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Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200


Sedimentation, depositional environment and diagenesis of Eocene

biosiliceous deposits in Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia)
Mohsen Henchiri *

Département de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunis 1060, Tunisia

Received 6 April 2006; received in revised form 6 August 2007; accepted 14 September 2007
Available online 21 September 2007


The sedimentary rocks of the Metlaoui Formation in the Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia), which may be grouped in three units: the
basal (Thèlja), middle (Chouabine) and upper unit (Kef Eddour), provide a record of preserved sedimentary, authigenic and biological
processes. This paper presents the findings of sedimentological investigations of the biosiliceous deposits of the middle unit. This unit
contains either well-preserved (Opal-A) or diagenetically altered (Opal-CT, clinoptilolite, quartz and even clays) diatom frustules. Such
diagenetic changes are commonly described in marine and lacustrine biosiliceous deposits. The fossil content of theses diatomaceous lay-
ers implies shallow-marine conditions.
The opal-rich sediments, and the associated facies record the transgressive transitions associated with high organic productivity, prob-
ably enhanced by seasonal input of nutrients, and high sea level stands, and a close association with stratified water column conditions.
The formation of bedded diatomaceous sediments is known to require either high organic productivity or anoxic conditions in bottom/
intermediate water, and eventually both processes. The initial organic content of the biogenic deposits was impoverished in early stages
of sedimentation and diagenesis. A large part of the organic matter could have been destroyed during early diagenetic processes and from
further oxidation in outcrops.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biosiliceous deposits; Diagenesis; Zeolitization; Dolomitization; Gafsa basin; Tunisia

1. Introduction lacustrine environments that are enriched in nutrients,

either by deep-water upwellings or by inputs of terrestrial
Gafsa basin is one of the most geologically investigated organic compounds supplied by rivers. Marine diatoma-
areas in southern Tunisia, and the gross distribution of ceous sedimentation occurs usually in areas of oceanic
lithofacies and the general paleogeography of the Eocene upwellings such as the coasts of West Africa (Hay and
in southern Tunisia are well known. Many studies have Brock, 1992; Murray et al., 1998; Giraudeau et al., 1998;
focused on the Eocene phosphorite-bearing series (Choua- Pufahl et al., 1998; Berger et al., 1998; DeMaster, 2002),
bine member) (Flandrin, 1948; Castany, 1951; Burollet, Peru (Henrichs and Farrington, 1984; Ten Haven et al.,
1956; Sassi, 1974; Chaabani, 1995, 1999) for their economic 1990), the North Sea (Brit et al., 1999) and in marine to
aspects. The Eocene biosiliceous sediments in Gafsa basin, low-salinity restricted environments, e.g. the Baltic Sea;
their sedimentology, diagenesis and depositional environ- (Jonsson et al., 1990).
ments have rarely been discussed. The formation of dia- Although less well known, another environment of high
tom-rich deposits is well known in oceanic, marine or diatom productivity associated with confined settings is
reported from some lacustrine studies, modern coastal
lagoons and shallow seas (Ehrlich, 1975; Ehrlich and
Tel.: +216 98911157; fax: +216 71885408. Dor, 1985; Owen and Utha-aroon, 1999; Stamatakis and
E-mail address: mohsenhenchiri@yahoo.fr Koukouzas, 2001; Blanc-Valleron et al., 2002; Bergner

1464-343X/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
188 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

Fig. 1. Location and geological map of the study area, in the western part of the Gafsa basin, showing the upper Cretaceous to Quaternary sedimentary

and Trauth, 2004). Nevertheless, the spatial and strati- tively with a CAMECA SX51 electron microprobe with
graphic relations between diatomites, phosphates and 15 kV acceleration potential, 20 nA current intensity and
evaporites are poorly documented in ancient phosphoritic 10-lm-beam diameter, and quantitatively by an ICP-MS.
basins, except for some south Tethyan Cretaceous and The samples were checked by X-ray diffraction (Siemens
Messinian basins in the Mediterranean sea and also in D500, Cu Ka radiation, 45 kV, 40 mA diffractometer) to
the Pacific Ocean (Hein and Obradovic, 1988). In the Mes- confirm the mineral identity and the crystallinity of the
sinian basins, the main marine diatomite-bearing forma- mineral phases. The d29Si MAS NMR (nuclear magnetic
tion predates the evaporite deposition and is not resonance) spectra were recorded on a Bruker 300 MHz
interbedded with evaporites except for some thinner depos- PM Ultra shield spectrometer at an operation frequency
its reported in Spain, Cyprus and Sicily (Cita et al., 1978; of 79.5 MHz, with 5-min delay between the pulses in order
Gersonde and Schrader, 1984; Mansour, 1991; Riding to assure complete relaxation. A rotor with a diameter of
et al., 1998; Blanc-Valleron et al., 2002). 7 mm was used. The spinning rate was 3 kHz. Chemical
The situation is quite different in the southwestern part shifts were measured relative to the d29 Si resonance of tet-
of the Gafsa basin (Fig. 1) where marine diatomites predate ramethylsilane (Juillet-Leclerc, 1984). Half-width, peak
thick phosphorite deposits that outcrop along the Metla- height, peak area and chemical shift of the signals were
oui, Redeyef, Moularès and Midès highs. The thick phos- determined by least squares curve-fitting using Lorentzian
phorite beds are, themselves, interbedded with functions.
marlstones, claystones and siltstones containing various
amounts of biogenic silica. The purpose of this study is 3. Geological and stratigraphic setting
to examine the sedimentological facies, the depositional
environment and the diagenetic aspects of opal-rich sedi- The study areas are Metlaoui, Moularès, Redeyef and
ments formed in the Gafsa basin. Midès located in the central to southwestern parts of the
Gafsa basin. The sedimentary record of the Gafsa basin
2. Methods is composed of various lithologically distinctive strati-
graphic successions (Fig. 2). The outcropping sedimentary
A Phillips XL20 SEM was used to examine many freshly rocks range in age from Cretaceous (Jurassic in places) to
broken rock samples to study the texture and petrography Quaternary (Fig. 3). The studied sedimentary rocks belong
and to obtain additional information on compositional to the Metlaoui Formation (Burollet, 1956) and specifically
trends (electron microprobe) and the petrographic types to the Chouabine Member (Chaabani, 1995). The Choua-
developed. Chemical analyses were undertaken qualita- bine Member is overlain by the Kef Eddour carbonates
M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200 189

Fig. 2. Generalized stratigraphic section of the study area.

Fig. 3. Photographs of the biosilica-bearing Eocene Metlaoui Formation in Gafsa Basin.

190 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

(Eocene). According to Guasti et al. (2005), the Metlaoui rudstones and framestones with, in most cases, highly silic-
Formation (Chouabine Member) is of Ypresian age. Other ified levels. From bottom to top, the series shows at most
workers refer to the Metlaoui Group as being early Eocene 10 m of hard-silicified carbonate lenticular beds containing
(e.g. Beavington-Penney et al., 2005). There is clearly some various amounts of dissolved oyster shells. Upwards, the
controversy about the stratigraphy. series continues with alternating dolomitic and gypsum
The Eocene Metlaoui Formation (Fig. 4) lies above the beds topped with marl and shale strata. This Member
Paleocene series of the El Haria Formation (Burollet, ranges in thickness from 10 to 20 m.
1956), which consists mainly of olive-green shales interbed-
ded with thin carbonate and moldic limestone beds. The 3.2. The middle unit of the Metlaoui Fm.: Chouabine
Metlaoui Fm. is overlain by the upper Eocene Jebs Fm., Member
consisting of bedded gypsum/anhydrite with large twinned
selenite crystals (decimetres long) arranged in domal or This unit, which is 30–50-m thick, is made up of various
palisadic structures, finely and regularly laminated facies facies (shales, marls, bioclastic limestone, phosphate and
(with planar or undulating lamination) (Henchiri and diatom-rich facies). The most important facies categories
Slim-Shimi, 2006). are the phosphatic and the diatom-rich biosiliceous ones.
Two kinds of phosphate are recognized within the study
3.1. The lower unit of Metlaoui Fm.: Thelja Member area: biodetrital and peloidal phosphorites. Three kinds
of diatomite facies were described: structureless facies, lam-
This Member is composed of alternations of marl, dolo- inated facies and bedded diatomite facies. The general
mite, gypsum and shelly and bioclastic carbonate strata attributes of the diatomaceous facies class are given in
showing oyster buildups and fragmented oyster coquina Table 1.

Fig. 4. Detailed cross-section of the Eocene Metlaoui Formation.

M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200 191

Table 1
Characteristics and interpretation of the diatomitic lithofacies of the Chouabine Member in the Gafsa basin
Facies Facies Description Trace fossiles Interpretation
Diatomite Structureless Whitish low-density sediments and poorly preserved diatom frustules that Unbioturbated Deposition in a storm-
diatomite underwent sever diagenetic transformations; well-crystallized and preserved weather wave base
dolomite rhombs are frequent condition
Laminated The diatomitic-rich laminites aspect is poorly recognizable due to alteration; Unbioturbated Rainout of nannofossils in
diatomite thin and regular lamination as well as the presence of thin layers and nodules highly productive waters
of phosphorites; sharp lower and upper contacts; lamination is locally
Bedded Thickly and bedded, massive diatomitic-rich bed showing dewatering cracks Firmground Deposition between fair-
diatomite and grey to whitish color; the thick beds display superposed sequences some Coscinodiscus; and storm-weather wave
decimetres in thickness composed of laminated diatom-rich sediments grading ghosts and conditions
upwards into green, grey to black marlstones and siltstones that contain lesser borings
amounts of biogenic silica; preserved assemblages of non-keeled, biserial
trochospiral planktic foraminifera

3.3. The upper unit of the Metlaoui Fm.: Kef Eddour of phosphorites. The thicker intercalations display super-
Member posed sequences some decimetres in thickness, composed
of massive diatom-rich sediments grading upwards into
The upper unit is marked by two thick carbonate units, green, beige to brown marlstones and siltstones that con-
made up of massive bioclastic dolomitic limestone with tain lesser amounts of biogenic silica, with the presence
concretionary and travertinic textures. These limestones of poorly organized hummocky cross-stratified laminae
contain thin beds with chert nodules and quartz geodes, (Fig. 5c).
which are in turn interbedded with grained phosphate Bedded diatomites (Fig. 5d) appear typically as whitish
and micrite concretions. The ultimate phosphate-poor thin low-density sediments, which may be either massive or
beds are named by miners as ‘‘phosphate of the roof’’. The indistinctly stratified beds. The bedded diatomites are
total Unit ranges in thickness in the study area from 15 to either directly in contact with the base of phosphorite beds
25 m. or separated from them by beige opal-rich and dolomite-
rich siltstones and marlstones and micrite concretionary
4. Results and interpretations horizons.

4.1. Diatomitic lithofacies 4.2. Fossil content

The biosiliceous deposits can be observed in many Although the floral composition has not been studied in
places along the preserved Gafsa basin system, with the detail, the diatom assemblages appear poorly diversified. A
diatomaceous sediments being confined to the middle and few beds are made up of centric diatoms (Thalassiosira sp.,
inner shelf facies, whereas the thicker phosphorites units Coscinodiscu sp. (Fig. 6a and b). Other beds are made up of
are located along the Redeyef and Moularess structures pennate diatoms (Thassionema sp. (Fig. 6c) associated with
where the diatomite/phosphorite succession unconform- other species of this group. The biosiliceous fraction is
ably overlies the upper Paleocene. The biosiliceous deposits dominated by diatoms accessorily associated with silicofla-
form more or less continuous layers and lenses along the gellates, sponge spicules and a few shallow water faunas
western side of the basin, from Moularès in the North to (Textularia sp.; Fig. 6d). A comparable alternation of taxa
Midès at the western end. was observed in thinly laminated diatomites such as in the
The pre-phosphatic and intercalated biosiliceous depos- Mishash Formation (Soudry et al., 1981). Some layers con-
its, whose thickness ranges from a few decimetres to more tain great quantities of Orbulinidae, while calcareous nan-
than 10 m, usually consist of siltstones, claystones and noplankton and various leaves of marine phanergams
marlstones containing various amounts of biogenic silica, occur locally. In the northern and southern parts of Midès,
and sometimes of relatively pure diatomites. The structure- the laminated diatom-rich sediments contain some poorly
less diatomites (Fig. 5a) are whitish low-density sediments preserved fish remains belonging to species living in normal
and poorly preserved diatom frustules that underwent marine conditions under tropical to subtropical climates.
severe diagenetic transformations; they are well-crystallized
and preserved dolomite rhombs are frequently observed 4.3. Mineralogical composition
under SEM. The diatomite-rich laminites (Fig. 5b) are
poorly recognizable due to alteration; they display thin Bulk mineralogy has been estimated by semi-quantita-
and regular lamination as well as the presence of thin layers tive X-ray diffraction analysis (Fig. 7) and by visual means
192 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

Fig. 5. Field aspects of the diatomitic-rich deposits. (a) Structureless diatomites; sediments are whitish, low-density and poorly preserved; they underwent
severe diagenetic transformations. (b) Laminated diatomitic rich deposits; the laminated aspect is relatively recognizable due to alteration, laminae can
exposed some cross-stratified structures. (c) Presence of poorly organized hummocky cross-stratified laminae and (d) Bedded diatomites; the whitish grey
diatomitic bed appears cracked and the presence of micrite concretions (MC) indicates the end of diatomite sedimentation; the concretions appear
flattened after the post-depositional compaction and the interstitial dewatering.

under the microscope, essentially for the amorphous silica. opal-A and (or) opal-CT. The clay fraction, which may
The distinction and the diagnosis of biosilica diagenetic reach 5% of the bulk sediment in the silty or marly clay-
transitions (opal-A, opal-CT and quartz) have been evalu- stones, is always rich in smectite, associated with minor
ated using the d29Si MAS NMR. SEM examination has and variable amounts of illite and kaolinite. The carbonate
permitted both the identification of the microfossil content fraction is mainly composed of disseminated dolomite crys-
and the characterisation of the diagenetic changes in silica tals occurring as pore-filling cement (Fig. 8). Different
composition. Moreover, the SEM observations show that types of opal-rich deposits can be recognized by macro-
the percentage of diatoms is commonly higher than that scopic observation, by SEM examination of freshly broken
estimated by the amount of opal-CT in X-ray diffraction. surfaces and by XRD analysis.
The amount of opal is highly variable, ranging from a A massive, pure diatomite exclusively composed of opal-
few percent to layers composed almost exclusively of A is observed in the Midès section (Fig. 9a). SEM observa-
M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200 193

Fig. 6. Light microscopy and SEM pictures of biogenic silica-rich sediments. (a) Light microscopy picture of centric diatoms (Thalassiosira sp.). (b) SEM
photograph of centric diatom; frustule assemblage is composed of opal-A. The opal-CT (black arrows) obliterates the majority of frustule pores. (c) SEM
photograph of penate diatoms (Thassionema sp.) and (d) Example of shallow water fauna (Textularia sp.) associated with the biosiliceous sediments;
secondary electron image.

Fig. 7. X-ray diffraction spectrum of representative sample composed of

amorphous silica, opal-CT, tridymite, quartz and dolomite (sample from Fig. 8. Well-crystallized euhedral dolomite crystal occurring as dissemi-
Redeyef). nated rhombs. Electron microprobe analysis (white arrow) shows that
dolomite is near-stoichiometric (with Mg content slightly higher than Ca).

tions show that the diatom frustules underwent neither

strong mechanical breaking, nor strong diagenetic ments resemble diatomites with their whitish colour
transformation. (Fig. 9b), their low density and their massive texture. They
A second type of opal-rich deposits corresponds to sam- contain opal-CT, sometimes with abundant clinoptilolite
ples collected in the Redeyef sections. Usually, the sedi- (Fig. 9c). Previous SEM observations described the succes-
194 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

Fig. 9. Diagenetic aspects of biogenic silica-rich sediments. (a) Massive, pure diatomite exclusively composed of opal-A, observed in Midès section.
Diatom frustules suffered neither strong mechanical breaking nor strong diagenetic transformations. (b) Opal-rich deposits corresponding to samples
collected in Redeyef sections; severe alteration of diatom frustules with precipitation of opal-CT in frustule pores. The biogenic origin of the sediment
became relatively unrecognizable. (c) Diagenetic dissolution of diatom frustules leading to more hydrated silica gel (black arrow) and the development of
clinoptilolite crystals (microprobe analysis) as diagenetic by-product (white arrow) and (d) Transformation of diatomite into aggregates of spheroids.

sive steps of diagenetic transformation and demonstrated studied offer examples in which large quantities of diatoms
that the formation of opal-CT is closely related to the ori- are fossilised. SEM observations and XRD analysis
ginal morphology of diatom frustules (Crawford et al., showed that the diatom frustules have been subjected to
2001). Pillars and flanges of cristobalite–tridymite devel- strong diagenetic transformations similar to those
oped first on and around the areolae of the centric diatom described in numerous oceanic areas (Inglethorpe and
frustules, leading finally to the complete replacement and Morgan, 1992; Barker et al., 1994; Inglethorpe et al.,
the formation of aggregates of lepispheres (Fig. 9d). The 1997; Bertaux et al., 1998; Stamatakis and Koukouzas,
biogenic origin of the sediment then becomes difficult to 2001). It has already been shown that the original morphol-
recognize. In contrast, some sediments did not retain the ogy of the frustules controlled the diagenetic pathways.
powdery consistency of an untransformed diatomite, being Diagenesis started with dissolution of diatom frustules
slightly indurated. Under SEM, we observed a massive fab- and proceeded by precipitation of opal-CT within pore
ric comprising coalescent and imbricated lepispheres of spaces, using the structure of the frustules as support for
opal-CT. At an early stage of diagenesis, the centric diatom the recrystallisation products, and ended in the complete
frustule surface was coated by fibrillae of Si–Al-dominant replacement of biogenic sediment by massive aggregates
composition (microprobe analysis), which suggest clay of opal-CT lepispheres (Nelson et al., 1995). Generally, it
minerals. Stronger diagenetic effects greatly transformed is thought that physical and chemical parameters such as
the frustules, which became almost unrecognisable. temperature, pressure, time and composition of the intersti-
tial fluids (fluids with a pH of marginally >7 will corrode
4.4. Diagenetic aspects the diatom frustules), controlled the transformation of
opal-A to opal-CT (Kastner et al., 1977; Riech and von
In contrast to certain modern shallow environments Rad, 1979; Monty et al., 1991). In most oceanic biosili-
where diatom frustules are abundant in waters but not pre- ceous deposits, the transformation is reported in sediments
served in the sediments (Rickert et al., 2002), the series of various ages that have been submitted to a moderate
M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200 195

burial depth of several hundred meters and heated to tem- and reflects a clear tendency towards dissolution of diato-
peratures between 18 and 56 °C (Williams and Crerar, maceous amorphous silica and the occurrence of hydrated
1985). diatomaceous silica, which is the main component that
ensures the diagenetic transition (Xiao and Kirkpatrick,
4.5. d29Si NMR diagenetic transition diagnosis of biogenic 1993) via the mechanism of dissolution-precipitation to
silica (dissolution–precipitation) other more crystalline silica phases, after the loss of its
hydroxyl groups (water) by heating (burial) (Carroll
Some mineral phases (with short-range order) are some- et al., 1998, 2002; Schmidt et al., 2001; DeMaster, 2004).
times difficult to detect or to diagnose using conventional Opal in all its forms lacks sufficient order to be considered
techniques such as powder X-ray diffraction (applicable crystalline (Smith, 1998), and modern studies have shown
to phases with long-range order) due to their relative scar- that opal-A is disordered, but opal-CT contains ordered
city and their short-range order. These mineral phases are domains that mimic stacked sequences of cristobalite and
mostly in trace amounts, below the detection limits of this tridymite sheets such that X-ray patterns show features
apparatus. In our case, and according to X-ray analysis, similar to crystalline cristobalite and tridymite (Xiao and
the monitoring of biogenic silica transitions (opal-A to Kirkpatrick, 1993; Graetsch and Topalovic-Dierdorf,
opal-CT to quartz) does not reveal much and we cannot 1996; Smith, 1998). There is debate on whether the ordered
take the resultant data further. We used MAS NMR spec- regions have lost the water that characterizes the opals. In
troscopy to evaluate the rate of biogenic silica transition fact, heating studies have shown that all opals show
via the process of dissolution-precipitation mechanism by changes on heating, characteristic of materials that lose
studying silicon coordinations Qn using d29Si MAS NMR water in the process (De Jong et al., 1987; Smith, 1998).
spectra (Gehlin et al., 2002). The d29Si MAS (magic angle The opal-CT phase reflects the first stage of arrangement
spinning) NMR spectrum, shown in Fig. 10, is character- of amorphous silica and the tendency toward more ordered
ized by three broad resonances assigned to silanol sites, crystalline structure. Moreover, this phase is commonly the
with three bridging oxygen atoms at 102.52 ppm reso- most predominant as suggested by the hydroxylated silicon
nance Q3 (–(O)3Si(OH)), silanol sites with two bridging sites in the opal matrix. Also, the production of the more
oxygen sites at 94.03 ppm, resonance Q2 (–(O)2Si(OH)2), ordered crystalline state of opal-CT is thought to be asso-
and siloxane sites with four bridging oxygen atoms at ciated with small amounts of dissolved organic matter
111.24 ppm Q4(–O3SiO–). The (Si–O–Si/Si–OH) ratios (Hinman, 1990), which can affect the silica recrystallisation
(i.e. Q4/(Q3 + Q2)) are lowered due to the pH-controlled reactions and rates and reduce the silica transitions (opal-A
(Schmidt et al., 2001) abundance of hydroxylated Q2 and to opal-CT). The distinction between opal phases is some-
Q3 sites. This fact is displayed in resonance intensities how under the detection limits of X-ray apparatus. Never-
theless, these X-ray analyses were complemented by d29Si
MAS NMR investigations (more diagnostic), (Stebbins,
1988), which provides a viable alternative to X-ray diffrac-
tion for mineralogical identification (Stebbins and Farnan,
1989); this method is used to detect the biogenic silica vari-
eties and their diagenetic by-products by checking the d29Si
MAS NMR spectrum of biogenic silica samples.

5. Discussion

5.1. Basin configuration

The depositional environment of adjacent seas is largely

determined by the mechanism controlling the connection
with the neighbouring ocean. In the Gafsa basin, as
revealed by the paleogeographic reconstructions, the open-
ing was not too wide or deep, and was characterized by the
narrow Shemsi sill which was uplifted during strike-slip
Fig. 10. d29Si NMR spectrum of biogenic silica sample. The three peaks motions when the Gafsa major faults were reactivated in
are from left to right: silanol sites with three bridging oxygen atoms at close association with Gafsa basin subsidence. The Shemsi
102.52 ppm resonance Q3 (–(O)3Si(OH)), silanol sites with two bridging sill protected the adjacent basins from the direct influence
oxygen sites at 94.03 ppm, resonance Q2 (–(O)2Si(OH)2), siloxane sites of the open sea. The consequence is a significant variation
with four bridging oxygen atoms at 111.24 ppm Q4 (–O3SiO–). The
of facies in these basins.
abundance of hydroxylated Q2 and Q3 sites indicates the clear tendency
towards dissolution of diatomaceous and amorphous silica that precedes The eastern open sea was a shallow basin (platform)
the precipitation of new more ordered crystalline mineral phases (i.e. opal- with average depth of about 100 m; its water mass was lar-
CT). gely unstratified and well oxygenated. The salinity was not
196 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

high (normal to hyposaline settings), but stagnant stratified tion on the sea floor, was strongly enhanced in the
waters could form in some deep depressions in the central surface water (Fig. 11b).
part of the basin where organic matter was probably high
and was preserved in the sediments. During the biosiliceous 5.2. Biosiliceous accumulation and depositional processes
sedimentation, the Gafsa basin was characterized by an
estuarine circulation with distinctly stratified water masses, The diatom production lasted as long as the salinity was
and the Shemsi sill was about 50 m deep (Fig. 11a). The not too high. Previous workers (Ehrlich and Dor, 1985;
limited inflow of sea water contributed to filling the basin Noel, 1986; Howell et al., 1988; Kohly, 1998; Owen and
with moderate to lower salinity water that tolerated (Bao Utha-aroon, 1999; Dezileau et al., 2003) studying modern
et al., 1999) the accumulation of the biosiliceous deposits Mediterranean sediments stated that diatoms do not sur-
described above (bottom and intermediate water salinity vive salinities of 130&, the value at which gypsum starts
130& but much denser than the surface water). Mixing to precipitate. In many modern environments diatom pro-
between these two water masses was hampered by the pro- duction frequently occurs beneath sites of active upwelling
nounced pycnocline, which acted as a stable chemocline along the western coasts of South America, southern
separating well-oxygenated, nutrient-rich surface water Africa, and India (Ten Haven et al., 1990; Berger et al.,
from stagnant, oxygen-deficient deeper water. The phyto- 1998; Pufahl et al., 1998). In these regions, intense coastal
plankton (diatoms) productivity, which led to accumula- upwelling provides a supply of nutrients to surface waters,

Fig. 11. Depositional and paleogeographic models and current regime during the deposition of the Chouabine Member biosiliceous sediments.
M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200 197

resulting in high primary productivities. The phytoplank- directed storm winds, and the resulting bottom return flow
ton (diatom) accumulation within these settings is stimu- and water surge would have participated sufficiently in sed-
lated by the production of dissolved pore water Silicon iment redistribution.
(Si(OH)4) and, hence, the cell Silicon metabolism (Rague-
neau et al., 2002) and the production of biomineralized sili- 5.3. Post-depositional processes
ceous frustules are enhanced. Si input in Gafsa basin
during the Eocene is ascribed principally to a volcanic 5.3.1. Zeolitization
provenance, as evidenced by Clocchiatti and Sassi (1972) The diagenesis of the biogenic silica is evidenced by clin-
andBeji-Sassi et al. (2001). The volcanic supply of dissolved optilolite formation. Clinoptilolites in amounts ranging
silicon is inferred from most previous studies, such as, for between 2& and 19& of the bulk sediment were commonly
example, Steinberg et al. (1977). observed in opal-CT-rich layers, associated either with
The biosiliceous sedimentation described above dense clusters of opal-CT spherulites or dissolved frustules
occurred under permanent marine conditions. The episodic (active silica). It occurs in close association with opal-CT in
confined settings were derived mainly from marine waters cavities and moulds. Clinoptilolites described above are
and the fossil content confirms this fact. High diatom pro- pervasive among diatomaceous sediments, and occur as
ductivity implies an elevated availability of nutrients, for replacements of siliceous frustules and as pore-fillings,
which a hydrological process can be considered: upwelling commonly in close association with opal-CT. The close
systems or inflow of cool oxygenated marine waters from association of the clinoptilolite with the opal-CT-rich lay-
adjacent seas. According to literature, a high abundance ers shows that the formation of the two components was
of biosilica in sediments may indicate significant upwellings closely related, as also suggested by Berger and von Rad
(Hay and Brock, 1992; Ten Haven et al., 1990; Berger (1972) who argued that clinoptilolite precipitates in pore
et al., 1998; Pufahl et al., 1998; Brit et al., 1999; James waters with Si/Al ratios lowered by the precipitation of
and Bone, 2000). In restricted environments, cyanobacte- opal-CT. Clinoptilolite, a zeolite with a high Si/Al ratio,
rial activity is generally considered as the main cause of occurs abundantly together with opal-CT in diagenetically
organic production. However, siliceous micro-organisms altered diatom and radiolarian oozes (e.g. Riech and von
are known to be important producers both in nearly nor- Rad, 1979; Bohrmann et al., 1989) and, less often, in
mal marine conditions and confined waters and provide altered cineritic material (Sassi and Jacob, 1972; Mezzetti
periodically large quantities of organic carbon for the sea et al., 1991).
Anoxic conditions, in either intermediate or bottom 5.3.2. Dolomitization
waters, have long been considered as the most favourable Dolomite in the studied samples is present as dis-
mechanism for the preservation of organic matter. Bottom seminated rhombs. Crystals are not detrital but indicate
stagnation was more efficient in the Gafsa basin which was in situ growth during diagenesis of a predominantly biosi-
characterized by accumulation of dense waters. The post- liceous sediment as displayed by their well-developed crys-
depositional bacterial activity can explain the absence of tal faces. Dolomitization is very commonly associated with
organic matter in the diatomitic sediments, which usually biosiliceous sediments. It can be earlier (Dapples, 1979),
appear as whitish deposits, a large part of the organic mat- concomitant (Jacka, 1974) or later than silicification (Ber-
ter having been destroyed by both early diagenetic pro- noulli and Gunzenhauser, 2001). A carbonate precursor
cesses and later oxidation at outcrops. phase is ruled out in this case except for rare planktic
The intimate association of the biosiliceous sediments foraminifera. However, the original sediment seems to
with micrite concretionary horizons suggests that accu- have consisted of diatoms, as the rock appears to be
mulation of the opal-rich sediments was associated with packed with the moulds of their frustules; hence, an addi-
periods of stratigraphic condensation and low net sedi- tional external source of calcium and magnesium must
mentation. These concretions precipitated near the sedi- have existed.
ment–water interface within the zone of high alkalinity The dolomite rhombohedra grew as disseminated rhom-
generated by microbial respiration of the sedimented bs during or locally outlasting biogenic silica dissolution.
organic matter. As shown by Grimm (2000), these con- Dissolution of silica and precipitation of dolomite could
cretionary horizons are genetically linked to sediment have been enhanced by high alkalinity of the pore waters,
starvation associated with a rise or highstand in relative generated by the microbial respiration of sedimentary
sea level. organic matter (Bidle and Azam, 1999), and dolomite pre-
The occurrence of the diatom-rich deposits in the middle cipitation within these organic-rich sediments is thought to
and inner basin explains the absence of tidally generated be enhanced in low-sulphate or sulphate-free (zones of sul-
sedimentary structures, and suggests that the tidal currents phate reduction) diagenetic environments (Baker and Kast-
played a minimal role in biosiliceous sediment redistribu- ner, 1981). Dolomitization by sulphate-reducing bacteria is
tion. The presence of hummocky cross-stratification currently a matter of discussion and may be more impor-
(HCS) and the occurrence of shallow water faunas indicate tant than previously thought (Tribble et al., 1995; Cros
clearly episodes of storm activity derived from strong west- et al., 1997; Burns et al., 2000; Mazzullo, 2000; Pufahl
198 M. Henchiri / Journal of African Earth Sciences 49 (2007) 187–200

and Wefer, 2001; Rogers et al., 2004). In this process, two precipitation within organic-rich sediments is thought
moles of 2HCO3 are released for each mole of SO42 to be enhanced in low-sulphate or sulphate-free
reduced. Sulphate reduction may promote dolomitization environments.
by (a) removal of SO42 , which may act as an inhibitor of (5) The paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the biosili-
dolomitization; (b) production of alkalinity; and (c) pro- ceous and associated facies in the Gafsa basin provide
duction of NH4þ , which may release adsorbed Mg2+ a stratigraphic and genetic foundation for other stud-
(Baker and Kastner, 1981). ies in the same area. What is needed is a further refin-
The absence of significant compaction in the originally ing and understanding of the depositional settings.
very porous diatomite layer can enhance the shallow sub-
surface dolomite formation, and we may expect that dolo-
mitization was completed at a rather shallow burial depth Acknowledgements
(Bernoulli and Gunzenhauser, 2001). The depth of dolomi-
tization in these settings (described above) seems to be con- I thank all of the Gafsa Phosphate Company geologists
strained by two factors: (1) the absence of a significant who assisted with this study. Helpful comments on the
carbonate precursor; (2) the diffusion-limited sea-water MAS NMR results were provided by Jonathan F. Steb-
source of calcium and magnesium (Baker and Burns, bins. Special thanks to Dr. Emmanuelle Arnaud (Guelph
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