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Benefits of Massage:

1. Relieves stress and promotes an overall feeling of relaxation, helping you breathe and move more easily.
2. Alleviates pain and tension and helps you manage pain better.
3. Promotes faster recovery from injuries (work, trauma, accident or sport related).
4. Increases mobility and provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion.
5. Improves circulation (blood and lymph).
6. Improves and strengthens immune system.
7. Relieves musculoskeletal problems and improves posture
8. Relieves pregnancy discomforts.
9. Reduces anxiety and promotes an overall feeling of well-being.
10. Increases body awareness and increases body-mind connection.

Why Have Massage?

Massage has been around for a long time. Massage therapy research tells us there are so many
reasons why massage can help us feel better.

• 24% suggested they had other reasons or didn’t have enough information.
• 8% had no time.
• Statistics on Stress and Stress-Related Problems
• Now take a look at these statistics on stress and stress-related problems:
75-90% of visits to family physicians are for stress-related problems.
• The World Health Organization identified job-related stress as a worldwide epidemic.
• In a 2000 annual Gallup Poll on attitudes in the American workplace, 80% of workers felt stressed on
the job; nearly 50% said they needed help in managing their stress; and 42% said their coworkers needed
help; 62% find that they end the day with work-related neck pain.
• The National Safety Council estimates that 1 million American employees are absent every day from
work because of stress-related problems.
• 65% of North Americans take prescription medications daily, 43% take mood altering prescriptions
• Alcohol is commonly used to cope with anxiety. 72% of Canadians consume alcohol each year.

So back to the original question of why massage?

Quite simply, massage is one of the oldest forms of healing. It is a drug-free and non-invasive way of helping
to relieve pain, stress and tension. It can help you cope better with stress and has shown to be effective in
helping to reduce anxiety. If stress is getting the better of you, why not try one of the 100 different massage
therapy techniques available.
For those somewhat uncomfortable about having to disrobe for a massage, there are a number of massage
techniques where that is not required (i.e. reflexology, shiatsu, chair massage, acupressure).

Why shoud I massage / What is the benefits of massage?

1. Alleviates discomfort during pregnancy

2. Reduces heart rate
3. Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments
4. Reduces pain and swelling
5. Reduces formation of excessive scar tissue
6. Lowers blood pressure
7. Reduces muscle spasms
8. Increases blood circulation and lymph flow
9. Promotes deeper and easier breathing
10. Relaxes muscles
11. Helps relieve tension-related headaches and effects of eye-strain
12. Improves range of motion
13. Enhances the health and nourishment of skin
14. Increases endorphins (enhancing medical treatment)
15. Improves posture
16. Stimulates weak, inactive muscles
17. Treats musculoskeletal problems
18. Hastens and leads to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury

Refleksologi: Kenali Titik Refleksi Anda

Anda pasti pernah mendengar tentang urut refleksi, salah satu rawatan tradisional utk menyembuhkan
penyakit. Orang dulu-dulu walaupun tak menggunakan perubatan moden, tapi mereka mampu juga
menyembuhkan berbagai jenis penyakit dgn rawatan tradisional. Misalnya dengan cara mengurut, minum
jamu yg diperbuat dari daun-daun kayu atau akar tumbuhan, berbekam, tusukan jarum (akupunktur),
refleksologi dll.
Kali ni saya cuma nak kongsikan info tentang ilmu refleksologi; iaitu mengurut titik refleksi yang terdapat di
sekitar tapak kaki pesakit. Cara pengubatan ini berasal dari China dan telah diamalkan beribu tahun lamanya
sebelum berkembang ke seluruh dunia (lagipun orang Cina kan bertaburan di seluruh pelusuk dunia).
Antara keistimewaan pengubatan secara urut refleksi ni adalah ia ’selamat dan mudah’, sebab tak perlu
makan sebarang ubat, boleh dilakukan tak kira orang tua, muda mahupun bayi, cuma rasa sakit sikit la
semasa diurut. Tapi sebenarnya rasa sakit itu tandanya ada yang tak kena dengan kesihatan tubuh badan
Maksud Titik Refleksi
Maksudnya adalah ‘titik pusat urat saraf’. Setiap titik ada kaitan dengan organ tubuh tertentu, jadi dengan
mengurut bahagian refleksi akan melancarkan perjalanan darah pesakit. Kenapa boleh jadi macam tu ye,
ianya sukar dijawab kerana selalunya kaedah perubatan tradisional sukar dihuraikan secara ilmiah, walaupun
ia terbukti berkesan merawat sesuatu penyakit.
Pentingnya Perjalanan Darah yang Lancar
Untuk membolehkan badan kita berfungsi secara normal, setiap organ memerlukan darah kerana darahlah
yang membawa zat makanan yang diperlukan oleh badan seperti oksigen, hormon, antibodi serta membawa
keluar bahan buangan kotor(toksin) dalam badan. Lancarnya perjalanan darah maka makin sihatlah badan
kita. Jika salah satu organ badan sakit, maka ia memerlukan perjalanan darah yang lancar untuk membantu
menyembuhkan penyakit itu.
Tanda-tanda sakit semasa diurut.
Seperti yang disebutkan tadi, jika perjalanan darah tak lancar, organ tubuh akan terhalang dari mendapat zat
makanan, manakala bahan buangan yang patut dikeluarkan tertahan-tahan maka kotoran/toksin tu mendap
dalam saluran darah. Maka fungsi bahagian badan anda akan terganggu sebab tak cukup darah dan zat
makanan, lalu timbullah penyakit.
Biasanya orang yang dah tahap sifu dalam bidang ni boleh tahu seseorang tu sakit apa, dengan hanya
meraba/picit tapak kaki orang tu. Sebabnya titik refleksi yang sakit akan rasa macam berpasir, maksudnya ada
mendapan toksin dalam saluran darah. Jika rasa sakit semasa diurut, itu tandanya bahagian badan berkenaan
ada penyakit. Jadi itulah perlunya ia diurut untuk melancarkan perjalanan darah supaya darah terus membawa
zat makanan manakala mendapan toksin dapat dikeluarkan.
Info yang perlu diketahui
-Urutan refleksi bukan sekadar di tapak kaki, tapi juga di bahagian atas tapak kaki, pergelangan kaki, sekitar
buku lali dan sekitar betis. Tapi saya bukan pakar dalam bidang ni untuk menceritakan tahap ‘advance’
-Berbagai jenis penyakit boleh disembuhkan dengan kaedah ini. Dari yang tak serius mahupun serius seperti
batu karang, buah pinggang, lemah syahwat, darah tinggi, kencing manis, barah (peringkat awal), sakit
jantung, paru-paru dan juga sakit hati…oopps tidak…sakit hati tak boleh diubati dengan kaedah ini.
-Penyakit yang tak boleh disembuhkan: urat saraf dah mati (akibat kemalangan atau serangan stroke), terlalu
banyak makan ubat hingga urat sarafnya menjadi kebal, dan juga penyakit barah yang sudah terlambat.
-Digalakkan minum banyak air masak selepas sesi urutan agar toksin lebih mudah dibuang dari badan.
-Di taman-taman rekreasi, ada disediakan laluan khas refleksologi

Massage Therapy Research Centers

What’s going on in the research world of massage therapy? Check out these massage therapy centers and
organizations for the latest research.
In Canada, The Canadian Touch Research Center (CTRC) conducts, supports and collaborates on research
aimed at pain relief, pain prevention and improved quality of life. The CTRC’s clinical research includes:

• Physical and physiological (flbromyalgia, muscular performance, prevention of work accidents,

chronic muscular pain, etc.).
• Psychological (impact of massage on stress, professional depletion, bodily perception, behavior
problems, etc.).
• Human relations (palliative care, premature babies, etc.).
One of the leading research institutes on touch therapy is the The Touch Research Institute.
They have conducted over 100 studies on the positive effects of massage therapy and the numerous
beneficial effects on our health and well-being. The Touch Research Institute was established in 1992 by its
Director Dr. Tiffany Field at the University of Miami School of Medicine.
Some of the more significant research findings from The Touch Research Instituteon the positive effects of
massage therapy include:

• enhanced growth in preterm infants,

• diminished pain particularly for musculoskeletal problems,
• decreased autoimmune problems for individuals with chronic health conditions such as diabetes or
• enhanced immunity, and most notably,
• decreased stress hormones.

One of the major government funded research programs in the United States is theThe National Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. They focus on a variety of complimentary and alternative health
modalities, including massage and other bodywork practices and how these effect the body and the mind.
These studies can help us understand how specific techniques work on the body and can help to create more
standardized techniques that can be proven to help with a particular health condition.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health has
recently funded the following massage and bodywork research studies:

• Effect of Massage on Chronic Low Back Pain

• A Model for the Mechanism of Action of Massage
• An Investigation of Jin Shin Treatment after Stroke
• Craniosacral Therapy in Migraine Feasibility Study
• Effects of Massage on Immune System of Preterm Infants
• Massage Benefits in HIV+ Children: Mechanisms of Action
• Massaging Preterm Infants Enhances Growth
• Neuro-Hormonal Effects of Massage Therapy
• Reiki and Physiological Consequences of Acute Stress
• Therapeutic Massage for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The Massage Therapy Foundation is another organization that helps to advance the dissemination of
information and knowledge about massage therapy through the funding of scientific research and education.
They have an extensive Massage Therapy Research database that is free. You just have to register to gain

Why We Spa and, Why We Don't

By Lesley Michael
After explosive growth in American spa attendance for years, the trend is noticeably slowing. What is valuable
about the spa experience and what is holding new spa goers back from taking the plunge?
The figures seem staggeringly positive. In 2003 the spa industry reported an estimated $11.2 billion dollars in
revenue as U.S. spas earned an average of about $143 per spa visit. But recent market trend data shows spa
growth to be slowing, additionally estimating that spa visits dropped about 13% from 2001-2003. What
gives? (more…)
When Massage Should Not Be Used
There are certain conditions which should not be treated by massage. For any serious health conditions never
massage without the consent of your health care provider.
1. Thrombosis or phlebitis: This means blood clots are present and you might dislodge them, NEVER do it.
2. Bruising
3. Varicose Veins: Don’t massage, you can elevate them to help reduce swelling.
4. Fever
5. Infections or inflammation: Don’t use massage, you may spread it.
6. Broken Bones: If you suspect a bone is broken, seek medical attention.
7. Tumors: Don’t massage without the consent of the physician providing care for the tumor.
8. Pregnancy: Not during the first three months AND not without the consent of your obstetrician or health care
provider. (Yes, massage is great during pregnancy and childbirth, but ONLY after you have permission from
you obstetrician or midwife, so that will not be addressed here).

Massage and Stress Management

I often read advertisements for massage and other forms of relaxation techniques that say they “get rid of
stress.” This particular phrasing bothers me, because what we are really doing is helping you manage the
effects of stress. It is impossible for me, or any other health care provider, to remove the stressors from your
life, and this claim smacks of false advertising to me.
However, although most of my practise comprises medical/therapeutic massage, rehabilitation massage, and
so on, I do have the occasional opportunity to perform relaxation massage. There are those among us who
refer to this as ‘fluff and buff’; I use the phrase myself, but I do not mean to demean the practice of this type of
In fact, there are days when a gentle relaxation, Swedish, whatever you wish to call it type of massage is just
what the doctor ordered. Sometimes an hour of soft lighting, soothing music, and the undivided attention of
caring hands is exactly what someone needs to restore them to a state of clear mind and healthy body.
This hour gives the body and mind a chance to let go of the physical and emotional tensions of the day. It’s a
chance to let the mind wander where it will, following the music or whatever paths it chooses, to explore the
connection of mind and body. Many of my clients who receive regular massage, whether the relaxation or the
more medical type, report to me that over time they have become more aware of their bodies and their
response to stress factors.
I find this encouraging. Knowing when you are under stress, recognizing the effects in yourself, is half the
battle to defeat those effects and reclaim good health for yourself.
Why Massage Therapy?

The interest in massage therapy has steadily increased in the last 20 years. A healing art that’s been around
since ancient times, massage therapy offers an unlimited number of benefits that can touch each person
Massage therapy provides numerous therapeutic benefits for health, fitness and mental well-being. Massage
helps improve the body’s circulation, increases blood and lymph flow, stimulates the nervous system and
affects internal organs as well as all of the muscles.
Massage therapy is a healing art that encompasses the manipulation of soft tissues, positively affecting and
improving health and well-being. There are many styles of massage, including: Bodywork, Shiatsu,
Reflexology, Neuromuscular, Esalen (Swedish), Deep Tissue, Circulatory, Sports and Cranial-Sacral.
Because there are so many different styles of massage it’s important to find themassage therapist that offers
the style that best fits your needs, in order for you to get the most from your session. Massage therapy can
relieve muscle tension, strain, soreness and strain, as well as insomnia, arthritis, bursitis, headaches, digestive
problems, stress, anxiety, depression and much more.
Not only does massage feel good, help you relax, improve your range of motion and relax your muscles, it can
also enhance your overall health and well-being.
Therapeutic massage may not be appropriate for some individuals. It’s always important to consult with your
doctor before you receive a massage, especially for those individuals with infectious diseases, certain forms of
cancer, skin problems, phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and cardiac conditions.
For more information: http://www.1001beautysecrets.com
Urut Atasi Masalah Sakit Belakang

Petikan: Berita Harian

JIKA sentuhan dianggap terapi yang mampu mendamaikan perasaan, bagaimana pula dengan berurut?
Percayalah, pasti ramai setuju jika dikatakan urut adalah kaedah terbaik untuk meredakan ketegangan.
Sejak berzaman, urut terbukti mampu melegakan kekejangan otot, urat dan sendi. Masyarakat Asia terutama
di kepulauan Indonesia khususnya Bali amat terkenal dengan kepakaran hingga pelancong yang bertandang
menganggap kunjungan ke destinasi itu tidak lengkap tanpa mendapatkan khidmat tukang urut.
Sebenarnya negara ini juga tidak kurang pakar urut berpengalaman seperti tukang urat cacat penglihatan di
sekitar Brickfields. Bukan setakat urutan relaks atau refleksologi, sakit belakang berpunca daripada gangguan
perjalanan darah dan ketegangan otot dapat dipulihkan mengikut teknik tertentu.
Biarpun urut Melayu tidak dinafikan keberkesanannya, gabungan bersama teknik tertentu dari negara seperti
China turut meningkatkan lagi skil sebilangan besar tukang urut tempatan.
Antaranya pemilik Pusat Urut Maju Therapy Zone, Hasidi Hassan, 38, yang menyediakan perkhidmatan
dengan menyewa sebuah lokasi di pusat membeli belah Maju Junction Kuala Lumpur. Beliau yang hilang
penglihatan selepas terbabit dalam kemalangan mempunyai kepakaran tersendiri dengan menggabungkan
kaedah tradisional dan teknik urut China.
Lebih 10 tahun berkecimpung dalam bidang ini, beliau yang juga ahli jawatankuasa Persatuan Urut Orang
Buta Berkelayakan Malaysia mengakui cara urut yang dipelajari di The Massage School of Beijing Massage
Hospital mendedahkannya dengan pelbagai teknik baru termasuk penyelesaian masalah sakit pada bahagian
Beliau berkata, tidak mustahil dengan kepakaran yang dimiliki ramai tukang urut tempatan sehingga mencapai
tahap profesionalisme tinggi, kerajaan akan membina hospital khas di negara ini seperti mana Beijing
Massage Hospital yang wujud sejak zaman Dinasti Ming lagi. Katanya, beliau belajar di hospital itu mengenai
anatomi, fatologi, aliran aura serta meridien.
Beliau berkata, bagi setiap kes termasuk tulang belakang, sebelum membuat sebarang rawatan beliau akan
diagnosis pesakit terlebih dulu dengan memicit bahagian terbabit. Jika terdapat masalah, pesakit akan berasa
sedikit pedih. Namun, ia bukan ‘sentuhan’ biasa sebaliknya dilakukan berdasarkan teknik tertentu.
Malah, sebelum sesi rawatan dimulakan, latar belakang terutama gaya hidup pesakit perlu diselidiki kerana
kesakitan sering kali berpunca daripada sikap individu sendiri. Ada kalanya, rutin di pejabat iaitu duduk dalam
tempoh lama turut mempengaruhi keadaan seseorang hingga menimbulkan kesakitan bagi jangkamasa
“Tukang urut hanya diberi kelebihan memulihkan seseorang berdasarkan diagnosis. Kami tidak mempunyai
magik yang boleh menyembuhkan pesakit serta merta. Jika keadaan mereka masih boleh dipulihkan
contohnya seperti slip disc (selisih sendi), urutan perlu dijalankan secara berkala.
“Kebiasaannya kepedihan itu disebabkan tulang kecil pada bahagian tulang belakang bengkok hingga
menekan sistem saraf. Di bahagian dalam tulang belakang inilah letaknya segala macam saraf penting yang
mengirimkan isyarat kepada otak. Jika ia bengkok atau kemek, secara tidak langsung tekanan mengakibatkan
saraf tersekat.
“Keadaan itu menyebabkan individu turut berasa pedih pada bahagian lain termasuk bahu, leher, pinggang
hingga ke kaki. Impak terbabit sebenarnya akibat himpitan terhadap saraf berkaitan. Faktor itu menyebabkan
tangan atau kaki kita kebas. Justeru, teknik urutan mampu memperbetulkan keadaan tulang kembali kepada
asal,” katanya.Bagi kes tulang belakang tercedera akibat kemalangan atau patah sama ada tangan atau kaki,
Hasidi menyarankan pesakit mendapatkan nasihat doktor kerana masalah terbabit perlu dirujuk ke unit
otopedik. Akuinya, rawatan moden menjamin kecederaan pesakit tidak bertambah teruk.
“Bukan semua sakit boleh diubati dengan berurut. Selisih sendi, terseliuh, tulang belakang bengkok dan yang
berkaitan ketegangan otot dapat dipulihkan. Selagi saraf tidak putus atau situasi pesakit belum kronik seperti
lumpuh, sesi urutan berulangan mampu mengurangkan bebanan mereka.“Bagi individu lumpuh, apa yang
mampu kami lakukan hanya mengurut untuk meredakan ketegangan. Sekurang-kurangnya kaedah itu dapat
melancarkan peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh kerana mereka tidak mampu bergerak,” katanya yang turut
berkemahiran melakukan urutan refleksologi kaki dan tangan, aromaterapi tradisional serta urutan pemulihan
kepala dan bahu.
Menyentuh mengenai teori angin dalam badan seperti timbul sesuatu seakan ‘biji’ pada bahagian sakit
contohnya pada bahu, ia sebenarnya tanda darah tersekat disebabkan ketegangan otot. Apabila dipicit,
pesakit boleh sendawa yang disebabkan pengumpulan asid dalam perut individu berkenaan bukannya angin
pada bahunya.
Tidak dinafikan kaedah picit, pulas, regang, tarik dan sebagainya ke atas tubuh pesakit memang tampak agak
kasar namun hasilnya cukup menakjubkan. Badan terasa lebih ‘ringan’ malah sengal-sengal hilang. Hasidi
menyarankan mereka yang mempunyai masalah otot tegang cepat berurut untuk mengelakkan ia
mengganggu tulang belakang.

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