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He mirado m�s articulos sobre el tema.

Aunque sean mayormente en revistas con poco

factor de impacto, parecen serios y he visto algunos a tener en cuenta en revistas
con factor sobre 5,7 y hasta 30 uno de 2007 muy citado (las mas prestigiosas,
Nature p.e., suelen estar entre 30 y 40). Sin embargo he visto pocos estudios en
humanos, con pocos pacientes y no se porque absolutamente todos los estudios son de
xina o japon. Deberian replicarse los estudios y tener muchos mas datos para que
se pudiese demostrar. En comparaci�n hay unas 20 veces m�s articulos que demuestran
los efectos nocivos de wifi y moviles y aun asi ni la comunidad cientifica ni la
sociedad lo acepta como demostrado (tambien es cierto que hay muchos en contra, se
diria que por intereses). El caso del agua hidrogenada para mi es como el de la
homeopatia, por ahora. Tambien hay estudios que dicen que esas pastillitas de
azucar homeopaticas curan todo, pero poquisimos comparados con los que encuentran
efectos de las microondas de moviles y wifi. Sin embargo mucha gente compra
homeopatia y dice que le funciona pero tambien mucha otra dice que no.

El hidrogeno en el agua para mi tiene m�s sentido que la homeopatia, pero aun asi,
para empezar probandolo por curiosidad no me gastaria mas de 10 euros que creo que
debe costar el magnesio que se usa para hidrogenar y te dura algunos meses, o en
pedirle algunas botellas a alguien que tenga el aparato. Para mi se desacredita
cuando te lo quieren vender diciendo cosas como que es agua alcalina o hexagonal,
que son realmente absurdas puesto que en cuanto te metes el agua en la boca deja de
ser alcalina y pura, asi que cuando la absorves en el est�mago le da igual como
entr�, y mucho menos lo de hexagonal, que segun dice se supone que las moleculas se
organizan en hexagonos mas f�ciles de absorber..eso es muy absurdo, ni es cierto,
ni seguiria siendo "hexagonal" en cuanto se junta con la saliva y acidos gastricos.

En definitiva, poca base tiene para gastarme tanto, en mi opini�n. Pero todo es
relativo y en principio no haria da�o a parte de los gases eruptos y meteorismo, y
quiz� voz de pitufo como con el helio. El sistema que me mandaste a�ade particulas
de platino al agua, restos de los electrodos, y el otro de pastillas un poco de
magnesio, que en ambos casos seria algo inocuo.

En resumen creo que si bien in vitro puede dar resultados porque consigan que
difunda bien, ingerido es otra cosa. Si hace efecto seria en paredes estomacales y
gastricas. Otra opci�n que hay creo que es inhalarlo que asi si que va m�s directo
al torrente sanguineo. Eso puede tener algun riesgo si se llega a producir una
burbuja intravenosa por cambios de presion.
Teniendo un amigo o conocido con el aparato creo que lo menos arriesgado seria
pedirle algunas botellas para ir probando que por lo menos no haga reaccion
adversa, y luego ya decidir. Pero lo mas probable es que el efecto beneficioso si
lo hay sea por placebo.
No soy un experto en estafas cientificas, s� que existen, que se publican muchas
cosas falsas. En este caso tengo algunos motivos para sospechar, pero tambien
curiosidad cientifica por verificarlo.
Para antioxidante la vitamina C no esta mal, es claramente necesaria como demostr�
el escorbuto, y es una sustancia natural que el cuerpo ha evolucionado para

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17486089 articulo 2007

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28182635 articulo 2017, platino. En este

art�culo es sospechoso como "suponen" que el platino debe tener beneficios sin
tener ninguna prueba concreta, lo que en cierto modo les sirve para vender el
aparato. Por lo visto si que tienen membrana que separa oxigeno de hidrogeno, asi
que el aparato como minimo serviria para inchar globos con hidrogeno en vez de usar
helio, que ya es un ahorro.

astronautas y pedos: goo.gl/6bWJRG

H2 water was prepared by one of three methods. The first method utilized the
spontaneous ionization reaction of magnesium in water14. A magnesium stick (AZ31,
Nakagawa Metal, Japan, composed of 96% magnesium, 3% aluminum, and 1% zinc) was
polished to remove the oxidized surface and wiped clean with 1 N hydrogen chloride
before dipping into drinking water for 15�20 min at 25�C. The second method was
based on the electrolysis of water with platinum electrodes at 150 V DC for 20 min
(open-air water electrolysis method). The anode was placed inside a drinking straw
to vent generated oxygen. In the third method (employed in the experiments with
MPTP-induced PD model mice), H2 gas was produced by solid polymer electrolyte water
electrolysis method at 5 V DC in which the cathode and anode were separated by a
solid polymer electrolyte membrane (Nafion� E.I., du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.)
and collected through a polyethylene tube. Saturated H2 water was then generated by
bubbling water in a drinking bottle with H2 gas such that H2 gas filled the
headspace. H2 water made with this method and kept in sealed drinking bottles
remained saturated with H2 for at least 24 hr.

Hydrogen-rich water was produced by placing a metallic magnesium stick into
drinking water (Mg + 2H2O ? Mg(OH)2 + H2); final hydrogen concentration: 0.55~0.65
mM). The magnesium stick contained 99.9% pure metallic magnesium and natural stones
in a polypropylene and ceramic container.[9, 10]

Dr. Hayashi's Original HydrogenRich Water Stick, an FDA Registered Medical Device,
creates cleaner, less acidic, Hydrogen fortified anti-oxidant water right in your
own water bottle!
Specifications: * Dissolved Hydrogen: 0.4 ~1.5 ppm
* Oxidation-reduction potential: -50mV ~ -250mV
* pH: approx. 7.5 ~ 9
* Usable with tap or filtered water.
* For normal use, add one to three sticks to 0.5 to 2.0L of water.
* Use a container no larger than 1.5L for one stick, 1L or less is best.
* Use any water that is safe for drinking. Filtered tap water is best and most
* Using the stick with highly alkaline waters (such as water already processed by
an ionizing machine) will lessen the hydrogen output of the stick and is not
* Thoroughly rinse the new stick under running water and place in a personal water
bottle with an air-tight cap.
* Fill the bottle all the way to remove as much air as possible. Shut the cap and
shake well.
* Wait 10-20 minutes depending on your bottle size and shake again before enjoying
the Hydrogen-Rich water.
* If convenient, and for best results, top off the bottle after drinking any
quantity to minimize the air gap. This is not required but will increase the amount
of hydrogen you receive. Remember to shake after filling and before drinking UNLESS
your bottle is not full, then skip shaking before drinking.
* Dr. Hayashi recommends one stick for those younger than 35, two sticks for those
older than 35 and three sticks for those worried about their health.
Hydrogen Stick Performance:
* One Stick - Outperforms ionizer machines.
* Two Sticks - Provides dietary hydrogen as though eating a raw food diet.
* Three Sticks - Disease remediation. Maximum hydrogen water can hold.
* The stick must remain in the water bottle at all times to produce hydrogen-rich
water. You cannot pour off the water from a container with the stick as the
hydrogen will quickly escape.
* We recommend shaking the stick to release gas from inside that may be preventing
water from entering and continuing the gas production reaction. If the stick fills
up with gas, but due to the surface tension of certain waters does not escape the
inside of the stick the reaction cannot continue. It is best then to always shake
your bottle.
Filter Media: The stick is composed of magnesium (99.9% pure) and far-infrared
ceramic housed in a porous resin. A reaction between the magnesium and the water in
the presence of far-infrared rays causes the production of hydrogen.
Filter Change: The life of the stick will vary depending on frequency of use and
other conditions, but it should last for at least six months.
Return Policy: Dr. Hayashi's HydrogenRich Water Stick is a very simple device that
cannot malfunction and who's performance can be measured objectively with
scientific instruments. Because it is also disposable and not resellable, we only
accept returns within 30-days of purchase if unopened and unused.
Warnings: * Do not place stick near a flame or heat in a microwave oven.
* Do not heat the stick in a kettle, rice cooker, pot or other such device.
* Do not add boiling water to a stick that has been placed in a container (heat
resistant up to 60 degrees C).
* Use plastic bottles and not glass bottles (pressure from the generated hydrogen
gas may cause the glass bottle to break or the cap to forcibly fly off).
* Do not wash the sticks with detergents, benzene, thinner or any other volatile
solvents (refer to "Stick Maintenance" on the back side).
* Do not place the stick in your mouth (be especially careful with small children
as the stick could become lodged in their throats).
* The stick should only be placed in water (not tea, juice or any other liquids).
* Do not break, take apart, drop or provide any other strong shocks to the stick.
* Once the stick has been used it should remain immersed in the water and not
exposed to air (this is to prevent the raw materials from becoming deteriorated
through oxidation by the oxygen in the air).
* These instructions will need to be read aloud to any visually impaired user.
Additional Info: Storage:
* Keep this product out of the reach of small children and store in a safe location
away from high temperature, high humidity and exposure to direct sunlight.
* The bottle cap should be loose if the stick will be left in the bottle for more
than five days (do not make airtight).
* Allow for the generated hydrogen to escape (pressure from the hydrogen gas could
rupture the bottle).
Stick Maintenance:
* The effectiveness of the stick to generate hydrogen will deteriorate over
prolonged use.
* About once a month the stick should be cleaned in vinegar water.
* Submerse the entire stick in the vinegar water (one part table vinegar to four
parts water).
* Allow the stick to soak for about 30 minutes and then confirm the existence of
bubbles (hydrogen gas).
* Then, remove the stick, thoroughly wash with running water and reuse.
Verification of Performance:
New sticks always produce more hydrogen than water can hold in a dissolved state
and thus exhibit bubbles. After a couple of weeks when the hydrogen producing
reaction has stabilized, you will no longer see bubbles - this is completely
normal. All the hydrogen is being held in a dissolved state within the water.
Once this hydrogen producing reaction has stabilized, a common candle provides a
good analogy for hydrogen stick performance. A lit candle produces a steady amount
of light for a period of time. In laboratory tests, 95% of all sticks produce ample
amounts of hydrogen for six months while 80% burn out in the seventh month.
Therefore, it is important to mark your calendar with a replacement date. Another
more important confirmation of the generation of hydrogen gas is the improvement to
abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation from one to two weeks after starting to use
the Hydrogen Stick. There will be such changes as better bowel movements and
reduced stool smell.
Many waters have a high capacity to hold dissolved hydrogen and will not exhibit
any bubbles at all - even with new sticks. Do not worry, there is nothing to
malfunction with the stick. It is merely composed of mineral and ceramic stones. If
these stones are in contact with water, they will produce hydrogen gas. The easiest
method by far is taste. Hydrogen-rich water feels smooth and silky in the mouth.

http://www.hydrogeninmywaterbottle.com/html/research.html el Hayashi nomes ha

participat en un estudi.

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