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The penalty for apostasy is death in Islam. Fuck Islam the barbaric cult.

should be banned in Europe and north America.? Islam is not only a religion, but a
totalitarian political system, like communism and fascism. Are communism and
fascism are allowed to spread like Islam in North American and Europe?? Richard
Dawkins Rules !? Alah said no pig meat it is forbidden.... raping children on the
other hand....go mohamed.? most of them know that they are a part of a stupid
religion, but ego tells them to defend and act retarded you will see all of them
behaving the same way. Well, the scholar in this video himself said that apostasy
is punished with death penalty, moreover it's enough to take a look at Saudi
Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Qatar, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and more - all of these
islamic countries have death penalty for apostasy, as well as for homosexuality,
adultery, blasphemy, "sorcery" etc. And I am not even talking about the Islamic
state. Btw. do you know that slavery was legal in Saudi Arabia till the 1960s?
Well, it's true that the catholic church is historically one of the deadliest
institutions. But I also have to say that it was them who kept at least some
education and literacy in Europe in the Middle Ages, or who took care of old or
sick people who didn't have anyone. Also, majority of the world's most important
scientists were christians. About 70 % of all Nobel price winners were christians,
that's around 240 in total. In comparison, only 11 Nobel price winners were
muslims, of which 6 were for peace (so basically absolutely useless) and 1 was
Ahmadyya, who are not considered muslims by Sunnis. Also I have to say that today,
there are no catholics (or any other christians) who would blow themselves up,
drive trucks into people or crash airplaines into skyscrapers as muslims do. And
what about science? Don't you know that most muslims don't believe in evolution?
Evolution is a FACT, so accept it! Here again, when you compare it to the Catholic
church TODAY, they support evolution and also they have their own institution for
exploring if there is life in the universe. Another thing that muslims deny. That's
the basic difference - christianity, and especially the Catholic church, moved on
and modernized, while islam stopped modernizing in the Middle ages. Yes, what the
Catholic church said in the past about gay people for example is terrible, but
today under pope Francis they basically have no problem with them. But you are a
muslim, so I expect you think all homosexuals should be killed.? The problem is
that the fairytale is backed by a system of fear, an oppression of women, Sovereign
Wearlth funds investing in media organizations / government bonds, and an enormous
amount of Petromoney. Were it not for this, there would be an open debate on the
issue.? Fuck Muslim, just go back to the middle east and stay there. Do not come to
my Country, and try to tell my Country what to do. FUCK MUSLIMs?. Something is
true no matter whether the person saying it is being rude or seemingly arrogant.
True it's not a great way to have a conversation. Reality and evidence doesn't care
if your emotions care or not. Basically it's I'm offended that you can suggest that
my fairytale is nonsense. How dare you say that. Well maybe if you kept your
religion to yourself then we would be quiet. The minute you try to influence the
rest of us you had better bring some evidence to the table beyond I have faith and
there's hundreds of millions of others who think the same. Two plus two equals four
and you have no right to teach children otherwise. Just because they are your
children doesn't give you the right to abuse or neglect them?. Dawkins has not
understood that while Christian religions and Judaism are peaceful religions which
represent no threat to anybody, the Islam is on the contrary representing a real
threat to the whole mankind and it is the only religion which has to be fight by
fair means or faul.?

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