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There are several treatments of tooth decay available to either stop the progress of the

disease or/and restore the damage caused by dental caries. If tooth decay is diagnosed
early, the required treatment can be a small and low cost dental filling. As tooth decay
progresses the treatments needed become more complicated and expensive. Regular
visits to a dentist every six months can help prevent tooth decay or at least reduce the
cost of tooth decay treatment. Treatments for tooth decay vary depending on the
extent and severity of the damage in tooth structures:
1. Enamel remineralisation
If tooth decay is detected at the early stage of ‘white spot’, indicating a mild de-
mineralization of the surface of tooth enamel, brushing with fluoride toothpaste or
fluoride application by the dentist and flossing can be enough to stop the progress of
tooth decay and re-mineralize the tooth.
2. Dental Restoration (dental fillings)
If the enamel has collapsed and a cavity is formed or tooth decay has reached the
softer layer of dentine the tooth can not repair itself any more and a dental restoration
(filling or crown) is required. The dentist will first use a dental drill to remove the
decayed tooth material and then will fill the cavity with a restorative material or
crown fitting.
3. Rot canal treatment
Untreated tooth decay can advance through the soft dentine and reach to the pulp
chamber in the center of the tooth, infecting the pulp tissue, nerves and blood vessels
(pulpitis). The pain becomes very intense and the only tooth decay treatment that can
prevent further problems is a root canal therapy. Otherwise the infection can spread
through the root canals to the tissues surrounding the tips of the root(s) and cause a
dental abscess. During a root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) the dentist
removes the living tissues from the pulp chamber and the tooth root canals, along with
the decayed hard tissues of the tooth. The root canals and the pulp area are filled with
a sealing material (gutta-percha). Depending on how extensive the damage of the
tooth is; it can be restored with either a dental filling or a dental crown.
4. Tooth extraction
A dentist will always try to save an infected tooth with root canal treatment and
antibiotic medication. Unfortunately in some cases, when root canal fails or the
infection has spread so much that it cannot be eliminated, the only alternative
treatment for tooth decay is the tooth extraction. A decayed tooth may also have to be
extracted if after removing the infected parts, there is not enough remaining tooth to
support a filling or even a crown.
5. Tooth replacement - bridges/implant/denture
Although dentists consider tooth extraction as the last option for treating a tooth
severely damaged by dental caries, dentists recommend that it should be evaluated for
replacement as soon as possible to prevent jaw bone loss. This also prevents
neighbouring teeth from changing position or loosening. Extracted teeth can be
replaced with dental bridges, dental implants or dentures.

You can avoid to ever needing the treatments described here, if you follow your
dentist’s advice for the prevention of tooth decay (brush and floss, avoid sugar, visit
your dentist). What Zomba MASM Medi-Clinic offers Zomba MASM Medi Clinic is
your friendly dental clinic which cares for your dental needs be it preventive, curative,
diagnostic (dental x-rays) and some rehabilitative procedures. With its modern dental
equipments and competent personnel you are assured of the best quality dental
treatment. At the clinic your oral cavity will be examined, diagnosed, and cleaned
(scaling. We also do root canal treatment, teeth extraction (both normal and surgical),
crowns and denture fitting etc. However dental treatment comes at a cost and you
need to be dentally covered by the medical schemes in various organizations. Medical
Aid Society of Malawi provides dental cover in its schemes from its executive scheme

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