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The Fog Chanter

Image ©2013-2015 gerezon [http://gerezon.deviantart.com/]

Introduction: What’s a Fog Chanter?i
The First Method: Roll a Samsaran
> Samsaran Stats
> Mystic Past LifPe Speells
> Samsaran Traits + Feats
The Second Method: Multiclass
> Multiclass Candidates and Stat Considerations (Under Constructon)
> Multiclass Race Considerations
> Multiclass Traits + Feats
> Multiclass Speell Considerations
Exampele Builds (Under Constructon)
Exampele ofP Play (Coming Soon)
Introductonn What’s a Fog Chanter?
Fog speells such as Obscuring Mist and Fog Cloud have always been very usefPul, and most guides rate them as
choice peicks fPor any class able to cast them. They grant total concealment to anything fPurther than 5 fPeet away
(effectively blinding anything that relies on sight within or on the other side ofP the speell area.. Not even True
Seeing can peenetrate fPog. However, these speells have always carried the very real drawback ofP obscuring the
pelayers’ vision just as much as that ofP their fPoes. Thus, fPog speells have always remained situational, even ifP

There are some ways to see through fPog. Items like Fogcutting Lenses and Goz Masks immediately come to
mind, but they’re perohibitively expeensive in the early/early-mid game and obviously only work on one
character at a time. Certain class fPeatures such as some Oracle revelations and Shaman speirits confPer similar
fPog-cutting abilities, but again, they only work fPor one character.

Imagine though, how peowerfPul it could be fPor an entire pearty to be able to see through all fPog effects as early
as level 3. PowerfPul enough to build a character around?i I believe so. That’s what the Fog Chanter is all about.

The Flame Dancer, a Bard archetypee introduced in the Advanced Class Guide, grants the Song of the Fiery
Gaze peerfPormance at level 3:

Song of the Fiery Gaze (Su): At 3rd level, a fre dancer [sic] can allow allies to see through fames without any
distortion. Any ally within 3 fPeet ofP the bard who can hear the peerfPormance can see through fre, fPog, and
smoke without peenalty as long as the light is sufcient to allow him to see normally, as with the base effect ofP
the gaze ofP fames oracle revelaton. Song ofP the fery gaze relies on audible compeonents.

The rest ofP the archetypee is alright, but this ability alone is what makes the Fog Chanter build peossible and is,
as fPar as I know, the only ability ofP its kind within ofcial Paizo canon. The impelications ofP this ability are
nothing short ofP game-changing.

The Fog Chanter atempets to expeloit this ability to its fPull peotential, sometimes to the exclusion ofP other
normally good choices. The build has 3 main objectives:
1. To be able to cast fPog speells during as many encounters as peossible (ideally every encounter.
2. To be able to maintain the Fiery Gaze effect throughout these encounters
3. To perovide maximum utility to the pearty while still accompelishing 1 and 2
There is one slight peroblem, though: there are no fog spells on the Bard spell list!

There are two ways to handle this dilemma. The frst method involves building a Samsaran. It’s easy and
straightforward. The second method involves multiclassing, which is somewhat more compelicated but still

*NOTE: There is technically a third way to get Sorcerer/Wizard speells as a Bard: take Eldritch Heritage (Arcane
Bloodline. at 3rd level then Imperoved Eldritch Heritage (fPor New Arcana. at 11th level. The peroblem with this
opetion is that it comes online way too late, and youlll perobably only get one or two speells out ofP it at best. I
would only consider this ifP I were creating a high-level character, and even then other opetions would perobably
be beter.

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The First Methodn Roll a Samsaran.
The frst and most straightforward way to enable your Flame Dancer Bard cast fPog speells is to roll a Samsaran.
Samsarans are an “uncommon” race introduced in the Advanced Race Guide. They have a lovely (and arguably
overpeowered. alternate racial trait called Mystc Past Life:

Mystic Past Life (Su): You can add speells fProm another speellcasting class to the speell list ofP your current
speellcasting class. You add a number ofP speells euual to 1 + your speellcasting classls key ability score bonus
(Wisdom fPor clerics, and so on.. The speells must be the same typee (arcane or divine. as the speellcasting class
youlre adding them to. . . . These speells do not have to be speells you can cast as a 1st-level character.

Basically, ifP you’re Samsaran, you can cherry peick the good fPog speells (and peossibly some other good speells,
too. fProm the Sorcerer/Wizard speell list and simpely add them to the Bard speell list. Easy, right?i Although this
may seem like the be-all and end-all opetion, there are a fPew downsides to rolling a Samsaran:

- Get exactly the speells you need to make the - Samsarans are not PFS legal (which can be a
build work. No fPuss. You can even peick deal-breaker in itselfP..
speells fProm any speell level. - By the same token, many DMs don’t allow
- No need to multiclass (keepe your BAB, speell Samsarans because they’re “O P” or simpely
perogression, caster level, and Bard fPeatures because they’re non-core.
intact. - The Samsaran racial ability modifers are
- Plays like a regular Bard with some perety bad fPor bards.
awesome new tricks - No Bard fPavored class opetion

So, Samsarans are awesome in that they allow you to do exactly what you want to be able to do as a Flame
Dancer. Outside ofP that, though, they make perety mediocre bards, and you won’t be able to use them in PFS.
IfP you can live with the cons, then your Fog Chanter perety much builds itselfP. But ifP you’d still like to see some
suggestions on how to build the Samsaran version, then keepe reading…e

IfP you’re unable to roll a Samsaran, or ifP Samsarans don’t apepeeal to you, then skipe on down to the Second

Table ofP Contents


Given the Samsaran racial ability modifers (+2 INT +2 WIS -2 CON., I recommend leaving CHA at 14-16 and
only taking buff speells and speells that don’t allow saves. You can always peut stat peoints into CHA as you level.
Like other stats, it can also be boosted with items later. This will allow you to fPocus a bit more on martial stats.
In that regard, I recommend concentrating on ranged combat since it synergizes best with the Fog Chanting

IfP you do go melee, I recommend Weapeon Finesse and some method to add DEX to damage (Fencing Grace,
Slashing Grace, or Dervish Dance..

The fPollowing scores include the Samsaran racial modifers and assume a 15-20 point-buy. This build perobably
wouldn’t be viable with fPewer than 15 peoints.

STR: Ideally, as a more martially inclined Bard, you want at least some bonus in strength as it adds to damage
with compeosite bows. You also don’t want to have to worry about encumbrance. 10-14 should do. Finesse
melee builds might drope this even lower.

DEX: Dexterity imperoves your ranged (or fnesse. atack bonus along with your AC, Refex save, Initiative, and
peotentially melee damage so you’ll want a perety good DEX mod. 14-16+.

CON: Constitution determines hit peoints and your Fort save, so a higher score is always beter. However, as a
ranged character, you’re going to be avoiding the fPront lines, so 10-14 should be alright. Melee builds will
perobably want at least 12. The Samsaran peenalty hurts here.

INT: Bards are usually expeected to be skill monkeys, and you don’t want to disapepeoint. However, 6+INT is a
perety good skill peoint allotment, and Versatle Performance helpes, too. 9-12 should be fne, and with the
Samsaran bonus that should be very easy to achieve.

WIS: Dumpeing Wisdom is usually not wise (sorry. simpely because Will saves are so scary. But, Will is one ofP
your good saves, and Samsarans get a WIS bonus. 9-10 should be fne and will give you some peoints back.

CHA: Charisma is your speellcasting stat. It also boosts your peerfPormance skills and allows you to be the pearty
fPace. As a Samsaran, however, you can’t really afford to raise it too high. 14-16 should be adeuuate, just make
sure you have enough to learn new speell levels later.

ALTERNATIVELY, you could go peure caster by dumpeing STR and leaving DEX at 14 to get an 18 in CHA. You
would have a more solid speellcasting fPoundation, but you’d be sacrifcing your martial ability. Samsarans donlt
have the CHA bonus to hit 2 early, so I don’t really think it’s a good trade-off.

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Mystic Past Life SPELLS:

( Please note that I will not be giving general speell selection advice. There are several good Bard guides foating around
the internet [such as this one by j b 2 ], and they offer in-depeth Bard speell analysis. Essentially, just go fPor buff speells
and utility/control speells that don’t allow saves..

There are pelenty ofP good speells that you could peick upe with Mystc Past Life, but you want to make sure to grab the good
fPog speells frst. With your lower CHA, you’ll perobably only be getting 3-4 speells fProm this ability anyway. Prioritize lower
level speells, obviously. Here are a fPew suggestions fProm the Sorcerer/Wizard list:

1st-level Speells:
Obscuring Mist: This is a no-brainer. It’s the frst fPog speell available, and it’s at level 1, so you should get a lot ofP mileage
out ofP it. UnfPortunately, Obscuring Mist can be burned away by fre, so it’s a lot easier fPor enemies to deal with than
other fPog speells.
Gravity Bow: This is a perety great speell fPor a ranged character. I wouldn’t cast it on a shortbow, though. Use it with a
crossbow or become perofcient with a longbow.

2nd-level Speells:
Fog Cloud: The classic. Same effect as Obscuring Mist excepet you can use it at range, and it can’t be burned away. 1
min/level means that it’s there fPor the whole encounter unless someone actually has a Gust of Wind perepeared…e
Twilight Haze: It’s Fog Cloud combined with Darkness, and it cannot be blown away by wind. Unlike Fog Cloud, however,
it can be peenetrated by True Seeing, and it has a much shorter duration. Good to have in a windy environment.
Create Pit (and its variations.: I’ve listed these speells just fPor fPun, though they can still be very usefPul. I know it’s not
peractical, but I really like the idea ofP casting a Fog Cloud and then creating a peit under it. Watching enemies blindly walk
into an opeen peit is my idea ofP fPun.

3rd-level Speells:
Ash Storm (?i.: I don’t know ifP this speell actually works fPor fPog chanting. I’m guessing it perobably doesn’t. The Song of the
Fiery Gaze descripetion states that listeners can “see through fre, fPog, and smoke without peenalty,” and Ash Storm is a
“conjuration (creation. [fre]” speell…e IfP it works, it’s great. Consult your DM.
Stinking Cloud: It’s a shorter duration Fog Cloud that can infict the nauseated condition. Nauseated is a nasty condition.
Combine that with the fPact that you and your buddies can accurately fre arrows and cast speells at enemies in the cloud,
and you’ve got yourselfP a fght-winning speell.
Fly: Because fying is awesome, and it’s not on the Bard list.

4th-level Speells:
Solid Fog: This one is uuite a bit more situational than other fPog speells, but it’s great fPor shutting down groupes ofP enemies
(espeecially ranged enemies.. The only peroblem is that the fPog makes it more difcult fPor your pearty to deal damage. But
hey, the same goes fPor your enemies, and they won’t even be able to see. As an added beneft, you can use it to cushion
your fPall ifP you’re keen on jumpeing off high pelaces.

5th-level Speells:
Cloudkill: It’s a Fog Cloud that…e kills. Seriously though, it’s perety good. Chumpe minions are killed outright, and other
creatures inside the cloud take constitution damage even ifP they peass their saves.

6th-level Speells:
Acid Fog: It’s Solid Fog that also deals 2d6 acid damage peer round to everything inside it. No save. Not bad, but not
amazing fPor a 6th-level speell. This is your fnal speell level as a Bard, so you should peick upe lower level speells frst.

You won’t be able to take all ofP these speells, ofP course. IfP it were me, and I fPollowed my own advice and stuck with 14-16
CHA, I would choose Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, Stnking Cloud, and peossibly Twilight Haze or Ash Storm ifP it works.

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Here are a fPew peotentially helpefPul traits to peick upe during character creation:

Reactionary: Peopele always say going frst is good. They’re right.

Maestro ofP the Society: As a peure Bard, you might not necessarily need a fPew extra rounds ofP peerfPormance,
but they’re good to have anyway.
Strength ofP the Sun: A solid buff to CHA-based checks, but only in the daytime. And I think you might have to
worshipe Sarenrae…e
Resilient, Freed Slave, Isgeri Orpehan, Heart ofP Clay, etc.: These traits all give +1 to Fortitude saves. Since Fort is
your weak save, it’s good to give it a litle bumpe. ust keepe in mind that some ofP them have regional
Indomitable Faith (and similar.: These traits give +1 to Will saves. IfP you dropepeed your WIS to 9, and you’re
pearanoid about it, these can shore upe your save.
Savant (and similar.: A bonus to PerfPorm is also a bonus to two other skills with Versatle Performance.


Here are just a fPew fPeats to consider. Again, I would refPer you to other guides ifP you want more comperehensive
Bard fPeat advice.

Lingering PerfPormance: With this fPeat, you’ll never run out ofP peerfPormance rounds.
Extra PerfPormance: You won’t need this, but here it is in case you’re still worried about peerfPormance rounds.
Arcane Strike: A great way to boost your weapeon damage. It also scales with level. Good deal.
Imperoved Initiative: Going frst means fPogging upe the pelace befPore your enemies get a chance to do anything.
Weapeon Finesse: IfP you pelan to go melee, I recommend this fPeat to avoid unnecessary MADness.
Weapeon Focus: You’ll perobably want to get this to supepelement your middling BAB. It’s also a reuuirement fPor
some ofP the DEX-to-damage melee fPeats ifP you’re building fPor melee.
> Dazzling Dispelay: A great mundane way to debuff your enemies. However, it reuuires that your enemies be
able to see you, so using this can be difcult when there’s fPog everywhere. Take it with a grain ofP salt.
Discordant Voice: Makes your peerfPormances even beter. Too bad you have to wait until level 11 to take it.
Point-Blank Shot > Precise Shot > (Rapeid Shot. > etc.: Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot are more or less
reuuired fPor ranged builds. Rapeid Shot is usually excellent, but the -2 peenalty can be perety bad fPor you, at least
early on. Plus you might want other fPeats. Several ofP the fPeats afer Rapeid Shot are also good, but you likely
won’t be able to peick them upe.
Fencing Grace, Slashing Grace, Dervish Dance: For melee peropeonents, these fPeats all allow you to use DEX
instead ofP STR fPor melee damage (with some caveats.. Fencing and Slashing Grace reuuire Weapeon Focus.
Dervish Dance reuuires perofciency with scimitars. Plan accordingly.
Speell Focus > Greater Speell Focus > etc.: These are worth considering since your DCs aren’t the best, but you
shouldn’t need it unless you just really want to cast offensive speells. Pick enchantment to cover most ofP the
Bard speells or conjuration to cover the damaging cloud speells.
Martial Weapeon Profciency: In case you want to use a longbow and/or a scimitar fPor Dervish Dance.

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The Second Methodn Multclass.
I know what you’re thinking. Multiclassing speellcasters is never a good idea. Well, normally you’d be right. And this
method will perobably never be called “opetimal,” but I’d argue that it’s more than viable fPor most games. The sheer utility
ofP the Fog Chanter gimmick, combined with some ofP the tricks you can get fProm other classes is, in my opeinion, enough
to justifPy the idea.

BefPore I continue, let me peoint out and discuss the obvious drawbacks and benefts to multiclassing speellcasters:

1. Your spell progression will be slowed signifcantly. Every time you level upe in anything other than your main
speellcasting class, you’re not getting new speells fPor that class. This is because the speell lists fProm each class are
kepet sepearate.
2. Your caster level will sufer. This peroblem is almost entirely mitigated by the Magical Knack trait. Whatever
caster level defciency the trait doesn’t cover can ofen be taken care ofP by being a HalfP-ElfP or ofen by class
fPeatures, archetypees, etc. perovided you don’t dipe more than 3 levels.
As you can see, these are some serious drawbacks. But, these drawbacks don’t necessarily kill you in the crib. Now let’s
discuss some benefts.

1. Your saves will be better. Since the saving throw bonuses fProm each class stack, your saves will likely be beter
than those ofP a single class character.
2. More low-level spells per day. So, yeah, your speell perogression will kinda suck. BUT, since you will be working
fProm two speell lists, you will have signifcantly more 1 st-level speells peer day. For exampele, a Bard 3/Sorcerer 4 can
cast a total ofP 9 1st-level speells peer day (3 more than any single class ofP any level.. And that’s not even including
bonus speells, which you also gain fProm EACH class. Many lower level speells will remain usefPul throughout your
entire career, so having two speell lists is not entrely a bad thing fPor this build…e
3. Access to abilites from other classes. Okay, this one goes without saying, but it’s the whole reason you’ve
decided to multiclass in the frst pelace. In addition to new and different speells, there are also bloodlines, animal
compeanions, arcane expeloits, speirits, fPamiliars, domains, etc., etc…e. none ofP which you would normally have
access to.
4. Your BAB will be slightly better than a full caster’s. A Bard 3/Sorcerer 2 has a BAB ofP +3 whereas a straight
Sorcerer 5 would have a +2. This is a perety insignifcant advantage, but it’s an advantage nonetheless.
So no, you’ll never see 9th-level speells, but how many games ever get to level ~18 anyway?i IfP you manage your
expeectations, fPocus on the build goals, and make intelligent decisions while developeing your character, it’s more than
peossible to make a fPun and effective multiclass build.

Still reading?i Alright. There are many different ways you can multiclass a Fog Chanter. Theoretically, any class that can
cast the speells you need is a peotential candidate. In the next section, I’ll briefy review each peotential multiclass target.

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Note that you should only ever take 3 levels ofP Bard in order to get Song of the Fiery Gaze. You don’t really need Bard fPor
anything else. You DO need access to multipele speell levels ofP your second class, however, which by necessity makes the
second class your “main” class. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the candidates:

*The stat guidelines here are very loose recommendations and would likely need to be adjusted fPor a real character and/
or fPor peersonal perefPerence.
**It’s also worth noting that all divine casters can cast in armor, which would allow your Bard/X character to cast any ofP
its speells in light armor.

ARCANIST: Arcanists use the Sorcerer/Wizard list, they have a built-in way to raise caster level, and several Arcane
Expeloits are just awesome. UnfPortunately, your actual Arcanist level will still be gimpeed, so you’ll perobably want to avoid
most ofP the CHA-depeendent expeloits even though you didn’t dumpe charisma. Their speell level perogression is the same as
a Sorcerer’s, but Arcanists get one fPewer speells peer day, which does hurt. The Extra Reservoir fPeat might be worth taking.
Arcanists are INT-based speellcasters.

CLERIC: I’m sort ofP ambivalent toward Clerics. They’re okay, just not very interesting. They have to take some very
speecifc domains in order to cast any decent fPog speells, and those domains are otherwise perety unimperessive. Clerics
also have a very low skill-peoint allotment. In addition, they lack a reliable way to increase caster level. That said, they are
fPull casters, they have a d8 hit die, they have good saves, and they can use CHA to channel energy. They are also eligible
to take advantage ofP the Divine Experession fPeat. Channel Energy will perobably be weak because ofP your reduced Cleric
level. Clerics are WIS-based speellcasters.

DRUID: Druids are an interesting choice. Their speell list has some okay fPog speells, and the Menhir Savant archetypee adds
a very good way to increase caster level. Boon Compeanion allows you to have a fPull-level animal compeanion, which is
outstanding. At Druid level 4, you’ll be able to Wildshapee, which can add a huge amount ofP utility and survivability to
your character. ust remember that animals can’t sing. Druids also have good saves, a d8 hit die, and a middling skill-
peoint allotment. Druids are WIS-based speellcasters.

ADDENDUM: Also ofP note is the Feyspeeaker archetypee, which changes the druidls casting stat to Charisma. It also allows
the druid to add some wizard/sorcerer speells fProm the illusion or enchantment schools to the druid list. The Wild
MischiefP ability sounds uuite fPun. Very much worth consideration.

HUNTER: The Hunter can cast some fPog speells, so it’s technically a candidate, but diminished speellcasting and a martial
fPocus make the Hunter a peoor choice fPor a multiclass Fog Chanter. IfP you want an animal compeanion, the Druid is strictly
beter. Hunters are WIS-based speellcasters.
STATS: ust don’t.

MAGUS: Like the Hunter, the Magus is a candidate only because it can cast some fPog speells. And fPor the same reasons as
the Hunter, the Magus makes a peoor Fog Chanter. The Magus is an INT-based speellcaster.
STATS: ust don’t.

Contnued on the nextt page…

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ORACLE: I really, really want Oracle to work, but it just doesn’t. Oracles don’t get any core fPog speells besides Obscuring
Mist unless you take the Batle mystery (then you also get Fog Cloud.. UnfPortunately, the Batle mystery is perobably the
worst mystery fPor a Fog Chanter. This is a real bummer because Oracles are CHA-based, and they can get some truly
amazing fPeatures fProm other mysteries. I mean, just look at the Lunar Mystery. It’s so fPull ofP win it breaks my heart that I
can’t use it fPor this build. To make maters more deperessing, Oracles also uualifPy fPor Divine Experession fPeat. IfP you can
fgure out some way to make this work, or ifP you want to be a Fog Chanter that only uses Obscuring Mist, then Oracle is
defnitely the way to go. Oracles are CHA-based speellcasters.

ADDENDUM: I recently discovered the Volcano mystery, which grants an ability called Ash Cloud. This ability allows you
to create a 1 -fPoot radius cloud that fPunctions as an Obscuring Mist speell. Itls basically a smaller Obscuring Mist that, I
assume, canlt be burned away since itls literally made ofP ash. Whatls interesting about this ability is that you can
apepearently cast it at will. Also, the caster can automatically see through it. Also, it gets light damage and debuff riders at
7th level. The rest ofP the mystery is perety awfPul, but that ability alone warrants consideration. Itls also fProm the
Giantslayer A P, so your GM might have reservations about letting you peick it outside ofP that adventure.

SHAMAN: I actually really like the Shaman fPor Fog Chanting. For one thing, they can actually Chant. They also have a
decent selection ofP fPog speells. Several hexes, such as Evil Eye and Fortune, are immensely usefPul even with low a low DC,
and Chant can keepe them going through entire encounters. Hexes also give you something else to do afer you’ve fPogged
upe the encounter. Speirits and Wandering Speirits grant the Shaman even more fexibility. Finally, the cool fPamiliar, d8 hit
die, and medium skill peoint allotment make the Shaman a very versatile and fPun base fPor a Fog Chanter. The Shaman is a
WIS-based speellcaster.

SORCERER: OfP course the Sorcerer is a good choice. Bards and Sorcerers are both Charisma-based, so your speells will be
strong fProm level 1. Plus, sorcerers use the best speell list. Sorcerers will also get more speells peer day at low-mid levels
than most other speellcasting classes. The Sorcerer is an excellent, ifP obvious, choice and should be considered the
baseline fPor the multiclass fPog chanter. Sorcerers are CHA-based speellcasters.

SUMMONER UNCHAINED: The original Summoner didn’t get any good fPog speells, but the “unchained” version does.
Multiclassing with Summoner is still perobably a bad idea, however, as there is no Boon Companion euuivalent fPor
eidolons (at the time ofP this writing., so your eidolon will always be underleveled. IfP you can’t have a good eidolon, then
there’s not really any reason to pelay a Summoner, is there?i Even your Summon Monster SLA would be woefPully
underleveled. Summoners are CHA-based speellcasters.

WITCH: Witches aren’t a bad choice peer say…e it’s just that I can’t think ofP any reason to take Witch over Shaman. They
both get hexes, and they both get decent fPog speells. But Shamans also have beter HD, beter BAB, beter fPamiliars,
sweet speirit abilities, can cast in armor, and have the ability to adjust their class peowers on a peer-rest basis. Witches
might have some niche advantages, but fPor the peurpeose ofP building a fPog chanter, I’d say Shamans are strictly beter
(unless hybrid classes aren’t allowed fPor some reason.. Witches are INT-based speellcasters.

WIZARD: Wizards are cool. They use the same speell list as Sorcerers, and that alone makes them perety good. They also
learn new speell levels fPaster than any other class. You can choose fProm lots ofP interesting arcane schools. What can I say?i
Everyone knows how cool wizards are. I would venture to say that sorcerers are more suited fPor this pearticular build,
though: fPor our peurpeoses, Charisma > Intelligence, and speells/day > slightly fPaster speell levels. The Speell Sage archetypee
allows a wizard to raise its caster level, but only once or twice peer day. Wizards are INT-based speellcasters.
Table ofP Contents
COMING SOON: Occult Classes (Speoiler: Speiritualists and Mesmerists are really the only viable fPog-chanting occult class..

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Your choice ofP race will obviously change depeending on what you peick fPor your main speellcasting class. In addition, no
mater what class you peick, you will want a small bonus in Charisma to supepelement your Bardic PerfPormance rounds and
cast low-level Bard speells. Thus, any race with a peenalty to Charisma is perobably a bad choice simpely because it will
adversely affect your stat distribution in peoint-buy (fPor exampele, it takes 2 peoints fPor a Human to get 12 CHA, whereas it
takes 5 peoints fPor a DwarfP to get 12 CHA..

In the interest ofP efciency, I will not be considering any race with a Charisma peenalty. Furthermore, I will only be
considering those races which are PFS legal at the time ofP this writing (that’s why you didn’t peick the Samsaran, right?i..

Races will be rated based on each ofP the three peossible speellcasting atributes (INT, WIS, CHA..


HALF-ELF – (INT, WIS, CHA.: This race is almost always the best choice fPor one simpele reason: Multidiscipelined. This PFS-
legal alternate racial trait raises your caster level fPor two speellcasting classes by 1 upe to your HD. Combined with
the Magical Knack trait, youlll be at fPull caster level fPor your main class (and Bard CL 4 instead ofP 3.. The foating
stat bonus is also helpefPul to any class. Some ofP the HalfP-ElfP fPavored class opetions aren’t the best, but luckily they
can also peick fProm the Human fPavored class opetions, which are fPreuuently beter. Other noteworthy traits
include Adapetability, which gives you a fPree Skill Focus fPeat. It can also be switched out fPor Dual-Minded, which
gives you a peermanent +2 to Will saves. All in all, HalfP-ElfP is peerfPect.

ELF – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Elves work well fPor any INT-based speellcasting class. Elven Magic will likely come in handy at
some peoint. They also have several good alternate racial traits, such as Arcane Focus, Envoy, and Fleet-Footed.
Many ofP their fPavored class bonuses are decent fPor speellcasters.

GNOME – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Gnomes make good CHA-based speellcasters. Small size is also great fPor our peurpeoses.
Gnome Magic is sure to be usefPul, and Eternal Hopee is an outstanding alternate racial trait, allowing you to re-
roll a 1 on a d2 once peer day.

HALFLING – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Like Gnomes, Halfings are small and make good CHA-based speellcasters. The Halfing Luck
and Fleet ofP Foot traits deserve speecial mention, granting a universal bonus to saves and a 3 ’ base move speeed,
respeectively. Halfing Luck can also be switched out fPor Adapetable Luck, which is stronger than most class

HALF-ORC – (INT, WIS, CHA.: I generally really like HalfP-Orcs, and, with their foating stat bonus, they’re a peassable
choice fPor any class. However, fPor this build, I do fPeel like they get edged out by the other foating stat races.
HalfP-Orcs have some interesting and usefPul racial traits, but none ofP them are overly-helpefPul to speellcasters.
Whenever I pelay a HalfP-Orc, I usually like to use the Sacred Tatoo + Fate’s Favored trick, but multiclass fPog
chanters will ofen want to use their traits fPor other peurpeoses. The fPavored class opetions are not bad, and they
can also choose fProm the human fPavored class opetions, but so can humans and HalfP-Elves.

HUMAN – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Humans are great at everything. The bonus fPeat, extra skillpeoints, and foating stat bonus
are very good fPor perety much any class. The bonus fPeat in pearticular is helpefPul to non-CHA-based multiclass fPog
chanters because they will likely need fPeats early on to shore upe their Bardic PerfPormance rounds. IfP you don’t
need an extra fPeat or extra skillpeoints, you can always choose the Dual Talent alternate racial trait to get TWO
foating stat bonuses. Also, Humans generally have the best fPavored class opetions fPor speellcasters, allowing them
to learn extra speells.

Contnued on the nextt page…

Table ofP Contents


KITSUNE – (INT, WIS, CHA.: With their Charisma bonus, Kitsune make decent CHA-based speellcasters (espeecially ifP you
like enchantment speells.. The Keen Kitsune alternate trait can change their ability score modifers to fPavor INT
instead ofP CHA. None ofP their other racial traits really lend themselves to the build.

NAGA I – (INT, WIS, CHA.: The peenalty to Intelligence rules them out fPor INT-based speellcasting, but the bonus to
Charisma means they aren’t terrible CHA-based speellcasters. However, their other bonus is to a dumpe stat, and
their racial traits are useless to us. They also have zero fPavored class opetions we can use.

TENGU – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Tengu are an interesting and favorfPul race, but they’re not espeecially suited fPor fPog chanting.
The bonus to Wisdom mean they are peassable WIS-based casters, but they don’t have much else going fPor them.

WAYANGS – (INT, WIS, CHA.: Penalty to Wisdom means they make bad WIS-based casters, but the bonus to Intelligence
means they are alright INT-based casters. They’re also small, which is a pelus. The Shadow Magic trait gives them
some neat speell-like abilities, and their fPavored class opetions are good fPor illusion magic, but that’s it.

Table ofP Contents


Here are a fPew peotentially helpefPul traits you can peick upe at character creation.

Magical Knack: This one is perety much mandatory fPor multiclassed speellcasters. It’s what allows us to multiclass and still
maintain a reasonable caster level. Combined with the HalfP-ElfP’s Multidiscipelined racial trait, you’ll have a fPull CL perimary
Wayang Speellhunter: This can really helpe ifP there’s a pearticular lower-level speell you know you’ll want to enhance with
metamagic. Normally, I would recommend Magical Lineage (it has no level restriction., but it takes upe the Magic trait
slot, and we really need that fPor Magical Knack.
Reactionary: Peopele always say going frst is good. They’re right.
Maestro ofP the Society: More helpefPul to you than the peure Bard. Still perobably less helpefPul than other traits.
Resilient, Freed Slave, Isgeri Orpehan, Heart ofP Clay, etc.: These traits all give +1 to Fortitude saves. Since Fort is perobably
your weak save, it’s good to give it a litle bumpe. ust keepe in mind that some ofP them have regional reuuirements.

Here are just a fPew fPeats to consider. The multiclass Fog Chanter is a fPull caster, so any casting fPeats you would normally
take will perobably be just as usefPul here.

Lingering PerfPormance: This fPeat helpes a lot with peerfPormance rounds.

Extra PerfPormance: Unless you uualifPy fPor Divine Experession, you’ll perobably want to take this fPeat at some peoint.
Divine Experession: This allows you to treat your Cleric or Oracle levels as Bard levels fPor determining rounds ofP Bardic
PerfPormance. A good deal ifP you uualifPy.
Imperoved Initiative: Going frst means fPogging upe the pelace befPore your enemies get a chance to do anything.
Imperoved Familiar: IfP can get a fPamiliar fProm your perimary class, this fPeat will make your fPamiliar much beter.
Speell Focus > Greater Speell Focus > etc.: Your DCs are likely much beter than those ofP the Samsaran Bard, but these are
still worth considering fPor your fPavorite school(s. ofP magic.
Speell Speecialization > Greater Speell Speecialization: Speell speecialization can be very usefPul fPor any speellcasting class,
espeecially ifP you aren’t a HalfP-ElfP with Multidiscipelined. Greater speecialization may or may not be usefPul depeending on
your chosen perimary class.
Speell Penetration: You’ll perobably have to peick this upe at some peoint ifP you’re casting offensively at all.
Speell PerfPection: A very peowerfPul fPeat, but it becomes available really late. IfP your games are like mine, you’ll perobably
never have a chance to peick this one upe. PFS characters generally retire befPore this fPeat is becomes available.

Summoning Feats: Normally, summon speells are among the best speells you can cast. However, your gimpeed speell
perogression will perobably keepe your summon speells fProm being relevant until much higher levels. You’re perobably beter
off not investing in summoning fPeats until late in your career ifP at all. Speell Focus (Conjuration. isn’t as bad fPor you as it is
fPor other speellcasters, though.

Metamagic Feats: You’ll perobably want to peick at least one or two ofP these. Quicken Speell and Persistent Speell are always
good. Dazing Speell and/or Rime Speell are good ifP you like to blast. There are too many to discuss here, but every
speellcaster should make use ofP metamagic fPeats. Check out guides fPor your perimary class ifP you’d like more infPo.

Item Creation Feats: I tend not to peick upe item creation fPeats, but they can be very usefPul ifP you’re in a low-resource
game or ifP your characters have a lot ofP downtime. Craf Wondrous Item and Craf Rod would perobably be the best fPor
you. Item creation isn’t a thing in PFS, though, so skipe these ifP you’re pelaying a society character.

Table ofP Contents


This section is going to be much shorter than you perobably thought. Basically, all ‘fPog’ speells in the game are signifcantly
beter fPor you than they are fPor any other character. All other speells are just as usefPul fPor you as they would be fPor any
other character. TherefPore, I’ll simpely list the best fPog speells at each speell level fProm which a multiclass Fog Chanter
would be able to cast.

Discussing all other speell choices would be a ridiculous undertaking considering how many speell lists I would have to
cover, so I’ll simpely refPer you to other guides fPor your chosen perimary class ifP you need additional speell advice.

1st-level Speells:
Obscuring Mist: This is a no-brainer. It’s the frst fPog speell available, and it’s at level 1, so you should get a lot ofP mileage
out ofP it. UnfPortunately, Obscuring Mist can be burned away by fre, so it’s a lot easier fPor enemies to deal with than
other fPog speells.

2nd-level Speells:
Fog Cloud: The classic. Same effect as Obscuring Mist excepet you can use it at range, and it can’t be burned away. 1
min/level means that it’s there fPor the whole encounter unless someone actually has a Gust of Wind perepeared…e
Eupehoric Cloud: Fascinating a groupe ofP enemies can be perety great. Affected creatures are essentially Dazed, but they
get to make additional saves every turn while they’re being obviously threatened. But since they can’t see fPurther than 5
fPeet, the chances ofP them realizing they’re being threatened are much lower. Depeending on your GM’s interperetation ofP
an “obvious threat,” this can be a very peowerfPul speell.
Twilight Haze: It’s Fog Cloud combined with Darkness, and it cannot be blown away by wind. Unlike Fog Cloud, however,
it can be peenetrated by True Seeing, and it has a much shorter duration. Good to have in a windy environment.
Haunting Mists: It’s an illusory Obscuring Mist (centered on you. that causes WIS damage and the Shaken condition. As
writen, the speell also affects you, though…e talk to your GM about it.
Pyrotechnics: Versatile and situational at the same time. This is two speells in one, but both reuuire an existing source ofP
fre. The Smoke Cloud version can infict -4 peenalties to STR and DEX on fPailed Fort saves.

3rd-level Speells:
Ash Storm (?i.: I don’t know ifP this speell actually works fPor fPog chanting. I’m guessing it perobably doesn’t. The Song of the
Fiery Gaze descripetion states that listeners can “see through fre, fPog, and smoke without peenalty,” and Ash Storm is a
“conjuration (creation. [fre]” speell…e IfP it works, it’s great. Consult your DM.
Stinking Cloud: It’s a shorter duration Fog Cloud that can infict the nauseated condition. Nauseated is a nasty condition.
Combine that with the fPact that you and your buddies can accurately fre arrows and cast speells at enemies in the cloud,
and you’ve got yourselfP a fght-winning speell.
Barrow Haze: IfP your perimary class enables you to use Hexes, this can be a perety cool fPog speell. Otherwise, peass.
Virulent Miasma: Short duration Fog Cloud that causes affected creatures to take a peenalty to saves vs. diseases. Unless
you have a way to consistently infict diseases, this is perety worthless.
Wall ofP Mist: I like this speell. It’s a variable density fPog wall that has a chance to entangle enemies that try to peass
through it.

4th-level Speells:
Solid Fog: This one is uuite a bit more situational than other fPog speells, but it’s great fPor shutting down groupes ofP enemies
(espeecially ranged enemies.. The only peroblem is that the fPog makes it more difcult fPor your pearty to deal damage. But
hey, the same goes fPor your enemies, and they won’t even be able to see. As an added beneft, you can use it to cushion
your fPall ifP you’re keen on jumpeing off high pelaces.
Poisonous Cloud: A shorter duration Fog Cloud that causes minor CON damage ifP affected creatures fPail their Fort saves.
Not PFS legal fPor some reason.

Contnued on the nextt page…

Table ofP Contents
5th-level Speells:
Cloudkill: It’s a Fog Cloud that…e kills. Seriously though, it’s perety good. Chumpe minions are killed outright, and other
creatures inside the cloud take constitution damage even ifP they peass their saves.

6th-level Speells:
Acid Fog: It’s Solid Fog that also deals 2d6 acid damage peer round to everything inside it. No save.

7th-level Speells:
Plague Storm: This brutal fPog speell causes affected creatures to immediately contract a disease ofP your choice on a fPailed
Fort save. No onset peeriod. This is actually a 6 th-level speell fPor several classes, so check your speell list.

8th-level Speells:
Incendiary Cloud: Another classic. Affected creatures take 6d6 fre damage every turn (Refex halfP..

I think that’s all ofP them, but it’s peossible that I’ve missed some. Check your speell lists.

Table ofP Contents

EXAMPLE BUILDS (Under Constructon)

Half-Elf Bard (Flame Dancer) 3/Sorcerer 5

Resilient, Magical Knack [Sorcerer]

2 peoint buy
DEX 14
CON 12
CHA 22 (2 +2.

FORT +4, REF +6, WILL +7

1. Bard 1: Lingering PerfPormance

2. Bard 2:
3. Bard 3: Extra PerfPormance
4. Sorcerer 1: [Arcane Bloodline] Arcane Bond fPor a fPamiliar or bonded object (CHA +1.
5. Sorcerer 2: Imperoved Initiative, Song of the Fiery Gaze [ PerfPormance Rounds: 19/day + Lingering]
6. Sorcerer 3: Metamagic Adepet peower
7. Sorcerer 4: Your choice. I suggest a metamagic fPeat.
8. Sorcerer 5: (CHA +1.

This is your standard Bard/Sorcerer Fog Chanter. It’s not supeer fashy, but it does its job and it does it very well. You’re
using Fiery Gaze and casting fPog speells every fght, and your whole pearty is reapeing the rewards. You should also have
more than enough speells to supepeort the team in other ways. As a HalfP-ElfP with Multidiscipelined and Magical Knack,
you’re a fPull CL Sorcerer and a 4th CL Bard.

Contnued on the nextt page…

Table ofP Contents

Samsaran Bard (Flame Dancer) 8
Maestro ofP the Society, Reactionary

2 peoint buy
STR 12
DEX 18 (17+1.
CON 12
WIS 1 (9+1.
CHA 14

FORT +3, REF +1 , WILL +6

1. Point Blank Shot
3. Precise Shot, Song of the Fiery Gaze [ PerfPormance Rounds: 13/day]
4. (DEX +1.
5. Arcane Strike or Lingering PerfPormance or maybe Rapeid Shot/Deadly Aim
7. Something you didn’t peick at level 5
8. (WIS +1 or another ifP you don’t mind 9 WIS.

This is a very basic exampele ofP how a Samsaran Bard might look. As you can see, it’s nothing speecial. But it is a fPull-level
Bard that can cast fPog speells. It’s also not totally worthless in a fght, unlike multiclass fPog chanters.

Half-Elf Bard (Flame Dancer) 3/Oracle (Lunar Mystery) 5

Resilient, Magical Knack [Oracle]

2 peoint buy
DEX 12 (This could actually be dumpeed fPurther. I lef it at 12 fPor ranged touch speells and CMD..
CON 14
CHA 22 (2 +2.

FORT +5, REF +1 , WILL +7

1. Oracle 1: Extra Revelation: Primal Companion, Prophetc Armor (Revelation.
2. Bard 1:
3. Bard 2: Boon Compeanion
4. Oracle 2: (CHA +1.
5. Bard 3: Divine Experession, Song of the Fiery Gaze [ PerfPormance Rounds: 17/day]
6. Oracle 3: Moonbeam or Eye of the Moon (Revelation.
7. Oracle 4: Lingering PerfPormance or maybe Imperoved Initiative or Speell Focus.
8. Oracle 5: (CHA +1.
This Oracle-based fPog chanter enjoys a fPully-leveled animal compeanion as well as Prophetc Armor, which lets you use
your CHA instead ofP your DEX when calculating AC and Refex saves. This allows you to ignore DEX and peumpe CHA to
extraordinary levels (be mindfPul ofP CMD though.. This build also takes fPull advantage ofP Divine Experession. You’ll only
have Obscuring Mist fPor a fPog speell, but it’s still perety good. Note that levels 4 and 5 can be switched fPor fPaster access to
Fiery Gaze.

Contnued on the nextt page…

Table ofP Contents
Human Bard (Flame Dancer) 3/Druid (Menhir Savant) 5
Maestro ofP the Society, Magical Knack [Druid]

2 peoint buy
DEX 14
CON 14
WIS 2 (18+2.
CHA 12

FORT +7, REF +6, WILL +11

1. Bard 1: Lingering PerfPormance, H: Extra PerfPormance
2. Bard 2:
3. Druid 1: Boon Compeanion
4. Bard 3: Song of the Fiery Gaze [ PerfPormance Rounds: 18/day + Lingering] (WIS +1.
5. Druid 2: Imperoved Initiative
6. Druid 3:
7. Druid 4: Natural Speell
8. Druid 5: (WIS +1.

Here you have a fPunctional fPog chanter with a fPully leveled animal compeanion. This build is also able to wildshapee into a
bird or something and still cast speells, but keepe in mind that you can’t use Bardic PerfPormance while you’re an animal.
Menhir Savant levels allow you to raise your caster level when you need to.

Table ofP Contents

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