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Cele mai folosite 1000 de propozitii in engleza

1. Ai grija cand conduci = Be careful driving

2. Ai grija = Be careful
3. Poti traduce asta pentru mine = Can you translate this for me?
4. Chicago este foarte diferit de Boston = Chicago is very different from Boston
5. Nu-ti face griji = Don’t worry
6. Toata lumea stie = Everyone knows it
7. Totul este gata = Everything is ready
8. Excelent = Excellent
9. Din cand in cand = From time to time
10. Buna idee = Good idea
11. Lui ii place foarte mult = He likes it very much
12. Ajutor = Help
13. El vine indata = He’s coming soon
14. El are dreptate = He’s right
15. El este foarte enervant = He’s very annoying
16. El este foarte faimos = He’s very famous
17. Ce mai faci? = How are you?
18. Cum merge munca = How’s work going?
19. Grabeste-te = Hurry
20. Am mancat déjà = I ate already
21. Nu te aud = I can’t hear you
22. Nu stiu cum se foloseste = I don’t know how to use it
23. Nu-mi place de el = I don’t like him
24. Nu-mi place = I don’t like it
25. Nu vorbesc foarte bine = I don’t speak very well
26. Nu inteleg = I don’t understand
27. Nu-l vreau = I don’t want it
28. Nu vreau asta = I don’t want that
29. NU vreau sa te deranjez = I don’t want to bother you
30. Ma simt bine = I feel good
31. Ies de la munca la ora 6 = I get off of work at 6
32. Am o durere de cap = I have a headache
33. Sper ca tu si sotia ta sa aveti o excursie draguta = I hope you and your wife have a nice trip
34. Stiu = I know
35. Imi place d ea = I like her
36. Mi-am pierdut ceasul = I lost my watch
37. Te iubesc = I love you
38. Trebuie s aimischimb hainele = I need o change clothes
39. Trebuie sa ajung acasa = I need to go home
40. Vreau doar o gustare = I only want a snack
41. Cred ca are un gust bun = I think it tastes good
42. Cred ca e foarte bun = I think it’s very good
43. Am crezut ca hainele erau mai ieftine = I thought the clothes were cheaper
44. Era cat pe ce sa plec din reastaurant cand au ajuns prietenii mei = I was to leave the
restaurant when my friends arrived
45. As dori sa merg la o plimbare = I’d like to go for a walk
46. Daca ai nevoie de ajutorul meu anunta-ma = If you need help, please let me know
47. Te voi suna cand voi pleca = I’ll call you when I leave
48. Voi reveni mai tarziu = I’ll come back later
49. Voi plati = I’ll pay
50. Voi lua = I’ll take it
51. Te voi duce la statia de autobus = I’ll take you to the bus stop
52. Sunt American = I’m an American
53. Imi fac curatenie in camera = I’m cleaning my room
54. Mi-e frig = I’m cold
55. Vin sa te iau = I’m coming to pick you up
56. Am de gand sa plec = I’m going to leave
57. Sunt bine, sit u? = I’m good, and you?
58. Sunt fericit = I’m happy
59. Mi-e foame = I’m hungry
60. Sunt casatorit = I’m married
61. Nu sunt ocupat = I’m not busy
62. Nu sunt casatorit = I’m not married
63. Nu sunt pregatit inca = I’m not ready yet
64. Nu sunt sigur = I’m not sure
65. Imi pare rau, am vandut = I’m sorry, we’re sold out
66. Mi-e sete = I’m thirsty
67. Sunt foarte ocupat. Nu am timp acum = I’m very busy. I don’t have time now
68. Este Dl.Smith American? = Is Mr.Smith an American?
69. Este indeajuns =Is that enough?
70. Este mai mult de 2 mile = It’s longer than 2 miles
71. Am fost aici timp de 2 zile = I’ve been here for two days
72. Am auzit ca Texas este un loc frumos = I’ve heard Texas is a beautiful place
73. Nu am vazut niciodata asta = I’ve never seen that before
74. Numai putin = Just a little
75. Un moment = Just a moment
76. Stati sa verific = Let me check
77. Stati sa ma gandesc = Let me think about it
78. Sa mergem sa aruncam o privire = Let’s go have a look
79. Sa exersam engleza = Let’s practice English
80. Pot sa vorbesc cu dns Smith, va rog? = May I speak to Mrs. Smith please?
81. Mai mult decat atat = More than that
82. Nu mai conteaza = Never mind
83. Data viitoare = Next time
84. Nu, multumesc = No, thank you
85. Nu = No
86. Fara sens = Nonsense
87. Nu recent = Not recently
88. Nu inca = Not yet
89. Nimic altceva = Nothing else
90. Desigur = Of course
91. Bine = Ok
92. Va rog, completati acest formular = Please fill out this form
93. Va rog, duceti-ma la aceasta adresa = Please take me to this address
94. Va rog, notati = Please write it down
95. Serios? = Really?
96. Chiar aici = Right here
97. Chiar acolo = Right there
98. Ne vedem mai tarziu = See you later
99. Ne vedem maine = See you tomorrow
100. Ne vedem deseara = See you tonight
101. Ea este draguta = She’s pretty
102. Ma scuzati ca ve deeanjez = Sorry to bother you
103. Stop = Stop!
104. Joaca sansa = Take a chance
105. Scoate-o afara = Take it outside
106. Spune-mi = Tell me
107. Multumesc domnisoara = Thanks you miss
108. Multumesc domnule = Thank you sir
109. Va multumesc frumos = Thank you very much
110. Va multumesc = Thank you
111. Multumesc pentru tot = Thanks for everything
112. Multumesc pentru ajutor = Thanks for your help
113. Arata superb = That looks great
114. Miroase rau = That smells bad
115. Este in ordin e= That’s alright
116. Este destul = That’s enough
117. Este bine = That’s fine
118. Asta este = That’s it
119. Nu este correct = That’s not fair
120. Nu este bine = That’s not right
121. Este correct = That’s right
122. Este prea rau = That’s too bad
123. Sunt prea multe = That’s too many
124. Este prea mult = That’s too much
125. Cartea este sunb masa = The book is under the table
126. Vor veni imediat = They’ll be right back
127. Ei sunt la fel = They’re the same
128. Ei sunt foarte ocupati = They’re very busy
129. Asta nu functioneaza = This doesn’t work
130. Asta este foarte dificil = This is very difficult
131. Acesta este foarte important = This is very important
132. Incearca =Try it
133. Foarte bine, multumesc = Very good, thanks
134. Noua ne place foarte mult = We like it very much
135. Ati dori sa dati un mesaj, va rog? = Would you take it a message please?
136. Da, intradevar = Yes, really
137. Lucrurile tale sunt toate aici = Your things are all here
138. Esti frumoasa = You’re beautiful
139. Este foarte frumoasa = You’re very nice
140. Estifoarte destept = You’re very smart
141. Cu siguranta = Certainly
142. Buna ziua = Good afternoon
143. Buna seara domnule = Good evening sir
144. Noroc = Good Luck
145. Buna dimineata = Good morning
146. Grozav = Great
147. La multi ani = Happy Birthday
148. Sa ai o excursie buna = Have a good trip
149. Buna ziua = Hello
150. Incantat de cunostinta = Nice to meet you
151. Va rog,sunati-ma = Please call me
152. Un bilet numai dus = A one way ticket
153. Un bilet dus-intors = A round trip ticket
154. Circa 300 de kilometrii = About 300 kilometers
155. Ai d egand sa o ajuti? = Are you going to help her?
156. La ce ora = At what time?
157. Pot face o programare pentru miercurea viitoare? = Can I make an appointment for
next Wednesday?
158. Poti repeat aia te rog? = Can you repeat that please?
159. Ai destui bani? = Do you have enough money?
160. Stii cum sa gatesti? = Do you know how to cook?
161. Stii ce spune asta? = Do you know what this says?
162. Vrei sa vin sa te iau mai tarziu? = Do you want me to come and pick you up?
163. Acest drum merge la New York? = Does this road go to New York?
164. Urmeaza-ma = Follow me
165. De aici pana aici = From here to there
166. Mergi inainte = Go straight ahead
167. Ai ajuns = Have you arrived?
168. Ai fost in Boston? = Have you been in Boston?
169. Cum ajungi acolo? = How do I get there?
170. Cum ajung la strada Daniel? = How do I get to Daniel Street?
171. Cum ajung in Ambasada Americii? = How do I get to the American Embassy
172. Cat de mult iti ia cu masina? = Dow long does it take by car?
173. Cat de mult iti ia sa ajungi in Georgia? = How long does it take to get to Georgia?
174. Cat d elung este zborul? = How long is the flight?
175. Cum a fost filmul? = How was the movie?
176. Am sa-ti spun o intrebare. Vreau sa te intreb cev a= I have a question I want to ask
you. / I want to ask you a question
177. Imi doresc sa fi avut una = I wish I had one
178. As dori sad au un telefon = I’d like to make a phone call
179. As dori sa fac o rezervare = I’d like to make a reservation
180. Voi lua si aceea, deasemenea = I’ll take that one also
181. Vin acum = I’m coming right now
182. Plec acasa pentru patru zile = I’m going home in four days
183. Plec maine = I’m leaving tomorrow
184. Caut oficiul postal = I’m looking for the post office
185. Este acest creion al tau? = Is this pen yours?
186. Un bilet spre New York va rog = One ticket to New York please
187. Drumul dus sau dus-intors = One way or round trip?
188. Va rog, vorbiti mai incet = Please speak slower
189. va rog, duceti-ma la aeroport = Please take me to the airport
190. In directia aceea = That way
191. Avionul pleaca la 5:30 = The plane departs at 5:30
192. Ei au ajuns ieri = They arrived yesterday
193. Intoarce-te = Turn around
194. Intoarce la stanga = Turn left
195. Intoarce la dreapta = Turn right
196. La ce or ate duci in statia de autobus? = What time are you going to the bus station?
197. Cand s-a intamplat asta? =When did this happen?
198. Cand ai ajuns in Boston? = When did you arrive in Boston?
199. Cand ajungi = When do we arrive?
200. Cand plecam? = When do we leave?
201. Cand ajunge el? = When does he arrive?
202. Cand ajunge? = When does it arrive?
203. La ce ora se deschide banca? = When does the bank open?
204. Cand pleaca autobuzul? = When does the bus leave?
205. Unde pot trimite asta = Where can I mail this?
206. De und este ea? = Where is she from?
207. Unde este baia? = Where is the bathroom?
208. De ce nu? = Why not?
209. Vrei sa-mi reamintesti? = Will you remind me?
210. 11 dolari = 11 Dollars
211. 52 de centi = 52 cents
212. Cativa = A few
213. Putin = A little
214. Suna la politie = Call the police
215. Sotiei tale ii place California? = Did your wife like California?
216. Ai vreo cafea? = Do you have any coffee?
217. Ai cev amia ieftin? = Do you have anything cheaper?
218. iei carti d ecredit? = Do you take credit cards?
219. Cum platesti? = How are you paying?
220. Cati oameni sunt acolo in New York = How many people are there in new York?
221. Cat costa acesti cercei? = Hoe much are these earrings?
222. Cat iti datorez? = How much do I owe you?
223. Cat de mult cost ape zi? = How much does it cost per day?
224. Cat costa asta? = How much does this cost?
225. Cat este sa mergi la Miami? = How much is it to go to Miami?
226. Cat de multi bani faci? = How much money do you make?
227. Nu am o iubita = I don’t have a girlfriend
228. Nu am nici un ban = I don’t have any money
229. Am o rezervatie = I have a reservation
230. trebuie sa-mi exersez engleza= I need to practice my English
231. As dori sa mananc la restaurantul de pe a 5-a strada= I’d like to eat at 5th street
232. Voi lua acelasi lucru = I’ll have the same thing
233. Voi plati pentru cina = I’ll pay for dinner
234. Voi plati pentru bilete = I’ll pay for the tickets
235. Am 26 de ani = I’m 26 years old
236. Este ok? = Is that ok?
237. Este vreo scrisoare pentru mine? = Is there any mail for me?
238. Nu-I asa? = Isn’t it?
239. Este 11:30 = It’s 11:30pm
240. Este 9 si un sfert = It’s is a quarter past nine
241. Va rog, intrati = Please come in
242. Nu pare rau, nu acceptam carti de credit = Sorry, we don’t accept credit cards
243. Ne pare rau, acceptam doar bani gheata = Sorry, we only accept Cash
244. Acel restaurant nu este scump = That restaurant is not expensive
245. Asta este prea scumpa = That’s too expensive
246. Sunt multi oameni aici = There are many people here
247. Ei taxeaza 26 de dolari pe zi = They charge 26 dollars per day
248. Care este rata de schimb pentru dolari? = What’s the exchange rate for dollars?
249. Care este numarul de telefon? = What’s the phone number?
250. De unde pot cumpara bilete? = Where can I buy tickets?
251. Unde ai vrea san a intalnim? = Where would you like to meet?
252. Care dintre ele este mai buna? = Which one is better?
253. Vizavi de ofociul postal = Across from the post office
254. La ora 3 = At 3 o’clock
255. Taci = Be quiet
256. Poti recomanda un bun restaurant? = Can you recommend a good restaurant?
257. El studiaza la Universitatea Bston = He studies at Boston University
258. Aici este = Here it is
259. Poftim = Here you are
260. El este in bucatari = He’s in the kitchen
261. Cat de departe est ede Chicago? = How far is it to Chicago?
262. Cat de departe este? = How far is it?
263. cate mile sunt pana in Pennsylvania? = How many miles is it to Pennsylvania?
264. Imi place sa ma uit la TV = I like to watch TV
265. mergeam la biblioteca = I was going to the library
266. Eram in biblioteca = I was in the library
267. As dori o singura camera single = I’d like a single room
268. Este delicious = It’s delicious
269. Este 11 si jumatate = It’s half past 11
270. Este mai putin de 5 dolari = It’s less than 5 dollars
271. Este mai mult de 5 dolari = It’s more than 5 dollars
272. Este langa supermarket = It’s near the Supermarket
273. Se presupune ca nu va ploua azi = It’s not suppose to rain today
274. Este ok = It’s ok
275. Este pe strada 7 = It’s on 7th street
276. Este chiar cald = It’s really hot
277. Se presupune ca va ploua maine = It’s suppose to rain tomorrow
278. Sa mergem = Let’s go
279. Poate = Maybe
280. Mai mult de 200 de mile = More than 200 miles
281. Casa mea este aproape de banca = My house is close to the bank
282. Langa banca = Near the bank
283. Pe stanga = On the left
284. Pe dreapta = On the right
285. La al doile etaj = On the second floor
286. Inafara hotelului = Outside the hotel
287. Aici = Over here
288. Acolo = Over there
289. Cartea este in spatele mesei = The book is behind the table
290. Cartea este in fata mesei = The book is in front the table
291. Cartea este langa masa =The book is near the table
292. Cartea etse langa table = The book is next to the table
293. cartea este pe suprafata mesei = the book is on top of the table
294. Sunt niste carti pe masa = There are some books on the table
295. Este o carte sub masa = There’s a book under the table
296. Noi suntem din California = We’re from California
297. Care este adresa = What’s the address?
298. Und ete duci = Where are you going?
299. Unde este =Where is it?
300. Unde ai vrea sa mergi? = Where would you like to go?
301. Cine a castigat = Who won?
302. Pot sa-ti vad pasaportul te rog? = Can I see your passport please?
303. Pot sa iau un mesaj? = Can I take a message?
304. Pot s ail probez? = Can I try it on?
305. Ne putem aseza acolo? = Ca we sit over there?
306. Ai venit cu familia ta? = Did you come with your family?
307. Crezi ca este posibil? = Do you think it’s possible?
308. Aici este nmarul meu = Here’s my number
309. El nu este inauntru acum = He’s not in right now
310. Buna, este domnul Smith acolo, te rog? = Hi, is Mrs. Smith there, please?
311. Am trei copii,doua fete si un baiat = I have three children, two girls and one boy
312. Am nevoie d eniste tesaturi = I need some tissues
313. Vreau sa-ti dau un cadou = I want to give you a gift
314. As dori si niste apa va rog = I’d like some water too, please
315. As dori sa cumpar o sticla de apa va rog = I’d like to buy a bottle of water, please
316. As dori sa cumpar ceva = I’d like to buy something
317. As dori sa merg la magazine = I’d like to go to the store
318. As dori sa inchiriez o masin a= I’d like to rent a car
319. As ori sa trimit un fax = I’d like to send a fax
320. As dori sa trimit asta in Amerca = I’d like to send this to America
321. As dori sa vorbesc cu d-nul Smith , va rog = I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith please
322. Vin imediat = I’ll be right back
323. Te voi suna mai tarziu = I’ll call back later
324. Te voi suna vinery = I’ll call you on Friday
325. Te voi invata = I’ll teach you
326. Sunt ok = I’m ok
327. Este un ghid care vorbeste engleza? = Is there an English speaking guide?
328. Barbat sau femeie? = Male or female?
329. Telefonul meu nu are semnal bun = My cell phone doesn’t have good reception
330. Telefonul meu nu merge = My cell phone doesn’t work
331. Va rog descaltati-va = Please take off your shoes
332. Scuzati, cred ca am numarul gresit = Sorry, I think I have the wrong number
333. care este codul zonei? = What is the area code?
334. Care este numele companiei pentru care lucrezi? = What’s the name of the company
you work for?
335. Ce este gresit? = What’s wrong?
336. Care este adresa ta? = What’s your address?
337. Unde pot gasi un spital? = Where can I find a hospital?
338. Unde este cel mai apropiat restaurant = Where’s the closest restaurant?
339. Unde este farmacia? = Where’s the pharmacy?
340. Cine esti? = Who are you?
341. Cine este acela? = Who is that?
342. Cu cine ai vrea sa vorbesti? = Who would you like to speak to?
343. Ma duci acasa? = Will you take me home?
344. Ati dori apa sau lapte? = Would you like water or milk?
345. 11 zile in urma = 11 days ago
346. 2 ore = 2 hours
347. Cu mult tim in urma = A long time ago
348. Toata ziua = All day
349. Ei vin in acaesta seara? = Are they coming this evening?
350. Te simti comfortabil? = Are you comfortable?
351. Sunt copiii tai cu tine? = Are your children with you?
352. Cat de devreme posibil = As soon as possible
353. La ora 3 ziua = At 3 o’clock in the afternoon
354. Pe a 5-a strada = At 5th street
355. La ora 7 noaptea = At 7 o’clock at night
356. La ora 7 dimineata = At 7 o’clock in the morning
357. La ce ora s-a intamplat = At what tie did it happen?
358. Pot sa tea jut? = Can I help you?
359. Ai o piscine? = Do you have a swimming pool?
360. Ai aceasta la marimea 11 = Do you have this in size 11
361. Crezi ca te vei intoarce pana la 11:30 = Do you think you’ll be back by 11:30?
362. In fiecare saptamana = Every week
363. In fiecare zi ma trezesc la ora 6Am = Every day I get up at 6 AM
364. Data expirarii = Expiration date
365. Ai asteptat mult? = Have you been waiting long?
366. El se intoarce in 20 de minute = He’ll be back in 20 minutes
367. Familia lui vine maine = His family is coming tomorrow
368. Ce zici de sambata? = How about Saturday?
369. cat de mult ai de gand sa stai in California? = How long are you going to stay in
370. Cat de mult ai d egand sa stai? = How long are you going to stay?
371. Cat de mult va lua? = How long will it take?
372. Cat de mult impreuna = How much altogether?
373. Cat d emult va costa? = How much will it cost?
374. Nu am destui bani = I don’t have enough money
375. Este 7 fara u sfert = It’s a quarter to 7
376. Va ninge azi = It’s going o snow today
377. Este aici = It’s here
378. Este acolo = It’s there
379. Deja l-am vazut = I’ve already seen it
380. John se duce in vacant mane = John is going on vacation tomorrow
381. Ziua mea este pe 26 august = My birthday is August 27th
382. Acum sau mai tarziu = Now or later?
383. 22 Octombrie = October 22nd
384. Vrea sa stie cand vii = She wants to know when you’re coming
385. Cateodata ma duc la culcare la 11, cateodata la 11:30 = Sometimes I go to sleep at
11PM, sometimes at 11:30 PM
386. Intreaga zi = The whole day
387. Este timp din plin = There’s plenty of time
388. Am intaziat = We’re late
389. In ce zi vin ei aici? = What day are they coming over?
390. Ce zi a saptamanii este aceasta = What day of the week is it?
391. Care este data d eazi? = What is today’s date?
392. La ce ora sosesc ei? = What time are they arriving?
393. La ce or ate-ai trezit? = What time did you get up?
394. La ce or ate-ai culcat = What time did you go to sleep?
395. la ce ora te-ai sculat? = What time did you wake up?
396. La ce ora crezi ca vei ajunge? = What time do you think you’ll arrive?
397. La ce ora incepe? = What time does it start?
398. Cat este ora? = What time is it?
399. Care este religia ta? = What’s your religion?
400. Cand vin ei? = When are they coming?
401. Cand te intorci? = When are you coming back?
402. Cand te duci s ail iei pe prietenul tau? = When are you going to pick up your friend?
403. Cand pleci? = When are you leaving?
404. Cand te muti? = When are you moving?
405. Cand am fost la magazine nu aveau deloc mere? = When I went to the store, they
didn’t have any apples.
406. Cand este urmatorul autobiz catre Philadalphia? = When is the next bus to
407. Cand este ziua ta? = When is you birthday?
408. Cand ai vorbit ultima oara cu mama ta? = When was the last time you talked to your
409. Cand se va intarce el? = When will he be back?
410. Cand va fi gata? = When will it be ready?
411. Unde ai de gand sa meri? = Where are you going to go?
412. Esti ocupat? = Are you busy?
413. Putem avea ceva mai multa paine va rog? = Can we have some more bread please?
414. Ai vreun ban? = Do you have any money?
415. Pentru cate nopti? = For how many nights?
416. Cat de mult vei sta? = How long will you be staying?
417. Am nevoie d eun doctor? = I need a doctor
418. As dori o harta a orasului = I’d like a map of the city
419. As dori o camera pentru nefumatori = I’d like a non-smoking room
420. As dori o camera c doua paturi va rog = I’d like a room with two beds please
421. As dori o camera = I’d like a room
422. Este un club de noapte in oras? = Is there a nightclub in town?
423. Este un restaurant in hotel? = Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
424. Este un magazine in apropiere? = Is there a store near here?
425. Ne pare rau, nu avem locuri libere = Sorry, we don’t have any vacancies
426. Du-ma la hotelull Marriot = Take me to the Marriot Hotel
427. La ce ora s efface iesirea? = What time is check out?
428. cat este pretul pe noapte? = What’s the charge per night?
429. Unde este aeroportul? = Where is the airport?
430. Unde este casuta postal? = Where’s the mail box?
431. Esti aici singur? = Are you here alone?
432. Pot sa-mi aduc prietenul? = Can I bring my friend?
433. Pot avea o chitanta va rog = Can I have a receipt please?
434. Poate fi mai ieftin? = Can it be cheaper?
435. Putem avea un meniu va rog? = Can we have a menu please?
436. Poti sa-mi tii asta pentru mine? = Can you hold this for me?
437. Ai vreun copil? = Do you have any children?
438. Stii cat de mult costa? = Do you know how much it costs?
439. Ai mancat la restaurant? = Have you eaten at that restaurant?
440. Ai mancat déjà? = Have you eaten yet?
441. Ai avut vreodata supa d ecartofi? = Have you ever had Potato soup?
442. Lui ii place scucul dar nu-I place laptele = He likes juice but he doesn’t like milk
443. Aici este salata ta = Here is your salad
444. Aici este comanda mea = Here’s your order
445. Ce gust are? = How does it taste?
446. Cati oameni? = How many people?
447. Sunt de accord = I agree
448. Nu am fost acolo = I havent’t benn there
449. Nu am terminat de mancat = I haven’t finished eating
450. Imi place = I like it
451. Am numai 5 dolari = I only have 5 dollars
452. Cred ca trebuie s avad un doctor = I think I need to see a doctor
453. Inteleg = I understand
454. As dori o masa langa fereastra = I’d like a table near the window
455. As dori sa sun in Statele Unite = I’d like to call the United States
456. Iti void a un telefon = I’ll give you a call
457. Voi servi o ceasca de ceai va rog = I’ll have a cup of tea please
458. Voi lua un pahar de apa va rog = I’ll have a glass of water please
459. Sunt din America = I’m from America
460. Ma duc la culcare = I’m going to bed
461. Sunt aici cu afaceri = I’m here on business
462. Imi pare rau = I’m sorry
463. Este25 August = It’s August 25th
464. 3 iunie = June 3rd
465. Mancarea a fost delicioasa = The food was delicious
466. Sunt niste mere in frigider = There are some apples in the refrigerator
467. Este un restaurant in apropiere = There’s a restaurant near here
468. Este un restaurant acolo, dar nu cred ca este foarte bun = There’s a restaurant over
there, but I don’t think it’s very good
469. Chelner = Waiter
470. Chelnerita = Waitress!
471. Putem servi mancare italiana sau chinezeasca = We can eat Italian or Chinese food
472. Am dori doua pahare cu apa, va rog = We’ll have two glasses of water please
473. Ce ai de gand sa ai? = What are you going to have?
474. Ce recomanzi? = What do you recommend?
475. Ce ai dori sa bei? = What would you like to drink
476. Ce ai dori sa mananci? = What would you like to eat
477. Care este adresa ta de email? = What’s your email address
478. Unde este in ATM? = Where is an ATM?
479. Unde este un doctor care vorbeste engleza? = Where is there a doctor who speak
480. Care? = Which one?
481. Vrei sa-I spui sa vina pe aici? = Would you ask him to come here?
482. Vrei un pahar cu apa? = Would you like a glass of water?
483. Vrei ceai sau cafea? = Would you like coffee or tea?
484. Vrei niste apa? = Would you like some water?
485. Vrei niste vin? = Would you like some wine?
486. Vrei ceva d ebaut? = Would you like something to drink?
487. Vrei sa mergem la o plimbare? = Would you like to go for a walk?
488. Vrei sa te uiti la TV? = Would you like to watch TV?
489. Esti American? = Are you American?
490. Vii in seara asta? = Are you coming this evening?
491. Esti liber diseara? = Are you free tonight?
492. Ai de gand sa iei un avion sau un tren? = Are you going to take a plane or train
493. Iti este foame? = Are you hungry?
494. Esti sigur? = Are you sure?
495. Muncesti maine? = Are you working Tomorrow?
496. Afacerea este buna = Business is good
497. Noro = Cheers!
498. A nins ieri? = Did it snow yesterday
499. Ai primit emailul meu = Did you get my email?
500. Ti-ai luat medicamentele? = Did you take your medicine?
501. engleza 11 (0:53)

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