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Transmission of Electric Power at Ultra-High

Voltages: Current Status and Future


I n v i t e d Paper

The ability t o transmit larger amounts of electricpower over likely to determine the timing of future application of UHV
longer distances increases with the transmission voltage. Histori- transmission technology.
cally, this relationship-in conjunction with its associated econe
mies of scale-provided the basic impetus for the technological
In any discussion of UHV transmission, and of the factors
drive to utilize increasingly higher voltages for the transmission of that are likely to motivate its development, it is appropriate
electric power: from “high voltage“ (HV) transmission at 100, 138, -by way of general background-to consider the role that
161, and 230 kV t o “extra-high voltage” (EHV) transmission at 345, transmission in general does play in electric power supply.
400, 500, and 765 kV. For the past several years, research has been Accordingly, the sections that follow discuss the basic func-
under way-in this country and abroad-to bring about transmis-
sion of electric power at “ultra-high voltage” (UHV), ;.e., voltage in
the range of IGCO t o 1 6 0 3 kV.
This paper reviews the present status of UHV transmission r e
search and development and discusses current prospects for the
introduction of UHVtechnology in the commercial transmission of
electric power.


Since the beginnings of the electric power industry ap-

proximatelyonehundred yearsago, thecontinuous ad-
vances in electric power transmission technology made it
possible to meet the increasingdemands for transmission of
ever larger blocks of electric energy over longer and longer
distances.Paramount in theevolutionofelectricpower
transmission systems has beenthedevelopment of trans-
mission at increasingly higher voltages, making it possible
to achieveincreasingly greater economiesof scale.The
highest voltage class presently in operation in the world for
alternating current (ac) transmission is 765000 V (765 kV).
The next generation of transmission voltages is expected to
exceed 1 million volts (1000 kv). Voltage levels in excess of
IO00 kV are known as ultra-highvoltage(UHV). Fig. 1
showsthe trendin transmission voltages in theUnited
States over the past ninety years.
This paper presents a state-of-the-art discussion of UHV
transmission. It deals withthe technical,economic,and
environmentalconsiderationsapplicable in thedevelop-
ment of UHV transmission, as well as with factors that are

Manuscript received December 6, 1984; revised April 15, 1985.
The authors are with the American Electric Power Services Corpo- Fig. 1. Maximum electricpower transmissionvoltages in
ration, Columbus, OH 43216-6631, USA. the U.S.A.

00l8-9219/85/08Xl~l252$01.00 01985 IEEE


tionsofelectricpower transmission,and the keyfactors tomer demand. Because of the economies of scaleassoci-
that influenced theevolutionoftheexistingtransmission ated with large generating unit sizes and larger concentra-
networks in the United States. tions of generating units at the same plant site, the need to
transmiteven larger amountsofpowerfromgenerating
stations toload centers has increased steadily since the
A. Basic Functions and Characteristics of Electric Power
beginning of the electric power industry. More recently, the
lack of suitable plant sites close to major load centers has
Fundamentally,theelectricpower systemcanbechar- increased the requirementsfortransmission over longer
acterized as containing three interrelated ingredients-the distances. The needfor increased transmissioncapability
consumers who impose the power demands on the power across longer distances has, in manyinstances, motivated
system and utilize the electric energy delivered; the gener- the introduction of transmission at higher voltages.
ating resources which producetheelectric energy de- Inadditionto geographiclimitationsonthesitingof
manded by the consumers; and the transmission (as well as power plants,increasinglypronounced lack ofsuitable
the distribution) system which provides the mechanism to transmission line rights-of-way calls for better utilization of
transport power from the point of generation to the point available land resources. Higher transmission voltages pro-
of consumption. Thetransmission network is the integrat- vide one means to achievegreatertransmission capability
ingmediumofthe powersupply system, providingthe per right-of-way.
electricalconnectionsbetweenthe many geographically Economic factors have been a major driving force for the
separated parts of the system. development of higher voltage transmission. With the cost
Anelectricpower transmission network is a complex of transmission lin,es increasing, with higher voltages, at a
assemblage of individual elements, consisting of transmis- lower rate than the transmission capability, higher voltage
sion lines, transformers, switching equipment, and a multi- transmissionlines can usuallybeeconomicallyjustified
tude of specialized devices necessary to assure the safe and whenever the need for their higher transmission capability
reliabledeliveryofelectricpowertotheconsumer. Each is anticipated within a reasonable period of time.
elementofthetransmissionnetworkmust be carefully A very important factor influencing the development of
coordinatedwith all otherelements so thattheentire electric power transmission is the issue of reliability. In the
network can function as an integrated whole. instance of bulk transmission of electric power, reliability is
The voltage level of a transmission line is the key factor usually defined as the freedom from cascading and wide-
thatdetermines its power-carryingcapability. The power spreadoutages regardless ofthe initiating cause.Because
that flows on a giventransmissionline is directly propor- electric power has become suchanessential ingredient in
tional to the square ofthevoltageandinverselypropor- the functioning of our society, widespreaddisruptionsof
tionaltothe impedanceofthe line. Since impedances electric powersupply are bound tohave very serioussocietal
(measured in ohms) of transmission lines operated at vari- impactsrangingfrompossible loss ofhuman life to high
ous voltage levels are of similar magnitude, the power-car- economic losses due to curtailedindustrialproduction,
ryingcapabilityof transmission linesofthe same length reduced commercial activity, and lost wages. The reliability
varies approximately as the square of their operating volt- of present-day electric power systems is, therefore, of ut-
ages.Thus a 345-kV line can carry,over a given distance, most importance.
approximately as muchpower as six 138-kV linesand a
765-kV line as much as five 345-kVlinesor thirty 138-kV
C. Historical Development of Transmission Networks in the
lines. Similarly, a 1500-kV transmission line would be capa-
ble of carrying approximately four times as much power as
a 765-kV line. The electric power transmissionsystem development in
the United States has been shaped-over the years-by the
technicalandeconomic factors relevant to thespecific
B. Factors that Influence the Development of Transmission
needsand conditions oftheindividual areas andregions
being served. For many years, transmission requirements in
The evolution of the existing transmission networks has the US. wereprimarilyfilled by networks inthe 100- to
been shaped by a number of issues. Similar factors are likely 161-kV range, with 115 and 138 kV among the more widely
to determine the timing and location of future UHV trans- used voltages. The need for increased transmission capabil-
mission.The basicfactors governingtransmission system ity, coupledwith theavailabilityofthestate-of-the-art
development have been addressed extensively in the tech- technology, determined the timing of the introduction of
nicalliterature. In particular, [I]-[3] have detailedthe fac- higher transmission voltages.
tors leading to the introduction of the 765-kV class on the Several distinct families of voltage classes have evolved in
American Electric Power (AEP)System. Although the elec- the US. The specific voltage class introduced as an overlay
tric utility environment has undergone dramatic changes in on a given power system was usually selected such that the
the past 15 years, the basicissues to be considered remain increment in transmission capability would be compatible
unchanged. with thatofthe existingnetwork. This consideration is
The first andforemostfactor influencingthe develop- particularly important to assure reliable system performance
ment of electricpowertransmission is theneedfor in- following outages of the new higher voltage lines. During
creased transmission capability. Periods ofrapid
load such contingencies, a portion of the interrupted power flow
growth, such as experienced in the US. in the 1960s and originally carried by the higher voltage line will have to be
early 197oS, called for the installation of large amounts of carriedby the existinglowervoltagenetwork.Sufficient
new generation to meet the anticipated increases in cus- emergency capability must be available in the existing net-


work to accommodate these conditions. Systems with 100- northeasternWestVirginia with theRichmond, VA and
or 115-kVtransmission generally developed 230-kV over- Washington, DC load centers.The first US. 765-kV circuit
lays, later followed by 500 kV. Systems with 138- or 161-kV was placed in serviceby AEP in 1%9.The AEP 765-kV
transmissiongenerally utilized 345-kVoverlays, although system now includesapproximately 2975 km (1850 mi) of
some areas have utilized 500 kV. O n severalsystems, the linecompletely integrated with theunderlying 345- and
345-kV network has now been overlayed by 765 kV. Fig. 2 138-kVnetworksandinterconnected with the 345- and
shows the predominant transmission voltage classes across 500-kV networks of the neighboring power systems.
the US. and Canada. It is important to note that the strong, highly integrated
and interconnected EHV transmission networks have played
a major role in the ability of the U.S. electric utility industry
to accommodate the major economic, environmental, and
regulatory changes which have taken place since the mid-
1970s. For example, the benefits availableto the AEP system
because of i t s strong transmission network have been de-
scribed in [4]. The UHV research now under way across the
country will insure that the technology required to imple-
ment the next increase in voltage, probably to
1000-1100-kV range for 500-kV systems and1500kV for
765-kV systems, will be available when needed.


In thissection,technicalandeconomic issues that are

relevant to comparisons between UHV and EHV transmis-
sion systems are discussed in some detail. Typical 500- and
765-kV EHV transmission systems are compared with 1100-
and 1500-kV UHV systems, respectively. 500 and 765 kV are
the highest EHV transmission voltages presently utilized
U commercially throughout the world that could be overlayed
Fig. 2. Predominant transmission voltage classes in the U S by UHV transmission at the 1100-and1500-kVlevels, re-
and Canada. spectively,
[5]-[IO]. The
discussion of technical issues
focuses on a comparison of transmission line characteristics
and key system considerations. The economic comparison
Inthe first forty years oftheelectricpowerindustry, of EHV andUHV systems includes a discussionofthe
pioneering installationsofnewvoltage levels have taken relative costs of components and of the cost of firm trans-
place throughout the United States. The first 230-kV trans- mission capability.
mission intheUS. was introduced in 1923 to transport
hydroelectric power some 390 km (240 mi) from Big Creek A. Comparison of Transmission Line Characteristics
to Los Angeles, CA. Another early application of the 230-kV
transmission provided linkage among three power systems The basic electrical parameters of a transmission line are
in eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The result was the resistance ( R ) , inductance (L), capacitance (C), andcon-
creation of the Pennsylvania-New Jersey power pool, pre- ductance (C). At EHV and UHV voltage levels, the principal
decessor ofthe presentPennsylvania-NewJersey-Mary- significance of resistance is its major influence on the line’s
land (PJM) pool. power loss. Othercontributorstopower losses-corona
The next higher voltage level utilized in the US., 287 kV, and insulator leakage-are related to the conductance.Since
was introduced in the mid-l930s, connecting Hoover Dam insulator leakage and corona losses are usually small, the
hydrogenerationtothe Los Angeles area. However,the conductance of an overhead line can often be neglected, as
287-kV class was not widely used, and only a few hundred in the remainder of this discussion.
miles remain in service. The next higher transmission volt- Inductance, which is characteristic of all ac power lines,
ageclasswas not introduced until the early 1950s, when is the primary factor in EHV and UHV lines determining the
345-kV transmission was placed in operation on the AEP distribution of power flows in a transmission network. This
System, so as to further enhance the integrated operation of parameter also influences voltage dropsand stability margins
the AEP operating subsidiaries serving portions of Kentucky, at the EHV and UHV level. These concepts will be discussed
Indiana,Michigan,Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia,and West in greater detail in Section 11-6.
Virginia. The capacitance between line conductors and ground is
In the I%@, 500-kVtransmission was introduced as an analogous to the capacitance established between the plates
overlay on the existing 161-and230-kV transmission net- of a capacitor. in the case of transmission lines, the current
works, so as to meet the increasing need to transmit larger produced by the alternatecharginganddischarging of a
amounts of power over longer distances. Early installations line due toan alternating voltageis called the line charging
of 500kV included an interconnection between the Ten- current. Charging current flows in a transmission line even
nessee Valley Authority and the South CentralElectric Com- when open-circuited at oneend. This currentaffectsthe
panies, to permit utilization of seasonal diversity between line’s voltage drop as well as its efficiency and power factor.
these areas, and lines linking the Virginia Electric and Power 7) Line Parameters: For many analytical studies, a trans-
Company’s Mt. Storm mine-mouth generating plant in mission line can be modeled by resistance ( R ) and induc-


Nominal-TRepresentation o f aTransmissionLine

1.2 7 r 12






500 700 900 110c 1330 1530

L lliE Si1

No. 1 s i z e o f
500 765 1100 1500

conductors wt- phase 2-2049 MCM 4-1351 HCM 8-1781 HCM 12-1351 KM

Phase separation
(cm )
(m )
I 45.7

'R 0.00110 0.00033 0,00007 0.00003

(1.0) (0.3) (0.0636) (0.0282)

XL* 0.02370 0.00918 0.00389 0.00212

(1.0) (0.3873) (0.1642) (0.0896)

8C 1 A1030 4.65920 10.87423 20.19633

(1.0) (2.5737) (11.1563) (6.0069)
*Per U n i t on100 MVA base f o r 161 km (100 m i l e ) l o n g l i n e
( Values i n Darantheses are i n per u n i t o f the 500 kV l i n e parameters

Fig. 3. Comparison of basic electrical parameters of EHV and UHV transmission lines.

tive reactance ( X , = Z n f L ) in series, and capacitive suscep- seen from Fig. 3, R and X, decrease rapidly as the kilovolt
tance (Bc = 2 s f C ) in shunt. All EHV and UHV ac transmis- rating of the line increases.Thisexplains the rapid reduc-
sion lines are three-phase, and for many types of analyses, tion of electrical distances withtheaddition of higher
these lines can be represented by a single-line equivalent voltagelines. Line charging, on the other hand,increases
with lumped R , X,, and B, parameters per phase, as shown quickly with kilovolt rating, and warrantsincreased atten-
in Fig. 3. For more exactcalculations, it is important to tion in designing higher voltage systems.
model all parameters uniformly distributed along the line. 2) Losses: Transmlssion line losses canbe categorized
In Fig. 3, typical parameters of EHV and UHV lines are into resistance loss, corona loss, and leakage loss. The latter
compared. In this figure as well as throughout the paper, two categories have negligible economic impact compared
various electrical parameters are expressed in per unit (P.u.) with the resistance loss.
or percent o f a selected base or reference value. The per Although the transmission efficiency of EHV and UHV
unit value of any quantity is simply the ratio of the quantity lines is very high, the resistance loss for large power trans-
to its base value expressed as a decimal. The same ratio in fers can be considerable, representing a significant operat-
percent is 100 times the value in per unit. Power engineers ing cost. Also, part of the installed generating capacity is
often use these ratios because they simplify many calcula- utilized to supply resistancelosses, makingthe capacity
tion methods and facilitate comparisons [Ill. unavailable to supply customer loads.Therefore,a reduc-
The parameters at the UHV level presented in Fig. 3 are tion in resistance loss results in decreased operating and
based on possible UHV line designs [ 1 2 ] , [13]. As can be capital expenditures.


Resistance loss is a functionof transmission distance, flows through this same line, the inductive reactance of the
conductor resistance,and transmissionvoltage.Reduction line results in inductivepower losses ( / ' X ) . The levelof
in resistance loss canbe accomplishedby: a) raisingthe inductive losses depends on the level of current flow, i.e.,
transmission voltage; and b) reducing the conductor resis- thelineloading. If theinductive losses are less than the
tance. It can be shown through elementary circuit analysis, capacitivereactivepowerproduced by the line charging,
that for a givenlevelofpower transfer, power losses are the excess reactivepowerproducedbythe line mustbe
inversely proportionaltothe square ofthetransmission absorbed bythe system. Wheninductivepower losses
voltage and directly proportional to the line resistance. exceedthecapacitivereactivepower,the system must
In Fig. 4(a) and (b), resistancelosses for a transmission supply the difference. In every case, a reactive power bal-
distance of 161 km (100 mi) as a function of power trans- ance must exist. This concept will be expanded upon later
in this section.
200r Linecharging megavar, as a functionofline length, is

plotted in Fig. 5 for EHV and UHV lines. The line charging
megavars created by 1100- and 1500-kV lines are 6.0 and 4.3

5-500 kV
6-500 kV
times greater than those created by 500- and 765-kV lines,

644 km
20007 (400 miles) /


40 - 2-1100 kV


2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Power Transmilled in MW

' 600 750 900
Line kV

Fig. 5. Line charging megavarsversus line kilovolts

160 t respectively. Clearly, theeffectoflinecharging

more pronouncedat higher transmissionvoltages.

Fig. 6 is a plot of net reactive powerof the line versus real

power transfer for various kilovolt lines 161 km (100 mi) in
/ length. Net reactivepower is thedifferencebetweenthe
reactive powerproduced bythe shuntcapacitance and

- 2-1500 kV 25001 161 km (100 Mile) Uncompensaled Line

2000 4000 6000

Power Transmitted in MW
8000 10000

Fig. 4. Transmission line loss versus power transmitted for
a transmission distance of '161 km (100 mi). (a) 1100 kV
versus 500 kV. (b) 1 5 0 0 kV versus 765 kV.
Power Transmitted in MW

mitted are comparedfor 500- and 1100-kV lines, and for

765- and 1500-kV lines, respectively. As can be seen from Fig. 6. Net reactive power versus real power transmitted
Fig. qa),aboutfour times as muchpower canbetrans-
mitted by a single 1100-kV line, relative to a single 500-kV
line, without anyincrease in transmission losses. Similar consumed in the series inductive reactance. Thepoint where
increases in power transmittedby a single 1500-kV line a perfect balance exists between reactive power production
relative to a single 765-kV line can be observed in Fig. qb). and consumption is defined as the surge impedance load-
3) Line Charging The conductors of a transmission line, ing (SIL) oftheline. A t SI1 theline appears as apurely
together with the ground plane, behave like a large capaci- resistiveload.Power systemengineers often express the
tor. When the transmission line is energized, capacitive line power transfer capability of EHV and UHV lines in terms of
chargingcurrent is generated.This current, in turn,pro- multiples of the line's SIL.
duces capacitive reactive power. When alternating current Fig. 7 shows the change in SIL as a function of voltage.



500 1000
Line k V
1500 kV -QOO[
-1200 \
Fig. 7. Comparison of surge impedance loading, Fig. 8. Effect of shunt compensation on net reactive power

For a typical 500-kV transmission line, SIL is 875 M W and uncompensatedandcompensatedcharacteristics canbe
increases to 9750 M W for a 1500-kV line, i.e., an eleven-fold utilized depending upon the lineloading.
increase in SIL for a three-fold increase in transmission
voltage. 8. System Considerations for UHV
A reactive power surplus existsat loadings less than SIL,
and a deficiency exists at loadings above SIL. This surplus or I) Stability: The termstabilitywhen used with respect
deficiency, which is absorbed or supplied by the rest of the to a power system is thatattributeofthe system,or its
system,cancause wide variations in voltage. These varia- parts, which enables it to develop sufficient restoringforces
tions are especially significant in a bulk transmission system between synchronous generators following a disturbance
because ofawide variation in loadingsresultingfrom so that a new state of equilibrium is achieved and all gen-
changes in internal loads, interconnection transactions, erators remain in synchronism with one another. As power
generation dispatches, and system contingencies. flow increases or line outages occur,therestoring forces
As can be seen from Fig. 6, a 5W-kV line experiences a tend to decrease. The maximum power flow condition that
deficiency of about 750 Mvar at a loading of 2000 MW. The justpermitssufficientrestoringforcefollowing a dis-
network to which this line is connected must balance this turbance is referred to as the stability limit.
reactivepower deficiency with thereactivepower from Neglectingthe resistance, shunt capacitance, andcon-
shunt capacitors, generators, synchronous condensers, and ductance of a transmission line, the powertransfer between
lightly loaded transmissionlines. O n theother hand, the any two points in a transmissionsystemcanbe approxi-
765-,1100- , and 1500-kVlinesexperience, at the same mated by the expression
loading, surplus of about 100, 9 0 0 , and 1900 Mvar, respec- €7 €2
tively. This surplus reactive power must be absorbed by the P = - sin S,,
network, and means must be provided for this to be accom-
plished without excessive variations in voltage levels. As the where
loading level increases, the surplus decreases gradual-
ly, becomeszero at SIL, andthen becomes a deficiency. E, voltagemagnitude at point 1
The surplus of reactive power becomes more pronounced E, voltagemagnitude at point 2
throughoutthe expected range oftransmissionlineload- SI, phase anglebetweenvoltage phasors E? and E,
ings for a 1500-kV line. X total reactance betweenthepoints 1 and 2 includ-
ingmachine internal reactance and any external
In order to provide electric power to the ultimate con-
sumer at voltage levels within an acceptable range, the reactance.
bulkpowernetwork is designedandoperated so as to Therelationshipbetween P and a,, known as the
maintainvoltage levels ateach station within a defined power-angle curve, is shown in Fig. 9. The maximum power
band.Therefore, anadequate amountofreactivepower transferoccurs atan angular displacement of 90° and is
control is required at all voltage levels in each load area. given by
This practice minimizes the transmission of reactive power
across the bulk power system.At EHV and UHV voltages,
shunt reactors provide the principal means of compensating
for surplus megavars under light loading conditions and can Two categories of stability are of importance in compar-
be switched out during heavy loading conditions. ing EHV and UHV transmission systems. The first is steady-
The effect of shunt reactor compensation is shown in Fig. state stability, which is the ability of synchronous machines
8 for a 1100-kV line with 75-percent reactive compensation. to remain in synchronism after a small disturbance.such as
The net reactive power characteristic of the uncompensated gradual changes in load, manualor automatic changes of
line shifts downward when compensation is added. If the excitation,andswitchingoflines. The other is transient
reactivecompensation is switchable,the bestfeatures of stability, which is the ability of synchronous machines to


would result in a greater increase in reactance and hence a
greater percentage reduction in stability margin than would
be the case in the event of anoutage of a single 500-kV
line. Therefore, in designing an UHV system, the strength of
theunderlyinglower voltagenetworkmust be carefully
evaluated. If the underlying system is not well developed,
additional UHV lines or reinforcement of the lower voltage
system may be required.
2) Power-TransferCapability: Three majorfactorsthat
can limit the power-transfer capability of a transmission line
are: a) thermalconstraints, b) line voltagedrop, and c)
steady-state stability margin.
The thermal limitation is related to the ampacity of line
90 conductors and rating of terminal equipment. The thermal
E ect-:caI k r , g i r l a r S e p a r a t ' o n 61, limitation is critical primarily in the case of lower voltage
Fig. 9. Poweranglecurve. lines, 80 km (50 mi) or less in length. ForEHV andUHV
lines, several large conductors are generally used for each of
the three-phase wiresin order to produce acceptablesurface
remain in synchronism after a sudden, severe shock such as gradients as described in greater detail in Section Ill. Conse-
a fault or an abrupt large load change. quently, the thermal capability of typical bundled-conduc-
Inthe case of steady-state stability,thesynchronous tor (two or moresubconductors in eachphase)arrange-
reactance of the generators is used in computing the volt- ment at EHV and UHV voltage levels generally exceeds, by a
ages and the total value of X . The corresponding P, is significantmargin,networkrequirementsfor transfer of
called the steady-state stability limit. power through a given line. In such cases, line terminating
For transient stability studies, a generator is represented equipment and substation facilities present a more restric-
bya voltage source behind its transient reactance. Using tive thermal limit than the line itself.
thismodel,themaximumpre-faultpowerthat canbe Thus for EHV and UHV transmission lines, practical limi-
transfered from a generator to the rest of the system without tations to line loadability are imposed by line voltage drop
losing stability after a sudden, severe disturbance is called and steady-state stability margin considerations.The steady-
the transientstability limit. This limit is dependent upon state stability limitation is usually defined in terms of the
several factors, including the type of fault, location of fault, desired margin between the maximum power transfer capa-
and fault clearing time. The transient stability limit is usu- bility of the system (P,,,) and the operating level (Pop) as
ally lower than the steady-state stability limit. k a x - Pop
In general, the determination of power system transient % stability margin = x 100
stability after a disturbance is made by inspecting individual
machine swing curves, which show the variation of rotor This margin is chosen so as to provide for stable oper-
angles with time. If the angles between every possible pair ation following a variety of credible contingencies which
of machines reach maximum values and then decrease, it is may cause steady-state and/or transient increases in a given
probable,althoughnotcertain,thatthe systemisstable; lineloading. Suchchanges in loading maybecaused by
otherwise, the system is unstable. Analysis of system tran- line-switching operations, bychanges in generationdis-
sientstability can often be performedbyapplyingthe patch,and by transientdisturbances such as temporary
power angle curve to a simplified system model reduced to faults or loss of generation.
t w o machines. In performing suchananalysis, it is im-
portant to recognize that the post-contingency power-angle
curve shownin Fig. 9 has a lower peakvalue thanthe
system normalcurve,indicatingthatthe loss of a line
results in lower power transmission capability.
The effect on stability of losing a line is more critical for 10,000 MW
UHV systems than for EHVsystems. This can be illustrated
byconsideringthesimplified 500- and 1100-kV systems
shownin Fig. 10 where IOOOO M W ofpower is to be
transmitted over a distance of 161 km (100 mi). As shown in
Fig. 11, which is discussed in the next subsection,the
loadabilities of typical 500- and 1100-kV lines 161 km (100
mi) in length would be1630 and 6100 MW, respectively. 10,000 MW'
An 1100 k V System
Therefore,a minimum of seven500-kV lines are required Load
fortransmitting IOOOO MW. Inthe case of an1100-kV
system, two lines would be sufficient to meetthe same
power-transfer requirements. However, in order to account
for contingencies, eight lines are used for the 500-kV sys-
tem and three lines are needed for the 1100-kV system if a
single contingency reliability criterion is applied. From the
viewpoint of stability limits, the outage of an 1100-kV line Fig. 10. C o n c e p t u a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of systemstability.


Dunlop et a/. [I41 give the details of a conceptual study tages, up to and including 345 kV. This situation is aggra-
ofUHV transmissionlineloadabilities. In that study, the vated by the superpositionof a highervoltageUHV net-
voltage drop limitation wassetat 5 percent, which should work. Increases in short-circuitdutiesontheunderlying
adequatelyrepresent a linecarrying heavyloads without network can be met by the following procedures:
encountering unusualoperatingproblems. A steady-state a) Replacing existing breakers with equipment of higher
stabilitymarginof 30 percent, which corresponds to an rating.Initially, such replacements canbe justifiedonly
angular displacement of about 44' across the system, was whennoother remedy is possible. Eventually,extensive
used to represent typical heavy line loading conditions. breaker replacements cannot be avoided.
The lineloadability, as a multipleof SIL, versus line b) Changingthelowervoltagecircuitconfigurations at
length is shownin Fig. 11 fora 1100-kV line. It is the some locations and by avoiding UHV/EHV transformations
between the two networks at locations of high short-circuit
4.0. 1100 k V Transmisslon Llne
c) Installing series reactors at major UHV/EHV step-down
stations, so as to limit short-circuit fault currents that other-
2 \Steady S t a t e Stablllty
wise would exceed the capabilitiesof
breakers. It should be noted, however, that the installation
of series reactors-except in very special situations-is un-
desirable, because ofthe cost involved as well as the
- . counterproductive effect of series reactors on the strength
and flexibility of a transmission network.
:1.0 .

C. Economics
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Economics is, of course, one of the most importantaspects
Lme Length In km
to be considered in evaluating higher voltage transmission
Fig. 11. Line loadability in per unit of SILversus line length overlays. In this section, the costs of EHV and UHV trans-
mission equipment and thevariation in transmission cost
permegawatt as a function of transmissionrequirements
compositeof two loadability-limiting curves-one corre-
are discussed.Also, theconceptofeconomicbreakeven
sponding to thevoltage drop limitation and the other based
regions as defined by the combined consideration of trans-
on steady-statestabilitymargincriterion-intersecting at
missiondistanceandpowertransmissionrequirements is
point X . To the left of X is the region of line voltage drop
presented for EHV and UHV systems. The costs used in this
limitation, where the voltage drop criterion is more restric-
analysis are representative values available in the literature
tive than the stability limitation curve. To the right of X is
and are used to illustratetheeconomic analysis to be
the region of steady-state stabilitylimitation.
conducted to determine breakeven regions [15]. Therefore,
The lineloadabilitiesof 1100- and 1500-kV lines as a
function of line length are shown in Fig.12.For compari- this analysis should not be expected to apply directly to any
particular EHV or UHV system to be installed in the future.
I ) Component Costs: The design and developmentof

10000 1
UHV equipment is in its infancy. Therefore, it is difficult to
comparespecific costs ofUHVequipment.While
costs of EHV equipment are available, they canvary from

one system to another. For these reasons, the cost formulas


t available in [I51 were used to compare equipment costs on

a consistent basis. These formulas provide costs in 1975 U.S.
dollars, which have been escalated to July 1984 using the
Handy-Whitman Index. In applying the
short-circuit current levels for EHV and UHV systems were
assumed to be 25 and 12.5 kA, respectively.

200 400 600 800 1000
Costs of major EHV and UHV equipment are compared in
Table 1. As thetableindicates,theratioof cost
kilovolt-ampere favors UHV for such items as transmission
Line Length in Km
lines, circuit breakers,and shunt reactors; while generator
Fig. 12. Loadability versus linelength,
step-up transformers appear to be more economical at the
EHV level. There is no clear advantage for autotransformers.
son, loadability curves for 500- and 765-kV lines are also 2) Cost of FirmTransmission: A meaningfuleconomic
showninthisfigure. As illustrated,higher limits canbe comparison of transmission systems of varying voltage level
obtained at higher kilovolt ratings for any given line length. is possible by examining the cost per kilowatt transmitted.
Itshouldbenoted thatthereceivingandsendingend Simplified system configurations used for such comparisons
reactive power limitations, which are not considered in this are shown in Fig. 13. This simplemodel is based upon a
analysis, also could influence the line loadability. scenario involving the overlay of 1100-kV lines on a well-
3) Short-circuit Currents: Fault current levels are rarely a developed 500-kVsystem. In this scenario, the 1100kV is
problem on a new, higher voltage overlay. Short-circuit cur- applied to further integrate and reinforce the existing bulk
rents, however, frequently become a problem at lower vol- transmission capacity and any increase in generating capac-


Table 1 Equipment Cost Comparison: UHV versusEHV
1100 versus 500 kV 1500 versus 765 kV
Ratio of Cost
CapacityRatio of
Equipment Ratio Factor Cost/kVA Ratio
Factor Cost/kVA
Transmission 3.4 6.1 0.6 2.9 4.3 0.7
Circuit 3.1 6.1 0.5 2.9 4.3 0.7
Shunt 4.6 5.0 0.9 4.3 5.0 0.9
Generator 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.0 1.4
Step-up or 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.1 2.0 1.o
'Includes bay cost.

1100 k V 1100 k V when to adopt a highervoltageleveland in thespecific

design of the UHV lines.
50° k V - -- - - - --- 500 kV
Fig. 14 relates the investment per kilowatt in 500- and
- -- - - -- -- 1100-kV facilities for various firm transmission capabilities
over a distance of 322 km (200 mi). These curves exhibit a
UHVTransmissionSystem generalpattern of declining investment per kilowatt with
(a) increasedtransmissioncapabilityand a tendency to level
500 kV 500 kV

4 - - - --- -- -
EHV Transmission System

Fig. 13. Models for an economic analysis of EHV and UHV
transmission systems. (a) UHV model. (b) EHV model.
50 1
322 km (200 Mile)TransmissionLine

ity or 500-kV step-down transformer capacity is common to

both the 1100- and 500-kV alternatives. Therefore, the only
new transformation to be included in the analysis is the
- 500 kV

1100 kV
2000 4000 6000 6000 10000
step-up and step-down autotransformercapacityrequired
to tie the1100- and 500-kV systems together. Firm TransmissionCapability in MW

For the purposesofthis analysis,500-or1100-kV lines Fig. 14. Cost of firm UHV versusEHV transmission
wereaddeddepending uponthe transmissioncapability
required and theloadabilityof these lines.Intermediate off at higher megawatt transfer levels. The point of intersec-
switching stationswerenotconsidered. The sendingand tion of the 500- and 1100-kV curves is the breakeven power
receiving end stations with six or fewer outlets used ring transferlevelbeyond whichthe 1100-kVsystem is more
bus configurations. Otherwise, one-and-a-half breaker con- economical. As can be observed from Fig. 14, the economic
figurations were assumed. Reactive compensation equal to breakeven power transfer levelforthe sample1100-kV
75 percent of line charging was included and evenly distrib- system is about 2400 MW. This calculation can be repeated
uted at both ends ofthelineusingshuntreactor banks for several different transmission distances to establish a
rated at 150 Mvar for the 500-kV system and 750 Mvar for series ofbreakevenpoints which relatetransmission re-
the 1100-kV system. All step-up or step-down transformers quirements and transmissiondistances.
were assumed to be single-phase autotransformers rated at Whenthe costof losses is considered,thebreakeven
IO00 MVA.Right-of-way costs were also included in the point will move to lowertransfer levels and/ortransmis-
analysis. sion distances because losses on UHV lines will be lower
This analysis ignoresthe cost of losses, whichwillbe than the losses on the alternative EHV system. This shifting
quite different for the 500- and 1100-kV alternatives.De- of the breakeven point can be quite significant if losses are
spite this simplification, the concept illustrated by the anal- assigned a high economic value.
ysis remains valid. Determining and evaluating these losses Fig. 1 5 showstheeconomicbreakevenrelationship be-
is very system dependent. Therefore, losses were not in- tween EHV and UHV levels for various combinationsof
cludedin thissimple example. In actualpractice,the transmissioncapabilityand distance.Specific capabilities
evaluation of losses is an important ingredient in deciding have not been shown on this figure since these quantities


Assuming 15 and 85 percent,for example, the average
annual corona loss becomes, approximately,
4 X 29.6-mmconductors14 kW/km
4 X 35.2-mmconductors9 kW/km
The power transfer capability of transmission lines is often
1100 k V characterized by SIL. 765-kV lines possess a SIL about 2250
Economical M W . Thus for a 160-km line, thecorona loss amounts to
500 k V
Economical 0.06 to 0.1 percent of the transfer capability.
It is possible,althoughnot necessarily desirable, to de-
corona loss to power transfer capability ratio stays more or
less the same. At 1500kV, for example, the SIL has a
Fig. 15. Effect of transmission distancesand firm transmis- magnitudeof IOOOO MW. At0.06 percent and with the
sion requirements on economical breakeven points.
same foul weather to fair weather ratio, the corresponding
foul weather and fair weather mean corona losses become
some 218 and9kW/km,respectively,andthe average
are dependent on specific system configurations.Qualita-
annual loss becomes 37 kW/km.
tively,thisfigure shows thatincreasingtransmissiondis-
With suchsimilarrelationshipbetweenpower-transfer
tances result in the higher kilovolt system becoming more
capability and corona-loss level, foul weather power loss in
economical at correspondingly lowerpowertransmission
the range of hundreds of kilowatts per kilometer can result
requirement levels.
in a significanteconomicpenalty.However, it should be
recognized that the economic evaluation of corona loss is
not a precise technique. The cost of losses is usually broken
downintothe cost of energyand theinstalled cost of
A. Key Electrical Phenomena
system capacityrequired to supplythecorona losses.En-
Based on experience to date with the design and oper- ergy costs can be determined with reasonable accuracy but
ation of EHV transmission systems, on results of preliminary it is difficultto preciselycalculate a demand charge to
research in UHV transmission, and on the probable socio- allocate system capacity costs to corona loss.
economic environment for future expansion of transmission UHV,in contrast to EHV,has inherent advantages to
systems, it appears that atleast three key technical issues minimize corona loss. Because of other constraints such as
must be addressed. These are: 1) Corona Effects, 2) Insula- audible noise, UHV lines will be composed of some two to
tion Requirements, and 3) Electric and Magnetic Fields and four times more conductors per phase. This reduces corona
their Effects. loss because it negates the assumed constant ratio between
I ) Corona: Similar to EHV lines, UHV lines will produce SIL and corona loss, to the point that corona loss becomes
corona at theconductor surface under adverse weather more nearly proportional to voltage rather than to power.
conditions. Corona occurs when the high electric field at Thus although corona loss for UHV transmission can be of
the surface of conductors ionizes the surrounding air mole- economic significance, line designs which meet other
cules yielding positive- and negative-charged particles. The criteriaofacceptability may automaticallyrestrictcorona
consequence is twofold: a) A corona energy loss since losses to manageablelevels. In fact, UHV designs which
electrical energy is transformed into thermal energy which incorporate asymmetrical bundle conductors with an opti-
dissipates into the air, and b) the generation of waves that mized bundle diameter may yield a corona-loss level com-
possess audible, radio, and TV frequencies and which prop- parable to that of EHV lines.
agate outward. Corona is undesirable yet cannot be pre- Audible noise (AN), radio interference (RI), and television
ventedin a practicallinedesignbuttheeffectsmust be interference (TVl) caused by conductor coronaare phenom-
minimized. Corona effects have been the dominant factor ena common to both EHV and UHV transmission. However,
in conductor selection for EHV transmission lines and indi- due to differences in the generation, propagation, and at-
cations are that they will continue to be a major factor at tenuation characteristics of the acoustic, radio, and televi-
UHV. sion frequencies, the relative impact of AN, RI, and TVI on
AEP utilizes two conductorconfigurationsfor 765-kV the line designforUHV is notidentical to thatfor EHV.
transmission lines. Both are square four-conductor bundles Consequently,UHVline design cannot follow a simple
with 45.7-cm separation between conductors. Mean values voltage extrapolation rule scaling from EHV line designs.
of corona loss for these configurations are as follows: As an example of the effects of changes in line design,
consider some possible EHV and UHV configurations with
kW/km similar size subconductors:
Foul Weather Fair Weather
765 kV 4conductors/bundle R/W width 60 m
4 X 29.6-mm conductors 84 2
4 X 35.2-mrn conductors 49 2
UHV 9-18 conductors/bundle R/W width 90-120 m
As a roughapproximation, within thenormaloperating
Foul weather conditions usually prevail during rain, snow, range, audible noise (AN) tends to increase by 1 to 2 dBA
or fog. Average annual corona loss canbe estimated with for every increase of 1 kV/cm of surface gradient (electric
the knowledge of the ratio of foul weather to fair weather. field) and is proportional to the logarithm of the number of


of steady-state values existent before and after the change
of state.
computer programs and transient network
analyzersare used to predictthe magnitudes and wave-
shapes of these transients and have achieved an acceptable
level of accuracy. Insofar as inaccuracies exist, they tend to
be in the direction of overestimating insulation stresses. In
addition,operating experience at the EHV level has pro-
vided comprehensive information on the types of system
events which initiate transients.Thus it is highlyunlikely
thatunanticipated transients willbe experienced at the
UHV level.
System transient overvoltages are recognized as being the
unv Bundl. dominant factor in selecting insulation systemsat the EHV
and UHV levels. As insulation directly influences structure
Fig. 16. Exampleconductorsforpossible EHV and UHV size, and consequently line cost, the magnitudes of tran-
transmission lines. sient overvoltages must be controlled to the lowest possi-
b l e 1evels.e sensitivity study for a hypothetical UHV system
showed that transient overvoltages have a very significant
subconductors.Field testsalso show thataudible noise
impact on UHV costs, particularly at 1500 kV or higher. In
attenuates by some 3 dBA for every doubling of the lateral
the IOOO- to 1600-kVrange, UHV designs i n a number of
distance. Using the example conductor geometries of Fig.
countries generally call for control of transient overvoltages
16 together with voltage levels and surface gradients calcu-
to a targetlevel of about 1.6 p.u. (1.6 times peak system
lated to keep the audible noise marginally below thecorre-
line-to-ground voltage).This is to becompared with 2.0
sponding EHV level, the followingbecomes apparent:
p.u. at 765 kV and as much as 3.0 p.u. at500 kV or lower
Distance voltages where less or no control is exercised.
Surface Net Change This severe requirement prompts a basic feasibility ques-
Voltage Gradient
Centerline in A N tion. Can the overvoltages becontrolled to this level?
765 kV 17-18 kV/cm4-conductor 30 m - Although transient behavior is characteristically the same at
UHV 15-1 6 kV/cm9-conductor 45 m - both EHV and UHV levels, switching overvoltages on UHV
Change in lines, due to line energizationandreclosing operations
A N from
765-kV must be examined carefully for the specific system under
base case - 3 dBA +4dBA
-2dBA -1 dBA study. Various means for overvoltage control must be in-
vestigated. In addition, overvoltagesassociated with fault
Neither the attenuation rate nor the surface gradient is a initiation and clearing and with load rejection can poten-
linear function of its respectivevariables. The above table tially pose problems.
illustrates the need for operating the UHV conductors at Research to date shows the effectiveness of techniques
lower surface gradient than EHV conductors, sinceat the such as closing and openingresistors, controlled switching,
same gradient the increase of the audible noise level due to surge arresters, and shunt reactors. Worst case conditions
the increase of the number of conductors cannot be offset can be controlled either by system design or by specific
by a reasonable extension of the R/W width. operating procedures. The 1.6 p.u. level seems achievable
Radio and television interference can be examined in the by practical means.
same manner. The salientfeatures of radio and television 3) Electric and Magnetic Fields: In the vicinity of single-
frequency interference are that they are not very sensitive circuit transmission lines, the maximum ground level elec-
to number of subconductors and that lateral attenuation is tric field (€,,,ax) depends strongly on the line voltage ( V , )
greater than that for audible noise. Given the same geome- and the minimum clearance (H).Phase spacing and con-
try as examinedfor the audible noise, R I and n/l pose a ductorconfigurationconstitute less noticeable secondary
significantly lesser problem at the edge of R/W. Indeed, effects. These dependences are common to EHV and UHV
comparing UHV testresults and EHV operating data, de- lines. Future UHV lines willbe designed byfollowing
signs that achieve an acceptable audible noise criterion closely theoperating experience of EHV lines since the
unequivocally result in more satisfactory performance at 1 effects ofthe electric field are directlyrelated to the
and 75 MHz, the R I and NI frequencies. ground-levelfield strengthand are independent ofthe
To summarize, the design of UHV lines will be dictated voltage level. Using AEP 765- and 500-kV lines as examples,
by a satisfactory audible noise performance. UHV lines will typical field strength andother associatedparametersare
be operated at lower surfacegradients and corona losses tabulated as follows:
must be minimized. Minimum Electric Electric Fields
2) Transient Overvoltages: Whenever an alternating cur- Voltage R/W (Edge
Field of R/W)
rent electrical circuit having energystoragedevices com- (V,) Width (H) ( Emax 1 (
prised of capacitance and inductance is forced to change 765 kV 61 m 12.2 m 12.5 kV/m 4 kV/m
state by switching or by the occurrence of a short-circuit or 500 kV 53 m 10.7 m 7.4 kV/m 2 kV/m
open-circuitcondition, transient changes in voltage and
current will result. Maximum magnitudes generated during On cultivated land, EHV lines are constructed with larger
the transient change of state may reach levels far in excess clearances. For clearance to large farm vehicles, 765-kV lines


have a minimum vertical clearance of 13.7 mandthe might tend toward larger conductors, larger phase spacing,
corresponding E,, and E, are 10.5 and 4.2 kV/m, respec- and larger heights above ground. Conversely, mechanical
tively. Planned designs of UHV line will produce maximum considerationswould leadto smallerand moreclosely
ground-level electric field and edge of right-of-way electric spaced conductors supported by shorter and more compact
field of the same order of magnitude as those encountered structures.
atEHV levels. Preliminary estimates indicate that the con- 7) ElectricalConsiderations: Of primaryimportance in
ductorconfigurations,conductorheights, phasespacings, the economics of EHV and UHV designs are the conductor
and right-of-way widths that are required to satisfy criteria andinsulation selections.Both factors directlyaffectthe
for corona effects will also result in electric field strengths design and costs of towers and conductors, the most signifi-
similar to acceptable EHV levels. cant factors in line cost.
The magnetic field strength is strictly proportional to the Conductor and phase spacing configurations: Based on
line current and line geometry. Clearances and R/W widths considerations of corona losses and power transfer capabil-
are larger at UHV than at EHV. These offset possible current ity, UHV line design can be examined as follows:
increases and consequently the magnetic field strength and The 12R loss is a power loss that depends upon the load
its distribution is notlikelytoconstitute an important current,andtheadditionalcapitalinvestmentfor larger
design criterion. conductors must be evaluated against the incremental loss
The issue of environmental effects and public acceptance savings. Future UHV lines will likely use 2 to 4 times more
of UHV transmissionlines does not appear to differ radi- conductorsper phase withconductor diameters ranging
cally from that concerned with introduction of a range of between 25 and 50 mm. This will result from a balancing of
EHV transmissionlevels. For many years, environmental the economicsofload losses, corona losses, andthe im-
effectsmanifested as radioandtelevisioninterference, pacts of corona-induced effects such as AN, RI, and TVI.
audible noise, ozone production, and induced shocks have Unconventional conductors havealso beenconsidered
beensubjectsforintensive research anddevelopmentef- for UHV applications. Mesh wires and tubular conductors
forts throughout the world. Such investigations resulted in are examples. Preliminary research to date, however, seems
design,construction, and operation with general public to rule out these possibilities, as they do not appear to be
acceptance of worldwide networks of transmission systems either technically or economically feasible.
rated to 800 kV. With the introduction in the late 1960s of The bundle diameter and subconductor locations in the
the highest EHV levels, there developed an
increased bundle are almostexclusivelydeterminedbythedesired
awareness andconcernregardingthepossibilityof detri- corona performance. Given a bundle with a certain number
mentalbiologicaleffectsattributabletopowerfrequency of
subconductors uniformly spaced around the cir-
electricandmagneticfields associated with transmission cumference of a circle, a straightforward exercise will show
lines. This generated a plethoraofinternational research thatthissymmetricalbundle’smaximum surface gradient
studies to discover or to confirm allegations of biological assumes a minimum value at an optimum bundle diameter.
effectscausedbytransmissionline fields. Even nowre- Accordingly, corona effects and coronalosses would be the
search continues at a high level and there exist differences lowest at thatdiameter.However, because the optimum
ofopinionconcerning whether and to whatextent bio- gradient is only weaklydependent on bundlediameter,
logicaleffects have been orcanbe demonstrated. A rela- changes in corona effects can be expected to be relatively
tively recent World HealthOrganization publication[I61 small over a wide range of bundle diameters.
stated “no primary effects on humans of the electric fields Nonuniform spacing promises a higher degree of corona
underneathtransmissionlines canbe demonstratedother reduction than bundle diameter optimization. By manipu-
thannegligiblephysiologicalstimulationeffects.”Ifthe lating the spacing between adjacent conductors, maximum
design criteria for environmental effects for UHVare similar surface gradient on each conductor canbe reduced or
to those for existent EHV transmission, it is logical to posit enhanced as the spacing is adjusted. Preliminary research to
that public acceptance of UHV should not differ much from dateshowsthat anasymmetric bundle with a degree of
that already demonstrated for EHV. asymmetry (top spacing/bottom spacing) of 2 could de-
crease audible noise and corona loss during some weather
conditions by some 6 dBA and a factor of 2, respectively.
B. Transmission Line Design
Experimentation with bundlediametersof 91-244 cm
Considerations whichinfluencethe physicaldesignof and degrees of asymmetry of 1.5-3.0 for a IO-conductor
UHV transmission lines are similar to those for EHV trans- bundle of 46-mm subconductors has been conducted at the
mission. Subject to constraints imposed by technical perfor- AEP/ASEA UHV Project to optimize a possible bundle con-
mance criteria, decisions mustbemade concerning phase figuration for use on a 1600-kV transmission system.
conductor selection, phase configuration and spacing, Phase spacingimpactsthelinedesign in two opposing
minimum air clearances andinsulationrequirements,and manners. Given a certain conductor bundleand clearance, a
conductor support systems. When considering both electri- reduction of phase spacing will result in an increase of the
cal and mechanical performance, the designer is confronted conductor surface gradient but a decrease in the ground-
with meshing matrices of possible conductor configurations levelelectricandmagneticfields. The selectionof phase
and possible structural types and sizes to derive a techni- spacing is also constrained by phase-to-phase andphase-
cally acceptable and economic solution. There is no univer- to-ground transient overvoltages.The latterdictatesthe
sal rule that governs transmission line design because each conductortotower steelclearances. Tower designs with
line may be subject to a different set of constraints. conductive structural members between phases also in-
Electricalandmechanicalrequirements oftenconflict. fluence phase spacing. For 1600-kV typical structures, a
Excluding cost considerations, a preferred electrical design minimumof 23.8-m phase-to-phase spacing is projected,


allowing 10.7 m for phase-to-structure clearance and 2.4 m with conductor diameters 40-46 mm at 460-
forinterposingstructural members. Majorreductions in mm spacing ( A / d ratio = 10-11);
phase spacing may be possible with tower designs having
three-conductor bundles, equilateral config-
no structuralmembersbetween phases.Reducedphase
spacing will also impactlineimpedance and capability, uration, with conductor diameters30-40 mm
corona effects, and electric and magnetic fields. at 460-mm spacing ( A / d ratio = 11-15);
Insulation: As with EHV transmission line design, the at
765 kV:four-conductorbundles, square configura-
insulation requirements for UHV can be broken down into tion, with conductor diameters 30-36 mm at
t w o components: 1) air clearances between energized con- 460-mm spacing, and with a diameter of 40
ductors and supporting structures, other energized conduc- mm at 610-mm spacing(A/dratio = 13-15).
tors, and earth and 2) solid insulation necessary to support
the energizedconductors. Minimum air clearances for
phase-to-structureandphase-to-phaseinsulation will de- The most frequently used spacing whether two-, three-,
pend upon magnitudes and frequenciesofoccurrence of or four-conductor bundlesare considered[I71 is 460 mm
switching and temporary overvoltages generated within the and the conductor diameters range from 30 to 46 mm. This
transmission system. results in spacing-to-diameter ratios (A/d) of 10 to 15.
Solidinsulationforconductorsupport will' be based Wake-inducedoscillations: Research in wind tunnels
upon sustained50/60-Hzvoltage levels and exposure to [I81andoutdoor test stations [19]-[21] has increased the
atmospheric contamination, Ratios of leakage distance over knowledge of wake-induced oscillations of EHV and UHV
theinsulator surface to insulatorlengthprobably will be bundles. The most common denominator found between
similar to those used for EHV linessubjected to similar bundle conductors that tend to oscillate and those that do
environments. However, possible nonlinearitiesin flashover not is thespacing-to-diameter (A/d) ratio. It is reported
characteristics versus insulator string length for long insula- [22] that oscillations do not occur when this ratio is greater
tor strings maynecessitate an increasein the leakage/length than 16-18for two- andthree-conductorbundlesand
ratios for UHV. Porcelain and glass will probably remain the greater than 20 for four-conductor bundles. This is not in
preferred solid insulation during the near terms, but subject complete accord with theoperating experiencediscussed
to long-term performancefeasibility studies, nonceramic aboveand suggests thatthe A / d ratio limits specified in
plastic materials are favored for future UHV designs. [22] are very conservative.
Minimum phase-to-earth clearance forUHVlines will In most cases, forthebundle to oscillate,the wind
dependuponthe morerestrictiveof two considerations: conditions must be ideal-a l0-15-mi/hcomponent at
the air gap required to protect against flashover from phase right angles to the conductor axis and the bundle must be
to earth (or object or person on the earth surface) during tiltedinthe orderof 5"-IO" to the windflow. These
anyreasonablyprobableovervoltageandthe minimum conditions may be true for only certain lines or for certain
conductorheightrequiredtolimit themaximumelectric spans or sections of a line. It is unlikely that they would
field strength at ground level to design values based upon prevail throughout the entire length of a practical line.
regulatory fiat, safetycodes,or allegedbiologicaleffects. For UHV bundles, which may include six, eight, or even
For typical UHV designs, minimum conductor height most twelveormore subconductors,combinationsof pairs of
probably will be selected based upon electric-field criteria. conductors may exhibit critical conductor spacings and tilt
Methods for calculating ground-level electric-field strength, angles. A review of the technical literature discussing bun-
using line voltage and geometry, have been widely applied dle configurations and conductor sizes proposed for UHV is
for EHV. These methods are directly applicable for UHV as presented in Table 2.
well. All of these bundles have lower A/d ratios than the ratios
2) ConductorBundle Design: Conductor motionfor felt to be satisfactory for various EHV lines. Thus oscillations
bundle conductors, aside from ice dropping activity or the might be deemedlikely and this is borne out by the
normal sideswing under wind conditions, consists of three experience at various test stations. ENELhas reported oscil-
categories-aeolian vibration, galloping, and wake-induced lations at their Pradarena Pass test station [25]-especially
oscillation.Althoughaeolianvibrationandgalloping are fortheasymmetrically spaced bundles.Oscillations have
phenomena also associated with single conductors, as used been reported at BPA's station [23], at the AEP/ASEA test
for lower voltage transmission lines, wake-induced oscilla- station [21], and during tests on 12-conductorbundles at
tiononly occursforbundleconductors. Much has been Hydro-Quebec's Magdalen Islands test station [21].
learned about this phenomenon through operating experi- Muchof thisexperience has been with spacers posi-
ence on EHV lines. tioned at uniform intervals throughout the span. Unequal
The operating experience on the EHV lines with various or staggered intervalsbetween spacershave been found
bundleconfigurations and sizesis given in theliterature effective in countering subspan oscillation [22]. Also it was
[17]. Typical EHV configurations in present use can be sum- found that less rigid-more flexible spacers were~effectivein
marized as follows: reducing subspan activity [21]. It is believed that less rigid
spacers and a system of staggeredsubspan intervals will
at 345 kV:two-conductor bundles, flat configuration,
control subspan oscillationforthe large, multiconductor
with conductor diameters 30-38 mm at 460-
bundlesrequiredforUHV lines, but moretestingwork
mm spacing (spacing to diameter ratio A/d
seems justified beforefinaldesignconfigurations are set-
= 12-1 5);
at 500 kv: two-conductor bundles, flat configuration, Galloping: Another form of conductor motion is called


Table 2 Bundles Proposed for Future UHV Lines
No. of Diameter mm A/d
Bundle Ratio
Bonneville Power Administration
1100[23] kV 8 40 1067 10
CECBand EdF,
ENEL, 1050[24]* kV 6 38 - 12
1300 kV 8 38 - 12
ENEL [25] 1000/1050 kV 6 31 900 14
USSR [26] 1150 k V 8 23 - 17
1050UHV [27] kV 8 33 1016 12
DOE[28] 1100 kV 6 55 9 1016
8 40 1016 10
1500 AEP (211 kV 1219
12 36 9
*EnteNationaleperI’EneraieElettrica (ENEL), Electricitede France (EdF), andCentralElectricity
Board (CEGB) -

galloping.Galloping is a high-amplitude,low-frequency clearances between pairs of conductors to avoidice

conductor motion that principally occurs in areas ofrela- forming or bridging across pairs of conductors. Ice bridging
tively flat terrain subject to freezing rain. The conductors, can cause extensive damage by leading to more ice forming
with ice,present a nonsymmetrical cross section tothe or, if associated with a wind storm, by leading to extreme
wind, and a relatively uniform wind at right angles to the wind loads. Adequate clearance between conductors must
span can cause an aerodynamic lift force on the conductor. be provided to avoid such possibilities.
Some believe [22],[29] bundleconductors may gallop While ice bridging canlead to severedamage, icing of
morereadilythan singleconductors because thebundle theindividual subconductors alsocancausedamage. Ice
spacers tend to -retain the orientation of the iced conduc- formation is generally uniform on the subconductors but as
tors to the wind. They report the more rigid the spacer the icemelts it normally falls fromtheconductor in sections
greater the tendency to gallop. However, spacers that allow and may not fall uniformlyfrom adjacentsubspans.This
rotation of the conductor would not necessarily preclude lack of uniformity can result in severe forces on the spacer,
galloping. The tendency to gallop might more be limited to on the conductor at the spacer attachment point, and at the
that of a single conductor. conductor support at the tower. Designs must include pro-
Galloping has been reported for UHV bundles on several visions for such occurrences.
occasions [23] for the BPA Mor0 Test Line and for the AEP 3) UHV TowerDesign: Towers forUHVtransmission
tests on the IREQ Magdalen Islands test line. The ampli- lines will be significantly larger than those used at the EHV
tudeswererelativelyminorbut a gallopingmode was level. For example, an 1100-kV line will have a phase spac-
clearlyevident.Strength margins and clearancesmustbe ing of about 18.3 m and a conductor height above ground
provided in the design of UHV structures to withstand the of 33 m. The comparable dimensions for a 500-kV line are
dynamics of galloping. 7.2 and 23 m, respectively [28]. Since UHV line towers will
There are several antigalloping devices that have been be a key cost element, many types of line support systems
developed[30]-[32] toinhibit thegallopingof a single needinvestigation. Broad topics to beaddressed are as
conductor and these are claimed to be effective for bundle follows:
conductors. Much work must be done before these devices All three phases are to be placed between the support
can be accepted for UHV bundles. columns, and phase spacing can be minimized (Figs. 21-24).
Aeolianvibration: Aeolianvibration occurs when a Or the phases can be placed both between and outside the
comparatively steady wind blows across a conductor and air supportcolumns inwhich case the phasespacingmust
vortices are detaching from the conductor at regular time includetwicetheinsulation air gap plus a dimensionof
intervals corresponding to the natural mechanical frequency structural steel (Figs. 17-20).
of the span or subspan. ForanEHV or UHV bundle, if the The phase configuration can be flat or delta (Figs. 17 and
spacer i s too rigid, the vibration activity may be trapped in 18). A flat configuration requires wider structures and right-
the subspan and serious wear or damage to the conductor of-way whereas thedeltaconfigurationallowsnarrower
orthe spacermay occur [22],[33].This could be a more structures and right-of-way. However, the delta configura-
significant problem for UHV bundles because of the greater tion requires taller towers.
mass of the spacer and the greater mass of the conductors Structures can be self-supporting or guyed (Figs. 17 and
attached to the spacer [32]. 19). Becausethesestructuresmust withstand verylarge
Spacers to dampaeolianvibrations to safe levels are conductor loads, a guyedstructure may utilizestructural
commercially available for two-, three-, and four-conductor materialmoreefficiently,although a guyedstructure is
bundles. The operatingprinciplesof these spacers also possibly less welcome to farmersand morevulnerable to
should be applicable to multiconductor UHV transmission sabotage.
lines, and AEP tests at IREQ’s Magdalen Islands test facility Conventionalself-supportingtowers: Themost com-
confirm that this is likely to be true. mon lattice-typestructurefor EHV construction has been
Ice and wind loads: It is generally believed that ice and the conventional single-circuitself-supportingtower with
wind loads normally are linearly related to the number of flat phase configuration (Fig. 17). This structure is adaptable
conductors in the bundle. Multiconductor bundles, includ- to almost all line angleand terrainconditions, and is a
ing those with asymmetrical arrangements, need adequate proven reliable performer. Due to its structural redundancy,


was obtainedby first installingthisstructure at their re-
search station.
Certain advantagesexist forthistypeofstructure. The
delta (apex-up) phase configuration produces a more uni-
form electric field over the right-of-way. Therefore, the two
outside phasescan be positionedlowerthanflat-config-
ured designs while still satisfying a givenelectric field
criterion. This design also requires less right-of-way width
than the flat configuration.
The ENEL 1000-kV design [35] ofthedeltaconfigured,
self-supporting tower produced a 58-m-tall and 46-m-wide
Guyed “V’ structures:The guyed “V” structurecon-
Fig. 17. Conventional self-supporting tower. sists of a truss mounted as a simple beam upontwo
independently guyed masts. The masts form the characteris-
tic “V“ shape hence its name (Fig. 19). The three phases are
failures are rare andusuallyself-contained.ManyUHV
studies have been made using this structure type.
The U.S. Department of Energy [28] evaluated many 1100-
kVdesigns usingtheself-supportingstructure as a base
case. This study examined electrical and mechanical design
criteria,structuralconcepts, advanced electricalconcepts,
use of special conductors, aesthetics, and made cost com-
parisons. The self-supporting design was rated third in cost
effectiveness. It wassurpassed only by two designs of
guyed, three-pole structures using surge arresters to elimi-
nate the need for the groundwires.
A study [34] by AEP/ASEA of 1500-kV designs indicated
theconventionalself-supportingtower was competitive
with the guyed “V” configuration in areas of cohesionless
soil and in hillyterrain where guyed foundations are expen- Fig. 19. USSR guyed “ V ” structure
sive to construct.
The ENEL 1050-kV self-supportingdesignproduced a
supported by insulators attached to the truss.This guyed
52.5-m-tall structure at20.9 metric tonnes. All three phases
“V” arrangement doesincrease the structure width. How-
are supported in a flat configuration by V-typeinsulator
ever, the overall result is a lightweight design with reason-
strings. The 87-m width and the massive appearance of the
able proportions. This structure is frequently used for EHV
self-supporting structure above the waist were considered
to be problems. However, the structure height was accept-
SAE [38],[39] designed a UHVguyed “ V ” structurefor
ableforItalian air safety regulations. Subsequent ENEL
installation at the Suvereto UHV Experimental Stationfor
efforts [35], [36] were toward weight and width reductions
the ENEL 1000-kV Project. This tower has all three phases
by using guyed structures.
supported by V-strings, which decreases the structure width
Self-supporting delta configuration towers: The Bonne-
since insulator sideswing is avoided. The structure height is
ville Power Administration[37] has selected a delta (apex-up)
44 m, and thewidth is 61 m.The structureweight is a
configured self-supporting tower for its proposed170-mi,
relatively low 11.5 metric tonnes.
1100-kV nominal voltage line (Fig. 18). The structure is 60 m
AEP/ASEA UHV Project activities [40] includeddesign
tall and 56 mwide. Design and constructionexperience
comparisons of five differentstructural types for 1500-kV
nominal voltage levels.The guyed “V” was thelightest
structure with the three phases supported by V-strings in a
flat Configuration. Guy systems reduce structure weight by
supporting wind-produced loads in tension eliminating the
heaviertension-compression systems of self-supporting
towers. In cohesive soils, the guy foundations are less costly
than self-supporting tower foundations.
USSR structure design:The USSR [51]selectedguyed
structures for their UHV 1150-kV transmission system (Figs.
19 and 20). Soviet research (261, [38] indicates a substantial
savings for guyed “V” and guyed “ Y ” structures over that of
self-supporting towers.
For both USSR guyed structures, structural members are
located between the center and outside phases. The center
phase is supported by a V-type insulator string while the
outside phasesare supported by I-typeinsulator strings.
Fig. 18. BPA 1100-kV suspension tower Thisarrangement is reported [26] as a superior solution


The US. Department of Energy [28] produced a 1100-kV
chainette design. Overall heightis 45.7 m and weight is 21.3
metric tonnes. DOE cost evaluationsrankedthisstructure
typethird aftertheguyedthree-polestructuresandthe
conventional self-supporting tower.
ENEL guyed structures: ENEL, in their efforts to reduce
right-of-way requirements and decrease structure
silhouette and weight [38], [36], [44], [39], [45], has produced
the “Circus” and “Cluster” type structures. In these struc-
tures the normal cable system of the chainette is replaced
by an insulator system.
The ENEL “Circus” structure is one of the lightest weight
structures for their 1000-kV Project (Fig. 22). The structure is

Fig. 20. USSR guyed “ Y ” structure.

sincetheaddedinsulator expense forexternalV-string

support exceeds the savings in extra right-of-waywidth
requirements. TheSoviet design provides a higher ground
level electric field intensity than is customary in Europe or
the U.S.A. The resulting heights and widths are 44 and 46 m
for the guyed “V” and 52.5 and 40 m for the guyed “Y.”
The guyed “ Y ” design is the result of a Soviet effort to
reducestructureweight. The guyed “Y” towerweight is Fig.22. E N E L guyed ”circus”structure
18.6metrictonnes. The guyed “V” tower is 21.0 metric
Guyed towers-chainette designs: Several studies [28], 45 m tall, 61.9 m wide, and weighs 15.5 metric tonnes. The
conductor supports consist of an insulator string between
[41], (421 indicated that guyed structures without structural
the t w o guyed poles, with the conductor attachmentsat the
members between phases are cost effective for UHV load-
quarter and half points. Participants in the 1000-kV Project
ings. The “chainette”structure is an exampleof such a
considerthisstructure to have a minimum visual impact,
structuretype(Fig. 21).The chainettestructure has been
minimum right-of-way requirements, a high degree of com-
ponent standardization, and to be applicable to varying
terrain conditions.
The ENEL “Cluster”structure uses increased structure
heighttogain a reductioninright-of-way requirements
(Fig. 23). The insulator support system is arranged in a delta

Fig. Zl. DOE guyed chainette structure

successfully used in commercial EHV operation by Hydro-

Quebec in Canada[43]and bytheBonneville Power Ad-
ministration [42].
The concept was developed to reduced structure weight,
replacing the wide-base lattice self-supporting tower with
two slender masts which operate as highlyefficient axial
devices. The columns are supported in shear by guy wiresat Fig. 23. ENEL guyed “cluster”structure
thetopofthe columns. This eliminatesmomentsfrom
entering the columns except for wind on the structure. The (apex-down) allowing the masts to be positioned in a “V”
cantilevered lattice crossarms and heavy bridge members of shape. Guy leads are notably reduced. Phase separation is
the self-supporting towerare replaced by a system of cables maintained by three insulator strings, and the entire con-
supportingall three phases. No structural members are ductor andinsulatorload is supportedby two insulator
located between the phases. The result is a compact light- strings. The structure width becomes 37 m, theheight
weight structure with less visual intrusion on the landscape. increases to 53.8m, andweight increases to 18metric
It is structurally efficient due to the direct load distribution tonnes. This design doescreate thepossibilityof an in-
of the conductor loads through the support cables directly creased number of phase-to-phase faults which, in general,
into the guy and mast system. Groundwires are located at cancreatemore severe power system impactsthanthe
the top of the columns. more commonsingle-phase-to-ground faults.


designfor UHV lines. The continual increase in insulator
unit mechanical rating mayhavereached a design or eco-
nomic plateau, and either multiple stringsor a new insu-
latorconcept may be needed.Work is continuing at a
number of testfacilities to determinethemost effective
solution to this insulator question.
A choice of porcelain, glass, andnonceramicinsulators
exists forUHV linesjust as has beenthe case with EHV
lines. In the United States, porcelain is normally used since
Fig. 24. Projected UHV guyed portal structure glass is very vulnerable to rifle fire. Transmission lines,
especially at the higher voltages, traverse remote areas and
Project UHV guyed portal structure: This structure [ 4 6 ] invite the target practice of game hunters. In other coun-
was designed as a test line structure for Project UHV and tries, wherethe use of firearms is limited, glass is used
was notintendedfor an operatingline (Fig.24). It was extensively.
designed for testing conductor bundles three phase at line Nonceramicinsulators are not as sensitive to physical
voltages up to 1500 kV. It includes a provision for varying damage as porcelain or glass insulators. These insulators are
phase spacing from 9 to 24m, which is onlyuseful,of relativelynewto high-voltage transmission, havingbeen
course,fortest purposes. However, it does provide an developed during the past fifteen years, and do not have
exampleof the structuretypeandshould be included in the vast service experience of porcelain andglass. However,
the group of possible UHV structures. It is easily visualized nonceramic units have a very important advantage for UHV
that for a particular operating voltage this structure can be in that high tensile strength for heavy conductor loads can
designed to provide minimum phase spacing and minimum be produced with relative ease.
air gap clearance. Anonceramicinsulator consists primarilyof two ele-
DO€ advanced technology structure: The US. Depart- ments: a fiberglass core rodwith appropriatemetalend
ment of Energy study [28] produced several designs based connectionswhich providesthemainstructuralelement
upon futureproposed advanced technology. One design and can withstand heavy tensile loads plusplastic sheds
showing promise consists of oneguyed mast perphase that surround the fiberglass rod to provide electrical with-
with a post-typeinsulatorsupportingtheconductor (Fig. stand capability.
25). The insulators may be of ceramic or nonceramic material The plastic sheds are molded from three basis formula-
tions.One, andthemostpopular, is ethylenepropylene
rubber.A second, and less popular because of cost, is
siliconrubber,andthethird is polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE). The latter has probablynotbeen used for EHV
Experience with ethylenepropylenerubber and silicon
rubber [47] has been good during the past ten or more years
with many applications at high voltage and EHV. AEP has a
numberof these unitsinstalled on a trial basis including
lines at 765 kV.Otherutilitiesthroughouttheworld[48]
have installed these designs on 400- and 735-kV lines [43].
For UHV,operatingexperience with nonceramicinsu-
lators has been limited to test lines. While Project UHV at
Fig. 25. DOE guyedpost structure.
Pittsfield, MA, utilizesprimarilyporcelaininsulators,the
AEP/ASEA UHV Project [49] and the BPA 1200-kV Transmis-
and probably will require supplementary tension insulator sionLineProject[23]employnonceramicinsulators. The
strings to withstand the cantilever conductor loads.Since ENEL 1000-kV Project [a] uses some nonceramic units. Expe-
shield wires are not planned,a surgearrester mustbe rience has generallybeengood with only BPA reporting
included. Although insulator cost is expected to be high, problems [50]. Although there is much discussion about the
this maybeoffsetbytheeliminationoftheshieldwires formulationofthe plastic shed material, it is universally
and the much reduced structural requirements. Right-of-way agreedthatshieldingmust be providedfor all EHV and
requirements are reduced, and structureheights can be UHV applications of nonceramic insulators. The USSR de-
minimized. sign [51] provides shielding by attaching the insulator string
4) Insulators and Shield Wires: near the conductor bundle.
Insulators: Today'sstandard cap-and-pininsulatorde- Contamination performance of insulators isan important
signscanserve fortomorrow'sUHVlinesprovidedthe consideration in the design of an insulator system for UHV.
numberof parallel strings are sufficientto carry thein- Contamination under a wet condition enhances the non-
creased mechanicalloadandthestringlengths are suffi- linearity of voltage distribution alongtheinsulatorstring.
cientforthe voltage stresses.Asan approximation, the EPRl's Project UHV [52] reports"Thisnon-linearity is ap-
insulators for UHV will be called upon to withstand twice parently caused by the non-uniform voltage distribution on
the voltageandthreetimesthemechanicalload of EHV the string.. .and bythe non-uniform drying of insulators
lines. bythe leakage current . . . ." Pollution tests are being
The past practiceofsimplyincreasingthenumber of performed at projectUHV [52]and at the ENEL I O - k V
suspensionunits may notprove to be themosteffective Project [8].


Leakage distance is the most effective means of counter- ductorswingingunderthemaximumdesignwindcondi-
ingthe effectsofcontamination. For ceramic units,the tion. This provides for the safety of any structures or build-
leakagedistancenormally is about two timesthelength ings erected along theedge of the right-of-way.Span length,
(spacing) of the unit. For nonceramicunitsthe leakage is hence conductor sag, may affect this determination.
2.5 to 3.0 depending on the design of the unit [53]. Right-of-way width requirements for UHV lines may also
As mentioned earlier, an important advantage ofthe be affected by field strength criteria, audible noise, TVI, or
nonceramicunits is theconvenienceofdevelopingand R I . These width requirements may exceed those for electri-
producing high-strength units. In today's marketplace, units cal safety, andacceptablecriteria levelsmustbeestab-
of 45, 90, 180, and 360 kN working strength are offered. In lished.Operating experience at the EHV levelprovidesa
rangingfrom 67- to 222-kN ultimate reasonable basis for this process.
strength, which translates to working strengths of 33.5 to Tentative right-of-way widths were calculated for several
111 kN, are available. This means forUHVapplication possible voltage levels using conductor configurations test-
double and triple strings of porcelain units may be required ed at the AEP/ASEA UHV test station. The edge of right-of-
where a single nonceramic unit can be applied. To extend way parameters were assumed as follows:
the strength range of porcelain units above 222 kN ultimate
Electric field 4 kV/m
would entail very special and costly designs. To extend the
Audible noise 55 dBA
strength of nonceramicinsulators above 360 kNworking
RI 69 dB
load simply means a larger fiberglass rod with appropriate
TV I 30 dB.
metal end connections.
At 500kV,34standard porcelainunits have beenpro- The results are illustrated in Fig. 26 and listed below:
posed for areas with moderate contamination[17]. For these
same conditions at 1100 kV,69 fog-typeporcelainunits Electrical
wereproposed.Fog-typeunits have a leakage distanceof C o n d uTotal
c t o r EffectsPhase
432 mm whereas standard units have a leakage distance of SVpR
r eiRm
hn t *
292 mm. Similar thinking would suggest up to 84 fog-type 1250 k V 9 X 30rnm/1.2 rn 24m 21 rn 90rn
unitsfor 1500-kVlines in areas oflightcontamination. 15oO k V 10 X 45 rnrn/1.2 m 27 rn 25.5 rn 105 m
1750 k V 18 X 30 rnrn/l.2 m 30 m 30 rn 120 rn
Theselarge numbersofinsulatorsfurther enhances the
incentive to develop nonceramic units. 'Maximum lateral distance to nearest phase required for the four
electrical effect conditions specified above.
Should decisions on UHV line insulators have to be made
in the shortterm, it is likelythatporcelainwould be 705 KV
selected since operating experience with EHV nonceramic
insulators is relatively brief. As operating experience accu-
mulates over time, sufficient confidence may be gained to
justify the use of nonceramic units.
Shield wires: The two most important elements in pro-
tecting a transmission line from lightning are tower footing
resistance and shield wire location. The shield wire location
is important to intercept lightning strokes in the vicinity of
the conductors and to avoid direct lightning strokes to the
conductor. Tower footing resistance must be maintained at
areasonably low level (below 50 Q ) tolimittower-top
voltages resulting from lightning surges to levels that will
not induce flashovers from the tower to the conductors.
regarding shield wires and lightning performance of trans-
mission lines is provided in [17]. It is generally accepted that
EHV practices will be satisfactory at the UHV level.
5) Right-of- WayConsiderations: Right-of-waywidth must
provide adequate clearances forelectrical safetyand for
possible nuisances associated with the electrical effects of
EHV or UHV transmission lines. Right-of-way width consists
generally of the spacing between the outsideconductors
plustheclearancerequired to satisfy electrical safetyor UHV RIOHT-OF-WAY
electrical effects requirements. Normally, the total width is
established for a particular tower configuration and is ap- Fig. 26. Electrical-fieldstrengthlevelsandaudiblenoise at
e d g e of r i g h t - o f - w a y .
plied uniformly throughout a line section until the particu-
lar tower configuration changes. Quite often, especially for
EHV and UHV lines where the tower configuration would The right-of-way width selected for any specific line will
not changefrequently,the right-of-way is uniform for an dependuponconditions particular to thatline and the
entire line or a group of lines. geographical area inwhichit is located. Based on past
For electrical safety requirements, the right-of-way width United States experience for EHV transmission and on pro-
must be sufficientto providethe necessary 60-Hzand jections for possible UHV development, the following are
switching surge withstand air-gap clearances with the con- typical ranges ofright-of-waywidths for flat configured


I i nes: 1.00 K V LIME

Voltage Class Typical Values t

345 kV 38-45 m
500 k v 45-60 m RtAKEII
765 kV 60-90 m 800 K V
90-120 m (projected) l
50 m (projected)
There are many joint uses for the right-of-way that can
coexist with EHV andUHV transmission lines. Laboratory
tests, confirmed by operating experience and field studies
under EHV lines [54] indicate that such lines do not inter-
fere with farming and numerous other uses.

C. StationDesign
Substantial discussion, to thispoint, has beencentered
around UHV transmission lines, emphasizing the extensive
andtime-consuming research anddevelopmentrequired
before UHV transmission lines become a commercial real-
ity. Similar efforts are required for UHV stations. It is envi-
sioned that the first UHV transmission line will be energized
from transformerssteppingupfromexisting EHV voltage
levels (345, 500, or 765 kV) with direct transformation from
Tq-J c
1.00 K V LIME
generator voltage levels (typically under 30 kV) to come at a
later date.
1) UHV StationConsiderations: UHVstations will con- (b)
tain power transformers, circuit breakers, reactors for com- Fig. 27. (a) Ring bus arrangement. (b) Single bus tie circuit
breaker arrangement.
pensation of the transmission line charging current, surge
arresters forprotection of thestationequipment,relay
systems to detect faults, overvoltages,
and equipment conventional air insulated, 1600-kV design having either a
failures, metering systems to monitor real and reactive power ring bus or a single bus with bus tie breaker [Fig. 27(a) and
flows, and SF, gas or air insulated UHV bus systems. Just as (b)]. The second utilizes a gas insulated station in both ring
we haveseen theright-of-wayfortheUHVlines to be busandsinglebus tie breaker configuration. The third
about twice the width for EHV lines, we would expect the approach is a hybrid design where disconnecting switches
land area for UHV stations to be about 2 to 3 times that of andbreakerelements are SF, insulated while an air in-
the EHV station. Since land areas of these proportions are sulated bus is used in the remainder of the station. All three
notreadily available nearmany EHV stations andpower approaches arebased on afuturering bus arrangement
plant switch yards, it behooves the engineerto investigate a with two incoming UHV lines, two transformers per phase,
variety of insulation technologies to minimize the station four 800-kV lines, and the installation ofa satellite station at
area. EHV stations have been designed, built, and operated the station UHV line take-off structure. The satellite station
based on open air, SF, gas, and hybrid (air and gas) insula- consistsof coupling capacitorvoltage transformers, line
tion technologies,andtestingandinvestigativework on traps, disconnecting switches, surgearresters, andshunt
each has been done for UHV. reactors. The connection between the UHV incoming line
Investigationoffuture UHVstationlayouts have been and the shunt reactor is made through an SF, insulated bus,
carried out by several countries. japan andItaly have favored areactorswitch,and a surgearrester.This connection is
theUHV (1100-kV) gas insulated over air insulatedand used for all three station layouts.
hybrid station layouts due to land requirements and costs. Three primary design parameters were considered for the
The USSR is considering UHV air insulated stations for their UHV station arrangements: a) a 1600-kV maximum design
prototype 1150-kV, 270-kmtransmission line terminals. In voltage; b) UHV surge arrester installations at all line termi-
the USA, UHV station layouts have been investigated by the nals, transformers, and reactors; and c) a UHV bus thermal
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and theAmerican rating of 5000A.The latter was selected on the basis of
ElectricPower Service Corporation (AEPSC). BPA’s pre- UHV transmission line loads of approximately 1.5 p. u. of
liminary studies for a UHV (1200-kV) station resulted in a the surge impedance loading.
hybridlayout, wherethecircuit breakers andisolating 3) Factors in Station Layout: In order to determinethe
switches and main bus will be gas insulated but connecting preferred station layout, the following considerations need
buses totheUHV transformers and reactors will be air to be taken into account:
insulated. AEPSC work in this area will be discussed in this Cost: Preliminary cost estimates for a single bus as well
paper in detail as an example [55]-[58]. as forring busdesignUHVstationswere madeand are
2) UHV Station Layouts: Studies were undertaken by the shownon a per unit basis in Table 3 [54]. While site
AEPSC to investigatestationlayoutsfor a 1600/800-kV preparation costs are included, the actual land cost is not.
UHV/EHVstation. Three basic approaches weretaken in Furthermore this estimate does not include the UHV trans-
developing preliminary station layouts. The first utilizes a former,shuntreactor,capacitivevoltagetransformer,and


Table 3 Cost Comparisons lines on an alternating basis. Consequently, for any circuit
Air SF, Hybrid breaker failure, the station will still have one transmission
Single bus 1.24 1.01 1.cQ
line and transformer in service. The hybrid and air insulated
1.05Ring bus1.00 1.34 ring bus arrangements make it more difficult to achieve this
The preliminary indications from cost comparison studies,
wave traps.These items are assumed to have the same theland requirements in Fig. 28, and futureUHVstation
effect on the three alternatives. expansioncapabilitiesindicatethatthe SF, gas insulated
Land requirements: The space requirements for a UHV station has an advantage over the air insulated and hybrid
station could be the determining factor in selecting a par- layout.While further research anddevelopment may re-
ticularstationlayout [54].The conventional air insulated ducethe advantage theUHV gas insulatedstation pres-
layoutrequires an area 4.5 timesthe SF, layout and 2.3 ently has in the cost and expansion capability areas, there is
times the hybrid layout. Fig. 28 indicates the space require- little thatcanbedone to reducethe space andland
mentsforthe various station designsdiscussed. As ex- requirementsofUHV air insulated stations, and conse-
quently gas insulated stations will have a significant ad-
vantage in this area.

D. UHV Major Equipment
I) UHV Surge Arresters: Beforediscussing UHV surge
arresters, it is instructive to briefly review the role that surge
arresters play in maintaining the integrity of power systems
and to emphasizerecenttechnologicaldevelopments in
surge arresters design that have resulted in improved surge
arrester performance at all voltage levels.
The basic purpose of a surgearrester is to act as a high
impedance during normal steady-state voltageconditions
and to transfer, in analmost instantaneous manner, to a
4 2 very low impedance during intervals of overvoltage caused
20 x 10 m 8.8 I 10 m 4.4 x 1 0 ' ~ ~
by lightning and switching surges.These intervals of over-
Fig. 28. Fenced area requirements for 1600/800-kV station voltage are very brief, lasting in the order of microseconds
forlightning surges to hundreds of
microseconds for
pected, the area required for equipment and structures is switching surges, but can destroy major station equipment
dramatically less for a complete SF, gas insulatedstation i f notlimitedto levels within the capability
than for an air insulated stationor hybrid station. equipment's insulation.
Future expansion: All three layouts
incorporate an To limit these transientovervoltages, modern stationsurge
ultimate ring bus design. This switching arrangement carries arresters utilize zinc oxide material pressed into cylindrical
inmind that in theinitial stage ofconstructing a UHV blocks.Zincoxide has a highlynonlinear voltage-versus-
station, only a single bus layout may be justified. This single current relationship approximated by the relationship I =
buslayoutconsistsof a transformer,circuitbreaker,and kV", where k is a constant and the exponent n is typically
oneUHV transmissionline. In thefuturethissingle bus between 15 and 40. For the case where n is 23, it canbe
layout can bedeveloped to a ring bus arrangement. The seen thata65-percentovervoltage will cause the surge
conventional air insulatedandhybridlayout caneasily arrester's current conduction to increase by five orders of
accommodate two lines and two transformers. The SF, magnitude. Thisextreme nonlinearbehaviorallowsthe
layout has the flexibility to be converted to a ring bus and arrester to limit overvoltagesand to absorbsurgeenergy,
accommodate more than two UHV lines. thus protecting major equipment while simultaneously al-
Reliability: The choice of a ring bus or a single bus with lowing an uninterrupted flow of electrical power [59].
a bus tie breaker switching arrangement affects the station Prior tothe late 197Os, surgearresters utilizedsilicon
reliability. A faulted UHV line in the ring bus arrangement carbide for the nonlinear material. Since silicon carbide has
will beisolatedwithoutremovingthe otherstation ele- an exponent in the above voltage-currentrelationshipof
ments from servicethus allowing thestation to transfer between 4 and 6, complicated series gaps were required in
power through oneUHV line and two transformers. Another order to placethe arrester intoconduction (sparkover)
advantage of the ring bus arrangement is the flexibility for during overvoltages and to remove the arrester from con-
performing maintenancework on substantial parts ofthe duction (reseal) aftervoltage levelshad returnedto near
stationwhilethe available key linesand transformers re- normallevels. The developmentofzincoxide arresters is
main in service. very importantto the introduction ofUHVtransmission
Additional advantages for the gas insulated substation are voltages. Although silicon carbide arrester technology can
the protection from environmental conditions such as con- be extended to UHV levels, theperformance would be
tamination,icing,andpartialwettingwhich maycause inferior in almost every respect when compared to the zinc
unnecessary insulationflashover.Furthermore,forthe gas oxide arrester.
insulated station in the ring bus configuration, the compact- In addition to protecting the internal insulation of station
ness of the gas design easily accommodates the connection equipment, there are majoreconomicincentivesforcon-
to the ring bus of the UHV transformersand transmission trolling the magnitude of lightning and switching surges in


UHV stations to the lowest practical levels. These incentives W - k V substations.Vertical reach disconnectingswitches
include reduced equipment cost and reduced station phase provideconnectionsbetweenhigh-andlow-levelstation
to phase and phase to ground clearances.The concept of elementsand are usually used as circuit breaker discon-
using surgearresters to limit themagnitudeofswitching necting devices since they conserve space. Horizontal break
surges was utilized for the AEP 800-kV system [60]. For UHV disconnecting switches are mainly used fortransformers
systems, the surge arrester will play an even more vital role, and shuntreactorconnectionswherethe spacesaving is
as evidenced by the greater quantity to be used at strategi- less important.
cally determined locations and the efforts being expended AEP experience in the UHV disconnecting switch area has
to define and manufacture arresters with increasingly better been limited to a 2000-kV SF, gas insulated switch installed
protective characteristics [ a ] . at the AEP/ASEA UHV test station in 1978. A preliminary
Zinc oxide surge arresters can be installed in either a gas study to undertake the development of a prototype hori-
insulated SF, compartment or a conventionalporcelain zontal break air insulated disconnect switch indicated that
housing. The numberofparallelzincoxidecolumns per mechanical difficultiescould be encountered in extrapo-
one arrester is determined by the UHV line charge energy. lating present designs to UHV levels. This is primarily due
This energy depends upon the transmission line configura- to the large open gapclearance requirement of 17 m and
tion and length along with the system switching overvolt- the difficulty of maintaining switch component alignment
age levelandduration. Thechargedenergy in a322-km during opening and closing operations. Further studies are
W - k V EHV transmissionline with a 2.0 p.u.switching required to determine if a reliable 1600-kV air insulated
overvoltage is in the order of 3200 kJ. EHV zinc oxide surge disconnecting switch can be manufactured. 1600-kV vertical
arresters installed on the 800-kV AEP system consist of two reachdisconnectingswitches have beeninvestigated(by
parallelzincoxidecolumns to dissipate this energy.The Delle Alsthom in France) [64] andmaybe feasiblefor
LightningImpulseWithstand Level(LIWL) for GIS bus, dual-level station layout arrangements.
circuit breakers, shunt reactors,and transformers will be 3) Circuit Breakers: As with all powerequipment,the
based on the installation ofUHV surgearrestersat three requirements of the systemmandate the ratings of circuit
locations, one in the vicinity of the overhead line interface breakers.However,stationdesign also hasan impact on
(protectingtheline shuntreactor as well),the second breaker design, and two UHV circuit breaker technologies
midway between the entrance bushing and the line side of have been evaluated: conventional air blast circuit breakers
the circuit breaker, and a third at the transformer. and the gas insulated station(GIS) circuit breaker. Although
American Electric Power has worked closely with manu- the system requirements are similar,thestationdesign
facturers on thedevelopmentof bothconventionaland imposes different limitations.
zinc oxide arresters. TheAEP/ASEA UHV test station located The application of a conventional circuit breaker is possi-
near South Bend, IN installed a 1090-kV conventional type ble, but a discussion of the physical design consideration is
arrester with silicon carbide blocks to protect the primary enlightening. The air blast circuit breakers, successfully used
winding insulation of a single-phase UHV transformer. This at EHV levels, have top heavy interrupter heads and require
arresterwas replaced with an arrester with a maximum massive porcelainsupportcolumnsto bear the breaker’s
continuous operating voltage (MCOV) of 1000 kV. The term weight and to withstand the dynamic forces of operation
MCOV is specificallyrelated to zincoxide surgearrester given a terminal height of approximately80 ft above ground
terminology and i s the maximum designated rmsvalue of for UHV applications. Additionally, due to the large phase-
the power frequency voltage that may be applied continu- to-phase spacings and large vertical distances to the inter-
ously at the terminals of the arrester. rupter heads,massive and complex airsystemsareneces-
Westinghouse Electric Corporation has developed a UHV sary to supplysufficientdielectric air to theinterrupter
zinc oxide surge arrester for a 1200-kV system. The arrester heads. For the two-pressure SF, circuit breaker design, simi-
has a switching surge protective characteristic of 1.5 p.u. of larly complex SF, systems are required to supply high-pres-
maximumline-to-ground voltage.Two 1200-kVarresters sure SF, to the live tank interrupting heads. The remaining
having a 700-kV rms MCOV were manufactured and then conventional design, the SF, puffer, is the most practical
tested at the Bonneville Power Administration’sLaborato- live tank breaker design to extend to UHV levels due to the
ries. Thearrester’s protective level at26-kAdischarge cur- lower number of gasseals and mechanical parts. However,
rent i s 1.83 times line-to-ground voltage crest [61]. A zinc the SF, puffer interrupter contacts are operated by a mecha-
oxide surgearrester has also beeninstalled to provide nism through a verticaloperating rod in the support col-
protection for a1200-kV SF, test loop at the EPRI-Waltz Mill umns. It is difficult to deliver sufficient mechanical energy
Underground Transmission Test Facility near Pittsburgh, PA over the required distance to achieve a two-cycle interrupt-
WI. ingtimewhile simultaneouslyachievingthe necessary
Japanese engineers are studying the application of UHV synchronismbetweenthe multipleinterruptingcontacts.
SF, zincoxide surgearresters in UHV SF, gas insulated Considerabledevelopmentwork has beencompletedfor
substations. Three Japanese arrester manufacturers have re- 1100-kV UHV equipment as reported in [6], [7], [65]-[67].
portedthatthey are capable ofdevelopingzincoxide In contrast, gas insulatedstation (GIS) circuit breaker
arresters for such application. Thesearrestershave nonlin- designs have fewof theproblemsoftheconventional
earitycoefficients as high as 38.Thearresters will be in- circuit breaker designs due to the compactness of the CIS
stalled in an SF, gas insulated enclosureat ground potential. which allowscircuit breaker operating mechanisms and
The arrester‘s characteristicsand cutaway views can be seen interrupting contacts to be placed in close proximity. There-
in [63]. fore, the remaining discussion on UHV circuit breakers will
2) Disconnecting Switches: Two types of EHV air in- be confined to GIS designs.
sulated disconnecting switches are presently being used in For the CIS design with today‘s technology,the GIS


puffer breaker seems to be the practical choice with regard ampere, kilovolt (ordielectricspecification),impedance,
to reliability. The GIS design permits compact arrangement numberof phases,taps, loss evaluations, degree offield
as well as full use ofthedielectriccapabilitiesofthe assemblyrequired,materialselectionforinsulation, mag-
interrupter. In addition, the design should permit two-cycle netic andstructuralrequirements,andwhetherthe trans-
interrupting times. Extrapolating from existing designs, the former is core or shell form.
numberofinterrupters per polewould be eightfor SF, For thepurposeofthe AEP System, it is expectedthat
puffer designs at 1500 kv. Withthe development of new SF, maximum transformer and reactor volt-ampere ratings will
puffer designs, thisnumber could be reduced tofour at be as shown in Table 4. The megavolt-ampere rating of the
1100 kV [63] and possibly six at 1500 kV.
Circuit breaker control, preinsertion resistors, andother
Table 4 Transformer and ReactorSizes
techniques will be needed so that transmission line over-
voltages due to energization, reenergization, fault initiation, Three-phase
andfaultclearingwill normally be limitedto 1.6 p.u.of
maximum operating line-to-ground voltage. However, over- 1000
Station autotransformers 3000
Reactors 500 1500
voltages ofupto 2.2 P.u., could occur in theeventof
misoperations of the control devices and therefore need to
be incorporated in the design.
line-compensating shunt reactors is estimated by assuming
There is some indication that magnitudes of fault clearing
transients may require circuit breakers to be equipped with a degree of compensation of 75-80 percent for a 400-km,
opening resistors [65]. In addition, two-stepclosing resistors 1600-kV UHV transmission line. UHV single-phasetrans-
may be needed [ a ] . The voltage across, and therefore the former ratings are presently based on shipping restrictions.
If improvements in technology can bring about reductions
energyrequirementsof theseresistor switching arrange-
in transformer size and weight, the ideal UHV transformer
ments can be substantial [69]. Depending upon the number
ofcontacts,gradingcapacitors used to distribute stresses size for 1600 k v is projected to be 4500 M V A per three-phase
acrosseach interrupter canalsobe subjected to consider- bank.
Inadditionto shippingrestrictions, single-phase unit
able voltage stress.
The Switching Impulse Withstand Level (SIWL) for circuit design is required for UHV transformers and reactors with
air insulated connections due to phase-to-phase clearance
breakers would be based on the switching impulse protec-
requirements. Theclearance consideration can be elimi-
tive level of 2200-kVcrest forzincoxide surgearresters
when discharging a 400-km line having a surge impedance nated by direct connection of UHV transformers and reac-
of 250 Q andavoltageof 2.2 p.u. The addition of a tors to a gas insulated station, but single-phase units will
9-percentmargin leads to the SlWL specificationof 2400 continue to be heavily preferred for reliability purposes. A
kv. This level must be verified, for both positive and nega- fourth single-phase spare unit is both less costly and easier
tive polarity, using the standard 250 X 2500 wave and either to install then a full three-phase unit.
The weights of the transformers (without dramatic chan-
the IEC 2 X 15 or the ANSI 3 X 3 test [70], [71]. The with-
ges in materials) are expected to be near the values shown
stand across open contacts of 2550 kV (2400 +
150) appears
in Table 5. Note that to date USA railroad shipping limita-
to be in agreement with presentANSIstandard for EHV
equipment [65].
Transient recovery voltage requirements also need to be Table 5 Transformers and Reactors Weights
addressed.Extrapolationofexisting standardsmay not be Weight in
appropriate, resulting in either insufficient or excessive ca- Metric Tonnes
pabilities. As an example, an ungrounded three-phase fault Shipping Installed
orthree-phasegroundedfault on an ungrounded system Single-phase, ICOI-MVA, 1600/800-kV
can produce a normal frequency recovery voltage of up to autotransformer, 17-percent impedance 295 476
1.5 times the normal line-to-neutral voltageon the first pole Single-phase, 1500-MVA 1600/800/25-kV
autotransformer 390 5 a9
ofthecircuit breaker tointerrupt thefaultcurrent. The
Single-phase, 500-MVAR, 1600-kV
exact value ofthe voltageratiodepends on thecircuit shunt reactor 254 345
configuration and needs to be examined closely.
Test facilities for 1100-kV equipment are being developed
as a result of the stimulus associated with the 1100-kV test
tions for transformers are in the order of 272 tons. Shipping
lines in the United States, Europe, and Japan. That stimulus
dimensions are estimated to be as shown in Table 6. The
has not yet materialized for a 1600-kV equipment voltage
specification for the transformers and rectors are as shown
level. Considering the required investment in test facilities,
in Table 7.
as well as the present worldwide economic conditions, the
Due to the importance of reliability several items should
development of 1600-kV equipment test facilities will prob-
ably not materialize until more test lines and stations and
actual commercial facilities are planned. Table6 Physical Size Estimates for UHV EouiDment ShiDment
4 ) Transformersand Shunt Reactors: UHVtransformer Dimension inMeters
and reactor power ratingsmust incorporatecompromises Height Width Length
between desired system requirementsandmanufacturer’s Autotransformers 6.40 3.66 13.2
limitations in the design, construction, 3.70testing,and 4.80
trans- Reactors 12.0
port of reliable and maintainable equipment. Physical sizes Required shipment
will be determined bythecombinedeffectofmegavolt- dimension 5.90 3.66 9.1


TaMe 7 ProposedSpecification 900 kV. A general description and test station instrumenta-
Autotransformer Reactor tion can be seen in [72], [73].
UHV testing of large air gaps has been performed at the
kV (L-L, rms) 1600/800 1600
4 X2.5 percent (LV) - Frank 6. Black Laboratory of the Ohio Brass Company and
Impedance 13-1 7 percent 1700 n** thehigh-voltage test facilities ofthe Hydro-Quebec In-
Cool i ng OA FOA stitute of Research (IREQ) [74], [75]. At the AEP/ASEA UHV
Tertiary none -
Project test station, extensive research in the area of corona
Basic impulse level (kV) 3100 3100
performance of line conductors has been conducted. Vari-
Sw surge (kV)2550 2550
ous conductor configurations have been tested at different
*It is preferred that the transformer have no t a p windings, how- voltage levels and theircoronaperformance has been
ever, i f taps are used they would be as shown.
**Reactor will probably be saturable in order to limit dynamic and evaluated in terms of theirenvironmentalimpact as spe-
steady-state overvoltages. cially characterized by audible noise, radio noise, television
interference, and corona loss caused by the interaction of
adverse weather conditions and voltage levels which could
be considered in final selection of transformer parameters. be expected forfutureUHV transmission lines [40], [54],
In general, simpler transformer design tends to improve
reliability. For example, removal of the tap windings on the To date, four conductor configurations have been sub-
primary (UHV) side enhances reliability of the transformer jected to long-term testing on the single-phase UHV test
package.Largertransformers will generally requiremore line. The first configuration was an 18-conductor bundle of
thanone (parallel) coil ”leg.”Sinceeach legmightbe 30.8-mm diameter subconductor supported in a symmetri-
considered to have equal reliability, the chance of failure is cal 1.22-m-diameter circle (or 18 X 30.8mm/1.22 m bun-
higher. Two smaller transformers in parallel (with one “leg” dled conductor). The second configuration was a 9 X 30.8
each) couldallow at least one-half capability to be mm/l.22 m conductor bundle, using the same subconduc-
maintained while a failed transformer was being replaced torsandthe same bundle diameter as the first bundle
by a spare. Otherwise the entire transformer bank is forced configuration. The third configuration was 10 X 46.2
out of service during this replacement process.Smaller mm/1.22 m conductor bundle. In order t o determine the
transformers would also be more easily transported and optimum diameter for the 10 X 46.2 mm bundle, diameter
would require less field assembly and less field oil variation tests have been performed in the test cages and
processing time (per transformer). on the UHV test line. Presently, the fourth configuration, a
Since reliability is of great concern, field diagnostic test- 16 X 35.2 mm/1.22 m, is being tested. Future plans call for
ing will assumeincreased importance. New methods of reduction in the number of subconductors and employ-
detectingincipient faults are being researched andoffer ment of asymmetrical spacing within the bundle.
promise in this regard. Additionally, extensive factory and In addition, research is in progress in the area of tower
on-site testing of prototype transformers will help insure systems, psychoacoustic effects of transmission audible
design adequacy. IftheUHV station should not be GIS, noise, as well as the effects of electric fields on the growth
thenthe transformer’s UHV bushing will itself present and yield of crops in the proximity of the UHV test line.
transportation and storage problems. Also, ASEA has performeddevelopmentaltesting to de-
termine and verify the insulationdesign of UHV equipment.
Research on the GIS equipment has beenconductedfor
support insulators, entrance bushings, and on the effects of
In recent years, major UHV research activities have been varying gas quality and pressure.
carried out in the USA, Italy, japan, USSR, Canada, and At BPA, extensive research and development o n UHV
Brazil. transmission have been conducted at the Test Facility at
In the USA, UHV studieshave been conducted at the Lyons, OR, and the Mechanical Test Line at Moro, OR. The
American Electric Power Company (AEP), theBonneville Lyons UHV Test Facility consisting of a 2.1-km three-phase,
Power Administration (BPA), and the General Electric Com- 1200-kV line, energized from BPA’s 230-kV system by three
pany (GE). At AEP, research and development work for UHV 50-MVA 230/1200-kV transformers, has been used for elec-
transmission has been conducted at a test stationjointly trical studies. The test line at Mor0 has been planned
operated by AEP and the ASEA Company of Sweden. exclusively for structural and mechanical studies without
The AEP/ASEA UHV Research Project test station is voltage. Investigations at Lyons and Mor0 have been sup-
located near South Bend, IN. It isasingle-phase facility ported with tests and studies in the BPA laboratories [37],
energized from a 345-kV circuit. The highest voltage levels [76], [77]. Corona and electric field studies, biological stud-
are achieved through theuse of two transformers in cascade ies, andenvironmental studieshave been conducted at
and range from 1 1 1 0 / 6 to 2 2 5 5 / 6 kVline-to-ground. Lyons.
Basically, physical facilities for the UHV test site include a Investigations on switching and lightning impulse insula-
single-phase test line consisting of three spans each 305 m tion have beenconducted to obtain full-scalelaboratory
long, a station with a UHV transformer manufactured by test data on the dielectric strength of 1100-kV transmission
ASEA (rated at 420/835/1785kV, three-phaseequivalents, lines. Studies of corona performance on conductors, insula-
and 333 MVA), and two testcages with an independent tors, and hardware have been carried out both in the BPA’s
voltage source for testing short lengths of conductor in a Carey Laboratory and on the Lyons 1200-kV test line. Long-
shorter time. Eachcage is 30.5 m long. The cages havea termaudible noise, radio noise, televisioninterference,
square section and their dimensions can vary between 6.1 corona loss, and ozone generation for seven- andeight-
m X 6.1 m and 9.1 m X 9.1 m. The maximum test voltage is conductor bundles of 41-mm diameter subconductor have


been investigated. Mechanical and structural tests including diameters 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 m. Studies on theinterference
studies ofline loadings (wind and ice load),conductor levels produced byUHVinsulators and fittingswere also
motion (aeolianvibration,subconductoroscillation,and made. Research is in progress on the mechanical and struc-
galloping), have beenperformed in the BPA’s Mangan turalproblemsoflines,conductors,vibration dampers,
mechanical-electrical laboratory and at the Mor0 mechani- spacers, suspension fittings, and joints.
cal test line. As regards the subject of the biological effects of electric
Other studies include construction and transmission line fields,studies on mice, rats, rabbits,and dogs have been
maintenance techniques for 1100-kV lines; biological stud- conducted both inthe laboratory and under the test line at
ies of the electric field effects of 1200-kV transmission lines Suvereto. In addition, tests onUHV electricalequipment
on crops, natural vegetation, honeybees, wildlife, and cat- have been carried out at the testing station at Suvereto and
tle; tests on substationequipment;studiesofsubstation at the CESl laboratories.
noise and electric fields; and evaluation of the performance In japan, UHV research has beencarriedout at Central
of transformers, arresters, and SF, equipment. Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Tokyo
In 1%7, a research program to study overhead transmis- ElectricPowerCompany (TEPCO), and the NGK Insulator
sion lines with voltages of loo0 to 1500 k v was initiated at Company.Testing facilities of CRlEPl include a UHVfog
GE’s Project UHV research facilitylocatedin Lenox, M A . chamberfortestingof polluted insulators, a facilityfor
This was a single-phase test line constructed and energized insulator testing under continuous energization, a corona
for the initial period of research from 1967 to 1971. In 1974, cage used for audible noise test, and a double-circuit 600-
a new three-year program to construct and operate a three- m-long line of voltage loo0 kV ac (convertible to a k500 to
phase test line in the range of loo0 to 1500 kV was started +650 k v dc). O n the UHV test line, the behavior of eight-,
the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The ten-,andtwelve-conductorbundlesandtowersunder
single-phasetestline was expanded to three-phaseoper- strong wind and earthquake have been investigated. Con-
ationwiththeadditionoftwo UHV transformers,surge struction and maintenance techniques, audible noise, radio
arresters, coupling capacitors, and associated equipment. noise,televisioninterference, as well as studies ofthe
Thethree-phaseUHV test line was 523 mlong and test effects of electric fields on vegetation and cattle are planned
voltages up to 1500 kV phase-to-phase were utilized. as part of the program.
At ProjectUHV, extensive switchingimpulse tests on Research and development work for mechanical perfor-
many different types of line and substation equipment were mance of bundled conductor and insulator assemblies, such
performedandpower frequency tests oncontaminated as galloping and ice loading, have been carried out on the
insulators were performed at UHV voltages. Audible noise, Takaishiyama Test Line of TEPCO.Thetest line has two
radio noise, corona loss, televisioninterference,electric spans with ten ACSR conductorbundles. Radio influence
field at ground level, and ozone generation were measured voltage (RIV) andaudible noisetests on insulator assem-
for 6- to 16-conductor bundles of 33- to 56-mm-diameter blies under polluted conditions have been performed with
subconductors. Studies related toelectric-fieldeffectsof corona testing equipment and the IOO-kV pollution testing
UHV transmissionlineswere alsomade.Theresults of equipment constructed at NGK High Voltage Laboratory [7].
these tests have been included in [17], [78]. The facilities at Other research in progress includesswitching,lightning
Project UHV are now being used for HVdc research. New andtemporary overvoltages, phase-to-phase clearance of
equipment has been installed as part of this Project to make UHV lines, and flashover characteristics of full-sized bush-
possible a comprehensive research program with test volt- ings and long insulator strings under contaminated condi-
ages up to +I500 kV. tions.
In Europe, the Ente Nazionale perI’Energia Elettrica(ENEL) In the USSR, UHV research has beenconducted at a
of Italy took the initiative in UHV studies with the estab- 1150-kV test site. The1150-kV installation is fed from the
lishment of its 1000-kV Project. UHV research and develop- 500-kV switchyardofthe BelyRast substationthrough a
ment have been conducted in various testing stations and group of 750/500/1O-kV, 3 X 417 M V A autotransformers. It
laboratories. The testing site at Suvereto includes the main consistsof a three-phase1.17-km-long line. Research car-
testing facilities of the 1000-kV Project [79]. It consists of a riedoutincludes tests oftheinsulationofequipment,
I-km-long test line and a 40-mtestcage.Testshavealso studies of switching overvoltages, audible noise, radio inter-
beenperformed at the CESl laboratories inMilan, the ference,electricfields in a substation, and installation,
mechanical testing facilities at Pradarena, and the mechani- operation, and maintenance of equipment. Preliminary test
cal laboratory of Brugherio in Milan. results are reported in [W].
Switching and lightning overvoltages are being studied. In Canada,research and tests on transmissionsystem
Researchhas beencarried outin the area of switching equipmentoperating at rated voltages ofupto 1500kV
impulse behavior of air gaps, behavior of surface insulation havebeenconducted at theHighVoltage Laboratory of
of UHV system in polluted atmosphere, performance of SF, Hydro-Quebec Institute of Research (IREQ). Outdoor test
insulation, and development of nonconventional insulators. facilities at I R E Q forcorona research on transmission line
Studies on audible noise, radio noise, and corona loss have conductorsconsistof a test lineand two testcages[81],
been made at the test line at Suvereto.Three different 1821. Both the test line and testcageshave been used for
conductor configurations-six,eight,andtensymmetrical the corona testing of conductor bundles for ac systems up
conductor bundles of 31.5-mm diameter subconductor and to 1500 kVand dc systems up to 1200kV.Thetest line
0.45-m diameter circle-have been tested. At the test cage, consists of a single span300 m long. Thetest cages com-
these tests have been made on symmetrical bundles of up prise two adjacentwire-mesh cages with a squarecross
tofourteen subconductors,asymmetricalbundles of six, section of 5.5 m X 5.5 m. Air insulation tests on substation
eight,and ten subconductors,andtubularconductorsof and line configurations for transmissionvoltages of up to


1500 kV were performed in IREQ’s high-voltage laboratory. UHV facilities as compared with such cost of EHV facilities,
Studieswere made onthe coronaperformanceoffour as well as the pace at which the project is to be developed
conductor bundles-8 X 41.4 mm, 6 X 46.53 mm, 8 X 46.53 to its full potential, would be two of the factors requiring
mm, and 6 X 50.75 mm-in the outdoor test cages of IREQ. careful evaluation.
In addition, a general study has also been carried out in the With regard to the possible introduction of UHV trans-
test cages to evaluate the conductor bundles having from mission as an overlay on an existing EHV network,the
one to sixteen conductors, with the conductor sizes varying timing of such an overlay is bound to depend primarily on
from 23.5 to 77.2 mm. IREQ hasalso studiedthecorona, the rateof growth in electricity demand,since growth in
electric field, and ion current performance of dc transmis- demand is, ultimately, the driving force behind the pace at
sion lines in the range of k600 to *I200 kV. Wind tunnel which new generating capacity resources and their associ-
measurements of aerodynamic forces such as drag, lift and ated transmission facilities need to be added to the system.
derivatives, on four-, six-, and eight-conductor bundleshave A slowdown in the rate of growth in electricity demand,
been made. Also, study of the dynamic performance of a such as thatexperienced in the United States since the
six-conductorbundle exposed to the wind and investiga- mid-19705, leads unequivocally to a corresponding delay in
tion of the aerodynamic performance of a twelve-conduc- theintroduction of a UHVoverlay as an economically
tor bundle have been carried out on the Magdalen Islands attractive alternative to continued EHV development.
test line. The possible utilization of UHV transmission as a means
In Brazil, a UHV research facility at Adrianopolis has been for interconnection between two or more power systems is
recently completed [83]. A 360-m-long test line and a 7.5 likely to come about in conjunction with the introduction
m X 7.5 m test cage will be installed. They will be used to ofUHV transmission as an overlay on existing EHV net-
conduct research for ac transmission systems up to 1500 kV works,ratherthan as an entirely separate applicationof
and dc systems up to ~ 1 o o OkV. Since 1978, Brazil has been UHV transmission technology. This is so because the value
associated with ENEL, in Italy, in connection with the IOOO- of a UHV transmission linkbetweenpower systemsis,
k v Project,fora joint UHV researchand development intrinsically, greatly dependent on the strength of the trans-
program in the field of ac transmission missionnetworks within such power systems. A strong
transmission tie between weak systems rarely can be justi-
While the precise timing of the utilization of UHV tech-
As demonstrated in the preceding sections of this paper, nology in the commercial transmission of electric power is
a very substantial body of knowledge has been acquired in subject to considerableuncertainty,theultimateappli-
recent years in the area of UHV technology. Sufficient UHV cation of such technology in the not-too-distant future is
technical know-how is now available with regard to system hardly in doubt. In the meantime, further progress needs to
analysis, transmissionline and station design, as well as be made in thedevelopment and testing of UHV equipment
equipment requirements to make the introduction of UHV and in actualoperationofUHVdemonstration facilities.
transmission-anyplace in the world-technically feasible, Only in this way will the electric power supply industry of
Technical considerations, as such,ceased to be a limiting theworld at largebe able to preserve andenhance its
factor in this regard. Rather, the timing of the utilization of flexibility of choice in future power system development. It
UHV technology in the commercial transmission of electric is notinconceivable thatthe introductionofUHVmight
power will now depend on UHV’s economic feasibility and need to be accelerated from the presently anticipated time-
desirability in the context of specific circumstances where it table. Should this happen, the fully developed technology,
might be considered as an economically preferable alterna- and the appropriate equipment would need to be available.
tive to EHV transmission.
Conceptually,there are threepossibleapplicationsfor
UHV transmission (as there are for EHV transmission): 1) as ACKNOWLEDGMENT
a means for long-distance transportation of electric power
and energy from a remote point of electric power produc- The scope of the technical effort described in this paper
tion toa point or points ofits utilization; 2) as an overlay on covers the work of many individuals within the American
an existing, strong EHV transmission network, in a manner Electric Power Service Corporation. The authors called upon
similar to that used in many parts of the world in introduc- a numberof these individualsfor assistance in preparing
ing EHV as an overlay on an existing lower voltage transmis- materialsforthispaper.Quiteparticularly,theauthors
sion network; and 3) as a means for interconnection with would like to acknowledge contributions of the following
another strong power system in a manner similar to that staff members of the Electrical Engineering and the System
used extensively in establishing EHV interconnections in Planning departments:
the past. Also, of course, applications of UHV transmission Electrical Engineering Department
involving combinations of two or more of the above alter- A. S. Jagtiani
natives are entirely possible (and-in fact-probable, over D. E. joslyn
a period of time). Y. I. Musa
In the instance of long-distance transportation of electric R. L. Retallack
power and energy, the application of UHV transmission as R . H. Schlomann
an alternative to EHV transmission could be viable in any C. H. Shih
futureprojectinvolvingthedevelopmentofgenerating T. Vinh
capacity resources that are sufficiently large and sufficiently 6. J. Ware
remotefrompointsofutilization, The projected cost of D. M. Williams


System Planning Department 370-3 presented at the 1974 IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New
M. Chau York, NY, Feb. 1974.
M. S. Feichtner R. L. Retallack and P. Bourdon, “American ElectricPower-
UHV bundle conductortests at Magdalen Islands,” /€€€ Trans.
R . M. Maliszewski Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-100, pp. 4926-4934, Dec. 1981.
K . P. Medicherla “Wind-induced conductor motion,” in Transmission Line Ref-
6. M. Pasternack erence Book (Orange Book).Palo Alto, CA:ElectricPower
J. H. Riley Research Institute, 1979.
S. A. Annestrand et a/., ”Bonneville Power Administration’s
1200 kV transmission line project,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep.
REFERENCES 31 - 0 9 , 1978.
L. Paris et a/., “A study of the design parameters of transmis-
H. C.Barnes and T. J, Nagel, ”AEP 765-kV system:General sion lines above loo0 kV,” in Proc. QCRE, Rep. 31-15, 1972.
background relating to its development,” I€€€ Trans.Power B. A . Cauzillo et a/., “Mechanical design criteria and construc-
App. Syst., vol. PAS-88, pp. 1313-1319, Sept. 1969. tion of new UHV lines,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 22-12, 1978.
G. S. Vassell and R. M. Maliszewski, “AEP 765 kVsystem: V. V. Bourgsdorf et a/., “Design of the EHV 1150 kV ac
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vol. PAS-88, pp. 1320-1328, Sept. 1%9. M . G. Comber et a/., “Three-phase testing facilities at EPRl’s
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tionsleading to the initiation of 765 kVby the American 1590-1599, Sept./Oct. 1976.
Electric Power Company,” in Proc. Amer. Power Conf.. pp. “EHV and UHV transmission lines: Electrical, structural, and
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T. I. Nagel and G. S. Vassell, “The American ElectricPower ment of Energy, publ. DOE/ET/29236-2.
System’s transmission grid: A major asset in an uncertain V . Winants and M. Riez, ”Conductor galloping on overhead
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-, “Development of the American Electric Power System A. S. Richardson, Jr., “Design and performance of an
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Proc. CICRE, Rep. 32-13, 1974. sented at the 1968 IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Chicago, IL,
S. A. Annestrand and G. A. Parks, ”Bonneville Power Adminis- June 1%.
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facilities for research of UHV transmission lines and some test R. L. Retallack, “Performance of multi-conductor bundles on
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E. Bagala et a / . , “The loo0 kV project-Progress of research at Power Conf., Chicago, IL, 1980.
the end of 1979,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 31-15, 1980. J, C. Trueblood and H. J. Elfring, “Spacersand subconductor
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F. Ellert,V. Bourgsdorf, and M. Sforzini, “UHV transmission PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Feb. 1971.
feasibility-A debate 10 years after the studies carried out by H. N. Scherer, Jr. et a/., “Electrical, structural, and environmen-
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voltages of loo0 kV and above: Plans for future ac and dc Study CommitteeNo. 22 (Overhead Lines), “Environmental
transmission, data on technical and economic feasibility and problemsof UHV transmission lines in densely populated
on general design, informationon testing facilities and the areas,” CICRE, Rep. 2.16, 1979.
research i n progress,” Electra, no. 91, pp. 83-133, Dec. 1983. R . S. Gens et a/., “BPA 1100 kv transmission system develop-
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and test results,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 31-10, 1980. J. C. Poffenberger and R. Whapham, “International UHV
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transmission lines,” / E € € Trans. Power App. Syst.. vol. PAS-98, C . Carrara et a/., “The loo0 kV project-Progress of research
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J, Clade et a/., “Factors on whichto base comparisons in H.N. Scherer, Jr. et a/., “The AEP/ASEA UHV project-
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i n Proc. CIGRE, Rep. 31-15, 1978. R. L. Retallack et a/., ”AEP chainette structure development,”
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Transmission Line Reference Book: 345 kV and Above (Red D. Lecomte and P. Meyers, “Evolution of the design for the
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ductors,” /€€€ Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-75. pp, 6. A. Cuazillo et a/., “Mechanical design criteria and construc-
642-654, Mar./Apr. 1975. tion of new UHV lines,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 22-12, 1978.
W. I. Lowe, “lnvestlgation into subconductor oscillation on C . Balderston et a/., ”Three phase UHV test linefacility
the Nelson River test line,” presented at the Canadian Electric description and preliminary results,” in Proc. CICRE, Rep.
Association Meeting, Calgary, Alta, Canada, 1969. 31 -01, 1976.
L. J. Cloutier et a/., “The Magdalen Island test line: A research M . Cojan et a/., “Polymeric transmission insulators: Their
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22-10, 1980. "Soviet plan to span long distance at high voltages," Electrical
(481 E. A. Cherney et a/., "Application of composite insulators to Rev., vol. 208, no. 21, pp. 14-15, June 5, 1981.
transmission lines," / E € € Trans. PowerApp. Syst., vol. PAS-102, E. Bagala et a/., "Italian loo0 kV project and related test
pp. 1226-1 234, May 1983. facilities," i n Proc. CICRE, Rep. 31-16, 1978.
J. H. Provanzana eta/., "AEP-ASEA UHV research project-Test R. C. Colclaser et a/., "Multi-step resistor control of switching
line and station design," / € € E Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. surges," / E € € Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-88. pp.
PAS-95, pp. 1853-1861, Sept./Oct. 1978. 1022-1028, July 1%9.
R. L. Brown and C. F. Sarkinen, "Experience with non-ceramic P. Baltensperger and E. Ruoss, "Switching overvoltages in EHV
insulators," presented at the American Power Conf., Chicago, and UHV networks," in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 13-14, 1970.
IL, 1982. ANSI/IEEE C.37.09-1979, "American National StandardTest
5. V. Krylov et a/., "Structures of insulator strings for UHV Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit BreakersRated on a
transmission lines," in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 22-07, 1982. Symmetrical Current Basis."
C. Balderston, Jr. et a/., "Progress report on EPRl Project "Common clauses for high-voltage switchgear and control
UHV," in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 31-02, 1974. gear," international Electrotechnical Commission, publ. IEC
C . Karody and C. Lamontagne, "Electrical and contamination 694,1980.
performance of synthetic insulators for 735 k v transmission W. C. Pokorny et a/., "AEP-ASEA UHV research project-
lines," paper 76-705-5 presented at the 1976 IEEE PES Summer Designphilosophy, test program and initial results,"paper
Meeting, Portland, OR, July 1976. A78 124-0 presented at the 1978 IEEE PES Winter Meeting,
H. N. Scherer, Jr. et a/., "The AEP-ASEA UHV project-Results New York, NY, Jan./Feb. 1978.
to 1979," in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 31-04, 1980. H. Kirkham et a/., "AEP-ASEA UHV research project-lnstru-
C. Mazza and 6. Mazzoleni, "loo0 gas kV insulated mentation and data systems,"paper A78 164-6 presented at
switchgear," presented at the Toshiba Corporation Symp., the 1978 IEEE PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Jan./Feb.
June 1983. 1978.
E. Haginomori,"Development of UHV CIS in Japan," pre- W. C. Pokorny and R. W. Flugum, "UHV towerinsulation
sented at the Toshiba Corporation Symp., June 1983. parameters determined by full-scale testing," /E€€ Trans.
S. V. Biryukov et a/., "Main design solutions for the first 1150 Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-94, pp. 518-529, Mar./Apr. 1975.
kV substation in the USSR and their main equipment," i n C. Menemenlis et a/., "Phase-to-phase insulation," /€€E Trans.
Proc. CICRE, Rep. 23-07, 1980. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-95, pp. 643-659, Mar./Apr. 1976.
6. J. Ware et a/., "CIS and alternate system for UHV substa- D. E. Perry et a/., "BPA 1100 kV transmission system develop-
tion," presented at the Italy/USA Joint UHV Workshop, Port- ment-Corona and electric field studies," /€€€ Trans. Power
land, OR, July 1982. App. Syst., vol. PAS-%, pp. 1728-1738, Sept./Oct. 1979.
E. C.Sakshaug et a/., "A new concept in station arrester L. E. Rogers et a/., "BPA 1100 kV transmission system develop-
design," / E € € Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-%, pp. 647-656, ment-Environmental studies," /€€E Trans. Power App. Syst.,
Mar./Apr. 1977. vol. PAS-98, pp. 1958-1%7, Nov./Dec. 1979.
J. D. M. Phelps et a/., "765 kV station insulation coordination," "Three-phase UHV AC transmission research," Electric Power
I€€€ Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-88, pp. 1377-1382, Sept. Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, Rep. EL-823, July 1978.
1%9. E. Bagala et a/., "Italian loo0 kV project and related test
A. Sweetana et a/., "Design, development and testing of 1200 facilities," i n Proc. CIGRE, Rep. 31-16, 1978.
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S y ~ t .VOI.
, PAS-101, pp. 2319-2327, July 1982. Bely Rast substation," in Proc. CICRE, Rep. 23-03, 1976.
J. H. Cooper et a/., "Field test experience and diagnostic N. Hylten-Cavallius and D. Train, "The IREQ ultra high volt-
techniques on 1200 kV gas insulated substation components," age laboratory and test facilities," /€E€ Trans. Power App.
i n Proc. CICRE, Rep. 23-07,1984. Syst., vol. PAS-93, pp. 176-186, Jan./Feb. 1974.
Y. Miyachiet a/., "Insulationcoordination for UHV SF,- N.CiaoTrinhet a/., "A comparative study of the corona
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Rep. 33-03, 1984. May/June 1974.
E. Thuries and J. Vigereux, "Ultra high voltage substation," in N . de Franco and C. A. S. Morrissy, "An account of long-term
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C. L. Wagner et a/., "Development of a 1200 kV circuit-breaker Rep. 31-13, 1980.
for CIS (*) system requirements and circuit-breaker parame- H. N. Scherer, Jr. et a/., "The AEP-ASEA UHV project-Results
ters," i n Proc. OGRE, Rep. 13-07, 1980. to 1983," in Proc. CICR€, Rep. 38-04, 1984.


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