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YEAR/SEM: IV/VIII BATCH: 2014 – 2018

1. How does spreading activitation affect the interference effects during information real from
memory? (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. What type of HCI paradigm could be used to monitor eruptions of active and hazardous
volcanoes? Reason out. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. Define Reasoning. List its types. (April/May 2017)
4. What is Ergonomics? April/May 2017)


5. Who is involved in HCI

6. What are the 5 major senses.
7. List the parts of human Eye.
8. What is meant by visual perception?
9. What are the two stages of vision?
10. What are the input and output channels of human.
11. What is meant by processing sound.
12. Draw the structure of human Memory.
13. What is long term memory? And mention its types?
14. What is semantic memory.
15. What is forgetting
16. . Differentiate deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning.
17. What is meant by Batch processing
18. What are text entry devices available in computer
19. What is meant by chord Keyboards
20. Mention the health hazards of CRT.
21. Mention 7 stages of Donald norman’s model in interaction.
22. What is execution and evaluation loop.
23. List out common interaction styles?
24. Define Data context of interaction?
25. What is meant by agent based interfaces.
26. What are paradigms and give examples.
27. Write down the example of Paradigm shifts?
28. What are the Limitations on Interactive performance?

1. Do you think that protyping will solve all problems associated with user interface design?
Give reason for your answer.(? (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. Comment on the usage of colors in emergency response panels. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. Define Prototyping? (April/May 2017)
4. What do you mean by universal design? (April/May 2017)


5. State the golden rule of design

6. Mention the process of design.
7. Mention the process of design.
8. What is meant by Navigation design?
9. List screen design tools?
10. What are the tools used for layout design?
11. What is meant by scenarios?
12. What is meant by linearity.
13. What is meant by interaction and prototyping
14. What is grouping and structure.
15. What are the elements of design model?
16. List the principles of a software design in HCI.
17. What are the activities involved in waterfall model?
18. Define model of software life cycle.
19. What is vertical partitioning?
20. Mention the parts of usability specification for VCR.
21. List some ISO usability standards 9241?
22. Differentiate throw away prototyping and incremental prototyping.
23. What are techniques used for prototyping?
24. What is meant by learnabililty, flexibility and robustness?
25. What is meant by task Migratability.
26. Give benefits of design rationale?
27. List out types of design rules?
28. List out Shneiderman’s 8 Golden Rules of interface design?
29. List out Norman’s 7 Principles for transforming difficult task in to a simple one?
30. Define cognitive walkthrough?
31. What is Heuristic Evaluation.
32. List different styles of Evaluation.
33. What types of test available in analysis
34. Mention about query techniques.
35. What are the approaches present for user support
36. Difference between multi modal and multi media
37. . How to support user support systems
38. List the importance of prototype.
39. List out smith and moiser guidelines?
40. Write short notes on Non-Speech Sounds?

1. How are groups categorized based on their geographical and temporal location.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
2. What are the characteristics of computer support cooperative work systems.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
3. List out the types of textual communication.(April/May 2017)
4. Hihhlight the applications of hypermedia. (April/May 2017)

5. What is meant by GOMS? Give an example?
6. What is cognitive model?
7. Define cognitive complexity theory?
8. Differentiate goal and task?
9. What is CCT? And give example?
10. What is meant by Backups Naur Form? Give an example.
11. What is Task Action Grammar?
12. What is Key stroke Level Model?
13. What is meant by problem space model.
14. What is meant by interacting cognitive sub system?
15. What is meant by automating process workflow BPR?
16. Who are stakeholders? What roles do they play?
17. What is meant by socio technical models?
18. What is CUSTOM?
19. What is open system task analysis (OSTA?
20. What is ethnographic approach
21. Define speech act theory.
22. What is meant by text based communication?
23. Differentiate linear text vs. hyper text in communication.
24. What is meant by group dynamics?
25. What is knowledge based analysis?
26. What is meant by entity relationship based techniques?
27. What is static and dynamic web content?
28. Define animation?
29. How to make navigation easier?
30. Differentiate automatic generation and batch generation.



1. Describe the pros and cons of mobile websites? (Nov/Dec 2017) (April/May 2017)
2. Draw the layers of mobile ecosystem. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. . Identify the categories of mobile platforms. (April/May 2017)
4. Give examples of mobile design tools
5. List some of the open source platforms used for mobile HCI development.
6. List some of the licensed platforms used for mobile HCI development?
7. What is meant by COCOA touch?
8. What is web runtimes?
9. List different application framework used in mobile HCI?
10. What is meant by web kit.
11. List out Mobile application medium types?
12. List pros and cons of SMS.
13. What is meant by mobile web site.
14. What are mobile web widgets?
15. List some game applications in mobile HCI?
16. What is mobile application media matrix.
17. Differentiate application content and utility content.
18. What is productivity application content?
19. What is meant by mobile information architecture?
20. What are the ways to reduce mistakes?
21. What is meant by click streams?
22. Differentiate context prototype and HTML prototype?
23. What Is Mobile 2.0?.
24. How Rich interactions kill battery life?
25. How Mobile Widgets Are the Next Big Thing?
26. What is meant by Mobile Design Tent-Pole?
27. Define Typography?
28. List out Design tools and interface toolkits?
29. Show typical flow of information on mobile devices?


1. Distinguish between short term and long term memory. State requirements to
perform cognitive Walkthrough of a system. (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. With examples explain the various types of user and the organizational issues to be
consider in designing an interactive system.
3. Explain the model of the structure of human memory with diagrammatic
illustration. (Nov/Dec 2017)
4. Outline the factors that can limit the speed of an interactive computer system.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
5. . List and explain the stages of Norman’s model interaction. (April/May 2017)
6. Outline the common interface styles used in interactive system. (April/May 2017)

7. Explain about hearing.
8. Explain in detail about the Input-Output channels of a human.
9. Explain some of the text entry devices of a computer.
10. Write neat sketch, elaborate the various display devices.
11. Explain in detail about Ergonomics.
12. Discuss the Reasoning and problem solving.
13. Differentiate the term Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
14. Describe about the Paradigms and Ergonomics.
15. Dicuss about Abode and Beale framework.
16. List out and explain the various types of reasoning with an example.
17. Explain in details about Problem space theory.
18. Elaborate on various pointing devices.
19. Discuss the classification of Menus.
20. Describe various usability goals and measures.
21. Which is the best definition of an interaction paradigm.
22. Expain in details Printing and Scanning
23. Explain the execution -evaluation cycle
24. . Explain the World Wide Web and Ubiquitous computing?


1. . Discuss the principles of good UI design. Evaluate the suitability of the manual tour
booking form show in the figure. 1 for automation using the UI design principles.
(Nov/Dec 2017)
2. Consider the following usability objective Theater booking clerks with low
motivation, no computing experience and no previous training, working in a small
and hectic box office, are able to learn to reserve or book seats whether within a one
hour period. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. With a neat sketch explain the interaction design process in l. (April/May 2017)
4. Narrate the Shneiderman’s eight golden rules of interface design. (April/May 2017)
5. Outline the approaches used for evaluation through expert analysis

6. Decscribe about interaction design process with neat diagram?

7. Explain about universal design in details?
8. Discuss about software process in HCI in details?
9. Discuss about iterative design and prototyping in detail?
10. Explain about the HCI design.
11. Explain about Design Methodologies
12. Explain about Heuristic Evaluation.
13. . Explain in detail about concept of usability engineering.
14. Discuss about briefly about software tools process.
15. Explain about screen design and layout.
16. Discuss about design rationale?
17. Explain about Evaluation techniques.
18. Explain about Usability evaluation.
19. Briefly explain about Principles to Support Usability.
20. Explain about in Navigation Design.
21. . Briefly explain about Scenarios.
22. Explain in detail about Coding and unit testing?
23. Briefly explain about Psychological design rationale.
24. Explain about standards in UI.
25. Explain Goals of Evaluation and types of evaluation

1. Consider the case of preparing a group presentation for a software project.
Describe the stages in specifying designing VI for the same .
Appraise with an example Monto Carlo simulation. (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. How do ‘golden rules’ and heuristics help interface designers take account of
cognitive psychology? Iuustrate answer with the design of Microsoft office
word?. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. What is a cognitive model? Classify cognitive models and discuss the same.
(April/May 2017)
4. Who is a stakeholder? Outline the types of stake holders and appraise the
stakeholders for an airline booking system.
5. Explain the stages involved in CUSTOM methodology analysis


6. Discuss in detail about cognitive models.

7. Explain briefly about Socio-Organizational issues.
8. Explain the stake holder requirements.
9. Explain the Communication.
10. . Explain how collaboration models.
11. Briefly explain HCI in software process.
12. Explain in detail about software life cycle.
13. Explain in detail about Hypertext.
14. Explain in detail about Prototyping in practice.
15. . Explain in detail about design rationale.
16. Explain how can we use Design rules.
17. Explain about Multimedia and WWW.
18. Write the details about guidelines, rules.
19. Explain in detail Evaluation Techniques.
20. Explain the Universal Design.

1. Explain briefly about mobile information architecture? (Nov/Dec 2017)
2. . List and explain the elements of mobile interface design. (Nov/Dec 2017)
3. Appraise the types of mobile applications with examples. (Nov/Dec 2017)
4. List and explain the elements of mobile design. (April/May 2017)
5. Explain in detail the various Mobile Ecosystems. (April/May 2017)
6. Explain in details the Human Input and Output Channels.
7. Discuss in detail about Application frameworks?
8. Explain the various components of computer System with neat diagram.
9. Discuss in detail the various types of Mobile Applications.
10. Discuss in detail the Widgets?
11. Explain the Applications, Games.
12. . Discuss the Mobile Information Architecture?
13. Explain in detail about the computer: Devices?
14. Explain in detail about Mobile 2.0??
15. Explain in detail about Mobile Design.
16. Explain in detail about Elements of Mobile Design
17. Explain in detail about Ergonomics.
18. Explain in detail about Elements.
19. Explain in detail about interactive computing.
20. Explain in detail about Paradigms.
21. How can allocate the memory space.
22. Discuss in detail the Elements of Mobile Design, Tools

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