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Name:_____________________________________ Date:_____________ Grading:___________

Procedure 1 2 3 4 Comments


1. Wears complete PPE and prepares complete materials
2. Prepares a bacterial smear
3. Floods the smears with crystal violet and allow to remain
contact with it for 1 minute without drying
4. Rinses the slide with a steady stream of running water and
shake off the excess.
5. Floods the smears with Gram’s iodine and allow to remain
contact with it for 1 minute without drying.
6. Rinses the slide with a steady stream of running water and
shake off the excess.
7. Floods the smears with 95 % ethyl alcohol decolorizer
8. Rinse immediately with a steady stream of tap water.
9. Floods the smears with counterstain safranin and allow to
remain contact with it for 30 seconds without drying.
10. Rinses the slide with a steady stream of running water and
then blot dry.
11. Exhibits confidence while performing the procedure
12. Exhibits economy while performing the procedure
13. Cleans the working area and disposes waste properly
14. Subject knowledge
15. Reads and report results

Microscopic Observation:


Instructor’s Signature: __________________________

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