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Mo d u lul 2 – J ob A p pl ic ati on


Timpul mediu necesar pentru studiu: 60 minute.

Obiective educaţionale
În urma studierii acestei teme veţi cunoaşte modul de întocmire a
unui curriculum vitae şi a unei scrisori de intenţie şi veţi şti ce elemente
treubuie să conţină fiecare dintre acestea.

Cuvinte cheie:
• CV
• Application letter.

Cuprinsul Modulului:
2.1. Applying for a job 35
2.2. The CV 35
2.2.1. Tips for writing a CV 36
2.2.2. The parts of a CV 36
2.2.3. CV template 37
2.3. The letter of application 39
Subiecte pentru autoevaluare 40
Întrebări de autoevaluare 40
Subiecte pentru evaluare şi control 41

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on

Teme pentru aprofundarea cunoştinţelor 41

Probleme/Exerciţii propuse spre rezolvare 41
Rezumatul acestui Modul 45
Bibliografie obligatorie 45
Bibliografie disponibilă online 45
Bibliografie suplimentară (facultativă) 45
Bibliografie 46

M o d ulu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic at i on



A first step in looking for a job is producing some written documents

to handle to various firms, in hopes of being selected – on the basis of the
personal data presented in those documents – for a job interview. The most
important are the curriculum vitae and the letter of application
accompanying it.
A C.V. ("Résumé" in the USA) is a short personal history which
provides your future employer with basic information about you, the
The letter of application is a short and personalized letter presenting
your intentions.

Autoevaluare (sarcină de învăţare) tip 2:

Dacă ai înţeles paragrafele parcurse până aici, atunci te
rog să rezolvi următorul test grilă:
Which is not a resume?
a. Application letter;
b. CV;
c. Curriculum Vitae;

Scrie aici răspunsul considerat corect de către tine:

şi apoi, verifică-te mai jos dacă ai dat răspunsul corect.
Dacă ai răspuns corect, te felicit!
Dacă nu, atunci trebuie să revii asupra paragrafelor
parcurse până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.

Răspunsul corect este:


2.2. THE CV

A CV is generally required for all but the most insignificant jobs. It is meant
to be a basis for the assessment and comparison of applicants for the job

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on


Tips (how you should write your curriculum vitae):

• use good quality white paper, size A4, not more than two sheets and
never write on the back of the sheet.
• arrange the text properly, neither crowded nor loose and don't use
• edit the text grammatically, on computer, in normal sized characters
and set it out so that it is very easy to read.
• keep a copy, for future references.
start by thinking what the employer is looking for and sell your successes:
awards, prizes, diplomas, qualification certificates etc.


The parts of a CV are as follows:

General information:

full name
address and telephone number
date and place of birth
marital status (give ages of children)

Specific information:

education (exact dates and places starting with the highest: doctoral,
master, bachelor, high school,...)
examinations passed (especially those internationally recognized)

knowledge of foreign languages (specifying level, the courses or

lectures graduated, certificates, acknowledgements, diplomas,...)

M o d ulu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic at i on

knowledge of computers ( languages, level, utilities,...)

previous employment and work experience:

working (be specific, describe, mention context, activity, results)
extra working; off-job (describe activities inside organizations,
societies or other circumstances that provided you with knowledge and
experience useful in the job you apply for)

Other information:

supplementary studies, prizes, acknowledgements (any kind of

information you think useful for getting an interview)
other interests, hobbies
whether you hold a driving licence
names and addresses of two or three referees (teachers who know
you well or family friends)


You can see below a very simple pattern of a Curriculum Vitae that
can be filled in to get a CV for general usage:

Curriculum Vitae

Personal data (Photo- if available)

Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Marital status:
Address - private:
- office:
- tel./fax:

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on

- e-mail:


-postgraduate studies -
-graduate studies -
-undergraduate studies -
(periods, institutions, -
qualifications obtained etc.)

Previous experience

- work: -
- extra-work: -
(associations, other activities) -

Other examinations passed: -

(acknowledgments, diplomas,
certificates, awards etc.)

Present official position:

(title, institution)

Knowledge of languages:
(language and level)

Computer skills:
(program and skill)

Other information:

driving licence

(teachers/employers that can -
give reference about you): -

M o d ulu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic at i on

Autoevaluare (sarcină de învăţare) tip 1:

Dacă ai înţeles paragrafele parcurse până aici, atunci te
rog să răspunzi la următoarele întrebări:
1. What information has to be enumerated in the
CV reverse chronologically?
2. What entry of the CV shall contain the current
job title and work place?

Dacă consideri că ai răspuns corect, verifică-te mai jos.

Dacă nu, atunci te rog să revenii asupra paragrafelor parcurse
până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.

Răspunsurile corecte la întrebarile anterioare sunt:

1. education.
2. present official position.

Dacă ai răspuns corect, te felicit!

Dacă nu, atunci trebuie să revii asupra paragrafelor
parcurse până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.


Besides affirming your intention to get the job in question, a good letter of
application should contain information about:
• where you have seen the advert
• why you are interested in the job advertised
• your responsabilities and achievements in school
• your suitability for the job
• when you are available for the interview.

The way you present yourself on paper is a vital first step in any job
application. You have to find the right tone, know how to address
employers, lay out your pages neatly and write clearly and persuasively.

i c aati
Mo d ul ul 2 – J ob A p pl ic ti on

Subiecte pentru autoevaluare:

Întrebări de autoevaluare:
1. What is the difference between the CV and the Résumé?
Scrie răspunsul tău aici:
Răspunsul corect la întrebarea de mai sus este:
CV is the term used in British English
English. Résumé is used in American

2. Where
ere do you write about your availability for the interview?
Scrie răspunsul tău aici:
Răspunsul corect la întrebarea de mai sus este:
In the letter of application

Dacă aţi terminat de răspuns la întrebările de mai sus, verificaţi-vă

răspunsurile date confruntându
confruntându-le cu materialul teoretic prezentat în
acest Modul.
Nu aţi răspuns corect la toate întrebările? Nu fiţi dezamăgiţi,
căci vă recomandăm să reparcurgeţi materialul teoretic şi cu
siguranţă veţi putea răspunde acestor întrebări. E simplu! Puteţi de
asemenea, să vă notaţi eventualele nelămuriri, pentru a le clarifica
în cadrul Activităţii tutoriale (AT).

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic ati
at i on

Aţi răspuns corect la toate întrebările? FELICITĂRI!!!

Continuaţi parcurgerea acestui Modul pentru a vă pregăti
corespunzător în vederea atingerii obiectivelor stabilite pentru
acest Modul.

Subiecte pentru evaluare şi control

Teme pentru aprofundarea cunoştinţelor

1. Make up your own simple CV filling in the template given in 2.2.3.
2. Write your European CV consulting the information and using the
template from:

/Exerciţii propuse spre rezolvare:
Rezolvă problemele/exerciţiile
problemele/exerc propuse mai jos. Rezolvarea lor o vei
posta pe pagina web a disciplinei, la butonul creat în acest scop în secţiunea
specifică aferentă Săptămânii 2.

1. Consider the sentences and follow the instructions:

A. “I’ll just have to look for more job advertisements in all these
newspapers and I’m sure I can find something that seems more appropriate
for me.”

a) Turn it into Indirect Speech starting with: “Linda said…”

b) Turn it into Passive Voice (2) without specifying the agent.

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on

B. “The applicant forgot to handle the letter together with the CV

and that is why he wasn’t accepted for the interview.”

a) Turn the underlined part into the Active Voice, starting with:
b) Rephrase the sentence, using: “ remember, give, so”.

C. They wrote these letters of application last Wednesday and the

manager has just asked them to come for an interview.

a) Turn into 2 Passives

b) Ask the questions that has the underlined words as answers.

2. Fill in each gap of the text with one of the following words:

“an, dress, the, it, very, of, for, up, you, your, way, how, first, which,
about, are, a, be, that, and”.

When ……… write the resumé, remember ……… if you flunk the
……… impression test, …… won’t matter ……… good your qualifications
……… . When you go ……… a job interview, you ……… formally,
smartened …… for the occasion.
The quality …… the paper used, ……… typestyle, and the general
appearance of ……… resumé are ……… important, just as the ……… you
dress for …… interview. The first impressions ……… your professionalism
……… sincerity comprise …… measure by ……..… your qualifications
will …… considered.

3. Follow the instruction in the brackets for each sentence below:

M o d ulu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic at i on

1. I set out my CV as neatly as I could, on computer and in normal sized

characters so I hope that they’ll consider it proper.
(2 Passives)

2. He asked me: “Where did you see the advertisement for that job of a
shop assistant in the department of sportswear because I want to apply
for it as I seem to have too much time I’m not using properly these
(Indirect Speech)

3. One could not make out anything of his handwriting, I’d rather he
edited on a computer both his letter and his CV.
(use ‘wish’ )

4. I’ll have to look (for / after) more job advertisements in (all / every)
newspapers and I’m sure I can find (anything / something) more
appropriate for me.
(Choose the right form)

5. The applicants must use good quality paper, size A4, for their CVs and
they will have to arrange the text properly. This candidate hadn't written
the resume on computer and he kept no copies for future references.
(Turn the sentences into Passive Voice)

4. Read the following letter of application then produce a similar one of

your own:

6123 Farrington Road

Apt. B11
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on

October 11, 2001

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the News and Observer about Taylor’s new
computer center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as
an entry-level programmer at the centre.

I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer

documentation. My technical-writing skills, as described in the enclosed
resume, are well suited to your company. I am a recent graduate of DeVry
Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate’s Degree in Computer
Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I served as a
computer consultant at the college’s computer centre where I helped train
computer users on new systems.

I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience and discuss

how my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at
my home address, at (919) 233-1552, or at krock@devry.alumni.edu.

Raymond Krock

Enclosure: Resume

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl ic ati
at i on

atul acestui Modul:
When applying for a job, there are two very relevant documents to
be prepared and handed over to the prospect employer
employer: the curriculum vitae
and the letter of application, each requiring a specific way of drawing up
and containing particular
cular information.

Bibliografie obligatorie
1. Horea, Ioana - Limba străină pentru afaceri I.1 – limba engleză,
suport pentru studiu individual, material pentru învăţământul la
distanţă, Universitatea din Oradea, 2015.

Bibliografie disponibilă on-line


Bibliografie suplimentară (facultativă)

1. Horea Ioana, English for International Affairs, University of Oradea
Publishing House, ISBN 978-973-759-346-7,
978 108 pg., 2007
2. Norman, Susan, We're in Business, English for commercial practice and
international trade,, Students' Book, Harlow, Longman, 1990

Mo d u lu l 2 – J ob A p pl i c ati on

1. Horea Ioana, English for Business. Finance and Banking,
University of Oradea Publishing House, ISBN 978-606-10-0997-8,
103 pg., 2013.
2. Horea Ioana, English for International Affairs, University of
Oradea Publishing House, ISBN 978-973-759-346-7, 108 pg.,
3. Horea Ioana, English and Communication, University of Oradea
Publishing House, ISBN 978-973-759-571-3, 114 pg., 2008.
4. Marcheteau, Michel; Berman, Jean-Pierre; Savio, Michel; Engleza
comercială – în 40 de lecţii, trans. Ileana Constantinescu, Angela
Crocus and Anca Nicoleta Chiriacescu, Bucharest, Niculescu,
5. Norman, Susan, We're in Business, English for commercial
practice and international trade, Students' Book, Harlow,
Longman, 1990


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