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​Proposed Draft as of February 27, 2018


Adopted March __, 2018


The name of this organization shall be the Chesapeake Democratic Committee, hereafter referred to as
“the CDC.”


Section 1. Organizational Authority

The CDC is organized under the authority of and in accordance with the Code of Virginia and the
Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan currently in effect. Nothing contained in these bylaws is intended
to conflict with either the Code of Virginia or the Democratic Party Plan. If any such conflict should occur
between these bylaws and the Code of Virginia and/or the Party Plan, then the Code of Virginia or the
Party Plan, as the case may be, shall have precedence.

Link to the Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan:


Section 2. Operating Authority

All activities of the CDC shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provision of the Party Plan.
This CDC will exist until December 2019, when it will dissolve and be reorganized in caucus.

Section 3. Purpose
The purpose of the CDC shall be:
a) To conduct the affairs of the Democratic Party of Virginia in the city of Chesapeake.
b) To actively encourage voter registration and voting by qualified residents of the city of
The CDC shall adhere to, and implement, the policies and platform contained in the national and state
Democratic Party Platforms.

The CDC, with an awareness of the concerns of individuals and particular constituent groups,
communities or neighborhoods, based upon race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic
identity, sexual orientation, economic status, disability, shall encourage every resident who believes in the
principles of the Democratic Party to participate in the local, state and national election process. What
joins us is more fundamental than what differentiates us.

Section 4. Reorganizational Caucus

The Virginia Democratic Party Plan requires that an election by caucus to reorganize the CDC be
accomplished between December 1st of odd-numbered years and January 15th of the following year. The
date of the reorganization meeting must be communicated to the state party by November 15th of each
odd-numbered year. The 2019 reorganization caucus will be held on Saturday, December 14.
a) All CDC members must reapply for membership.
b) Seven (7) days public advertisement for the caucus shall be given.

Section 5. Officer Elections

CDC officers will be elected at a CDC Executive Officer Election by the newly elected CDC members.

​Proposed Draft as of February 27, 2018

a) Notice of this meeting shall be included in the public advertisement for the caucus. The officer
election meeting will be on Saturday, December 14, 2019, following the adjournment of the
b) A temporary Chair will accept nominations for the CDC Chair from the floor, and will conduct a
vote of CDC members. The newly-elected permanent CDC Chair will then take nominations from
the floor and conduct voting for First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer,
Financial Secretary, and Sergeant at Arms.


Section 1. Membership Eligibility

Every Chesapeake resident registered to vote who believes in the principles of the Democratic Party is
eligible to be a member of the CDC.
a) New membership applications shall be submitted with annual dues of $25.00 or a written request
for a financial hardship waiver to the Executive Committee, which shall review the application to
verify membership eligibility. If ineligible, dues submitted with the application will be returned to
the applicant with the reason for denial.
b) All current members shall have submitted dues of $25.00 or requested and received a financial
hardship waiver from the Executive Committee prior to the April General Meeting.
c) Eligible applicant names shall be submitted for election at the next General Meeting (or at the
next Special Meeting if called for such a purpose). Applicants receiving a majority vote are
elected to CDC membership.

Section 2. Dues
Annual renewal membership dues for 2019 are $25.00, to be paid no later than February 2019 General
Meeting. A written request for a financial hardship waiver may be submitted for Executive Committee

Section 3. Good Standing

A member who has paid dues or whose financial hardship waiver has been approved by the Executive
Committee is considered to be a member in good standing.

Section 4. Ex-Officio Members

Any person representing the City of Chesapeake by holding any national, state or local elective office,
who at the time of his or her most recent election to the office shall have been elected as an officially
designated candidate of the Democratic Party, shall be a CDC ex-officio member. Any resident of the
City of Chesapeake who serves as a member of the Democratic State Central Committee shall also be a
CDC ex-officio member during the term of that person’s membership on the State Central Committee.
Ex-officio members shall not be subject to removal from the CDC by reason of their absences from CDC

Section 5. Attendance
Any member who, without notification to the Chair, is absent from three consecutive regular meetings
may be removed from the CDC by the Executive Committee. This section does not apply to public office

Section 6. Support for Democratic Party Nominee

No member shall publicly support, endorse or assist a nominee who is opposing a Democratic nominee.

Section 7. Participation
Members shall serve on committees or in another capacity to support the aims of the CDC as their skills
and abilities dictate.

​Proposed Draft as of February 27, 2018

Section 8. Removal
By a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the CDC may remove from both office and/or membership any person
found guilty of neglect of any duty imposed upon him or her.


Section 1. Chair
The duties of the Chair shall be:
a) To preside at all CDC meetings.
b) To administer and execute all rules adopted by the CDC.
c) To appoint a CDC member to serve as Parliamentarian and Chief Information Officer, as well as
any other position deemed appropriate.
d) To appoint Special committees as needed.
e) To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2. First Vice Chair

The duties of the First Vice Chair shall be:
a) To preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair.
b) To perform all duties delegated by the Chair.
c) To have all the authority of the Chair when the latter, for any cause, is unable to act.
d) To assume the position of the Chair should the position become vacant.

Section 3. Second Vice Chair

The duties of the Second Vice Chair shall be:
a) To preside in the absence of the Chair and the First Vice Chair.
b) To perform all duties delegated by the Chair.
c) To have all the authority of the Chair when both the Chair and First Vice Chair are, for any
reason, unable to act.
d) To assume the position of First Vice Chair should the position become vacant.

Section 4. Secretary
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
a) To keep an accurate and permanent record of all the proceedings of the CDC and of the
Executive Committee.
b) To make minutes available no later than one week after each meeting.
c) To serve as custodian of the CDC records, except those financial records retained by the
d) To keep a roster of members.
e) To give proper notice of meetings, to maintain all official correspondence and to maintain the roll
at all meetings.
f) To submit to State Party headquarters within five (5) days of his or her election the names,
addresses, emails and telephone numbers of the officers and members of the CDC.
g) To submit the CDC membership list every six (6) months thereafter until the next CDC election.
h) The Secretary shall perform all duties delegated by the Chair.

Section 5. Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
a) To administer CDC funds and exercise general supervision over CDC income, and expenditures.
b) To file the quarterly financial report with the State Board of Elections.
c) To pay dues to the Central Committee treasurer as provided for under Party Plan Section 4.15.
d) To keep accurate, permanent accounts of all CDC business and transactions, and cooperate fully
in all audits.
e) To present a two year budget at a General Meeting to be approved by a majority.

​Proposed Draft as of February 27, 2018

f) To chair the Finance Committee.

g) To perform all duties delegated by the Chair.

Section 6. Financial Secretary

The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be:
a) To receive all dues and other funds payable to the CDC.
b) To provide receipts to payers for all funds received.
c) To turn over funds and copies of receipts to the Treasurer for deposit to the CDC account.
d) To maintain a permanent record of all funds received.
e) To regularly report funds received to the Treasurer and the Executive Committee.
f) To perform all duties delegated by the Chair.

Section 7. Sergeant at Arms

The duties of the Sergeant at Arms shall be:
a) To supervise the setup and cleanup of all CDC meetings and caucuses.
b) To maintain order at all CDC meetings and functions.
c) To perform all duties delegated by the Chair.


Section 1. General Meeting Frequency

General Meetings of the CDC shall be:
a) Held on a monthly basis, except in the months of July and December.
b) Open to the public.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the CDC shall be held:
a) Upon the call of the Chair whenever it is in the interest of the party, or,
b) Within fifteen (15) days following receipt by the Chair of a written request, signed by at least ten
(10) members of the membership, stating the purpose for which a meeting is requested.
c) By majority vote of the CDC at a properly convened General Meeting.
d) After the Chair gives at least ten (10) days notice to the entire membership stating the purpose for
which the Special Meeting is called, and at such meeting no other business shall be conducted.

Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet whenever it is considered necessary to execute party business. A
quorum shall consist of four.

Section 4. General and Special Meeting Quorum

Thirty percent (30%) of currently elected members of the CDC shall constitute a quorum at General and
Special Meetings.

Section 5. Voting
Only those members in good standing may vote. A simple majority shall be necessary for the passage of
any motion or resolution by the CDC. No member shall be entitled to vote by proxy at any General or
Special Meeting of the CDC.


Section 1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, and, on a non-voting basis, a
Parliamentarian and Chief Information Officer appointed by the Chair. Persons elected to the Executive

​Proposed Draft as of February 27, 2018

Committee shall serve a term of two years from the date of the caucus or until a proper subsequent
election is conducted, whichever occurs later.

Section 2. Vacancies
Executive Committee vacancies shall be filled at any General Meeting of the CDC after notice has been
given. Nominations will be accepted from the floor and elected by majority vote.


Section 1. Standing Committees

The CDC shall have the following Standing Committees:
a) Finance
b) Public Affairs (includes: Media, Social Media, Public Relations and Outreach)
c) Membership
d) Precinct and Borough
e) Rules

Section 2. Operations
Standing Committees shall:
a) Except for Finance, choose a chair from among its members.
b) Meet on a regular basis.
c) Report activities monthly to the Executive Committee and as needed at General Meetings.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the
CDC in all areas where not superseded by the Code of Virginia, the Party Plan of the Democratic Party of
Virginia and these Bylaws.


These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of CDC members after presentation at a meeting, of
which members were given advance notice.

Approved on this __th day of March, 2018

Chair - Randy Menefee

1st Vice Chair - Clayton Spruill
2nd Vice Chair - Cathy Bohan
Treasurer - Sean Horan
Secretary- Kecia Brothers-Hayes
Financial Secretary - David Midkiff
​Sergeant at Arms - Linda Bryant

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