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SO Sa o IS THIS =] THEI6BIT BREAKTHROUGH? In depth play-testing of Mirrorsoft's astonishing new titles BUYING A NEW COMPUTER? ST ~e499 Fam acta -B RACTALU! cue your are ong Atari have always had the greatest arcade games in the galaxy, now they're adding even more winners to the collection. From the high speed skills of handling a WW.1 biplane, to the brain-aching Archon battle of wits. Whether a ~ a4 [_ BAUBLATER ROM ie moi goxben | canyou shock ne Pasar oa me OTS a otetoi? For vane piotng your £4.99 CASSETTE _ TWILIGHT WORLD, Cer aurgeoce ane oes ‘ anti-matter pods and lasers - you're landing the punches with Fight Night or using the awesome power of Thunderfox to blast the enemy, Atari give you the best com- bination of graphics speed and skill this side of Alpha Centauri Ate ALL GAMES SHOWN ARE COMPATIBLE WITH: ATARI XE GAMES SYSTEM, ATARO5X + > FIGHT NIGHT D THE GREATEST. (OM = £14.99 i fing end bombing md rT MIGHT OM Conngchampthen ge Mh i Tnsup, One oF 40 EYEE : LUE MAX | she ths of HE = (== Atari Dealer or fillin the coupon to order by mail | [commana ec | | Five arate ean BI Bor Then there is Atari's compilation cassette ere) (to ofall time favourites, which at only £499, makes —_| Seiya mona G_Temseter tars) cmamesen eres | B.,. | tyyoul guessed tthe best value on Earth {seer ita et | ide Pick the latest and the greatest from your aa sa Rais =a | | | AVATART! side | IARIGSXE, 130XE, AND 800XL COMPUTERS. Zatch on the ST, the now Spectrun-compatble ‘computer, Alaris ransouter wotkstaton~ al up and running, ad alin Cambridge. Andy Witon dors cap ard gown investiga ‘ek ng o Peon wpe obo Could he alone in your shoot-em-up actualy lam. to fight back? Could thay ~ gasp ~ undergo a res of eoliion and tke over your CE consders some very cstrbing po Frezone ort PSS and CCS' Overlord teat in ‘his mons investgatn of he latest strategy Sf ware — whaiver you dish out, these games wort tee ying down, fe you a competitor cr a calaborator? Do you eam to knoek the stufing out of your mats in Inematcna Karate oro ht side-by-side in kar, Waris? ACE joins the scrum wit a auriaive cui othe est in mulpiayer action, ~ ‘Amstrad 16-bit machine ~ the rumeus fours. Najr changes for US Gold programming potiies.- Telecomsot ‘relaunch’. Bye-bye Aro, helo Exocet, Mandarin, FTL. [Elo Tomorows games stu their stut on oda’ pages c cane A cpt ay re ‘Aheartmarming tee of how rate na Commodore pop through Unde Pats lotr bax z = 130 The Blitter End Last ronts winners. ad fo losers as vel Bee Bian Laman ges you the low-down on anime tion teehniques and sutable packages for 16-bit races. ...AND SOUND ‘and M's for MIL Wo continue ou plain-speak- ing guide othe new mol of MIDL, Don be dumb, bo noisy! PEM koks se Mark denkins adsresses himself to some o! your MDI probis. 7. VF er EEE The most authoritative reviews, the atest games, and the wos mast comprehensive rating sy=- tem. Tris month, Dungoon Master and Ors cause 2 ‘6 sonsation Ne pen ipns,jst dp oma ‘ooo ste aed Pac-who? Havent we seen this runing, jrging, pillgobting, host chasna,maze-wandarng glod- le eementoo before? Whats he ding arourd in 19687 Find othe Co ‘The latest conversions for your machine. Amiga ‘omnes gel Mercenary AND Bonecruene - wt So you gel? THE ACE CAR poo oI en] oie ord Perey ee I EEO el Sort ACE occasion rast th na ot flay byal Tis ine wa heck oP latest PM convention n Lone Wor toa maps. Fest you eyes onthe hideous secre of Tora and Plato, pus ST pokes for Baclash, Black Lamp anc more besides. Inocaris Sereck Hoes is exact elementary, iy Gea Watson. Pus mre on roleplaying, Pats Pac, Shades Day anda host of aer goods. Sethe - em err Vian ann, aa aS super Speeravdeo joystick worth 1499 - yours ‘solely he when you take ot a subscrgton. Nout any gares on ese pape, but som ofthe test you can buy Ard wore cterng up to £4 ot! Bary Neuen eat your heart out_Mirorsot fer you tho chanca fo win fee tokets to the cinema fora WHOLE YEAR! ACE PINK PAGES Tex ening computers exhaustively reviewed and rated us over My ACE reeammended games for yosrcolecian, Eee Te itamous ACE prize punze, cus a crossword and oer tds 1 furrow your brow. Core on fo. you Go nk we were going fo et you read tis maga and ot 00 aryting, de you? Eo Dont ask us whats on then - you wrote fe coy, submited the acienue cortacts, demanded the penpals, oftered tho scare, and advertised te ser ups We st gave you he eages, and hay allyous. oH You! This is the ACE Team speak- ing. We wanna have a few words with you, alright? We just thought we'd like to tel you that we reckon this magazine is the best on the shelf. Yeah, we know, you've heard it all before but just forthe record, we'e going to tell (mmm 92 WHY ve think its the best. First of, i's aimed ata different type of reader. Someone ike you, someone wih brains, with discrimination...ot someone wih nappy-rash, tut area ‘man-about-own who knows what he wants in 2 magazine You want in-depth, authoritative reviews, written by people who really know a good game when they see one, and have the quts to speak out when they come across a stinker. You wat a rating system that leaves no loop-hoes, that tals you which game youl stil be playing ina year's time, and which one wil end up in the bin, But you want MORE than just games, games, and more games, You want inedepth features on the white-hot cuting edge of computer enter- tainment...You want the skills that wil tum your monitor into a blistering display of pixel mastery...You wart the data that wil transform your humble synth inioa state-of-the-art music machine You want the news..the pokes. the competitions. the previews..the special offers...the puzzles..the buyers' guides. You want the lot - and we give iio you. So don't hesitate ~ take this mag to the counter right now. Its the latest sue of Britain's fastest moving new micro magazine, and |t's not going to be on hat she for long @ The ACE Team AVAILABLE FOR SPECTRUM, AMSTRAD CPC & COMMODORE 64 Beyond today’s technology... ATF... Lockheed’s Advanced Tactical Fighter. eee nme er Rue eich eer aaa iced Crt esa Ms eR Cee Ric ee i = a Be ee Cun aU ae ae Penn ecu Rd mn mc cle DIGITAL ATE is a unique combination of 3-D arcade action and INTEGRATION C) military strategy, offering an unparalleled challenge. Mage tints ing Sard Pen Terie ran cee eR ann aa beaks rer ary coin-op arcade console that promises to. clo ‘92p betwoen home comput ‘toftware and the arcades. East lads Liste, have ro: ices @ caboet based onthe Aan ST, tut unko te Arcasa Amiga based sytem, winch uses Amiga beads and lugsn cies, te EM. syst cad ts games rom dk, As result mast any ST program can be conered fa mater of hours to fun the macho, and areaay EMA. ave sored up US Gost Trane fo imminent release Ober les uc tegdiaien irclae Palace's Barbar fan some of to beet seing ilo games tes, and Tynesot's ST steotonp Puls “Our sytem If mies beter han te Noada sot up, camed engncer ‘Aan ison. They sil use cf AOM bats, wich ae expnsie and can be damages vary easly. Using the ik system we can modi exsing sctare very esi, 21d weve eso the eyim fr soven months without any provers Labo claim that hi pay wil be beter an the competi, See thoy using a 21 inc ios Hanes screen, a8 oppose 10 the TV bes sili use by other maniac: ‘wor REVOLUTION Wu Ine Video. Sytem (as i's 1H he's going market, he's going to have 10 be quick. ceclares Tn Chany of US Gos, hs NOT doing somo thing, heb mad, Bernard Dugsel Bethe DOES procuce an Amga ne wen vr Hater the rom ne Commodore source, and we'd ‘ak bgp ton staf lhe random remarks overhear by the ACE tam over the stow wooks onthe subject of Aun Bigers mich nmouied new 16-bit nachre hat wat te ste of he turcur tac cays? Is there REALLY npg ooking in Fomiord? Or has Ansa, neaven fetid, tured ts backon Fe enoranen markt? The liter vew is supported by ‘wo maby argurens. The fs is that alesis als cracked up to bo, Cue revoutonse the reabershp between the arcades an the home comput ndusty. Sotware houses i be ble to supply tar cunt JOEL, wro by adsing a shod culne n make i compaa wth te sys Whats more. EML intend te tease solware of al nds on the macines, incng simula ‘os. WoVe coveoped a ye te Nelson says, ha lows ‘he payor to buy time ona sirulston program inne sare way bat you buy les ‘arcade gama Dont rk aed Ay could be ne assago sor, wih pub-gers seling out 209, fora quick ight rund he Bay wih Fig Sim 2 oat few weeks, fh the meantime, theres no cous that sien conver sion to arcade format coud have a huge impact on the sotware tus tess. Well caianly doit again it veske out’ said US Golf's Richard Taal @ CHEAPER The dstrbuors ol arcade ractinas ao ry kon at Nelson, and our machines re cheaper ~ between £1200 and £1800 200 pared io around £1900 for the Arada systems, Wihars more, we can change he game on a ‘machine 20 seconds and dsiibae te sot ware on ots vry ei, “That's alo a ge oer seas maha, ‘ACE wil be plays: Ing te new sytem in me Fest pont of uncertainty - Mr Hower sys games machines, an not games compters "We have no mention he cont od, ‘ot lessening our arp on the games market and have every ten fon of keeping cur leadership cf Second poi dows take an (of over 10 age at impy tun ig out OPC machines rat gong > keep Anita onthe cuting ede of the computor marke. $0 wha! wi they come up wit? "They havent oot 2 rack read for procing arting nem pons 0 Anton Howson, 0 the on tang can thnk of isan ST or Amiga ona’ Which is ist what at | oF oer prope have sat tho gamos | Cormacore woud undoutealy ‘mstads prt are cute based largely on he sale of re smal bs: ess computers; the second is te legac cleat of geting hots of new (OPC machines. ‘ve heard. he's Siopped marutecuting CPCS ato. (oie: romarkag. Rakbese Pete Norland, nonadays whenever we ry to ta machinn we have to ste for ‘seond an Wr Supa has no cout on tat las pont. Wis rt tue he fod ACE ‘Were making more CPC's than ever afer But what about tre comme iment fo the srientainment indusy? Nick Hower, speaking for Amstrad pains out that he moment. the Bulk of eu turer isi the comeuie busiess, an thee isa vibrant sex News™ teke Amstrad to cout the company attanptd to produce an Ariga com ptercioe, tu wha about a honsed “Amgabased consle, whch woudt cen 9 heavy wih Commocore’s mate? That woud be a deren popo- slion’ sid ou Commodore sur, is cenany an ttn ee, He carany i, Amstad sel the hardware, Coneocore scoop the oy aes, ard the sofware hous sel rrore gares, Whatver the answer, there's someining in the ai, Mean Wwe, reno has i that Aneto rave ooeced' cal he new nacnne a. Siar "Tear comment on that We never ak sbout now products coun tered Mr Hower @ ‘Abarced Computer Eferanment 7 OF id Mh bdo com Simulations, who pro (400d up mart, hitch con cf fe games such as The Uninvited and Deja V for Nindscape in the Sates, have sot up a programming team in ho UK and signed up wih Telecoms ‘Sk tos aro in the pipeline, Inctusing Dea Vu 2a a ‘sporty ‘animated sheoten-dead gare set inte Wid West ‘uprealy,icom donot plan to conooniate 09 ican drven avn tures in future, but mean to move imo the areado game avera. Wel be produc fast acton graphical arcade games forthe ST Mac, and ‘Amiga Commosore 64 versions wil also appoar, though wo arent ute at this stage whether wat do them oursaives oe contact them ut said Jake Glover, lear UK's rranagirg dct. Apparecty Icom are planning to move all heir games progra tring work to the UK, pomhape because costs here ave loner earwtil he American dsion is te move out of the ertainmont axes and begin programming bus hiss Sohware. Looks ike the Amer ‘ean ate wahog up to the fat that 8 Advanced Comput: Entertaiment ELITE GO UDGET Be prepared for dassc Ele ites inducing silly be launching « new label At wit bo Commando. Aiwol and Frank Bruna’s Boxing revealed by May ox June to urbe nto your lap fora bargain £1.99 the At tho samo tme, the company are pushing next low months. Tre company are moving into hard ete the growing T6-t markt and theye the budget arona, other wit anew label or partculary proud of ST Buggy Boy end Spaco trough a thd pay, and wil be producing Harrer. With any luck the budget move wil mary of hor ld isa the rw on prices. enaale the company to s220p some reverve "We're st examining al the opions aval- that can be ploughed into develpment of more able fo us sald compary budget epokesman expensive 16-5 releases. @ Pete Kuy, but we do al irhouse wel cot canmins-yoon scr 88 Europe, andthe UK in pateua, woate the actions nowadays. @ ‘adore fale em gre eo: fevtonr ao cone econ ed (rer toma. Pa aL aa cS CRAM YOUR FINGER ON THE DIAL Myou've got a medom andina | You can meet siangers for an | BTS software fo go wihil Tetemap and | online chinwag ov confor wih | or ving stuctue, and cous Compunet nave bath got news for | kiends. Whats moc, the sysiem | neo! you Telemap are te company wa | Inks up wit Micronets Telok sr ‘A Gompurets services so tt Fought” you Mronet, Prest's | vice €0 you ean swap compute | very much subscrpion ony. but ‘ning magazine for computer | mindedtbanter wih ay oft 20,000 | thoy st expanded to tke nthe oti, but thr latstservco ame. | oF s0 memes. Wworkdwee mor news column toectenain all computer users. me coreco is fuly operational | Newsbyes, This weeky sorvce has ‘Called Holl Caria. tre ser | now — ust set your eamme equo- | een making quo a name fr tell Vico is open to anyore over 18 | mart to 1200/75 vewdata and dal | on netwars In tw States, whore i e's got the equpment 10109 on, | 0398 100890 but baing run on | was voled ‘Best Onine PUDsCaEOT Theres no aubeenpton to pay | @ tial bass for the next thes | last year. The UK news on News yovte charged for the time you | months. Ore o! te things Terman | bytos comes tom Steve God pend online, at baween 25p ard | hope to find outs whether people | best kromn fr his pat inthe hack ‘pe minute. with te east added | are pronaed to pay 25p a minute | ing ol Prince Philip's Tiecom Gold system i used. Depending onthe complexity ‘ofthe scene, rendering can take fom c few minutes to several hows. Each taro © deter ccompresiod £0 one dik can hold quite a large cnimetion, The two mater complains about rendering are that frames cannot be saved os IF fies for use in other programs nd, conversely. pictures trom other paint programs cannot be used os backgrounds ANIMATOR APPRENTICE Hashnigue 165 alle to the Amiga Cae, Scotans By for tho quits! of the cunent crop of packages Is author, Martin Heath, describes ites an ‘ergamic cnimater, becouse its espe cally good with organic objects such as ‘humans, plants and arumals rather than the ‘usual smooth globes. glossy surtaces ond (geometic shopes. A fcvour of the method Used can only be gained by trying t out ~ dificult hecause the matn program is expen- | sive and the manual is rather disorganised | abd dict to use. Thor a simple (and ‘te te og he AE png ar egy ‘epee noetow cheapan vrsen ~ Anat nkr (52 “he lochniquetaed soos maping ‘he font ee op aed boom views each cpt ao tnt drown using a giao: raving package even HAM Gea. At bj con be es Soper, flower ry thing ~ too compler ibn cb. more Imoble heten down no pars bach Sa | foc pate sun ‘eaten ark et = s | faceted cots tie sooaty tnoetyng or | face. The resulting object can be chore- | ogsoted win oe herp mach fhe same wey thal oat packages move | objects using a hetrarchy of names. Tio Vidcsoape Anamatr Apprentice cise wie indi module programs ~ & fe poem stared fr ear age the animate. Hoe, ho shem scons f Wort ‘eeonahly wal. hough fs net @ Yry ectegirtsoulon bo te problem Oppo ers Adeced Compe Eneraeret 23, GRAPHICS Tap esa ected in the Sculpt section then the vanious parts are put together as Sick figure chosac fers. The local and global movernents each chenacter oon undertake cre then set using Moen and Direcior, the action previewed ‘usng Rehearsal then tho full nimtion ren ‘dered with Record The result aan be viewed with the Display program. Backgrounds can ‘only be included ung & genlock ‘Overall. the system sooms 19 wotk rec senaily well. though to get good, consistent results wil take practice For flowing anima tion of compiox, textural forms in 30 this probably the only package ofits type m the Wotid, Developer! to better use the Amigats system of gadgets and windows, it would be superb. At presents ather quiey VIDEOSCAPE 3D : aesis £119 valle Fon reson Sota Some of the fst and best 3D animation domes for the Amiga wore produced by ‘Allen Hastings using software be hat i ton, now avallbe cs VidecSoape SD ~ cur rently amongst the best known package for the very recuons that Foums in Fight snot. te ‘geod presentation and packaging. While its Cartsnly tue that Videosoape con produce fexcolent crumations, fs not an ecsy over sate package. User tendly it is not Designed in a redular system supposedly fea to add more facitios to later, the sys tem seems contusingly ragged and Bit. sspecicily inthe intial, object editing phose ‘Object ato creened in one of thee programs that hark back fo MS DOS ot BEC packages free years ago. simple ists ot choices with litle or no feedback. For any compli. ‘Object the only motiod avaiable s by cre ‘ting in the conect order (Ciocewse from 24. pbrnced Comper Ertainnent he visble side). an imposible task forthe ‘Motion cn transformation of objects are beth posible using key‘rames and mo tweening, but once again the mation fHes ‘mst be axel tox fles very laborious. Fore- ground and backiound pictures can be added providing they are drawn using Vidooscanes stondari 32colour palete Frames ae saved in Dela compressed form, Overall. Videoscape SD is intended tor the advanced user, in whose hands many ‘ine amumattons have been produced. To ga the best cut of tho package faites many xs of hand work and tecbous ist wating ‘epectally in the object editing department The memati ecsonabie but It hos an uphill struggle ageanet the complenity of tho sot CYBER STUDIO Antic £8996 -valale ron Elec Dio.ton So far, al the packoges mentioned cre for the Amiga. Betior than any of them, certain iy im acme of ike, Cyber Stuco for tho ST Cngnally developed asc CAD package. the object eater CADID 20 i an excellent example of the balanced uso of windows, ‘eons ond menus. The working interae shown i the Uustration provides on easjto- understand diawing desk. which docs fend to waste c Bit of spane that could better be nw, ot. wad on o lauger dhawing crea. The picture of Scupeanimars working creas shows that nly very stmall gadgets cround the win dows are needed. Nevertheless CADSD ‘yry easy to work with The’ excellent manual takes the wset in foxy stages ttnough each part of the pro gram. Mico Magic, Aegis and Hashnique ‘could all ocmn something by reading this ‘guide, namely that mast people coud pro- ‘Guce good animations on their home com: puter if they hod a decent futoca!, even when the software not very sor inendly ‘Animation ccm be produced drectiy ‘torn within CADSD by saving each frame fs 8 tendered, making changes on the hoot Smooth matin is aided by the use ot ‘muluplo exposure sequence files that dis play a postions of an object in motion as froven, Frames cre saved os Delia com: pressed thes ‘More complex arumations need the (Cybermate onimation ecting language that comes with the package This provides & wide range of facies cluding Koy irae Gnd inbetweening, special effects, ap aie solves and even sound effects, Unfortunately. those facilities axe not readily available ‘wihout leaming the Cybernaro language. which makes sophisticated effects dificult 1 ‘access, Nevertheless, Cyber Studio is one of the bes animation packages on ony machine 1 has been wel. developed and ‘modules for mere sophisticated effects cre on ther way. branes cf ready mace pars such cs spooeships, bots and human skeletons fare dso availabe. Highly recommended: ‘Bu noto ther treques cn ST 1040, Byte By Byte 110 (enue Sul 0,8) tn Arga Cate, Scotland ‘The best package was the last to be received. nd fortunctly tho lst tO be test fed Cnoe anyone with any interest in anima: ton stan to use SculpeAnlmete 3D they wl ever want to use any other package I is crite simply the best plsoe of sotwore 20 for wwntien for the Amiga - very powerful and {yt ample to uso, producing supetb images. ‘The abject editor has jus throe windows showing font, sde and plan views. Around each are gadgets, simple developments of the sencard Amiga window tool, allowing and mavement of Ob, ‘phs panning and soaming of the ew Pulldown monus provide ail ofr octites ‘Motion ecting fakes plaoe in the same windows as object exiting, by means of moon paths, splines (emecth curve devices). key rames cand objeci/motion name hierar ‘Any rezoltion umber of coious ccon be used in rendering, whi ‘can also be at tour loves of occur cy: wietame, painting (equivaient 10 VideoSoape), snapshot (simple ray-trace) of pooio dull ay-rooe) Foreground and background pic furer can be axed. All images (ames) can be saved separately a3 1FF nies ond also deta compresed 30 oto be played baci rom RAM, ‘SoulpeAnlmaties only rel faut is that ‘here & no Undo, This Goes nct seem to Fre sent much ofa problem @ g ‘SCULPTANIMATE 30 salad tor N.B. A special thanks to Martin Lowe of the Amiga Cenire, Scotland (091 $87 4242) for pro- viding software and invaluable technical aavie. peices eh x93 aon PIRRON ers all FARCADES WELCOME BACK, PAC? Some very old game styles are back in vogue in the arcades. Do the manufacturers assume we just can't get enough of the stuff? Or are they running out of ideas? i ET ROE PACMANIA Namco Price 30p M the names Giydo. Inky, Pinky, Funky, Bink anc Sue make you breakout in cold sweat and start gibbedng about power pills Pocnan ‘ether loved the gomes or hated them, and if you loved them, well you were hooked for ‘Seven yours afer his fist appearence bes bock. Now he's in stunning 3D and has leamt how fo jump. The pot hasnt changed ‘ono fot in all this time so you've stil got to clocr each screen by eating al the power pls. You get a chotoe of start screen tot each (garne, however, and the scenery changes ‘Gocorangty. The jump facdty means that 1H youve been wating for Pacman to become popular ence again ¢ you probably “ang ay bens est eu a ‘26 Aévanced Computer Enertainment ExzZisus Taito Price 20p urcus re button action is your oly hope of survival in ths hodaontally scroling shoot smup. The game comes completo with a ined and fesled croade formula: fy your rman though wave after wave of atlacking ler, pick up the benotts tor more frepow rand detect the endoevel quar Youve got at standard ‘font tring gun lus bots ok 3 vod wth the come in jlly handy fr but annoying. ground based symbols that appear 1 conceat extra Bonet colet the resulting let ding to which moo your gun wt Gives the player super fos quick the. Holding down the fue Dutlon and the button thats jocstod nest to it on the exbinet rests in Cantatore? var pitorm shoes then Racmania is the answor 10 you! ayers For anyono eb, owever, the inten Ukoty tobe due to nostake than bh og Fray yore gto ae quick fre mode being activated = very handy 4 youre ina ight spo On the earlier levels ct lest. theres n scenery 10 Gash in\o 50 your only wory = destroying the cllons. Lar, Salamander type tentacles that cannot be destoyed | arpeer fom loos and calings and must be dodged. The endotlevel guarcians can bo tough to dofoat, as you nave to hit thom in youll have your reactions a her mish mash of features rom many other popular cicade games. with no exceptional or oulstanding features of is own. Its sill playable and acacive with (good graphics and sound, but i decent do anything betier than, say, Type or Sala: mander ARCADES™ BLASTEROIDS Anata faut ganar ase fe ‘ewads Te sven gree payer | ‘he erarce o awe between vee aot ‘hetouch of bt. One of theca sug ‘and can wise a ew bases Fr he to hs nooo. Te naar 0 tought has higher a of re and the ras ey weak but very fast Tactes {10 rew ho 0"! ay: desde when cat 10s in which situation and hooey you ance sect of ot astro bute searing abons ta row maka Ror Tepeaance nthe gare VIGILANTE Heres acter colaboratn of game sys: ‘Kung Fu Master moets Renegade ard Dou. be Dragon for this beatem-up. Same ol plat = punch or Wik the bad guys and deat ho 279 oadors, Youve got oaras to pick up in the shape of ce Sick ec but once again ‘weve sen fa bare | CYBER TANK | One of he newest machines oe some- thing oiler othe players Cyber Tank ‘To game comes in a huge mat green cam- ‘outages cabinet and is one fhe rs he ew co-operation gars tito UK Two ‘layers are noodod to conta your lark. One 's solely concerned wth he rung, ard 0 has two ps8 1 operate an the ther layer stand oe night of te diver ona tat platorm and isi charge of the woapon- ry. Tal should eat some ively cussions inthe arcades as 0 who conta wat Walch cut fra tl rvew of ro game ina uure ‘seve of ACE. | cranes Corte Enetinnent 27 iis Ss Er Ko Roe es inte ironman en em ee eae Relate ge AULSNGNI SAINYS OFCIA FHL JO SLNUYI: P66'GL 24S 661266" avUsW * Te al a eM eer {} Donte Cy Tae ee - ‘Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd., pha House, 10 Carver Sueet, Shetild SI 4FS. Tel: 0742 753423 SPECIAL™ What have the highest ACE-rated game ever, Atari's supercharged ABAQ and a Spectrum-compatible micro for the Third World all got in common? Cambridge, that's what! The city of dreaming spires and glittering prizes is home for some of Britain's top programmers and hardware designers - not to mention several major micro industry landmarks SILICON SPIRES ss Qh Acomis BBC Miers, nid East Anglia was (eshape the future ofthe mio business. AMICRO FOR THE THIRD wortD there the sitarty ends Mies Gordon Technology machine - tent fly named SAM — may be o lt of things, Bitsbtectihoar it eant Mgt aront oxacty «x household nem Ditin Spectrum hobbyist cacies they've Dult Aqvanad Compute Enartinnent 3.1 ‘Scar ess Hg Pc se] Eigeon te pened nce ace. Sl a gee pa fora ‘Soot tc Orig aston cacy! da Ke Cal ts Cambridge“Airport,: MBRIDGE Gog Magog Hills a Haatiiee’ 9 A seling it here inthe UK. But wont the lei boom seriously damage SAMS chances in Bain? People dont need that kin of power ‘Alan Mies orgues. 1 ike using @ racing cat to dive round to the shops. What people need in schools is @ cheap mio you con netwolk easly: that way you can buy & ‘whole class of them and conncet ther up together’ ‘Thare are other posses for @ cheap, networaiblo micro of course. Mult playar (games would be particully suikable: the Spectrum compatiblty means that games programms know ‘pow to make the 5 2ARC Thr at cpg conta on cat meds usd Be um king wry | mpm et machine pertom, and with @ £160 price tag you could actually atiord to get a few of them within ccablelength cteach other The SAMS chances as a mainsteam mache aront great, must bo said. Pico ties to one side there’ a heavy trend towards 1éb! machines and not without reason. While the 280 might be perfectly adequate for productivity - the Amstrad POW cnd the 288 cre fine examples heee = really cont cope with the sort of demands modern computer entertanment mates. A ‘year or maybe 16 months ago t might have ‘been a very diferent story, But 18 months {avery long time in the home computer Bus GAMES INTO THE NINETIES Athough Sincicr Research more or less cre dated the UK games market with the Spec trum, Cambridge programmers have always loaned ‘owands the citys other micro giant Aco, The BEC Micros hobbyist. cleric leanings made it the fist choice of mas! sti dont hackers, but this tended to shut thom fut of mainsneam games wnting as the Spectrum gained the upper hand. Some ‘have comied on wating 1" the Beeb howov ff, and when the resulting games have ‘made it acs to other formats ifs usually SPECIAL made quite « spicsh. Ente wos orginally & | BEC game. conceived and writen in Com ridge sales on Sit formats have been spectacular, eaming cuthors David Braben nid len Boll @ small fortune. Now thore’ & PFC version inthe shops, with ST-and Amiga: versions waiting in the wings. Thrust was aio @ Combrage game, os you might have quesed fiom its strong ysis favour. Author Jeremy Smith cheso ‘ho ZX SHIFT contol koys to mach thoro on Acornsofts version of Asteroids. but the same ‘anengement crops up in the very Trustsh (iis fevicwed cn page 44) so the games leenly done seme iniuencing itselt With the amval of the Archimedes, ‘Acorn fans ce coming ito their own agazn The Archie isit a major games miao and probably never will be, but the power and. ‘momory seo of the 32.t powemnous moan that games developed on it will typically ‘convert well 1 the ‘Amiga. Take Zatch Yor instance, tho highost ACE atod ‘game ever: so far only avatiable for the Archimedes, fl scon be avaiable for the ST ‘and Amiga. Author David Baben's doing tho ‘conversion work humsell, and already as the ST hoverplane fying, The tiished Garne wont be qulle as satisying to look at is ‘Archie cousin ~ no surprises there ~ but the latest ST version runs af @ healthy 1S trams per second or 52. By 68000 stands, this ene sngs and dancus, Visually, the main les compared to the Archie stems ftom the STs smaller palette and fowor onscrven colous. The Archies ‘Bhenomenal 60K display ates 266 colours fn screen at once out of 40%, allowing Zanch to we depth-cuelng - a system where the landscape gets darkot ai recedes into the distance. Depth cveing makes the game intensely reais, ut with only 16 colours out of 512 the ST jst isnt upto the task Netter, surprisingly enough, esanced Compe Externe 33 me SPECIAL (heb ap be won ‘Amiga. Though the proctical maximum (32 olous out ot 4096) might sound tke hough Amiga Zarch wil actually only use 46 colours on scieen ct once — and wil sil run sighity slower than the ST version. Te bitter amply isnt suited to the set of tasks the game invoives, i! seems, so the 68000 hasto cary the whole burden. ts the sot.up fime’ Braben explains. The bitters very fast ‘ence its working on « problem, but i takes 0 0ng to et the thing going that over! its Sower than the 68000. tn other words, the ‘Ronis no beter than am ST or this kind of ‘hing. in fs ifs sighlly worse anysning, the S75 68000 being 2 sighily faster animal Surprze of the montt? That bave to be the possibilty (and thats oll # at the moment) of Spectrum Zarch. Granted the ‘ery idea sounds ridiculous, but fiom afew bockotanenvelope timings it looks ike it auld just work. As for the colour hmitons, ‘You cam work those out fr yourselved + (Other things solid and 3D are also font fn Cambridge, in the form of Conquer: YWiton by Jonathan Geffiths but using 2ancts 3D asplay routines, this tank wate file mace an appocrance in ACE issue 4s Game o the Future special. Ite about to Docome a game ofthe present now. thanks to the Acom onontatod Super Softwexe, 90 youll soon be able to drive out in your 1734/76 to take on those enemy Panzer Is ‘There ore c good range o other tanks to try. and you can choose just how strotegic the james goung to get — ossuming you can Sehually cfflord the hendwene to run it on. of ck Lng, et Perio Sony, shows an BLD ager at ate les pcm 34 Advanxd Computer Eterna, ‘hematite ABA ert: rt Yee nte gd ear crt em mena, mo Taro At present Conqueror has 10 Be 00 of the mest exclusive games commercially ‘averlable: i only out on the Archimedes cand not my old Archie otter. Youll peed S310 oF 410 series mactine to run it on. 5 ‘buying game and micro together would sot you book rather mare than £900. ST cnc. ‘hmiga owners wil havo 10 walt « few ‘months for thet versons ofthe fankbusting ‘pe — latest word that theyll be published Dy Activison - but ASOS sors may as well ‘tert grinding thet teeth now” tos ke the {game hist wont ft into the smaller Archie, No sniggering ot the back SILICON FEN MOVES ON (Once upon timo, a Cambreige-based tim by the name of Carputors sod to build & home micro called the Lynx. The Lynx cou have boen a contender, as they say. exo2pt fora few litle quis ~ it wouldnt scl the | seroen once you reached the bottom line, thet land of thing. To cut «long story shot Computers eventually stopped producing the Lynx and shipped out. Thay were only the fist casuatties of tough winter: pot “Kmes sales convncod City analysts that the miro boom wos ovet. badly damaged Ore (the Atmos people) and drove Acom into the cams of Olver ‘Computers may be gone but thet foes behind an expensive restaurant on Cam bridge's Bdge Sore stil in uso by tho com puter industry. Now theyre home to a rather higher form of technology mind you: Pere Jon Hardware ene busy there, Duleing the ‘ABAG workstation for Alar, The Transputer technology diving he ABAA isc long. lon way ahead of the Lynx 220: represents whole new stage in the evolution of comput fos, and ABAG sees it one stage nem t© reaching beme-micro form. "ACE cought up with Perihelion in an exam hall on the University’s New Museums Ste, at q recruiting fax fx computer science undergraduates. Colour demos wntten. by Inmests Pal Alkin proved fo be crowd puller. ‘but only hinted ot the machines te power ‘Alter all, a ABAG picture in bel milion ‘olouss doesn’ lok that much better than cn ‘Amiga ono in c mate 4096 The millon: pax ‘black and white display gave archer bettor ison of scale, A 160column, 120 tne text seroen fs impressive but nct mind shatenng flr al, 1280x960 pins in mono is that ‘much betes than the resolution some Mac toch sotups oan manage — but the compar fpons deceptive. Its only the monitor thats ‘block and whit: tho ABA could comirt ‘bly manage 12801960 in 16 colours. Thats ‘timed 20 Alan ST game-sceens atc glance, ‘Gnd the ABA@s got the power to handle that ‘much display too. 194d omen Geog, [As youtl know if you read Game ot ta} rruture in ACE seue 4 the beauty of Tans pers is the way they oan compere ce cell functions: Thus you would hx 9g aying cols, motor calls to sit the ferm across the seen, sensor ces, andl 50 on. Natural selection can enter the game ve competition with other lietorms, and You can intocice mistation atthe egy ing stage, posibly employing radboociive 20nes to tagger itt Programs like Life. Mike Singletcn's home and Steve Dawkins: Blind Watch: \aker have oll estabished sound princes for tho gonoration cf onsetean Ie forms, Despite Mike's scepticism about the pos nes of intoducing info games at he present time, nero ot ACE wo rockon there enough joceasng power in an Amiga or an ST to something going One thing’ for certain ‘whichever sofware house succeeds producing an evolutonery’ game 8 ge" io make @ fortune, Mens. we suggest thot you keep practising you! Lovo: toc riguet - 9 that when the oppeation doos Sart acting up, youll be ready for ther @ Ficherd Dawkins’ program allows the user to define his own cll forms and then breed them, ‘mutate ther, and study them thoughout many generations. You can then save promising IMe-forms (or ‘biomorphs’ to disk for future breeding programs. Hore are two siages In 3 breeding program the final desired result isa bipedal being, Sc SERS SS aay oe rea cE Aavened Comper Enetanrent 39 Waratah malta on a eta ee F 3 ea iin ae CompPeETITION™ S FREE FILMS [e77 FOR A YEAR! == Three lucky winners will get 52 free cinema - tickets each, plus two superb Cinemaware jackets for the runners-up. Yessr ifs ue Just mage ifs Friday evening = WHAT YOU HAVE TO BO. and teresa new fim on at you local Cannon high trained oy0 0 (Crem. Now you won have to quave up lke whe stil Below. taken from an feyore alse n fact. you won! even have Dec wich ol [ust ward in ike the star you ae and rao which aro enor ho arewer on term proves, Thats! Coulont be simpler, could i? Then fer the rest of your MEANWHILE, ON YOUR tls on the form and COMPUTER SCREEN... ste: ACE Stooges, ‘4 Queen Street, BATH, i's movie tine, tharks to Mirorsot BAT Td, to arrive not later then | the best sean sight - and spend the tere lov on ah ago porern An rt sine. but lose Pow ou Ine ~ the yu ‘ig fr examgl, of ga ‘2d on nom a a once ogoter 5) Even you're not lucky enough to get the ‘odsjobs. cesigned fets. thre are sill two super Cinemaware vase cash tor an | [ads obo won. Thoza sormaty coat over €40 orphanage. Yo eh, but more importantly they're not exactly faemon in the shops. We're rrr, andt wont ost you oh pr ng, pe th rd mecca a ENTRY FORM Vi I pu piay. As Rocke! el Stooge Bie 098 G 8 racuets ~ Rocket Rarger wil be appeating & Under 1209 12-161) 17.201 21.281 2695/ 96-451 46.651 Over 65 rbdiclranihtiedkiprpyldl cet in 2 Ge Be Be Stooges. Paizo el Reem SCREEN Test Better put on gloves before handling this month's Screen Test. We've got two of the hottest games we've seen for quite a while — Dungeon Master and Oids, both from FTL/Mirrorsoft. If you've been wondering what all the fuss about 16-bit megagames has been about, enlighten yourself now. Time, too, to . find out the facts behind the fuss over the Hewson/Telecom-soft wrangle — Steve Turner and Andy Braybrook took their wares to the big BT — you can see what it was they had in their suitcases in our reviews of Morpheus and Magnetron. Amiga owners get pole position on the track this month as well, with Ferrari Formula One, a mouse-controlled racing sim that leaves very little to be desired, apart from actually owning the car. And » once you've got a bellyfull of _ this month's goodies, don't forget to check out the latest conversions for your machine on the Updates pages. THE ma RATINGS | ko The ACE reviewing tear co spe HOW they're calculated... Entetannent 43 Aovanced . i! : . : Er toed ‘3 Sale oN) Pe 69 are tise al Roane we 1 a an PREDICTED INTEREST CURVE se ont WEENIE) chp i | | : eed MIRRORSOFT to the rescue! re heater nae sap ra no ‘Son emgtn eee rc epee So yas rg sto 1 \ Mee tums yore ata ees (| art ey Te eas bbe {xtra horas Her testons tone te es sh ater Behr seg none Joursuide angio setioa! tear el ou Comput Ertan 7 “ ¢ EK eso -— ee eae: PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS CCompansors wih Frebrels Tut spring to ‘ind the momert you stat playing ds ~ ‘ven though is gare'ack is alot Coser to Broderbund’ od Chopitey~ s0 is work foting Some of the gomis Thal sat the Mo apart Ase from the fac thats a mun fmaler game. Thrusts hgher oray puls the emptass neaviy on contra, The yaar ‘ao vary of oppositon maces Clas ar ‘more of a shoot om un: ust oak ato var fy of unpleasant features the game can tow a you tense en 2 RELEASE BOX ATARIST. 6 FOR EXAMPLE. Heres an mopar screen ftom Os 10 show just how complex tgs can get. Though we've eked tis ore up fx demo purses, you otter wil nd scraens this bad oF worse ‘Eeoton ane ee Asie Sa ayp2 tion wonton? ete wks ent a cata batafe Seve rn rgd 9 Pet fy sbeyaiomtahe ne Brier aah) Fone DIAGRAM Miter Wrsonor Shea 2 FSCREEN TEST ‘98-0 ors sas nome hi wt rare cee ow pig has. ae nt ‘Pele bane mt Bs weeps tm, rn et Dosh ap ade wae Bf ee Imanst tom psn wh eal we MELBOURNE HOUSE dig for treasure IBM PC Version | very wel inlet nee. eke tary aces ‘aura he azeon. whe the exahng nce arc oath Why, heh ta no ater 1 redtre tho kay? Th Got he curs pt space om fd i a vay soar There 2h pn, are eM ony er es eos ere ror) ACE RATING 832 RELEASE BOX — ATARIST £1998 OuTNOW. WBMPC $1993 ‘OUTINOW ak TMNENT Bis ‘OUTRW. finy pcb tee pest sees ce | (AN OuT NOW etl Sd ei on sult ee MON AG ivaroed Compute Enetamert Spectrum Version Deveiped we ince proces poner the frag ay wl th louse Spec fine Graphics am foe, and a fe scroens 3 thee a on char ess. The probe) ~ as wth ‘oucerach =the szoleg, te Spactun bet cat rand vay el ty ede ot ‘ns, ough te goo vabe a 28. ' pee a ed pee Parte ed Nora TR ee) C64 Version Crap ae ua wee Bt 2 the vein so tha ots rh tal at ea ns mary (pues nie tho weooves you cole eso a te frotet The cong an uae eaunalet o te ‘acho Bul tye wo eeu ered Perr ACE RATING 720 Atari ST Version Vex pty gactice aed rice scund Is a vey topfsiate pce of nok al youl reed be 8 ‘eulana get you ood have sy, Shuldboen CSc a ce rere) Peed Reta ome Mase aaa SINCLAIR QUALITY APPROVED REPAIR CENTRE weer i= 5S EM = ==) Update Your Rubber Cel Keyboard toa WHILE You Renta WAIT SERVICE ron CALL FOR APPOINTMENT PRICES! | OTHER CUSTOMER - fed up eeks for your estimate? ARE YOU AN waiting w FOR THE SPECTRUM AND SPECTRUM + ‘noe 1068 {Weta srecrnus ¢ €495+ 150) +p Corutens 70 st rec .9soffeare fora computers ays, ‘tp stampsforyourfree copy. Over20pages are, books plsmany more. ust is devered to your dorby return 140 High Street West, Cossoo, Tel 04574-66585/67761 Head office Mancrester 06. 235 0596 while you walt repar centre on, Eee ee ee "SCREEN TEST ELECTRONIC ARTS put the pedal to the metal yuppie dreams essential petsonal organiser has been pu hated) ut the sot ot hardware you get 10 cinve in this mulation is another mtr aio mula One ocing is the name of the game, with the player trmiy in the anving seat Particpaing in ton but there are other things Se ne how to angle the wings, how nig to have the front and teen suspension. whct gear ‘Ones the player hos decried how to set uuphis oar. the next stepisto test it. You get a 48 post Computer Enetaanent une Lestope ose mer ef pee en, and wing miors. acoelerste pre oF losing large ar ity time 10 enter the 1986 "The game is structured so thatthe major tyot events are subject to tmo hey would be in teal Ife. For 1ates 05 minutes to fi a new engine into a minutes game time’ then i wil up 20 minutes beto yack, staaght inte the fist ofthe two px tie sessions During these sessions the player con femlionse himself wih the couse ane ater the settings to his ca dopencing weather conditions. At car. the pl The wn heel a Frans, Age ge 3 {uote cr wing car sean aes hs ig pometes ying sessions Success here vers staring poston determine the ach Gland Pux takes place over a ds tance at up to 200 kometers (oe 2 is rea dard with a fetal of 16 to contest it wil tke fou along te to win your tast season, Fer rani Formula One % a super racing game that wil il far of this genze Angy Sh Amiga Version ‘he pospeci ued Fount th gars very reac you realy $0 get to impresson hel You corn rans ic wih ab 20m ewan to are ate ea of You pas Sounds fon tery ga he eke the aconotg tr ervey lapel geme war Thyctenat spa aryrace ersten pers) Pat Roto i! SCREEN TEST ~- MORPHEUS Conquer the universe with RAINBIRD | C64 Version Troup ne games tgh sing ont ra Dr a1 aed urbe ous ie, POWERATSEA VAMPIRES ACCOLADE tread water EMPIRE it “ i MAGIC BYTES grab the garlic ‘ack ei aaron] ocrosER 1°: c ‘AAR ST 599% ane he Ley e we open aren PREDICTED INTEREST CURVE - - RATING 515 RELEASE BOX i [Oaia tkecime — ouTNow Rear 0 Avvercos Compu SCREEN TEST™ LAWYERS = pogroms & software owes do gat tobe a mice ite eam tor ce Pegrammed by Steve Tumer. this 3D Grademups got ail the playabliy of Tur ok causes ke Poradiod or ‘every bit os addictive loo le enough: eight enerny fo onda 9 youve got to cisabie them ther nucle reactors down As cae Eee eats wough the lighters socusty syst cmd | Yew ina Pac pr eel lees atures by Pipe tt acer pe | MAGNETRON — Can FIREBIRD spare the rod? yeucan cannibals i for pene paris. These | tla becemes hander fo handle. with weight few mmproved dod with beter | and magnetism beth atiecting you far more defences or power systems the type of raid you grab and youvo sl ge the KLP-2 to fal back on ie new mode ges destroyer 8 not the Pa uch weer, thanks to the alampor: system This nasty litle kes the fo 2 change 6 shutting the power of pee eit destuct device. pune completely within c given you get yout brand new Bottom row right tangy pgp =a Pow {aman rcs Piel ete be eh ioe charge. the ser ‘owrearg ede ee cea cree Spectrum Version sie wir cn'y | ) Corto aaa pees a oy mat be tors fo do the games | | and Rew'sne od teal dt eo baby ord rrr Eyes te gone ot an ory pane finish, but as the diticuty steps | | ap youl 00 toogh pe tisk Nicely paced and very challenging, wth great ingame incrmaton displays ond. veryin ables to arid ACE RATING 904 depth, this one manages to be enormously compulkve dospte boing made up of somo pretty standard game components Peet hake aad ten, combal cmd reactorboshing The ‘enon | game creas 100-pius somotnc 3 Tare romps, ledges and drops rt ess vl. chs telepors cr | f RELEASE BOX mporiant tactexs. Tho fun tot @ screen entirely [SPEC e795 CHS Bases, fil tom one ledge to another, taking fge'n the process tn places, magnetic aoe eaten 19 send you Noha vers planed these prosent few prob> fiat (weakest fd the time imit Seperes on the relative suengths fun aod and Creer tc ae ‘arco Conputt stent 51 ‘SCREEN TEST ARKANOID 2 Balls bounce back from IMAGINE BOUNCING ° fun. as Arkanoid 2 The Aeakout supetcione PI ploduce a game which a with ts onggnanty, Dut wil et you ot the keyboard for lengtsy stm case you didnt know cus tendish ways (33 dt them prety. tek ‘TAD The opeeg a ep, lobe senn Bechet Een ead ri) Pears Nera TN Al you might get taser ie, an expandin SOKO-BAN Not-so-golden oldie from MIRRORSOFT. SOKO-BAN 2% 2% 2° desgned single screen mazes (and the abily 10 design almost £0 mote). Bach contains @ number of crates scattered apporeniy at random throughout the alleyways and on equal numberof des sgnatod crotostorage spots Your tasks ser ple - push the ciates one squaxe at a time round the meae unl they st upen the spots. ‘Qn maze number one this s petty si De, but by maze exht tungs ae geting ds tinclly icky. The problem is that you oan only push ONE crate atc time - hwo together ‘are fst Loo heavy to sh At best, you'd be Poteau met ad C64 Version eee ee) ety eCard Peta TN Ce LY able fo dloage them trem dierent angles ~ ft worst, theyll Block off an ext or becerne smmovatbiy lodged agains! a wal ‘You can access any screen of Soke-Ban without passwords so tt you really want 10 ‘Goourage yourell, ou can jake & peek ct say. sexen 42. Anyone who thinks theyre ceing fo work that one out m less thom a day Should be lecturing at impecal Collage IBM Version ed el AuDIo | Reta NCTC) RELEASE BOX SPEC e788 SUTIN NS oh ceuia8 ck WMINENT -ATARIST TWMNENT BNPC NET) vat oc multiple bells. A welcome arition 0 tn Alkan ating balls whi Dut thats not going ce tis kin cf thing I thor potty wel. ad tomes in ive Pate Corer Amstrad Version ato ok at mth era x ag ete pissed yor 9 me rer Poa TNR td orm cr a ands pe be "bot od iso sewetanbe 1 RELEASE BOX erdaeek 9k cowia8 TBM PC UT NOW ourNOW Scoring is bared on te taken ‘with number of moves and cites homed ‘Thats a ‘compotion’ mode for up to players to compete amultanoousiy Originally released thee years age Seo fers Allo these events toxe pace with com |_ RELEASE BOX dh (UTNOW f WAInENT £14955 IMMINENT 64 Avances Comput Ene Pe eg DISK DEALS... [ease Aer PE eee ss costing 80p players outside of the UK £ tei Ba WL ee ga ad ti reins el onc stba ae? ols AND FREE IStCLASS DELIVERY iereupyen mura tego es ow eres Pee ica c Reece e pe Bil lie gals ayers. Allances of trade, re ate eae ees E Games, FREEPOST, oe ‘WIMBLEDON PARK LONDONSW19, {MP 70L - 31" Disk STORAGE BOX @ Holds up to 70 Disks @ High Quality @ impact Resistant fenpne Prastic ‘Smoked Hinged Lockable Lid (2 Keys) ® Supplied with Dividers ‘ST Public Domain software - send S.A.E for list! ityou dont see what you want give us a ring! ALLPRICES INCLUDE VAT, POST & PACKING FOR UK Ms DeASTA dive Drie Loughborough tees. LEN OS w 050 as Crees & Delvery Sabet Avalabity E&OE) ©) FREE DELIVeRY () unseataBle GUARANTEES ©) SuPeRIOR BACK-UP SERVICE AGREAT DEAL MORE | FOR A GOOD DEAL LESS! FRIGHTMARE CASCADE get traumatised wnat RELEASE BOX SPRINT ELECTRIC DREAMS alter course = CONSTRUCTION (Feat things to have arc 3f must have looked @ fer ED. As ne not que RELEASE BOX aT ‘ama SCREEN TEST sHorts™ CHAMPIONSHIP — long. What gripp he coviginal was the gieat conto, ction, iv © Aad) tien Pee Uae BATTLESHIPS “ELITE get all hands on deck baby play for years to cere but never ge to excited - (© fod Sth eteazer to buy a some pape than a so niga and Bits vor RELEASE BOX ter Batleships Bc-simple game that youu ¥ Blood vatiey 1 thot us doesn deli © P00) Sth oo SE ee 7S Sa a — OT BLOOD VALLEY GREMLIN'S manhunt "PHB ee Nee ry Advanced Corte Enerionent 67 SCREEN TEST UPDATE Don't tell me - you've been green with envy over all those terrific games coming out for every machine under the sun except yours Fret no more! Now Amstrad and C64 owners can unwrap their Mavericks as Digital Inte- gration's ATF goes multi-format. Now Amiga owners can boil some monster skeletons down into bars of soap as Bonecruncher hits the 16-bit scene And that isn’t all SPECTRUM BLACK LAMP Frese 298 | STveon evevedene b= Act pee PANIES FAS Bias ivy ghaeu os @ ACE RATING 612 ATARI ST | SLAP FIGHT | moar ta | @ ACE RATING 568 68 evar Corp Enertanmen ROLLING THUNDER wou steana Specian tion eveneaie 6 ACERong TS weg ACERING OD @ ACE RATING 725 BMX SIMULATOR: Cosemave Sleek pay PLATOON (coon snc Spechon ver refewediawe 7 ACE ling S30 Cll veri evevesise7- ACE tng #1 SCREEN TEST UPDATE™ 5 AIF 1 Dil regotns8t,$.98ch Spectr vrsonrveved ue 7- ACE Pong #55 Atne wath fo use of colour pl @ ACE RATING 959 AMIGA = BONECRUNCHER | sumer store s1485de BMX SIMULATOR Codemonien ch budget tie was a very popula : smectic otner a 3 chads 20 ie @ ACE RATING 959 @ACERATING 810 no ROLLING THUNDER soe ea Spectum vetonrvenod ie ¢- ACE Rong is Arsrodversen revevede ACE Rog $80 AIF Cia regreten 823812 ck Sacer von eid ue 7- ACE ng $6 The O64 Robsieggh may @ ACE RATING 730 lig compos wih, Secu counterpe IBM PC PIRATES Micoprose $26 95 Cite Ab -At ang 1 The game's teen fleshed outa ile sce it sk be ad i ad Creteter) } ext pices Your ship i eighty not ard tite bt rgpet an the | FC tar (Ch. This improves the game Stightiy and makes fun fo play fora whe [trea fuc @ ACE RATING 756 Acvances Conquer Enetanmert 69 SPECIAL In theory, the joy of playing computer games is that you don't need to go off and find a human opponent: the com- puter itself provides the opposition. That's all very well for games like chess - it's just you and your micro on equal terms - but when it comes to Space Invaders there's something missing... 70 Advanced Computer Eteinent ‘here's no sembkrnce of eqpny, becouse it can keop throwing alone at you oll night It will always win in the end, The only thing in doubt is whether youll get more points than the noxt guy Betore you get killed the fun stats Is obvious really: youte rot on equal terms with the diiens, youte stil on the same It thas where feotng as other players The of the game expationce, with cll that human nesdling an boost ing playing a mr port in the proceedings. The game Involved can be vory simple better, some ~ and yet have you hooked, simply because re tying to beat other peo- ple How much better would & be then i you lve the other people direciy in your Games programmer been trying to encourage ths sat of group game-play untl teoenty theyve only had ‘ne person playing at cy one ake tums a itenatng two-player ction 4S a relly any a leplayer lust for ig ne compet rmult-player games iow several people on meting oF (mor ‘each othe ty offering ox mice pe n thes MID Me ull need ot troakinough wa croade BMX SIMULATOR Codemasters Specrum 1.0008 Astras £19008 cHi2s e1.a8ce Aga e14.900% est 214.900 pervellowssimultan econ mare onto the Lo sn even laugh chalong nat. Oer stages, however, do tow the play mete ~ HARVEY COMBAT wait utea nena HEADBANGER SCHOOL Centar cha scorn Saar ‘Ocean aod to oe your wists | cagnzs cites Spectrum £7.58 See eet | pmetred £19900 Amstrad £8.9563 £12.950h ones ‘Spectrum £1.99 Cour2 . e9.95ee 12950 | DRUID 1 Strlingly oxgnal and women Firabird aus booey but Spectrum £7:95cs set nme! clemen's Coatze asses 12980 | OF classe cainop ix Ametras £79508 ET DDD DDD LT) Le 4 po a be ea ci g ve |S Cr ere eB eu a cn trai as Bost of the Gaundet dexversves other elses in the SPECIAL™ appag enemice | 26 Compute Enerannen 7 1 SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL KARATE Sysiom 3 contas 86 50es e1z900K tar ST 519.904 JET BIKE SIMULATOR Coaemast Spectrum £4,988 Amstrad £4988 Be Smit Sperm nd evra ras IKARI WARRIORS Elite Spectrum £8998 £12004 CeAI28 — £9.90es | 14 90ei Amstrad £9.98¢8 £11,900 ‘iad ST £14.90¢k eM PC £19,964 a mnongst two-player MATCHDAY I Spectrum £89508 £14.64 Amotrad £89508 $14.544 CeuIZ6 §— 7696060 THEN PRINT “ERFORI: STOP 40 PRINT “START TAPE™ 45LOAD “CODE 65088 TRICKS 'N' TACTICS™ ENDURO RACER | Anice littie cheat for ST own- ers here. When you eat bagi o play Enduro Racer, ater tre countdown type the meré CHEAT monte eyooar. Having typed that in, pressing ore of this poke for infinite drilling 50 POKE ss108.194 power and shields will prove invaluable. Simply type in the Program, RUN it and load the fape as normal, SOLEAR 32767 MWLETT=O:LET Wo {60 RANDOMIZE USF 65000 TO DATA 205 64 254,38, 243,258 {BO DATA 17,100.25, 1,13.0237 90 DATA 176,195,46255,17550, 100 DATA 118,188,50,17,158 50, 190 DATA 126,191 195,164,151 DAVID MELLISH, Bromley the flonirg keys wl resultina Specie: © pressing T ves you an extra 10 seconds to complete the race. © pressing S aovarcos you ono checkpoint. (© pressing F gves you tte speed 210 kre) DARREN CLARKE, ‘South Normanton Not only do we bring you a wonderful map of the game. but a complete solution as well (use at your discretion) GET VACUUM CLEANER, R (rant, R, GET FLUTE, USE VACUUM CLEAN: ER L lef) LU up). LAND ON LEFT CLOUD, USE FLUTE, L GET (ARGE BARREL, D (Gown), R. USE VACCUM CLEANER, U, LAND ON RIGHT CLOUD, GET ACME BRIDGE, R, GET MANIFESTO, R, GET SILVER LIN ING. R, GET UNICYCLE. 8, GET UMBRELLA, R, D, L, GET CRICKET BALL DOWN WELL, (IF WL PONG GO L. L, GET FLASH GUN, A, RR, USE BRIDGE, R. USE FLUTE, RR, JUMP ON SPRING, GET BELLOWS AND SPURS, JUMP NEXT TO MONSTER, USE FLUTE, DOWN ROPE. L LUSE FLUTE, L USE BRIDGE. LU, RR, R, USE BELLOWS, GET IN BALLOON, U, LAND ON CLIFF TOP, R, GET PINS, USE UMBRELLA, D.D. GET MEDIUM SIZED BARREL, USE LARGE BARREL. GET IN CAN. NON, USE UMBRELLA. b, (IF MRUSHE GO R. GET BEER BARREL LL USE BEER, WALK INTO MAN) IF WU PONG USE FLASH, L),(F SMYTH USE CRICKET BALL LIF CAINE USE SPURS, L)((F BEAUCOUP USE UNICYCLE L), GET FORMULA, R, R, GET BEER (IF NOT GOT ALREADY) RR. GET CRYSTAL LD. LLL. GET BATTERY, L JUMP ON TRAMPO- LUNE, GET LEVER, L. USE UMBRELLA. 0, L, GET COATHANGER. , USE ‘CRYSTAL, PUT CRYSTAL IN YELLOW BOX, USE TRANSPORTER. L GET [ATOMIC PILE, USE PINS, A, R, USE LEVER, PUT LEVER IN SOCKET AT. | TOP RIGHT OF SCREEN. R, WAT, RR, R. GET BUTTON, LL JUMP AT LEVER, L, WAIT L, L USE TRANSPORTER, L., 0, 0, RR, UP LADDER, GET TEA, COWN LADDER, L. L, UP LADDER, USE SILVER LINING. STAND ON ANVIL. BU, F, USE CROSS, R, USE FORMULA ‘Give the Prof the items as he asks fr them and that's I. hoper now appears that ips he astro anay rom tre Ean. PAUL KNIGHT, Cranley. ole.. It Ta eT T Ts teate ute ote ste,e dra] oF ae = PARTY MANIFESTC ‘Advarced Comput Enerarmen 8 Flerrers. Another insult-packed issue of letters - most of the nast! ness stemming from your views on the touchy subject of piracy. We always want to hear original thinking on this subject; but if you're going to insult someone let's just try and keep it relatively clean, eh? Elsewhere, there's stirring news of Mums playing games, and a long letter full of wisdom from north the border. Whatever you want to say, just get it down on paper and send it to ACE Letters, 4 Queen Street, Bath, BA1 1EJ. And don't forget to specify which computer you own; you never know - yours just might be one of our Prize Letters. @ Mum's the word Keep up the good work Ihave Toa leu rte ino conn | 1H tet ACE wl ode ard ut last the other magazines on tho Logottns ‘slalement about more mmawra mart people defintely imoresid but we Bane Shall read a lot more to maka a orf tha David Wong able prepostion Tink Senin stl the best | SHAPEE One thing must be pointed out row. Ths venture wi no 20 game. | nave nearly 7000 co ¢ trished and in Drier | oud 13 kcalns sar sma mum 0! 48 yoae young | and spend rest of my Commodore #28 as my family are What precisely do you meen by | ‘rose who intend purely to pol ‘fen fair ard honest? Theyre fuways far and honest, We lake | dedicated to eaming Now to use your pont about tte Amstrad | ther machne io the fulect. Wo erling, the games you men- | hope 10 Nave quest prog'ammers respect. But 8 of games tat | ming and seing dont come anywhere near tha ‘wally, itis aso possbie ST is an exellent music mac © Load of old Cobo! arvara Hudley ould you pleace reip mo tnd a Newport py You are being bated bya cabbage lea. You The 80 mun that you bog for more, complet faling to See te rusty longswora borg series ro te lowe porion of your alimentary cana You'l never be abi to walk propery again. acini that doesnt capped. you cou Galway exec paifuly and show ct clean Kobyashi Naru To get he scarce, ave of the pt, elm on to wal and pul to goto zm. To ca then tase hand fet past the crceaae sip ont Rigets Revenge oat the desert? Retrace you sep Te ge’ autor trom the bungalow, trow sone rule a he securty tnt Seana eee Rechawk The welies wil sve you tom “Teena can be defeated wi he magnet hook ‘Beyond Zork Sell Mecrit and Feeworks both uses. Sell vluobe objects ~ uth, crown, dovbicon, owe ote Buy a rab oot and wb to an uck To get te mink, etaee snow Wacks (0 ean conpasson) and wat forthe unio to pas by. is tho Ucar ho for ick ar then eval uncom and sade to ear compassion). Say lgring to roekace to gin acoecs te gt PO BOX 8 Al RI ST TITLES || HAMPTON LL ATARI ST TITLI SOFTWARE MIDDLESEX TW123XA — | [Bangtouwasten 67 pong ante | STRATEGIC PLUS SOFTWARE gies fesravereunmeane ern pete he sumavocenaeene momene Seer meno | Se ee a a seater atresia, eae acien once ae Feeqrcomrerrvecerimera’ce Sentwacmuamnmnetacecnccmaten cect aimee mervierucemen igeaaeniene” §— Subacaactrenteny ome anne ugreag arent Piaewaceee cers. uses = cmckagrmaince em | Teortaee mer eng mea ele he pr nc ee ayn aStcr's xara robo en corer |) = Ona Don De Ue even, er Wa PRE zesty nbn opton JLIVEREAL MLITARY SIMULATOR Glace neyo nt 13mm Delve by eat Pree eam Jay Eutren orton base a ty ry i To arn bear se near forte prmeereee genera oer esserccecmuteme emater ir earasn The ange of toard sett warp SIMULATIONS CANADA nom avaliable on the Atri ST Golan mont ttalnir parmst he soa wenn ran easiness op Venere Ow Ra ee, SREY SERA oneyscrs rocen arc ng warp creat” en | RSS tiga Sap bet A re nak AAR EDGAR: nlc tr ort =o idnt am SEVEALEGy Cr dy cmon ign ctraravar ° nae | the — (Denignedey D Oee Otten FRE. STARUNGAAD CAMPAIGN, cos/arny ave gue ct 0 Gamma Siete" Abney cs. £3800 ear cnt a | Other Title: Other titles aes Tala cron A... | Ring 01-979-2987 ay ‘Wizards Grown (SS) £24.99) » seplliceahecemmnr - Regs l Zi (SS) t233| ers ae Revs Boge 57 ena eee Sree seen 620.00 ‘Send £1.00 for our catalogue Phantasio Il (SSI). £24.99 Goma ven. Seon 9s i Moebius Il (Origin Systems inc) £2469 cere es ('edoemeble with traticndor) i aa testa lois seers) Bim lotely annacy Approach (Mcroprose| can SOS i. - ‘Ogre (Origin Stystems Inc) £24.99 oat Caner Gommand (are) sass All prices are inclusive of VAT & PIP Fs Siacaneriuecnaco) gr ame OTTO FADVENTURE BRAVE NEW WORLDS Wet no tima reviews? Where ae they, Pl- received two new ‘fantasy roleplaying gzmpenon”” ‘games in one month - the matket i growing ‘My apologies, tellow Pgs, Dut dont very ‘ond the new lo-it machines ‘espa - we have geod reason fo! ou! clo idoally sued ‘0 ths fand of software. cctons Weve thetetore dced to EXPAND the sze Tist we received two more new fan of tis section, covenng areas of science te. tases this menth (Question itana Mightn ion, fantasy. ntercctive fiction, cave ‘Gweling, and spel casting. No doubt about fits going tobe a winnes Magic) which, being new reinases. needed the space we had Sot side forthe Ula games Second, despito the orginal ’AND we want YOU to holp us. Wete Siease schedules, the new Uitina V aden: not going to thrust hss new section upen you fue i al not Gvailable ard seemed sor, wo want yoU 0 el us what you want and tocover the sones without borig abe o lock how you. want it. To ths end, well be pai ft the latest and probably the qrectest of Lig in the magemne next month at spectal them ali We lve in hope for next mont questionnaire, There) be & special prize ‘very datk cloud has at svet tn aw for those sencing it in, with sore fom: howeve!, The bg deat. Pings, that we taste rkvanture software up tor arabs. Dont ‘ae planning to mate this section even BIG mit, ot Youd miss ou on your chance of Grand BETTER tiom now on so that we shaping tho future of the counizys braves ‘wont sutter so badly fom space prcbiems in new worl the future IN BRIEF Beyond Zark i deantely the tt gam whave youre en Cloud 9 for ages. When you search the uounute a the end of the gare fo find the Coconut (Panfanes) you then get the best onc ing Ive sen to Gn adventure game, bering Thniy. Theres ral feeling of stistaction when ‘you ess emykey text ne ing Fob Marshall, Congleton Tis no canexience that we ‘Yess, 2s a scorcher. Oi you know tat roleplaying is pow the largest growth arua onthe Sie! Jtverute scene? fs success fs bound 10 intuence oer, mare raditonal adventure sofware Nouses “What the Pugumn may consider DAD ‘oe the roleplaying game par excellencs Ihave dit ferent opmion, ts rasr a linuted gare in that the only way players oan ga experience pants s teugih combat This oan be damaging 'o the game, with players acting tokiy out ‘of character 16 go up a evel ‘Other games that do not have these restictions planed upon them are far etter. Two of these are Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Stounbringer They botn use dhiforent system ct ‘advancement, which prorice characters shared mare by the player ess by rulebook ‘WEP for example, uses a sysiom of czeer advance talbes to atlow the F ‘fom an apprentice level fo masiorsip, ask re! lle this dosant happen ovemugnt and does qoquse experience. bul these ane given mare for good roleplaying than combat skis, The ‘Grarocter can change case cnc doesnt have to stick oa gonetc lass such es MAGIC US Tut ean specie and hoceme, say. an ELEMENTAUIST or any o ‘Chatociera modded by the player, aid this makes the player fect he knows tho ch Ghosuaging beter le pleying The system Used by Stombainge. although diferent, has sm. ‘ir advantages. DAD players may disagree wilh wh think they should iy the systems Ihave mentioned ~ they wil simon Felion, Kshngbury ve sid about the game, Dut betore they exticse 1 em infinitely bette ‘Thanks for hese ineresing pois, Simon, Aculy, lam well anare ofthe games you mention bt ci findude thom in the ace, since twas prarly abou computer games. | used DAD as an iustraton Tiny because itis wo known arrangatron-oe players. We shoul alo gv i ret fr its rien raisng pubic interest role-playing games in goeral. 98 Advanced Computer Enerarment PATS _— PATCH | ‘Adventures often contain non-player charac- | fers, ard usualy oye as staic as the | seanery. To add bt of sce to your gare, ‘wy nat nave dangerous characters patrong the playing area on a requir boat which the player must work out ord 1 avokd dar oer? ‘The foloming GAC routine does ust hat and mores by using an obec (0. 50) as = haracer and moving tha objet rom room Toor’ asthe game progiesses Also needec ‘counter (wal use courier 100), a rather (marr 100") fo creek te progress ofthe characer area set of rooms, say 4108 nc tive whore the character can be. Weil stat the eneracter of Yo0™ 4, send i through rooms 587 and 8 then tur reund ana come, bak aga. and again. and again {© Lie 1 londs counter 100 wih the charac: fers stan room and maker 100 shows the Grecton of vavel. This shoud gon your in filsation sine urioce the parol begins alter another evet (a doo” opened ofan alan get Of perhaps) ~ ther make line + pat et the ‘ston fr tat ovont inten. 1 Line 2s atee on the character's ang pte rom numbers but rata he end yet. € Line 3s done whan tw characier reaches the ngres! numbered room ois beat. resets the marker fo stow the drecion of ‘ovement Yas changed and reduces cous! 100. © Line is the revere o! lew 2 ara ine $e reverse of ine 3 © Line 6 empy looks up the number Counter 100, reas ts 35 therm location the character object, and moves tho ject i ‘There's nothing to stop you having seve characters m your game oach with separa or possbly infersecing beats. Io fact yu oul crea an moresing maze sivaton andl inake the payer avaad a who Host of en fnes with diflrent patorns of movement the samo avez You coud even have cart] te ioractng wih each other if they mee the payer eontatieg tho tie they sit he paves INTIALISATION LINE (part ott) HIGH PRIORITY 3 doen) rom fet 100)) ACE RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE™ s) ACE PINK | PAGES Want to know the best games to run on your micro? Want all the facts and figures on the latest hardware? Look no further - it's all in the Ace Pink Pages. You'll also find our regular Reader to Reader section, plus this mon- th’s brain-teasers in the Random Access pages. ACE RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE ARCADE ADVENTURES layer @ joystick conboled charactor with cataputed ie he 2th 8 Stoobaingo th ta CHUCK YEAGER'S = | ADVANCED FLIGHT | TRAINER Eecuonc fits @ O66 69 98c8 £16 8, cea on EAGLE'S NEST Pune @ Ari £10694 @ Ate ST i MAGIC KNIGHT Disivco ctw over Gauercones, TRILOGY ecily co fe 1508 machnes. Tha Marios @ Koight tyre Spectr thera Spacnavente | Pevesas loon bogs onal Wi 30 Abracad Computer Enarinnont 99

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