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David Zimmerman, Date: July 23, 2008


Church Life

TEXT: Exodus 18:13-26


On July 26, 1989, veteran outdoorsman Mark Wellman accomplished something no one had
ever done before. He scaled El Capitan in Yosemite National Park with its almost vertical
face. Dozens of men and women had attempted – and succeed – in that climb before Mark
Wellman, but none of them had done it quite like he had, because Mark Wellman did it as a
paraplegic rock climber.
Seven years earlier, Wellman and a fellow climber were walking down a gravelly path in
John Muir wilderness when Wellman lost his footing, falling off a 100-foot cliff. When rescue
workers were finally able to get Wellman to a hospital twenty-four hours later, it was
discovered that Wellman’s back was broken. His hospital stay lasted seven and a half
months. His adaptation to life as a paraplegic, confined to a wheelchair took longer. In the
process, Wellman made up his mind that he would live his life as normally as possible, in
spite of his disability.
Eventually, he got a job as a park ranger at Yosemite. That was when he decided to start
climbing again. He designed a seat and harness with a pulley system that would allow him
to literally pull himself up the face of the mountain. But to make it work, he would have to
have help. So, Wellman recruited veteran climber Mike Corbett to be his partner in the climb.
On July 19, 1989, the two men began the ascent. Corbett went ahead of Wellman, pounding
in stakes and setting the ropes. With only the use of his arms, Wellman then pulled himself
up to the stakes. Seven days and 7,000 pulls later, Wellman reached the top – the first
paraplegic to scale El Capitan.
Since then, Wellman and Corbett have made other climbs together – and that’s the key word
is together. Wellman had a dream that only teamwork could fulfill.
There are some things in life that are simply too difficult to handle on our own. That’s the
truth that Moses was confronted with in this chapter. He was attempting to do by himself a
job that was better done by a team. Amazingly, his father-in-law Jethro, who had been
“saved” for less than twenty-four hours, was able to see that fact, when Moses was blind to
it. With the kind of fleshly determination that often earns our admiration, Moses was willing to
wear himself out to help God’s people. That would have been fine, except it was unnecessary.
As Jethro pointed out, there were other able men who could bear a part of the load and help
Moses do his job better.
As someone has put it, Moses needed to learn that “WE can do more than ME.”
Or we can learn to say, “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.”
The facts of this account in the Bible are pretty straight-forward. Shortly after Moses got up
in the morning, he sat in some conspicuous place and a line began to form. A long line of
people, all of whom:
 Had a problem
 And they wanted God’s help in solving it (see verse 15)
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As the day wore on, a few problems were solved, but the line never seemed to get any
shorter. Apparently, Jethro sat back in amazement, watching Moses’ attempt to
singlehandedly meet this challenge. Remember, we are talking about the problems of more
than a million people and, for whatever reason; Moses was trying to solve all of them by himself.
Isn’t it true that in our flesh we are often blind to things that are clear to others?
It was clear to Jethro that Moses needed help, and he gave his son-in-law some good advice
on how to get the job done more effectively. In our message today, I want us to consider
some principles – some core truths – that we can glean from this account that we need to
apply to our own lives and this ministry.


A. It was a great work because it was God’s Work
1. God’s work is important! God’s business is the greatest business in the world!
2. True – whether speaking of working in some ministry of the churchy, giving a
musical special, teaching a Sunday School class, watching babies in the nursery,
making some repair, cutting the grass, etc. It is all God’s work – and that makes
what gives it its importance. It’s for God.
B. Thus, whatever our work, it was worthy of a great commitment
1. We cannot question Moses’ commitment – he was willing to wear himself out to
get the job done.
2. BUT NOTE: conviction always precedes commitment.
a) We need to be convinced that what we are doing is worthwhile.
b) Does it matter if we have a quality music ministry – that it is done with
excellence, that we practice and prepare as if the souls of men were in the
balance and could be influenced by how poorly or well we do?
c) Does it matter that we have a quality Sunday School department?
1) Does it matter if those with teaching responsibilities arrive on time, so
that children aren’t deprived of the teaching of the Bible?
2) Does it matter whether we visit on Saturday, or go soul-winning on
during the week?
d) Are we convinced that this is God’s work and thus worthy of a great
3. Certainty of the cause produces commitment to the cause
From the physical anatomy of the body we can point out four kinds of people in the body
of Christ concerning the work in the local church:
a) Jawbone – sit around and talk about getting things done
b) Tailbone – they just sit around, hoping someone will do something
c) Knucklebone – they hang on and resist getting anything done
d) Backbone – those who bear the load and see a job through to completion
4. It isn’t Moses’ commitment that Jethro challenged, but his wisdom in how he
was getting the job done.
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a) Moses was wearing himself out by his workload

b) Moses was wearing God’s people out by their waiting.
1) Their need was more immediate than Moses’ ability to meet it alone.
2) Jethro’s assessment: “the thing that thou doest is not good…”
A great work deserves a great commitment, but it also deserves to be done with excellence.
And here’s the amazing thing: I believe that Moses was giving his best. But his best, without
the help of others, physically just wasn’t enough – it wasn’t getting the task done. He needed
I. Principles Concerning the Work
A. The people were not the problem
I don’t know if there was any complaining going on because of the wait. If there was, it
would not have been excusable, but it would be understandable. They had problems.
They needed solutions. And they couldn’t get to the man who was there to help them.
That’s frustrating.
B. Every problem was important, but not every problem had the same importance.
1. Some were “great matters” and some were “small matters”
2. Here’s the problem: pressing, urgent and demanding problems were being made to
wait on much lesser needs.
Story of a young boy who stubbed his toe while staying with some family friends:
In the middle of the night, he made such a fuss that he convinced them to take him to the
emergency room. While waiting to see the doctor, ambulances began to arrive with the
bruised and broken bodies of those who had been injured in a bus accident. Being a bright
boy he quickly realized that there was no need for him to tie up a doctor’s time looking at his
stubbed toe when there were much more pressing needs to be cared for.
C. What Jethro realized: others could handle many of the problems that were
presented each day, as well as Moses could – Moses needed to seek their help.
I. Principles Concerning the WORK
II Principles Concerning the PROBLEMS
A. Roles determine responsibilities.
1. Jethro rightly discerned that Moses had two roles to fulfill – vs. 19-20
a) Vs. 19 – Be a spiritual leader – he was to be a judge advocate for the people
to Godward
b) Vs. 20 – Be a spiritual teacher – teach them the principles and precepts of
God’s Word
2. Moses’ Two responsibilities
a) He was to DISCERN God’s will – by hearing from God, know His heartbeat,
and thus lead His people in the direction God wanted them to go and do the work He
wanted them to do.
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b) He was to TEACH God’s Word – equipping the people to solve many of

their own problems (or avoid them)
B. The lesson to be learned was the less you do, the more you can accomplish.
1. In this case, “WE can do more than ME.”
a) Committed people accept responsibility naturally. They are accustomed to
b) Committed people accept responsibility out of necessity. Rather than allow
something to go undone, they will see that it gets done, even if they have to do
it themselves.
c) Though people who take on too many responsibilities often allow little
things get in the way of more important things.
1) There was a need to prioritise duties, which Moses failed to do.
Moses was dealing with all the matters—BIG and small
2) Big matters were being neglected because Moses was tied down
supplying solutions to small problems.
2. This was a case where the MORE Moses took on, the LESS that actually got done.
C. Involving others in leadership does require some qualifications.
Vs. 21, 25 – “…Provide out of all the people able men…Moses chose able men out of all Israel” i.e.
capable men, resourceful men
1. These men were COMPETENT – I am DON’T fly a commercial jet airliner,
because I don’t know how to fly a plane.
a) Some jobs require certain skills and knowledge
1) If I want to do a job that I don’t know how to do, I must develop the
skills and gain the knowledge necessary or find someone who is able.
2) Sometimes, it isn’t enough to be willing. One must be able.
b) These “able men” obviously did not have the wisdom and discernment and
knowledge that Moses had…BUT they were TEACHABLE.
c) These men wanted to help and were cooperative with Moses in every aspect
of the ministry – they did not feel called of God to set Moses straight at every
turn or question his every decision.
d) Ah PRAISE God, praise the Lord—PRAISE God for folks who just have a
heart for the Lord and want to just pitch in, pour their hearts into the many
tasks that need attention and do so with a cheerful spirit…and a cooperative
attitude – AMEN!
What does this mean to us? Glad you ask and lo and behold the Bible explains these ABLE
MEN in a New Testament setting, thusly in: 1 Corinthians 12:18 – ”But now hath God set the
members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.”
This is so amazing! God will save anyone but I have noticed in 37 years of being in the
ministry that of those willing to be saved, among those who are saved, there are ABLE MEN
AND WOMEN willing to take care of various areas of ministry of a local church.
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The local church is NOT a one-man operation.

A pastor needs to be surrounded by ABLE PEOPLE.

An Asst. pastor Sunday School teachers Musically talented

Plumbers Maintenance men & women Electricians
Not only official Greeters, Church cleaners and Cooks and Contributors
but a congregation that is Grounds care takers
hospitable to guests
Prayer warriors Faithful tithers and givers Landscapers
Sound technicians Treasurers Secretary
Decorators Encouragers and who are Pew fillers and Supporters
AMEN-ers of many things

Those who are warm and Those who considerate and Those who faithfully
And those who are IN TUNE with the heartbeat of God and of the pastor and of the
PURPOSE for which we are here as a church!
2. These were men of CHARACTER – men of truth, hating covetousness – fearing
God – vs. 21
a) They are trustworthy – they give and keep their word
b) They have pure motives – they have the heart of a servant – they are serving
for what they can GIVE, not what they can GAIN
3. These were men of COMMITMENT
a) Take God and the things of God seriously
b) Respect for God’s Word
c) Respect for God’s will
d) Respect for God’s way of doing things
I. Principles Concerning the WORK
II Principles Concerning the PROBLEMS
In seeking to lead several hundred thousand people, Moses found himself in an impossible
The path to his tent was worn deep by the feet of multitudes who came to him with their
problems – Vs. 17-18
In addition to his many other duties, the man of God was seeking to hear each complaint and
judge its merits, and listen to burdens and give counsel. Moses knew, as we all know that
everyone needs someone to talk too at times!
BUT quite naturally his body and mind were worn to distraction.
Just what was Moses’ job again? – Vs. 20
A. Now, Moses was getting worn to a frazzle arbitrating what the Bible calls
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 Exodus 18:25-26 – “And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the
people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. {26} And they
judged the people at all seasons: the HARD causes they brought unto Moses, but every SMALL
matter they judged themselves.”
1. There were HARD CAUSES and there were SMALL MATTERS.
2. These SMALL MATTERS were little more than petty problems or disagreements.
3. The Hebrew word calls them DIMINUTIVE MATTERS or pint-size, miniscule –
a) Although I am sure many of these matters – no matter how small – called for
helpful godly counsel and advice.
b) Yes, these dear Israelites over which Moses pastored, led, taught, and
counselled, were real live people, made out of the same stuff you and I are
made of. And they had their SMALL MATTERS!
I was in a restaurant the other day and a baby in a basket began to cry, scream and
yell to the top of its lungs.
It was nothing! It was seemingly a SMALL MATTER…
It was sitting in a padded seat.
It had its own comfy blanket
Its mother was less than 3 feet away.
Its tummy was full! And its nappy was dry.
And yet it was screaming like it just entered the Great Tribulation!
Folks, ought we not be able to manage SMALL MATTERS such as this? Do we really need to
call Dr. Phil, the psychologist?
1 Corinthians 6:1-2 – “Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust,
and not before the saints? 2] Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world
shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
We get our English word MICRO from the Greek word translated “SMALLEST.”
Some things are so small; you would need to put them under a microscope to see!
 One pastor said that he had two men in his church who were at odds with one another
because they both insisted on setting the church thermostat!
 One evangelist said recently that he knew of at least a dozen churches that split over
the issue of who was going to be the leader of this or that in the church.
Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if we would just follow the Bible?
But the greater issue here is that we all have MATTERS that need to be dealt with.
Some are HARD CAUSES and some are SMALL MATTERS.
The point is, whether it is a MATTER or MAINTENANCE, we need TEAMWORK to make
church work.
And the pastor cannot take care of everything. No one person can do it all!
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Dear folks, if this church succeeds, team effort is needed.

There were two ladies who lived in a convalescent centre.
 Each had suffered an incapacitating stroke.
 One lady was restricted on her left side and the other was restricted on her right side.
 Both of these ladies were accomplished pianists but had given up hope of ever playing
 The director of the centre sat them down at a piano and encouraged them to play solo
pieces together. —AND they did…
 What one member cannot do alone, perhaps two or more could do together—and in
I. Principles Concerning the WORK
II Principles Concerning the PROBLEMS
IV. Principles Concerning their CONTRIBUTION
A. Moses clearly saw the worth of organization.
How did he place them?
 Exodus 18:21 – “Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God,
men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and
rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:”
By the by, God’s work is a great work! God’s business is the greatest business in the World!
It has been said, “You cannot get many men to help you kill a mouse, but you can get a lot
of them to go with you on a bear hunt.”
 Folks, we are not killing mice; we are hunting bear!
 It’s a big job we are involved in!
Here is how the New Testament puts it in:
1 Corinthians 12:18 – “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath
pleased him.”
There are GIFTS within a church membership.
Ephesians 4:8 – “Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and
gave gifts unto men.”

God is in the business of qualifying people for his work.
He is interested in raising up servants and leaders. He is a great God. His work is a great
work. We need to give it a great commitment – to treat it like the most important work in
the world—because it is!
God surely has given each of us an ability, a talent, a skill, a trade, and a gift – some means or
other to be a player in this body.
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We all need to be faithful, and we all need to work together. “WE can do more than ME.”
Teamwork makes the dream work. Don’t look at the problems. Look at the potential.
See yourself as a servant of the Lord.
No one can do everything.
Some things are outside the realm of our competence. We just don’t have the knowledge or
But everyone can serve somewhere in the work of the Lord – with the right commitment and
the right character. God bless you for doing your part for the overall work of this New
Testament Church.
Heavenly Father,
Help us to realize that this work is a great work, because it is Your work. Help us to be
committed to the cause. Help us to be faithful in all we do, because that is what your work
deserves. Help us to show others your greatness by the greatness of our devotion!
I ask you to help me have the right character. God, I don’t want your work to suffer because I
am less than I ought to be. Help me to serve you with the right motives – for the joy and
privilege of ministering in Your Name, of influencing lives for eternity.
Help me to enlist and accept the help of others. I confess that I need You, and I need others.
Continue to build us up into the church you intend us to be, serving together to evangelize
our community and reach many for the Lord Jesus Christ.

25 Jan. `15, morn. – River Valley BC – Leixlip, Co. Kildare

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