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Tentatif Program (Reception Dinner) Tarikh: 10 Febuari 2018

( Sabtu )
emcee Perkara Tindakan/C
 Pengantin 
Opening Speech 7.00pm)
menyambut tetamu 
 Doa makan dan  AJK
A very good evening Ladies & Gentlemen, Thank you kelancaran majlis Makanan
for taking time off your busy schedule to attend the
 Tetamu makan  AJK
wedding of Martin Fros, son of Mr & Mrs Siang ak
SAYOD and EVELYN, daughter of Mr & Mrs LEPON  “Slide show pre- “Slide
TANYIN. On behalf of the wedding couple and their wedding” show”
parents, I would like to express their heartfelt  Lagu hiburan  “Live
gratitude for your presence on this special evening.

Video Montage Presentation(7.05pm)  

Before we invite the lovely couple into the ballroom,
let us sit back and revisit their childhood days to their
dating days through a short multimedia presentation.
7:30 p.m  Pengantin dan VIP  AJK
makan Makanan

 Ucapan : Q
1.) Penghulu
2.) Bapa pengantin
8:00 p.m
3.) Bapa pengantin

 “Montage slide  AJK

show & Church “Slide
8:30 p.m ceremony” show”

 Acara memotong
 Minum ucap selamat
untuk pengantin
8:40 p.m (Yum seng)
(*surprise Tebo 11th
 “First dance”
 Persembahan tarian
1 “Line dance”
 Persembahan tarian
9:00 p.m

 Hidangan air
pengantin dan kek
diagihkan kepada
para tetamu
9:20 p.m
 majlis diteruskan
dengan “happy

1st March-in(8.15pm)

Ladies & Gentlemen, tonight is a special night where we will witness the coming together

of groom and bride, as they embark on the next stage of their lives together. This is the moment

that groom and bride have been looking forward to after a long 9 years of courtship. Without further

a-do, let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to the newly weds, groom & bride.
各位来宾, 欣赏过了这精彩片段, 我们所期待已久的时刻到了。请在座的贵宾起立,让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎已啪


(1st March-in)

(As couple approach the stage)

Let us once again give a very warm welcome to the newly weds.

Cake cutting(8.16pm)

We shall now invite the newly weds to cut the wedding cake.

(Couple to cut the cake)

Commencement of dinner(8.20pm)

Thank you groom and bride. Please take a seat. Do sit back and enjoy this lovely evening. Dinner will

be served shortly. We hope you enjoy every dish that has been specially prepared.

2nd March-in, after 3rd course (9.10pm)

Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen, we trust that you are enjoying your dinner. This evening indeed is

a special one for groom and bride. Once again, on behalf of the couple and their parents, we would

like to thank all of you for your precious time in gracing this happy occasion with us.


Ain’t all of you curious and wondering what had happened this morning when the groom went to fetch

the bride? Well here it is, we will be sharing with you the happy and hilarious scenes that were well-

captured from this morning ceremony. Sit back and enjoy.

我相信各位都很有兴趣知道今天新郎迎娶新娘时的情形吧? 我们已把今早的过程一 一地捕捉下来。现在就让我们一起


(Express highlight video)

Let us once again give a very warm welcome to groom and bride.

(2nd March-in)

Champagne Pouring (9.25pm)

(As couple approach the stage)

Please allow me to once again invite the couple to the stage for the “Champagne Pouring” ceremony.

(Popping of champagne and pouring of champagne)

Anyone know about the significance of the Champagne Pouring Ceremony? According to my

knowledge, the pouring of champagne symbolizes wealth and the overflowing of their love.
有人知道香槟仪式的意事吗? 据我所知,香槟仪式像征着财富源源不绝,爱情象流水般长长久久。

(After pouring of champagne is done)

Let’s invite groom and bride to the centre of the stage for a nuptial toast.
现在让我们邀请groom与bride站到台中央﹐ 喝杯交杯酒。

(While drinking the champagne)

May the couple enjoy everlasting marital bliss!


Yam Seng (9.30pm)

Now let us invite the couple’s parents, immediate family members, brothers and sisters to the stage

for the toasting ceremony.

我们现在有请双方家长,亲朋好友, 新郎与新娘的兄弟姐妹团上台来向大家敬酒。

(Parents, families and friends stream to the stage. When all are ready)

Shall we all rise and hold up your drinks to give 3 toasts to our host for the evening!
让我们一起向这对新人敬酒三次,祝贺他们。请大家站起来,举起您的饮料,跟着我们喊三次“Yam Seng”!

For the first toast to our newly weds, may both of you treasure one another and live happily ever

第一杯,是要祝贺新人,永浴爱河,永结同心,白头偕老, 百年好合。


For the second toast, we wish our newly weds to start a family soon and bountiful children in their

lives ahead.
第二杯,是要祝贺新人,好好做人,早生贵子,三年抱两, ,儿孙满堂。


For the third toast, we would like to wish everyone great health and good fortune in the coming year.
Thank you, please be seated.
谢谢! 请各位就座。

Newly Wed Speech (9.45pm)

We shall now invite the couple to say a few words of appreciation.


(After speech will be photography at each table)

End of dinner, when last dish is served (10.45pm)

Dear guests, we have now come to the end of the wedding banquet. Thank you all very much for your

presence tonight. We hoped you have all enjoyed the dinner and may you have a pleasant evening.

Thank you! Good night!

各位来宾,今天的酒席已到了尾声。再次要谢谢各位远道而来捧场。希望大家有一个快乐的晚上。谢谢! 晚安!

Hope this helps =) Do let me know more of the ‘good wishes’ like 百年好合 and etc. as I have ran out

of ideas on it. Drop the ‘good wishes’ in my comment box. Thanks so much =) Off to pack my bag for

Genting tonight =)
Menu “Reception Dinner”
1.) Nasi putih
2.) Babi kicap cendawan 7.) Sayur (Kubis campur lobak merah)
3.) Babi umbut kelapa 8.) Bihun goreng
4.) Ayam sos 9.) Air Sunquick
5.) Ayam terung dayak/asam 10.) Tembikai (pencuci mulut)
6.) Kaki ayam kicap 11.) Air kopi & teh (bermula “happy

Babi (2 ekor)
Ayam togel (80 ekor) Bawang merah (5 kg)

Sos (2 gelen [cili dan tomato]) Bawang putih (5 kg)

Kicap pekat (2 gelen Tong Nam) Halia (5 kg)

Minyak masak (3 botol besar) Lobak merah

Gula (1 katon) Telur (5 krek)

Sunquick (6 botol) Tembikai bulat (5 biji)

Tepung jagung (1 paket) Kubis

Cendawan shitake (1 paket besar) Terung dayak

Cili kering (1 paket besar) Timun cina (2 kg)

Garam (10 bungkus) * Nasi putih

Serbuk perasa & ajinomoto (1 paket besar) * Serai

Sos tiram (1 paket)

Bihun (1 katon)
 Plastik Sampah
Serbuk kopi (3 paket)
 Pencuci pinggan mangkuk (1 gelen)
Teh uncang (3 paket)
 Span mencuci peralatan
Nanas (3 tin) dapur/memasak
Umbut kelapa (5kg)
Bawang besar (5 kg)

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