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Dear women/ teens:

Abortion has been debated over many many years. No one can come to an agreement
if abortion is good or if it's bad. I have come here to write this letter to prove that
abortion is not the way to go and it should stop. A life is a life and a person shouldn’t
have the right to take it away. This topic has been talked about a lot and people always
seem to be either completely against it or forward it. When reading this essay I hope to
convince you that abortion isn’t always the option. There has been, “21.6 million women
experience an abortion every year,”("Preventing Unsafe Abortion." ​WHO​. World Health
Organization, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017), and every year that number goes up.

It has been researched that women that have abortions are usually around the age of
18-29. Many people may say that a baby shouldn’t come to this world unwanted. Having
a baby requires preparation, consideration and planning. “If you feel like you aren’t
prepared, you shouldn’t have to have a baby” (Colorado Department of Public Health
and Environment, "Family Planning Program," colorado.gov (accessed Apr. 21, 2014).
This can be true but, people should take responsibility for their actions. People know
that when you have sex even when using contraceptives there are risks. The risk of
getting pregnant. If the women is unprepared to take care of a child then there’s other
things you can do like put them up for adoption. So, “if a woman becomes pregnant,
they should accept the responsibility that comes with producing a child” (British
Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), "Responsibility of the Mother," bbc.co.uk (accessed
Apr. 22, 2014). Abortion isn’t always the way to go. There are other options like

Many people also say that abortion is a way to keep America from becoming
overpopulated like other countries like China. Also known as “population control”
(Kenneth R. Weiss, "Fertility Rates Fall, but Global Population Explosion Goes On,"
latimes.com, July 22, 2012). People look at this as a way to keep from overpopulated
but don’t really think how it can affect the women. Abortion isn’t only about the child.
Having an abortion can affect the mother’s health later in life after having the abortion.
Women have had abortions and have not thought about how it can affect them later on
in life. There has been cases where women have psychological damage, (Willy
Pedersen, "Abortion and Depression: A Population-based Longitudinal Study of Young
Women," ​Scandinavian Journal of Public Health​, June 200). Women have gone into
depression and have a hard time recovering from it. There can be risks of having
complications while having an abortion.There has been “over 47, 000 deaths from
complications each year” ("Preventing Unsafe Abortion." ​WHO​. World Health
Organization, n.d. Web. 30 Mar. 2017). Abortion isn’t always the way to go, it can lead
to future medical complications for the mother.
Also, many people say that abortion is used as a contraceptive. A contraceptive is a
method or device to prevent pregnancy. They say that, “ abortion is considered a
contraceptive and the most effective” (Daniel Martin, "Abortion Should Not Be Used as a
Contraceptive, Says Lord Steel, Father of 1967 Act That Legalised the Practice,"
dailymail.co.uk, June 18, 2013). If you are pregnant you can’t use abortion as a
“prevention of getting pregnant.”

Overall, abortion has been debated over many years. This is considered a considered
an ethical dilemma because no one can come to an agreement. Everyone has different
beliefs. It has been researched that people that are more religious and believe and god
agree to that abortion is not the answer and completely disagree with it. They say that
abortion is not well seen in the eyes of god, (James M.M. Francis, ​Adults as Children:
Images of Childhood in the Ancient World and the New Testament​, 2006). It also has
been researched that people that people who aren’t religious become more open to the
idea of abortion. I believe that abortion is not the way to go. There are other option and
it can also affect the mother in the future. I hope you guys can all agree abortion is not
the way to go.

Sincerely, Luz Vazquez

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