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Optimizing MySQL server settings

2013/10/12 optimization my.cnf, mysql, optimization, performance Adrian Matei

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Podcastpedia.org uses the MySQL database, in version 5.5.32 (# mysql -V),  to store metadata (title, description, update
frequency, url of the image, urls of episodes etc.) of podcasts from the directory. The database contains both MyISAM (for
performance and full-text indexing capabilities) and InnoDB tables. An upgrade to version 6 and only to InnoDB tables is
considered, once it’s mature enough and GoDaddy will support it. This post presents how MySQL server is configured, and
to be more specific how the my.cnf file looks like.

The MySQL Configuration File: my.cnf

You can tweak MySQL server settings by undertaking a proper configuration of MySQL’s configuration file. This file,
entitled my.cnf , stores default startup options for both the server and for clients. On Unix systems the configuration file

is located at /etc/my.cnf (red hat), but could also be found at /etc/mysql/my.cnf (debian systems). There are
several ways you can build this file

before MySQL 5.6.8, MySQL distributions include several sample option files that can be used as a basis for tuning
the MySQL server. Look for files named my‐small.cnf , my‐medium.cnf , my‐large.cnf , and my‐

huge.cnf , which are sample files for small, medium, large, and very large systems. On Windows, the extension is

.ini rather than .cnf .

use a Configuration Wizard/Generator for MySQL – the one from Percona is pretty good
look through the manuals and build the file by yourself from scratch

After doing some research I decided to build the file from scratch, of course with some inspiration from the other two
methods. This way I could also learn a few things about the database server. There are MANY MANY options that can be
configured on the MySQL database, but I came to the conclusion that it’s better to configure the basic ones
correctly(most properties are fine at their defaults) and focus more on proper indexing, query design and query
optimization. So here it’s how the my.cnf file looks like

1 [mysqld]
2 ft_min_word_len = 3
4 user = mysql
5 port = xxxx
6 default_storage_engine = InnoDB
7 socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
8 pid_file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid
11 datadir = /var/lib/mysql
13 innodb_buffer_pool_size = 378M
14 innodb_log_file_size = 64M
15 innodb_file_per_table=1
16 innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
17 #MyISAM
18 key_buffer_size = 64M
19 #Logging
20 log_error = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-error.log
21 slow_query_log = 1
22 slow_query_log_file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-slow.log
24 tmp_table_size = 32M
25 max_heap_table_size = 32M
26 query_cache_type = 0
27 query_cache_size = 00
28 max_connections = 500
29 thread_cache_size = 50
30 table_open_cache = 800
31 open_files_limit = 65535
32 [client]
33 socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
34 port = xxxx

The explanation for a few parameters:

ft_min_word_len = 3 – the minimum length of words to be indexed in the full-text search index. If you modify
this value you need to rebuild the FULLTEXT indexes.
user = mysql – mysqld will run as the mysql user account on the operating system

port = xxxx – port on which MySQL listens to (default is 3306)

default_storage_engine = InnoDB – default storage engine starting with MySQL 5.5. See here the benefits
of using InnoDB
socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock – The mysql.sock is the socket that mysqld creates for programs to
connect to.
pid_file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.pid – A process id (pid) file is where the process id (pid) assigned by
the server is recorded, when a particular instance of MySQL starts
datadir = /var/lib/mysql – location of data, popular location on many Unix variants

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 378M – the most important option for Innodb Performance. InnoDB maintains
a storage area called the buffer pool for caching data and indexes in memory. The default value (128M) is a little
bit small for my needs. Ideally, you set the size of the buffer pool to as large a value as practical, leaving enough
memory for other processes on the server to run without excessive paging. The larger the buffer pool, the more
InnoDB acts like an in-memory database, reading data from disk once and then accessing the data from memory
during subsequent reads. The buffer pool even caches data changed by insert and update operations, so that disk
writes can be grouped together for better performance.  See also choosing innodb buffer pool size
innodb_log_file_size = 64M   – The size in bytes of each log file in a log group. The combined size of log

files ( innodb_log_file_size * innodb_log_files_in_group ) cannot exceed a maximum value that is

slightly less than 512GB. A pair of 255 GB log files, for example, would allow you to approach the limit but not
exceed it. The default value is 48MB. Sensible values range from 1MB to 1/ N -th of the size of the buffer pool,

where N is the number of log files in the group. The larger the value, the less checkpoint flush activity is needed in
the buffer pool, saving disk I/O. Larger log files also make crash recovery slower, although improvements to
recovery performance in MySQL 5.5 and higher make the log file size less of a consideration.
innodb_file_per_table=1 – If innodb_file_per_table is disabled (the default), InnoDB creates

tables in the shared tablespace. If innodb_file_per_table is enabled (=1), InnoDB creates each new table

using its own .ibd file for storing data and indexes, rather than in the shared tablespace.Tablespace also never
reduces in size, the same as if you had this disabled, but you have now the possibility to rebuild the table. Follow
Reasons to use innodb_file_per_table for more information.
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT – when set to O_DIRECT the operating system’s caching wil be
bypassed. This assures that there is no overhead of double buffering, since innodb_buffer_pool_size was also
decently set
key_buffer_size  =  128M – Index blocks for MyISAM tables are buffered and are shared by all threads.
key_buffer_size is the size of the buffer used for index blocks. The key buffer is also known as the key cache. The
key_buffer_size is probably the most useful single variable to tweak on the MyISAM engine. Be aware that MyISAM
itself caches only indexes, not data. So if possible the value of this setting should cover the size of all your
log_error = /var/lib/mysql/mysql‐error.log – Log errors and startup messages to this file. See also
“The Error Log”.
slow_query_log = 1 – whether the slow query log is enabled. The value can be 0 (or OFF ) to disable the log

or 1 (or ON ) to enable the log.

slow_query_log_file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql‐slow.log – the name/destination of the slow query

log file. The default value is host_name ‐slow.log , but the initial value can be changed with the ‐‐

slow_query_log_file option.

tmp_table_size  =  32M – the maximum size of internal in-memory temporary tables. (The actual limit is

determined as the minimum of tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size .) If an in-memory temporary

table exceeds the limit, MySQL automatically converts it to an on-disk MyISAM table. Increase the value of

tmp_table_size (and max_heap_table_size if necessary) if you do many advanced GROUP BY queries

and you have lots of memory. This variable does not apply to user-created MEMORY tables.You can compare the
number of internal on-disk temporary tables created to the total number of internal temporary tables created by
comparing the values of the Created_tmp_disk_tables and Created_tmp_tables variables.
max_heap_table_size = 32M – this variable sets the maximum size to which user-created MEMORY tables

are permitted to grow. The value of the variable is used to calculate MEMORY table MAX_ROWS values. Setting this

variable has no effect on any existing MEMORY table, unless the table is re-created with a statement such as

CREATE TABLE or altered with ALTER TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE . A server restart also sets the maximum

size of existing MEMORY tables to the global max_heap_table_size value. This variable is also used in

conjunction with tmp_table_size to limit the size of internal in-memory tables.

query_cache_type = 0 – set the query cache type. A value of 0 or OFF means do not cache results in or
retrieve results from the query cache. Note that this does not deallocate the query cache buffer. To do that, you
should set query_cache_size to 0.

query_cache_size = 00 – the amount of memory allocated for caching query results. By default, the query
cache is disabled. I prefer doing caching at the application level with EhCache – this will be explained in a future
max_connections = 377 – the maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections. If you get a
Too many connections error when you try to connect to the mysqld server, this means that all available
connections are in use by other clients.
thread_cache_size = 54 – how many threads the server should cache for reuse. When a client disconnects,

the client’s threads are put in the cache if there are fewer than thread_cache_size threads there. Requests for
threads are satisfied by reusing threads taken from the cache if possible, and only when the cache is empty is a
new thread created. This variable can be increased to improve performance if you have a lot of new connections.
Normally, this does not provide a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread implementation.
However, if your server sees hundreds of connections per second you should normally set thread_cache_size
high enough so that most new connections use cached threads. By examining the difference between the
Connections ( SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Connections'; ) and Threads_created ( SHOW GLOBAL

STATUS LIKE 'Threads_created'; ) status variables, you can see how efficient the thread cache is.

table_open_cache  =  600 – The number of open tables for all threads. Increasing this value increases the
number of file descriptors that mysqld requires. You can check whether you need to increase the table cache by
checking the Opened_tables ( SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'open_tables'; ) status variable.

To verify if the variable has been set correctly run ” show variable like 'VARIABLE_NAME' ” (e.g. show

variables like 'max_connections' ) in the MySQL console.

The calculation was based on the assumptions that MySQL has 756MB of RAM available, a database size around 250MB
and maximum 300 users trying to access the system (the underlying machine is Cent OS 6.4 virtual private server with 2GB
of RAM and 8 cores processor). The same assumptions were made trying to configure the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool –
see my post Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool configuration for production and development on that. Of course if resource
demand grows (fingers crossed ), I would have to adjust.

Post disclaimer
I am by no means a DB/MySql Expert, I come from a development background, so please take the configuration as is.
You should treat your application/system optimization, as a holistic approach including OS, DB, web server,
application server, web caching, 2nd level caching, etc. I posted this here to easily remember what everything means
in the configuration file, why I set these values, to learn something and hopefully to get your feedback if you see any
room improvement.

If you really want an expert’s opinion, I highly recommend Baron Schwartz’ book – High Perfomance MySQL:

You can find in it advanced stuff around MySQL performance like query performance optimization, indexing for high
performance, optimizing schema and data types, OS and hardware optimization and so much more.

If you liked this, please show your support by following us and joining us on Podcastpedia.org
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1. MySQL 5.5 reference manual
2. MyISAM Storage Engine
3. InnoDB Storage Engine
4. MySQL Performance Blog

Adrian Matei
Creator of Podcastpedia.org and Codingpedia.org, computer science engineer,
husband, father, curious and passionate about science, computers, software,
education, economics, social equity, philosophy - but these are just outside labels
and not that important, deep inside we are all just consciousness, right?

        

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About Adrian Matei
Creator of Podcastpedia.org and Codingpedia.org, computer science engineer, husband, father,
curious and passionate about science, computers, software, education, economics, social equity,
philosophy. View all posts by Adrian Matei →

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SANJAY SINGH  •  2 years ago
I am astragal a one problem I am make a query this query
work in report generation this query a local m/c take a time 3 second and same query run production
severer take 3 mint . 35 second .

This query performing
1 mint anything possible .

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SANJAY SINGH  •  2 years ago
i am write query but query use order by than take a time 
but same query without order by 0.012 sec. than use a order by take a 80.567 sec 
give any solution .. increase a perforation
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