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2.1 Functions: domain, range, composite, identity and inverse functions
2.2 Graphs of functions, by hand and using GDC, their maxima and minima,
asymptotes, the graph of r-1 (x)
2 .3 Transformations of graphs, translations, re flections, stretches and composite
transfo rmations

Before you start

You should know how to: Skills check
1 Plot coordi nates. , 1 a Plot these points on a coord inate plane.
A(I ,3), B(5 , - 3), 0:4, 4) , D<,- 3, 2) ,
e.g. Plot the •
points A(4, 0) , B(O, - 3), c A . £(2 , - 3), F(0,3).
q - 1, I) and D<,2, I) _ o x b Write down the
on a coordinate plane. coordinates of
points A toH
2 Substitute values into an expression. c 0 s
e.g. Givcnx = 2,y= 3 andz = -5 ,
find the value of a 4x + 2y b y2 - 3z
a 4x + 2y=4(2) + 2(3) = 8 + 6 = 14 G
b y2 - 3z = (3)' - 3(- 5) = 9 + 15 = 24
3 Solve linear equations.
4, y = 6 and z = -10, find
2 Given that x =
e.g. Solve 6 - 4x = 0
6 - 4x =0 =>6 = 4x a 4x+ 3y b i' - 3y c y - z d 2 .r + >
3 Solve
1.5 x => x 1.5 = y

a 3x - 6 = 6 b5x+7 = - 3 c f+6 = 11
4 Use your GDC to graph •
a fu nction. 4 G raph these functions on your GDC
e.g. Graph within the given domain. Then
f(x) = 2x- l ,-3 s x s 3 · · ' sketch the functions on paper.
a y = 2x- 3, - 4 :S: x s 7
b y =
10 - 2x, -2 s x ,;; 5
5 Expand linear binomials. =
c y i' - 3, - 3 :S x :S 3.
e.g. Expand (x + 3) (x - 2) 5 Expand
= x'+x - 6 a (x +4)(x+5) b (x- l)(x-3)
c (x + S)(x- 4)
F. .mctiuns
The International Space Station (!SS) has been orbiting the Earth 4 International Space
over 15 Limes a day for more than ten years, yet how many of us Station
have actua!Jy seen it? Spotting the ISS with the naked eye is not as
difficult as it might seem - provided you know in which direction
to look. Although the ISS travels at a speed of 7. 7 km s- 1, it is in one
of the lowest orbits possible, at approximately 390 km above our
beads. Thanks to its large solar wings it is one of the brightest
'stars', which makes it fairly easy to distinguish as it moves across
One of the first
the night sky.
mathematicians to
The relation t = 22 gives the speed of the ISS, where r is the time study the concept of
measured in hours and dis the d istance traveled in kilometres. function was French
philosopher Nicole
This is a mathematical relationship called a f unction and is just one Oresme (1323-1382).
example of how a mathematical function can be used to describe a He worl<ed with
situation. independent and
dependent variable
Jn this chapter you wi ll explore functions and how they can be
applied to a wide variety of mathematical situations.

Chapter I
1.1 Introducing functions

Investigation - handshakes
In some countries it is customary at business meetings to shake
hands with everybody in t he meeting. If there are 2 people there is
1 handshake, if there are 3 people there are 3 handshakes and so on.
a How many handshakes are there fo r 4 people?
b Copy and complete th is table.

Number Number of You might find It hel ps

of peop le handshakes to try this out with a
2 group of your friends
3 in class.
Do not join the poi nts
in this case as we
are dealing only
with 1"1ole (discrete)
c Plot t he points on a Cartesian coordinate plane with t he number
of people on the x-axis and the number of handshakes on the y-axis.
d Write a formu la for the number of handshakes. H, in terms of the
number of people, n.

Relations and functions

Distance ( m) Time(•) The table shows the amount
100 15 of time it takes for a student
200 34 to run certain distances.
300 60
400 88

Another way of showing this informati on is as orde red pairs:

(100, 15), (200, 34), (300,60) and (400, 88). Each ordered pair has
two pieces of data in a specific order. They arc separated by a
comma and enclosed w ithin brackets in the form (x,y).

I A relation is a set of ordered pairs.

There is nothing special at all about the numbers tha t are in a

relation. In other words, any group of numbers is a relation
provided that these numbers come in pairs.
The domain is the set of all Lhe first numbers (x-values) of the
ordered pairs.
The curly brackets. { ),
The domain of the ordered pairs above is 1100, 200, 300, 400).
mean 'the set of' .
The range is the set of the second numbers (y-values) in each

The range of the ordered pairs above is p 5, 34, 60, 88}.

Example 1

Find the doma in and range o f chese relations .

a 1(1,4), (2, 7), (3, 10), (4, 13)1
b {(- 2, 4), (- 1, 1) , (0,0), ( I, 1) , (2, 4)}

a T he domain is i 1, 2, 3, 4f First ekmenls in lire orrkred pairs

The range is {4, 7, 10, 13} Seco11dekments intlreorrlemipairs

b T he domain is {- 2, - 1, 0, I , 2) Do not repear values even though

The range is (0, l , 4} there are two 4s and two Is in the
ordered pain.

A function is a mathematical relation such that each element

of the domain of the function is associated with exactly one
clement of the range of the function . In order for a relation to
be a function no two ordered pairs may have the same first


Whic h of these secs of ordered pairs are fu nccions?

a ((1. 4), (2,6), (3,8), (J , 9), (4, 10)}
b l(l,3), (2,5), (3, 7). (4 , 9), (5, 11 )}
c 1(- 2, 1), (- 1, !), (0, 2), (1 , 4) , (2, 6)}

a No t a func tion because che
number 3 occurs tw ice in the
b A function; all of the firsc
elements are dilferem.
c A fu nction; all of the first /tlote that it does-n'c matter tha.r
clements arc different_ some of tire y- vatues are the

Cha pter I
Exercise IA
1 Which of these sers of ordered pairs arc functions?
a {(5,5), (4,4), (3,3), (2,2), (l , l)}
b {(- 3, 4), (- l , 6) , (0, 5), (2, - l), (3, - l)}
c {(4, 1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4) , (4,5))
d {(- l , l) , (0,3) , ( l ,6), (l, 7), (2, 8))
e {(-4, 4) , (-4, 5), (-3, 6) , (-3, 7), (-2, 8))
{( l ,2), (2,2), (3,2) , (4,2) , (5 , 2))

2 For each diagram , identify rhe domain and range and say
whether the relation is a function.

bb Write down the

coordinates as
bt±±f; ordered pairs.

3 Look back ar the table on page 4 that shows the amount of ri me

it rakes fo r a student ro run certain distances. ls the relationship
between a distance traveled and ri me taken a fu nction?

The vertical line test

You can represent relations and functio ns on a Cartesian plane.
You can use rhe vertical line test to determine whether a particular
relation is a function or nor, by drawing vertical lines across the Cartesian coordinates
graph. and the Cartesian
plane are named
A relation is a function if any vertical line drawn will nor after Frenchman
intersect the graph more !.han once. This is called !.he vertical Rene Descartes
line test. (1596- 1650).

Example 3

Which of these relations are functions?


>- Conti nued on ne:ict page



A function A function Not a function

Exercise IS
1 Which of these relations are functions?

Draw. or
on the

If the function has

a ·solid dot' • .this
Indicates that the
value ts included in
' the fu nction.
If the function has a
'hollow dot' o, this
indicates that the
value is not Included In
the function.

g h
-- I

I 2 3 4 5 ' 5 - ·B 2 . 01/ '
-2 - 0

Cha pter I
Use your GDC to sketch these straight line graphs. Ind icate where the line crosses. the
a y=x b y =x +2 c y=2"'< - 3 d y =4 x· and/or y-axis on your sketch.
e Are they all functions? Explain your answer.
f W ill all sn-aight lines be functions? Why? When using your GDC. aim to have the

3 Sketch the region y < 3x - 2. Is this a function? Why? ends of your graph near the corners of
the view window.
4 Use an algebraic method to show that i' + y' = 4 is
not a function. Try substituting positive and negative
va lues of x.

1.2 The domain and range of a relation

on a Cartesian plane
You can often write the domain and ra nge of a rela tion using A
interval notation. This is another method of writing down a set of DO M AIN
numbers. For example, for the set of numbers that are all less than 3,
you can write the inequalicy x < 3, where x is a number in the set. A A function maps th e
In interval notation, this set of numbers is written (---00, 3) domain (ho rizon tal,
Interval notation uses only five symbols. x-values) onto the
range {,_.ertlcal,
Brackets () Y"values)

Square brackets II How many numbers

Infinity = are there in the
Negative infinity - oo sequence 0 . 1. 2 .
Un ion u 3, 4, ... if W<J go on

To use interval notation: How many numbe<s

are there In the
Use the round brackets ( , ) if the value is not inclLJded in the
sequence 0 , 0.5, 1.
graph as in (-oo, 3) or when the graph is undefined al that
1.5. 2. 2.5. 3. 3.5.
point (a hole or asympto t e , or a jump).
4 .... if W<J go on
Use the square brackets [ , ] if the value is pa11 of the graph. foreve.r?

Whenever there is a break in the values, write the interval up to

the point. Then write another interval for the values after that point.
Put a union sign between each interval to 'join' them together.
For example ( oo, 3) u (4, oo)
If a graph goes on forever lo the left , the domain (x-values) starts with
(-= .If it goes on forever to the right then the domain ends with oo). Why do we call infinity
If a graph travels downward forever, the range (y-values) starts with undefined?
(-= .And if a graph goes up forever, then the range ends with oo).
Usually we use interval notation to describe a set of values along
the x- or y-axis. However, you can use it to describe any group of
numbers. For example, in interval notation x 2 6 is [6, oo).
Asymptotes are visible on your GDC for some fu nctions. An "
I y
asymptote is a line that a graph approaches, but does not intersect.
For example, in the graph of y = -; , I.he line approaches 1'-,_
the x-axis (y = 0), but never touches it. As we go to infinity the line
will not actually reach y = 0, but will always get closer and closer. .l
The x-axis or y = 0 is callled the horizontal asymptote. J
The y-axis or x 0 is the vertical asymptote for the same reasons. Finding asym ptotes by
There will be a more in-depth treatment of asymptotes in the chapter looking at the graph
on rational functions. Is called locating
asymptotes. by
ins pection.

Identify the horiwntal and vertical asymptotes for these functions if they exist.
2x x+2
a y =2· b y=:;+] c y =


asymptote y = 0 As we go along 1/re r-aris to the
left the curve gm closer buc ntver
I actually meets the x-axis..

-2 .5 -2 - 1.5 - 1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

I llorizontal
asymptote y 2 =
_,_.../ Vertical asympore

3 - !'

l Jori:wntal
\ asymptote y 0 =
Vertical asympote
x= - l andx=2

Cha pter I
Exercise IC
Identify the horizontal and vertical asympotes for these functions , if
they exist.
3 4
1 y = 3• 2 y= - 3 y = :;+(

2.r 2x+I 6
4 y = -
x +2
5 y= - -
x -1
6 y = x' - 9

Set builder notation

In set builder notation we use curly brackets { } and variables to
You may wish
express the domain and range. We can compile sets of inequalities
to explore the
using inequality and other symbols. 'internationalism '
of symbols In
the set of {)
the language of
less than
less than or equal to ,.
< mathematics.

greater than >

greater than or equal to
is a member of the set of real numbers "
e R

Set notation:
(X:X> 6J
Interval notation Is
often c<:msidered more
efficient than set
[ x-va lf J builder notatlon

Interval Description Set builder Around the world

notation notation are many different
(-2, +oo) x is greater than - 2 {x : x > - 2) words for the same
symbol. Brackets
(--oo, 4) xis less than or equal to 4 {x : x ,; 4) are also called
[-3, 3 ) x lies bet"een -3 and 3 {x :-3 ,; x < 3} parentheses. Radicals
including -3 but not 3 are also called surds.
(--oo , 5) U [6, + oa) x is less than 5 or greater {x : x<5,x ;, 6} How does this affect
than or equal to 6 understand ing? Can

(-<>0, + oa) x may be any real you find some more

number xe R

Some people use 'ba<:kwards square

brackets· to show greater tha n or less
than. For example: ] 2 . "" ( Is equivalent to
x > 2, and] oa, - 4[ ls equivalent to x < - 4.

F ict1ons
Example 5

Find the domain and range of Lhis function. You may wish to
explore the iniluence
2.5 of technology on
notation and
vice versa.

--4 -3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 x

The domain of the function is x only iakes va/WJS gre<Uer tlum or
{x :x" -4} or (-4, +<») equal to - 4.
The range of the function is The function only takes y·values
{y; Y 2: 01 or [O, + oo) gremer than or equal to 0.


Find the domain and range of each function . What values are
included in the domain
a r b
0 < x < 1?

"" I
How many values a re

-2-1°U 2 .

Answers Do we all use the

a The domain is {>· :-2:;; ,- < - I same notation in

and 0 < x,; 3} mathematics? We are

or (-2, - I) u (0,3). using an empty dot to
The range is {y; - 4 < y :S I } ind icate that x;:;;: -1 is

or (-4, 1). not included. Different

b T he domain of the function is x can rake any real value. countries have
xe ll. or (-oo, +oo), different notation!> to
represent the same
T he range of the function is
ly:y2 -3 } or [-3, +"')- thing. Furtliermore.
different teachers
from the same
country use different

Cha pter I
Exercise ID
1 1.-0ok back to page 4 at the graph and the fonmda for the
num bers of handshakes for various numbers of people. l s this
a fu nction ? Jf so, what is the domain and range?

z Find the domain and range for each of these relations.

a b c


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 .I: -2 -1 0 I l 3 4 5 6 ' -1 - 0.5 ° 0.5 1 X"

d e

• •

1¥ ilNJJ¥1 .
- I
-J -
r \
0 _u
- I
' "' -\ '

I ,
' '
3 Use your GDC Lo sketch these graphs.
Your GDC will find t he :i<· a nd y-intercepts_ To do
Write down the domain and range of each .
this algebraically. use the fact that a function
a y=lx -3 b y= x"
crosses Ule x-ro:is when y 0 and crosses the
c y r + 5x + 6 d y x' - 4 = ya xis when x :r O. For example. the function
e y=.[; y = 2x - 4 crosses the x-axis where 2x- 4 =0.
g y = -x h y = e' x = 2. II crosses the )'axis where y = 2(0) - 4 = - 4.

- I x +4
y - x +2 y= x -2
2 3k gives a most unusual ansVio'0f. Look
_x' -9
k y - x +3 y = x' + I carefully for a hole where x ;::: -3.

F. .mctiuns
1.3 Function notation
Functions are often desc1ibed by equations. For example, the
equation y = 2x + I describes y as a function of x. By giving the
function the symbol 'f' we write this equation in function notation
as f(x) 2x + I and soy f(x) . =
f(x) is read as 'jof x' and means the va lue of fu nction /at x.

f (x) can also be written like this:/: x 2x + I. f: (x) --> 2x + 1 means

An ordered pair (x, y) can be written as (x.f(x)). that f is a function
Finding/(x) for a particular value of x means evaluating the that maps • to 2• + 1.
function/ at that value.

Example 7
The German

a Evaluate the functionf(x) = 2x + I at x = 3. ma thematician and

b [ f f(x) = x"+ 4x - 3, find i /(2) ii f(O) iii f( - 3) iv /(x+ I) philosopher Gottfried
Le ibniz first used the
Answers mathematical t erm
a /(3) = 2(3) + I 7= For x, su/15Jitu/e 3. jfunctlon' In 1673.
b i /(2) = (2)' + 4(2) - 3 = 4 + 8 - 3 = 9
ii /(0)=(0)' + 4(0) - 3=0+0 - 3= - 3
Iii f(-3) (-3)' + 4(-3)-3
= 9-12-3= -6
iv /(>· + I)= (x+ I)'+ 4(x + 1) - 3
= r' + 2x+ I +4x+4-3
= r'+6x+2

Exercise IE
1 Find I /(7) ii /( - 3) Iii f(± ) Iv /(0) v /(a)
for these functions.
a f(x) = x - 2 b /(x) = 3x c /(x) = 4"
d /(x) =2x+ 5 e f(x) =x' + 2
2 lf/(x) = i' - 4, find
a f( - a) b /(a+ 5) c f(a - 1)
d /(a' - 2) e /(5 - a)
Notice that we do not
EXl'I M-STi:IL E QU ESTIO N atways use the
3 If g(x) =4x - =
5 and h(x) 7 - 2x letter f for a function.
a find =
x when g(x) 3 Here we have used
b find =
xwhen h(x) -15 g and ll_ When
c find x when g(x) =h(x). considering ve locity in
terms of time we often
4 a If h(x) =x 6
find h(-3) . use v(!).

b Js there a value where h(x) does not exist? Explain.

Cha pter I
5 The volume of a cube with edges of length x is You can use mathematical fun<0tlons
given by the function/(x) = x'. to represent things from your own life.
a Find /(5). For example, suppose the number oi
b Explain what/(5) represents. pizzas your family eats depends on
the number of footba ll games you
g(x) = 3;_+11 watch_ If yciu eat 3 pizzas duri ng every
footba ll game. the function would be
a Evaluate
'number of pizzas' (p) 3 times
i g(6) ii g(-2) iii g(O) 'number of footba ll games" (g)

b Evaluate or p = 3g. Can you think of another

real-life fu nction? It could perhaps be
i g(l) ii g( l. 5) iii g( l. 9) iv g( l. 99)
about the a mount of money you s pend
v g(l.999) vi g( l. 9999) or the number of mi nutes you spend
c What do you notice about your answers to b? talking on the phone.
d Is there a value of x for which g(x) does not exist?
e Graph the function on your GDC and look what happens
when x 2. Explain.
The Initia l velocity
7 The velocity of a particle is given by v(t) = 1 2 - 9 m s- 1•
means the velocity at
a Find the initial velocity. the start, when t - 0.
b Fin d the velocity after 4 seconds.
c Find the velocity after I 0 seconds. The particle comes to
d At what time does the particle come to rest? rest when 11 = 0.

8 Given f(x) = f(x+hl - f(x) find Extension ll'li'.l terlal on CD:

a /(2 + h) b /(3 + h)

1.4 Composite functions

A composite function is a combination of two functions. You apply
one function to the result of another.

The composition of the function/with the functiong is

wrinen as /(g (x)), which is read as 'f of g of x', or (f o g)(x),
which is read as 'f composed with g of :t.

When you evaluate a function/(x), you subslilute a number or

another variable for x.
For example, if f(x) = 2x + 3 then/(5) = 2(5) + 3 = 13
You can find /(r + !) by subsliluting x2 + 1 for x to get
JV + 1) = 2cr- + 1) + 3 = 2x' + s
A composite function applies one funcLion 10 the result of
another and is defined by (Jog)(x) f(g(_x)) .

If /(x) = 5 - 3xa nd g(x) = i' + 4, find ifog)(x).

Answer _
L-{g(x) goes in here
ifo g)(x) = 5 - 3(x'+ 4) Substitute x ' + 4 intoJ (x).
= 5-3x' -12
= -3x' - 7

You may need to evaluate a composite funct ion for a particular

value of x.


/(x) = 5 - 3xand g(x) = x•+ 4. Find ifog)(3).

ifog)(x) 5 - 3(x 2 + 4) Wom out rite composirefimcrio11.
if 0 g)(3) = -3(3)2- 7 Then substirure 3 for x.
= - 27 - 7
= - 34
Both methods give
Method2 the same resu lt - you
g(3) = (3)' + 4 = 13 Substilute 3 imo g(x). can use the one you
/( 13) =5 - 3(13) =- 34 Substitute tlrar l'CUue imo J (x). prefer.

Example 10

Givcn/(x) =2x+ 1 andg(x) =x'-2, find

a ifog)(x) b ifogX4l

a ifog)(x) = 2(x 2 - 2) + l Substirure x' - 2 imo f (x). Or use Method 2 :
= 2x' - 3 g(4) = (4)' - 2 = 14
and then
b (f og)(4) = 2(4)2 - 3 = 29 Substilute 4for x. f(14) = 2(14) + 1 = 29

1 =
Givenf(x) =3x, g(x) x+ 1 and h(x) x' + 2, find =
a (fog)(3) b (f og)(O) c (f og)(- 6) d (f og)(x)
e (g o/)(4) f (g of)(S) g (g o/X 6) h (g of)(x)
i (foh)(2) (h of)(2) k (f oh)(x) (h of)(x) (If • h)(2).,. (h • l)l2l
m (goh)(3) n (h og)(3) o (g oli)(x) p (h og)(x)

Chapter I
2 Givenf(x) = x' - I and g(x) = 3 - x , find
a (g of)(l) b (gof)(2) C (g ofX4) d (f og)(3)
e (g of)(3) f (fog)(-4) g (f og)(x + I) h (fog){x+ 2)
3 Given the x' and g(x) =x + 2 find
a (f o g)(x) b (f o g)(3)

4 Given the functionsf(x) = Sx andg(x) = x' + I find

a (f og)(x) b (g of)(x)

5 g(x) = x' + 3andh(x)=x 4 'Hence' means

a Find (g oli)(x). ·use the precedi11g
b Find (h og)(x) . work to obtain the
c Hence solve the equation (g oh)(x) = (h og)(x). required result'.

6 Jf r(x) = x - 4 and s(x) = x' , find (r os)(x) and state its domain
and range.

1.5 Inverse functions

-+ The Inverse of a functionf(x) isf-'(x). It reverses the action of
that function.

If f(x) = 3x - 4 and g(x)

26 4
/(10) =3(10) 4=26andg(26)= 3+ =10,sowearcbackto r (fog) (10) = 10
where we started.
So g(x) is the inverse of f(x).
Not all functions have an inverse. Note that t - 1 means
Tf g is the inverse function off, then g wi ll reverse the action of /for the inverse of f:
the ·- 1· is not an
all values in the domain of /and/will also be the inverse of g.
exponent (power).
Whenfandg are inverse functions, we writeg(x) = 1 -'(x).

-+ Functions f(x) and g (x) are inverses of one another if:

(f o g)(x) all of the x-values m the domain of g
(g of)(x) = x for all of the x-values in the domain off

The horizontal line t est

-+ You can use the horizontal line test to identity inverse

If a horizontal line crosses the graph of a function more than
once, there is no inverse function.

- -
Example 11

W hich of these functions have inverse fu nctions?

b y



_1o 1 2 3 4 s 6 1 '


Did you know that Abu l

Wafa Buzja ni, a Persian
mathematician from
.4 -;J · • ·1 0 1 2 3 4 ' 1 2 3 4 5 '
the 10th century. used
No inverse function functions? There is.
a crater on the moon
named after him.

Inverse fu nction

' . ''

Inverse fun ction

No inverse functio n

Cha pter I
The graphs of inverse functions

The graph of the inverse of a function is a reflection of that

function in the line y = x.

Here are some examples of functions and their inverse functions.

y• x

If (x,y) lies on the line f(x) , then (y, x) lies onr- '(x). Reflecting the
function in the line y x 'swaps' x and y , so the point (1, 3) reflected
in Lhe line y x becomes point (3 , 1).

1 Use the horizontal line test to determine which of these functions
have inverse functions.
a b Pioneering worl< by
Indian scientist Pani ni
in the 6th century BCE
Included functions .

-5 -4 -3 - 2 - 1 0 ' -;; - 5 - -3 -2 -1-i° l 2 3 4 "


1 2 J 4 5 6 x

F. .mctiuns
2 Copy the graphs of these functions. For each, draw the
line y = x and the graph of the inverse function.
a b c
I ·-
I -\\
IZ - I\\
- , _G
' ,_ I,/_ G
G [\
I - -
' - \

Finding inverse functions algebraically

Look at how Lhc functionf(x) =3x - 2 is made up. We start with
x on the left.

To form the inverse function we reverse the process, using

inverse operations.
The inverse of +2 is - 2
The Inverse of x 3 Is +3

So r'<x> = .r..:p-
The next example shows you how to do this without diagra ms.

Example lZ
If f(x) = 3x - 2, fi nd the inverse fu nction/- '(x).

y 3x-2 Replace /(x) wit/1 y.
.r = 3y-2 Replace every x with y and
.r+ 2 3y = every y wi1h x.
x +1 Make)' the subject.
y= - 3-

f Replacey wi1/1f- 1(x).


Cha pter I
As you saw in the graphs of functions and their inverses, the inverse
function of a given function f is the reflection of the graph y f (x) =
in the line y = x, which ' swaps ' x and y. So in Example 12 we
swapped x and y, and then made y the subject.

To find the inverse function algebraically, replacef(x) withy

and solve for y.

Example 13
1f f(x) = 4 - 3.r, findf -' (x).

y= 4 - 3.r Replace f(x) with y.
x= 4 - 3y Replace every x wirli y a11d ewry y
x-4 = - 3y witl1 x.
x-4 Makey the subject.
--=3 =y
y= - 3-

Replace y w1i!if - 1(x).


To check that the inverse function in Example 13 is correct, combine

the functions
(/ • J-')(x) = 4 - 3( 4 ;,. ) =4 (4 x)=x
So if · J -')(x) = x an d f a nd / 1
are inverses of each other.

The function J(x) =xis called the identity function.

It leaves x unchanged .
Sof•f - 1 = I

1 If f(x) =-x+2- 4 and g(x) =2x - 4, find
a i g( l) and(fog)(I) ii f(- 3)and(g •/)(- 3)
Iii (f• g)(x} iv (g•f)(x)
b What does this tell you about func tions/and g?

2 Find the inverse for each of these functions.

a f(x) = 3x - I b g(x) = x' 2 c lt(x)=tx+5
d f(x) =if; - 3 e g(x) = 7-2 f It (x) = 2x' + 3 Self-Inverse functions
are such that a
function and its
Inverse are the same.
3 What is/ '(x) if Look for self-iliverse
functions in questioo 3.
a J(x)= 1- x b f(x)=x c
4 Evaluatef- 1(5) where
a f(x) = 6 x c f(x) = 4x- 3
x+i Note that the image
of point (a . -0) after a
5 If f(x) = fin df - 1 (x). reflection in the line
y= xis the point
€Xf1M-ST':!L€ OU€ST!ON (b. - a).
6 a Draw the graph of f(x) =2' by making a table of values and
plotting several points.
b Draw the line y = x on the same graph.
c Draw the graph of 1-• by reflecting the graph off
in the line y = x.
d State the domain and range of fandf- 1•

The functionf(x) =has no inverse function. However,

the square root function g(x) =..[;docs have an inverse function.
Find this inverse.
By comparing the range and domain explain why the inverse
of g(x) = ,Jx is not the same asf(x) = x'.
B Prove that the graphs of a linear function and its inverse can Ext:ensian material on CD.
never be perpendicular_ Worksh eet .! PDl'yriom1als

1.6 Transforming functions

Investigation - functions
You should use your GDC to sketch all the graphs in this investigation.

l = =
Sketchy= x. y x + 1. y x - 4. y = x + 4
You will also fi nd this
on the same axes .
standard equation
Compare and contrast your functions.
of a li ne written as
What effect do the constant (number) terms have
on the graphs of y = x + b?
mx + c
2 Sketchy=x + 3,y= 2x + 3,y= 3x + 3,
y = -2x + 3. y = O.Sx + 3 on the same axes. The coefficient of .:-:
Compare and contrast your functions. is the number that
What effect does changing the x-<:oefficient have? multiplies the x·val ue .

3 Sketchy= JxJ,y= Jx + 2 J,y= Jx-31on the same axes.

lxl means t he modulus
Compare and contrast your functions.
of x.. See chapter 18
What effect does changing the values of h have on
for more explanation.
the graphs ot y = Jx + hi?
4 Sketchy= x', y = - x', y = 2x', y = 0.5x' on the same axes.
Compare and contrast your functions.
Wha t effect does the negative sign have on the graph?
What effect does changing the valu e of a have on the gra phs of y = ax' ?

Cha pter I
In the investigation you should have found that your graphs in parts
1, 2 and 3 were all the same shape but the position of the graphs
changed . The graphs in part 4 should have been reflected or changed
by stretching.
These are examples of 'transformations' of graphs. We will now
look at these transformations in detail.

Shift upward or downward

-+ f(x) + k translates/(x) -+ f(x) - k translates /(x)

vertically a distance of k vertically a distance of k
units upward . units downward .


- x
- •

Shift to the right or left

-+ f(x + k) translates/(x) -+ f(x - k) translates/(x)

horizontally k units to the horizontally k units to the
left, when k > 0. right, when k > 0.

Translations can be represented by vectors in the form ( : ) where a

Try transforming
is the horizontal component and bis the vertical component. some functions with
different values of k
( is a horizontal shift of 3 units right. ( is a vertical shift of on your GDC.

2 units down. ( 3)
Translation by the vector _ denotes a horizontal shift of 3 units
to the right, and a vertical shift of 2 units down.
Reflection in the x-axis Reflection in the y-axis

' -f(x) reflectsf(x) in the ' f(-x) reflectsf(x) in the

x-axis. y-axis.

Horizontal stretch (or compress) Vertical stretch (or compress)
A stretch with a scale
' f(qx) stretches or compresses ' pf(x) stretches/(x)
factor p whe re
f(x) hofizomally with scale vertically with scale
o < p < 1 will actually
factor (j· factor p.
compress the graph .

ft2• f(tj

. I I
-ll 2 p0 "- x
fl Stu dents often
make mistakes
The transformation is a horizontal The transformation is a vertical
with stretches.
s t retc h of scale factor ! . stretch of scale factor p.
q It is important
When q > I the graph is When p > I the graph stretches
to remember the
compressed towards the y-axis away from the x-axis.
different effects of.
When 0 < q < I the graph is When 0 < p < I the graph is for example. 2f(x)
stretched away from the y-axis. com pressed towards the x-axis. and f(2x).

Example 14
1 Given the graph of the functionf(x) shown here,
sketch the graphs of: 4
11 f(x + I) b f(x) - 2 c f( -x) d -f(x) e 2f(>") I/
l v
0 I 2 J 4 5 6 '
Answe rs

< •

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 JC
-2 -6 -5 -4 -J -2 -1 0 '](

Translated one unit Translated two units down Reflected in the y-axis
to the left

d:• -1
. 10

-2 - 1
l ftl v
-4 v
1 2 3 4 5 6 x.

Reflected in the x-axis Vertical stretch of scale factor 2

Supply and demand curves in business Radioactive decay curves are

and economics are reflections. reflections .

Suppl)' and demand

\ si1p1 s
s ""'
I .,100
Number of
daughter atoms
/ 75
p• l/.
- - 0 50
/ ' ""'' Lm
1l§ 25
'Q z
10 lO 30 40 5() 60 ' 0
5 6 '
QUANTITY Q Number of half lives

Exercise 11 f(<I

1 Copy the graph. Draw Lhcse functions on the same axes.
-6 -l 0 l 4 6 '
a f(x) + 4 b /(x) - 2 c -/(x) -2
d f(x + 3) e /(x - 4) f 2/(x) -4
g f(2x)

2 Functions g, hand q are transformations of /(x).

Write each transfonnation in tenns of f(x).

F. .mctiuns
3 Functions q, sand tare transformations of f(x).
Write each transformation in terms of f(x).

4 Copy the graph of f(x). Sketch the graph of each of these
functions, and state the domai n and range for each.
a 2/(x - 5)
b -/(2x) + 3

5 The graph of f(x) is shown. A is the point (I , I).

Make separate copies of the graph and draw the
func tion after each transformation.
On each graph, label the new position of A as A ,.
a f(x+I) b /(x)+ I
c f(- x) d 2/(x) .] 4 5 x
e f(x - 2) + 3

6 In each case, describe the transformation that would
change the graph of f(x) into the graph of g(x).
a f(x) = x', g(x) = - (x')
b f(x) = r , g(x) = (x - 3)'
c f(x) = x, g(x) = - 2x+ 5

7 Letf(x) 2x+ I. If a domain is given

a Draw the graph of fix) for 0 s x s 2. in the question. you

b Letg(x) = f(x + 3) 2. On the same graph draw g(x) must on ly draw t he

function for that
for - 3 S x S - 1.
doma in.

Review exercise
1 a If g(a) =4a - 5, fi ndg(a - 2).
b If h(x)= ::;, fi ndlz(l -x).

2 a Evaluatef(x - 3) when/(x) =Ir - 3x +I.

b For f(x) = 2x + 7 and g(x) = I - x', find the composite
function defined by (f o g)(x).

Cha pter I
3 Find the inverses of these functions.
8 fl.x) =
3.r + I 7
b g(x) = 2i'+ 3
4 Find the inverse of f(x) = _ l5 x - 1. Then graph the function
and its inverse.

5 Find the inverse functions for

a fl.x)=3x+5 b

6 Copy each graph and draw the inverse of each function.

a b




-2 -1

Find the doma in and range for each of these graphs.

0 I 2 3 x

- -i
'"' \

: 8 For each function , write a single equation to represent the

given combination of transfonnacions.
a fl.x) x, reflected in the stretched vertically by
a factor of 2, horizontally by a factor of and translated 5
3 units left and 2 units up.
b f(x) = x '. reflected in the x-axis, stretched vertically by
a factor of .!. , horizontally by a factor of 3, translated 5 units
right and I down.
9 a Explain how to draw the inverse of a function from its graph.
b Graph the inverse of/(x) 2x + 3. =
: 10 Letftx) = 2i' + 3 andg(x) = 3x - 2.
: a Find g(O). b Find (f•gXO). c Findf- 1(x).
11 The graph shows the fu nction f(x), for -2S x S 4.
0 I
a Let h(x) = f( - x). Sketch the graph of h(x).
=±f(x- - I

b Letg(x) I). T he point A(3, 2) on the graph

off is transformed to the point Pon the graph of g.
- "" ""'v/
Find the coordinates of P. 3 - '
12 The functions f and g arc defined as f(x) =3x The Instruction ' Show that, .. ' means
and g(x) x + 2. 'Obta in the required resu lt (ix>ssi bly
a Find an expression for (j og)(x). using information given) without the
b Show that/'(12) + g 1 ( 12) = 14. forma lity of proof' .
For 'Show that" questions you do not
13 Letg(x) =2x - l, h(x) = /:2 .x.,. 2 usually need to use a calculator.

a Find an ex pression for (h og) (x) . Si mplify your A good method Is to cO'ller up the

answer_ right-hand side of the equation and

b Solve the equati on (h og) (x) 0. = then work out the left-hand side until
your answer Is the same as the right·
hand side.

lm Review exercise
1 Use your GDC to sketch the function a nd state the doma in
and range of /(x) = ..[;+2.

2 Sketch the function y =(x + l )(x - 3) a nd state its domain and ra nge.
3 Sketch the function y =x
and state its domain and ra nge.

4 The functionf(x) is defined as f(x) =2 + x 1
. x" -I.
a Sketch the curve/(x) for -3 s x s 2.
b Use your GDC to help you write down the va lue of the x-i ntercept
an d they-i ntercept.
5 a Sketch the graph of f (x) = 7
b For what value of x isf(x) undefined?
c State the domain and range of f(x) .
. .
& Gi ven th e fu ncnon j (x) =2xx +-52
a write down the equations of the asymptotes
b sketch the function
c write down the coordi nates of the intercepts with both axes.
7 Let/(x) = 2 - :i' andg(x) = :i'- 2.
a Sketch both functions on one graph with - 3 S x S 3.
b Solve/(x) = g(x).

Cha pter I
B Let/(x) = x' - J_
a Find the inverse functionr'(x).
b Sketch both/(x) and/- 1(x) on the same axes.
c Solvef(x) f 1(x).=
9 /(x)=e'·- 1 +- 2- x ;t l
x+I' -
Sketch the curve of f(x) for -5 s x s 2, including any asymptotes.
10 Consider the functions/andg where/(x) =3x - 2 andg(x) =x - 3.
a Find the inverse function.J- 1_
b Given that g -• (x) =x + 3, find (g - 1
c Show that(/ 1 og)(x) = x; 1
Wh en IB exams
have words In bold
d Solve (J-' o g)(x) = (g-' ' f)(x) sc ript. it means that
you must do exactly
Let h(x) = g (x), X .. 2_ wh at Is required. For
example the equation
d Sketch the graph of h for - 6 S x S 10 and - 4 Sy S 10,
couId be given as.
including any asymptotes. x = 3 but not just as 3 .
e Write down the equations of the asymptotes.

Introducing functions
• A relation is a set of ordered pairs_
• The domain is the set of all the first numbers (x-values) of the ordered pairs_
• The range is the set of the second numbers (y-values) in each pair_
• A function is a relation where every x-value is related to a unique y-value.
• A relation is a Function if any vertical li ne drawn will not intersect the graph more
than once. This is called the vertical line test.
The domain and range of a relation on a Cartesian plane
lnterva l notation:
Use round brackets (,) if the value is not included in the graph or when the graph
is undefined at that point (a hole or asymptote, or a jump)_
Use square brackets [,] if the value is included in the graph_
• Set notation :

The set of xis less Ula n 6

Continued on next page

OFunction notation
• f(x) is read as '/of x' and means 'the value of function fat x'.

Composite functions
• The composition of the function/with the functiong is written
asf(g(x)), which is read as 'jof g of x', or (f og)(x), which is read as
'f composed with g of x'.
• A composite function applies one function to the result of
another and is defined by (Jog)(x) = f(g(x)).
Inverse functions
• The inverse of a functionf{x) is/- 1 (x). lt reverses the action of
the function.
• Functions/(x) and g(x) are inverses of one another if:
(j o g)(x) = x for all of the x-values in the domain of g and
(g of)(x) x for all of the x-va.lues in the domain off
• You can use the horizontal line test to identify inverse functions. If a
horizontal line crosses a function more than once, there is no
inverse function.
The graphs of inverse functions
• The graph of the inverse of a function is a reflection of that function
in the line y = x.
• To find the inverse function algebraically, replace}\.>') withyand solve for y.
• The function I(x) =xis called the identity function. It leaves x unchanged.
Sof of- • =I.

Transformations of functions
• f(x) + k translatesf(x) vertically a distance of k units upward.
• f(x) - k translates}\>') vertically a distance of k units downward.
• f(x + k) translatesf(x) horizontally k units to the left, where k > 0.
• f(x - k) translatesf(x) horizontally k units to the right, where k > 0.
• -f(x) reflectsf(x) in the x-axis.
• f(-x) reflectsf(x) in they-axis.
• f(qx) stretchesf(x) horizontally with scale factor!.
• pf(x) strctches/(x) vertically with scale factor p. q

Chapter I

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