° apart. The principal moments of inertia can be obtained by substituting these values of f in Eq. B-8, From Eq. B-9, (hy = 4/2. 8 TG ore and eistetiigs | astaaists Wd. - b)aP + 15) When these expressions are substituted in Eq. B-8, the principal moments, of inertia reduce to APPENDIX B. 686 hy the (f 5 aa, (8-10) ‘The product of inertia of the element of area in Fig. B-15 with respect to the x’ and y’ axes is diy =x’ y’ dA = (008 0 + y sin B)(y cos 0 ~ x sin 6) dA and the product of inertia of the area is Ly = (cos — sin? [xy dA + sin 0 608 8 [ora 1 = fy 008 20 5 (h~ fxn 26 (B-t) ‘The product of inertia xy will be zero when an 29 = - tn 20= - FR which is the same as Eq. B-9, which locates the principal axes. Conse- quently, the product of inertia is zero with respect to the principal axes. Since the product of inertia is zero with respect to any axis of symmetry, it follows that any axis of symmetry must be a principal axis for any point on the axis of symmetry. ‘The following example illustrates the procedure for determining sec- ‘ond moments of areas with respect to the principal axes. y 1.6541 P| of aase haus ' e IC. 6 1.346" 1 ogy as 215¢| pes a 3.5 vs FIG. B-16 fe ‘SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS © 687 EXAMPLE B-9 Determine the maximum and minimum second moments of the area of the unequal-leg angle in Fig. B-16 with respect to axes through the centroid of the area. SOLUTION ‘The area is divided into two rectangles A and B, and the location of the centroid of each area is indicated by the, dimensions, The centroid of the composite area is at C, The values off, and J, forthe two areas are obtained by applying the parallel-axis theorem to the expression for I from Table B-I; thus, oe + Ayt Lela + In = Bos + 1B)(1.346)? + = + S(1)(2.154 = 80.8 in. I= ly + y= + S(A)(L.154) + pes + 1G)(L.846F = 38.8 in The products of inertia are determined as indicated in Art. B-6; thus, Ty = ley + Akcye = 0+ Ateye Tuy = Tay + Higy = 1(8)(~1.154)(1.346) + 5(1)(1.846)(-2.154) = -32.3 in From Eq. B-9, 323 (028 = ~ Ea 2B=510"° or BP = 1538 ‘Therefore, B=BS or 18S From Bq. B-8 with = 28.5, the maximum second moment is 1, = 80,8(0.879)? ~ 2(—32.3)0.477\0.879) + 38.8(0.477 = 98,3 in Ans 688 FIG. B-I7 APPENDIX B With B = 118.5°, the minimum second moment is 1, = 80.8(-0.477) — 2(-32.3}(0.879)(-0.471) + 38.8(0.879) = 23 int Ans. ‘The principal moments of inertia can also be determined by means of Eq. B-10. 80.8 + 388 80. = 8 (-3237 2 WF =983iné and 213 in Ans B-8 Mobr’s Circle for Second Moments of Areas The use of Mohr’ circle for determining principal stresses was discussed in Art. 1-8. A comparison of Eq. !-4a and 1-4 with Eq. B-8 indicates that a similar procedure can be used to obtain the principal moments of inertia of an area. Figure B-17 illustrates the use of Mohr’s circle for second moments. ‘Assume that J, is greater than J, and that J,, is positive. Moments of inertia are plotted along the horizontal axis, and products of inertia are plotted along the vertical axis. Second moments are always positive and are plotted to the right of the origin, Products of inertia can be either positive or noga- Live; positive values are plotted above the horizontal axis. The distance OA along the [axis is equal to /, and A’A, parallel to the J axis, is equal to I.y. SECOND MOMENT OF PLANE AREAS Similarly, OB" is laid off equal to, and B'B is equal to ~Iy. The line AB intersects the [axis at C and AB is the diameter of Mohr’s circle for second moments. Each point on the circle represents fy and J. for one particular orientation ofthe x’ and y' axes. To demonstrate this statement, the diame- ter DE is drawn at an angle 26 counterclockwise from line AB. From the figure OD' = OC + CD cos(2B + 26) which, since CD is equal to CA, reduces to OD! = OC + CA cos 28 cos 20 — CA sin 2B sin 28 Since CA cos 2B and CA sin 26 are equal to CA’ and A‘A, respectively, the distance OD! becomes : OD' = 5 (+h) + hi ~ 1,)cos 20 — Ly sin 20 = Ie from Eq. B-8. In a similar manner, D'D = CD sin(2p + 26) | = 5 lle ~ fin 20 +1, 00s 20 from Eq, B-II Since the horizontal coordinate of each point on the circle represents a particular value of f,, the maximum second moment is represented by OF and its value is Jax = OF = OC + CF = OC + CA oth, (! sty ee, which agrees with Eq, B-10, Figure B-18 represents an area and a set of axes for which the data used to construct Fig. B-17 are valid. In deriving 689 FIG. B-18 690 FIG. B-19 APPENDIX B Eq. B-8, the angle between the x and x’ axes was @. In obtaining the same equation from Mohr’s circle, the angle between the radii to points (f., ry). line CA, and (Jy, fey), line CD, is 29. Thus, all angles on Mokr’s circle are twice the corresponding angles for the given area. EXAMPLE B-10 Solve Exam, B-9 by means of Mohr’s circle SOLUTION Values of f,, J,, and J, must be computed in the same manner as in Exam. B-9, These values are 1,=808ind, 1,=388in4, by —32.3 int The citcle in Fig, B-19 is constructed as indicated from these values. Point Ais located at I, and [, (which is negative) and B is at J, and ~1,y. Point C is the center of the circle and is 59.8 units from 0. The radius of the circle is CA = VQU.0) + G2. 38.5 int and the principal moments of inertia are Tpax = OC + CF = 59.8 + 38.5 = Ans. Tnin = OC ~ CG = 59.8 ~ 38.5 = 213 7 Ans. Ty ly y=-323 Twice the angle from the x axis to the principal axis with the maximum moment of inertia is shown on the sketch a8 2Bpax and 28.5° counterclockwise from the x axis. ‘The angle from the x axis to the principal axis with the minimum moment of inertia is Brin and is Brin = Bnax + 90” = 118.5° counterclockwise from the x axis. ‘These values were obtained analytically from the geometry of Mohr's circle ‘They could also have been measured directly from the figure; however, the accuracy of the results obtained by scaling the distances from the figure would depend on the scale used and the care employed in constructing the figure. APPENDIX' C PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STEEL SHAPES ‘Wide Flange Shapes: T oes (W-Shapes} (U,S. Customary Units) Web Axis Axis 1-¥ Thick» Thick —— pee Desig: Area Depth Width ness ones Sor TS tation in’) Gin) Gn) fin) in) Ginn) Gin) 4} in ind Was x20 67.6 35.90 16.470 1.260 0.760 15000 83749 MOH 3.75 x 160 47.0 36.01 12.000 1020 0650 9750 52 MA TBS. 2.50 WH x 201 5.1 33KB ISAS LSD OTIS 11500 6H OH HKD 3.56 x12 HAT BAI ESS 1055 0635 8160 4873S TS ALR 2.47 X10 3 30 11510 0855 0580 671040562 UB D239 W3 x 132 28.9303! 10545 1.000 0.615 5770-3802 19H 2.25 x 108 17 98 1047S 070 051 4 HDHD. DAS 146 429 2738 13965 0975 0.605 5080 4 MA 48S S31 X94 217 2692 9.990 0.5 040 3210 2431094 UBD Wo x 106 30.6 | 2406 12.790 0.750 0.500 3100258 289 40.7 2.9 XM U7 Ald 9:0 0.70 04M 13% 195 9.19 HA 9 19S x6 182 BI 1040 059 0430 1550 BL 9:28 44S 9D 1.38 wal x lol 298 21.36 12290 0800 0.500 2400 2279.02 BDF 2.89 x8 243 2143 8355 0835 OSI 180 TL RTL 1B x6 183 1099 824 0615 0400 190 127 RSH STS 9 LTT WIS x97 28S 1859 L145 0.870 05351750 1887.82 MHA 2.65 X16 23 BD ORS 0.680 42S 1330 467.73 ISR TH 26 x6 176 1824 7555 0.5 041s HR TAT SDL BS 1 Wie x 100 294 1697 10425 0985 0585 MID 17S THO IBS 357252 X67 19.7 1633 1023S 0.665 0395 98117 6.96 “I TRA 2.46 x4) 118 (601 6995 0505 0305 SB 647,663 2898.25. 1.57 XI 768 1569 5500 OMS 0250 JOT HBA 6.269.597 3.49. Widx 120 353 1448 14670 0940 0.590 1380 190624 49ST ATE x8 DL 1431 10.130 0855 0510 882 —(123_— GOS MB 19-3 2.48 x8 126 1366 7995 0530 0505 428 ORT S82 4S2 SD XM B85 1384 6TH 0385 0270 29.0 5.73196 SDD Winx 82 127 1216 0900 058 #3 BE SDAA 3.08 x65 191 1212 12.000 0.605 0.390 533879 SBM. 3.02 x50 147 1219 8080 0649 0370 GAT. SUB 563 BD 1.96 x3 879 12M 6570 0440 0.260 238-386 S203, 6TH NSD Wiox 6d 176 10.22 10080 0680 0420 HL 657439 IG 8D 5T x45 13 10.10 8620 0.600 0350 28.4 SRA BS OL x30 BHM 1047 S810 0516 030 «170524 4.48 1675S 1 xm 649 1017 5.180 0.360 0280 «B32 ADT MA 3.973 Wex4o 117 825 BOM 0.560 0360 © 1456355 3.58 48.1.2 DOF X31 91 800 7.995 0435 0285 0S 347 TL 9.27 2.02 XM 108 793 6495 0400 0245 82899342 WB S.A LL xis 44 BIL 4015 0315 OS 80S 3.29 FAL 1.0 0.876 Wox2s 7M 638 6080 0.455 0320 S34 167 2.70 TL S61 152 x16 ST 628 408 0405 0260 321 10.2 2.60 443 2.20 0.967 WS x16 468 507 540) 0360 0240-213, BSL 213 751 3.00 127 Wax ts 38) 416 4060 O35 0280 3 S46 72386 1901.00 Ww Courtesy of The American Institute of Steel Construction. 694 Wide Flange Shapes: Properties or Designing iF (W-Shapes) (Converted to SI Unit) Y Fla ay Axis 1X Asis EY Thick Thick TS reg Desig- Area Depth Width ness ness (10° 1k (U (Ir auton — Gum!) (am) om) nm) (oon) mam) eum?) (rm) ') ms?) (ov) Wx 32 43510 912 418320193 OASIS BH]SCTRTO. OKT X28 MRS 915 WS 259 16S 4040 BHD 3651S WH3R x 299 38130 855 400-292 IRD ATBS_—«LIDND «3556312150904 X26 TRAD BS 734 HK GL SHY MB MIST x 193 24710 MO TAT. BS HSS GOT MD W162 196 25100 7 268254 15.6 MOD DS MOG O72 X 161 20650 758256193138 18604000 3020S 457 SHH WORG x 217 21675 9S 38S BISA TMS IS TH] KOHL S x10 17870 684 254189124 130K GSB WoIOx 155 19740 61324. 12.7 12904230257 OB x15 1595 612 29 196 1198S 4] HD 49'S x2 IT 63 19 150 9 AS UMS MALS WSS x19 19S 5G 312 3TH MDI Im) XM 15615 544212242 BL 722800 DH. 3M HS x 11805 533 209 156 102 548 BD aS WAST x 144 18365 472 83 113.6 TAH 308TH 673 XID 4385 463 280173 B SHS 1H 3ST 643 x8 11355 463 9217.7 10S 41071920. 42.9 Wa06 x 149 18970 4312652509 8TH TTA SBS. x10 12710 415 260169100 3979S ITT 49.5380 as x 7615 407 178 «287.7 261060 D x39 4950 399 40 RR GAS YS]. A Wi x 179 22775 MBB. IDS BIS 158 206-0950 x12 15550 3 257-27 O36 ISA GG ABD «6D x 8390 M7 02 BS 7.7 «1G B BS «ABO x4 S710 352M OB GD MRC B.C OSA 378 WHOS x 143 18195 323-309 2903472 TRS x97 12 WR MS S499 MDM TRA T1857 x 9485 310205163946} x45 56 31 166 266 HLTA WoSHx 89 BSS 260-256 17317 WS HRT 53 x67 8580 257 18789 D BSL x45 SOS 265 MB 3076) BSBA 9S HDB x33 4185 BMG 61 38H. Wax 60 7550 210 2052 SRT MM STB ' x46 9890 203-2030 7.2 58M BB SA SSB x36 457 Il 6S W2_62 MS BD BHT THD 409 xD 2865 205 I 80 62 OO IM BE 1 MI 23 WI2k 37 4735 1G SEG BDH RHEL 38H x4 30 10 I 103 66 B4 167 GO 184 %1 246 Wir x2 3000127 TLS BAT SLB D323 \ Wie x19 2470 106 103 BBL 40S BTL 254 | 695 696 APPENDIX C ‘American Standard Beams: Properties for Designing (S-Shapes) (U.S. Customary Unis) Flange Web Axis X-X “Thicke Thicke — Desig Area Depth Width ness ness JS) nation — Gin) in.) Gin) on) in) nt) Gn) SUX 121 35.6 2450 8.050 1.090 0.800 3160 258 105 312 1450 787 1.090 0.620 240-240 100 29.3 24.00 7.245 0.810 0.745 2390199, X90 26.5 24.00 7.125 0870 0625 2250187 x80 235 14.00 7.000 0.870 0.500 2100175 90x96 28.2 20.30 7.200 0.920 0.800 1670165 x86 25.3 2030 7.060 0.920 0.660 1580155 X75 2.0 1.00 6385 0.795 0.635. 12808 x66 194 20.0 6.255 0.795 0.505 1190119 SI8x 70 206 18.00 6.251 0.61 0.711 926108. x547 16.1 18.00 6.001 0.61 0461 8044 SISx50 147 15.00 5.640 0.62 0.550 486 «GHS x429 126 15.00 S501 062 OAIL M47 596 12x50 147 12.00 5477 0.659 0687 305 SUB x 408 120 12.00 5252 0.659 0462 2M 454 X35 10.3 12.00 5.078 0.544 0428 20982 X318 9.35 12.00 5.000 0.544 0.350 218 364 0x35 103 10.00 4944 0491 05% 47 A X14 746 10.00 4661 0.491 O31] 124247 Sx 23 677 800 AATL 0426 O44 4 16.2 x84 S41 8.00 4001 0426 0.271516 A SIX 5887.00 3.8600 0.392 0450 424 IDL X13 450 700 3.662 0392 0.252367, 105 S6K 1725 5.07 6.00 3.565 0.359 0.465 2638.7 xi25 367 6.00 3.332 0359 0.282 1737 SOX ITS 434 5.00 3.284 0.326 0494 15.2 6.08 x10 294 5.00 3.004 032% 0.24 12.34.92 S4x9S 2.09 4.00 2796 0.293 0326069 3.19 X77 226 4.00 2.663 0.293 0.193 6.08 3.04 SBx75 221 3.00 2509 0.260 0M9 293-195 x57 1.67 3.00 2.330 0.260 0.170 252.68 Courtesy of The American Institute of Steet Co ruction 9.43, om 9.02 91 94 mn 789 1.82 788 6m 107 595 5.95 495 an 4n 493 378 400 3.10 3.6 2.69 2.86 28 245 187 2.05 156 Lot Lis 1B y 7 83 Th 7 49 2 502 468 D8 na mL 208 159 M4 15) BS 987 9.36 8.36 6.19 431 373 307 2.64 234 182 161 Ln 0.908 0.764 0.586 0455 Axis YY s (in) 0.7 19.6 B2 12.6 1 B39 133 932 8.85 am 6.94 5.57 523 5 5.16 3.89 34 338 29 207 1.86 1.64 1a 130 1.09 Lon 0.809 0.646 0.574 aes 0390 (in.) 13 Ls in 130 La 133 1.36 116 119 108 Lie 103 107 1.03 1.06 0.980 1.00 0.501 0.954 0.798 0.831 0.74 0.766 0.615 0.105 0.620 0.683 0568 0.581 0516 052 PROPERTIES OF ROLLED STEEL SHAPES 697, ‘American Standard Beams: Properties for Designing (S-Shapes) fer (Converted to SI Units) Flange XA E-Y Web: be Thick Thicke 1s Desig- Area Depth Width ness ness (108 ue Hie (108 (10 r nation = (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) mm} mm} (mm) mm‘) mm’) (mm) $610 x 180 22970 622.3 204.5 27.7 20.3, 13IS 4225 MO 34.7339, 389 158 20190 622.3 199.9 27.7 15.7 12S 3935 MAT 99 x 149 18900 609.6 184.0 22.1 189 995 ne 229 199 216 23 X14 17100 9.6 ILO 2.1 159 937-368 ORT HSB X19 15160 609.6 1778 221 12.7 874 2870, 2117.6 198. 340 $508 x 143 18190 515.6 182.9 23.4 20,3 9S 2705-196 20.9 2B BS 128 16320 $15.6 179.3 34 16.B OSB SHO HD. MS x 112 14190 $08.0 162.2 20.2 161 $33 210019424 ASE OS X98 12520 508.0 158.9 20.2 128 495 1950 199 ILS 145 02 SAT X 104 13290 457.2 158.817.618.358 1690. 170 10.0127 24 XBL 10390 457.2 1524 17.6 F335, 1465180 8.66114 290 S3B1X 74 (9485 381.0 143.315.8140 202 1060 146 6.5393 26.2 X64 B30 RO 139.7 15.8 10.4 186 97 ASL 59 85.7 1.2 S305 74 9485088 139.1 16.7 1741 832 MG 6.53 26.2 x61 7740 300.8 133.4 16.7 TBS m4 1b 5.66 84.6 26.9 x52 6645 3048 129.0 13.8 10.9 95.3 626 1204 63.7 AD x47 60048 27.0 BR 89 97 5% 1B 390 613 254 S254 52 6645 254.0 125.6 SSD 61.2 482 (96.0 3.48 554 ND X3B BIS 254.0 8A 12S 19 516 408103 1830 47.70 14.2 S23 34 4370 203.2 105.9 108 2 0 6S BT 1 339 203 X27 MN 203.2 116 108 69 M0 6 8 15S WS LT SI x30 3795 718 980 00H 16 RRA H9 8G x23 2905 1778 «93.0 10.0 64 3 12 26 110 26 19.5 SIS2X26 3270 1524 EL 109 144 57.9 0.961 21.3 TTL x19 BI S24 846 OL 59 9.0 121 62.2 0.788 179 179 SIZ7K 2 2800127083483 DS. 6.33 99.8 47.5 0.695 16.6 15.7 x15 1895 127.0 76.383 54 S12 806 S21 0.5908 133 163 SU2x M1800 106 LO 74 83 283 55.6 396 (0376 106 145 xi 1460 101.6 67.6 74 49 25 498 417 0318 941 148 Sx M25 76.2 3.7 6.6 89 12 320 29.2 0.244 7.67 13.1 xBS 10S 76.2 599.2 6.6 43 105 27.5 32 0.189 6.39 13.3 698 APPENDIX C ¥ Standard Channels: Properties for Designing [ (C-Shapes) xx (U.S, Customary Units) | (US. Customary des Y Gear CEE ape Peer Cee eee Average Web axis XX Axis FY Thick) Thiek Desig: Area Depth With ws of Sor TS ration — (22) (ia) ind fin) — Gnd) Gnd) Gn) ins) in") fing Gs Toes IT ROY 420 ms OT VE Oe GET | yee = atz=L ee PLE ha a ede ee 6 i Yous =~ BRT 8 ate = L/V3 b= tae ML i donee” 6H Inu areL TABLE D-| Beam Deflections and Slopes nee APPENDIX F THE INTERNATIONAL aa OF UNITS THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS E-1 Introduction The importance of the regulation of weights and measures was recognized as early as 1787 when Article 1, Section 8, of the United States Constitution was written. The metric system was legalized in the United States in 1866; in 1893, the international meter and kilogram became the fundamental standards of length and mass both for metric and customary weights and measures. International standardization began with an International Metric Convention in 1875, which established a permanent International Bureau of Weights and Measures. The National Bureau of Standards represents the United States in this international body. ‘The original metric system provided a set of units for the measurement ‘oflength, area, volume, capacity, and mass based on two fundamental units: the meter and the kilogram. With the addition of a unit of time, practical ‘measurements began to be based on the meter-kilogram-second (MKS) sys- tem. In 1960, the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and Measures formally adopted the International System of Units, for which the abbrevia- tion is S/ in all languages, as the international standard. Thirty-six countries, including the United States, participated in this conference. 709 710 APPENDIX E TABLE E-I Name of Quantity Base SI Unit Symbol Length meter m Mass Kilogram kg Time second s Electric current ampere A ‘Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K Amount of substance mole mol Luminous intensity candela od TABLE E-2 Name of Quantity Supplementary SI Unit Symbol Plane angle radian rad Solid angle steradian Pa ‘TABLE E-3 Quantity Derived SI Unit Special Name Symbol Area ‘square meter - m Volume cubic meter - m Linear velocity meter per second = m/s Angular velocity radian per second - rad/s Linear acceleration —_meter per second squared = m/s Frequency (cycle) per second hertz Hz Density kilogram per cubic meter = kglm? Force Kilogram - meter per second newton N squared Moment of force newlon + meter - Nem Pressure newton per meter squared pascal Pa Stress newton per meter squared pascal Pa or N/m? Work, energy newton - meter joule J Power joule per second watt w THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS E-2 S1Units The International System of Units adopted by the conference includes three classes of units: (1) base units, 2) supplementary units, and (3) derived units. The system is founded on the seven base units listed in Table E-1 Certain units ofthe international system have not been classified under either base units or derived units. These units, listed in Table E-2, are called supplementary units and may be regarded either as base units or as derived units. Derived units are expressed algebraically in terms of base units andlor supplementary units. Their symbols are obtained by means of the mathemat- ical signs of multiplication and division, For example, the SI unit for velocity is meter per second (m/s) and the SI unit for angular velocity is radian per second (rad/s). For some of the derived units, special names and symbols exist; those of interest in mechanics are listed in Table E~3 E-3 Multiples of SI Units Prefixes are used to form names and symbols of multiples (decimal multiples and sub-multiples) of SI units, The choice of the appropriate multiple is governed by convenience and should usually be chosen so that the numerical values will be between 0.1 and 1000. Only one prefix should be used in forming a multiple of a compound SI urit, and prefixes in the denominator should be avoided. Approved prefixes with their names and symbols are listed in Table E-4. ‘TABLE E-4 Factor by Which Prefix Unit is Multiplied Name Symbol i giea a io megt = M 10 kilo k ie hectot 10 decat da 10" det 10? centi* c 10°? mili =m 10 micro 10 mmo lo” pico > 10-8 fento 10-8 atto a *To be avoided when possible. m1 712 perewoxxe £-4 Conversion Between the SI and U.S. Customary Systems As the use of S1 becomes more commonplace in the United States, engineers will be required to be familiar with both. SI and the U.S. Customary system in common use today. As an aid to interpreting the physical significance of answers in Sf units for those more accustomed to the U.S. Customary system, the following conversion factors are provided: CONVERSION FACTORS Volume: Moment of Inertia: Force: Distributed Load; Pressure or Stress: Bending Moment or Torque: Work or Energy: Power: U.S. Customary to SI in, = 25.40 mm lin? 1 f2 = 0.09290 m? Lin. 4162(105) mm* 1 £6 = 0.02832 m Lint = 41.62 cmt Lb = 4.448 N 1 ibit = 14,59 Nim I psi = 6.895 kPa 1 895 MPa 1 ft + Ib = 1.356N +m ft Ib 356) I hp = 145.7 W SI to U.S. Customary 1m = 39.37 in. Im = 3.281 ft 1m? = 1550 in? 1m? = 10.76 fe Tom? = 0,06102 in 1m = 35.3110 1 mmé = 2.402(10-9 in.* LN = 0.2248 Ib 1 N/m = 68,53 Ibift 1 MPa = 145.0 psi 1 MPa = 145.0 psi LN + m = 0.7376 ft Ib 11 = 0.7376 ft 1b LW = 1.341 hp

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