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# TweakMB tweak export

# Created with TweakMB version 5.09

# STANDARD TWEAK VALUES (do not remove this line)

AIPartySize_BasePartySize = 10
AIPartySize_BonusSizeForEachCastle = 20
AIPartySize_BonusSizeForLeader = 100
AIPartySize_BonusSizeForMarshall = 20
AIPartySize_Divider = 80
AIPartySize_LevelModifier = 0
AIPartySize_RenownPerTroop = 25
AIPartySize_SizePerLeadership = 5
Arena_Round1Reward = 5
Arena_Round1ToDefeat = 3
Arena_Round2Reward = 10
Arena_Round2ToDefeat = 6
Arena_Round3Reward = 25
Arena_Round3ToDefeat = 10
Arena_Round4Reward = 60
Arena_Round4ToDefeat = 20
Arena_Round5Reward = 250
AssigningFiefs_MaxChange = 2
AssigningFiefs_MinChange = -5
AssigningFiefs_RelationGained = 10
AwardingFiefs_NotAwardedCompensationFemale = 900
AwardingFiefs_NotAwardedCompensationMale = 900
AwardingFiefs_ScoreTown = 2
AwardingFiefs_ScoreVillageCastle = 1
AwardingFiefs_Step1Controversy = 75
AwardingFiefs_Step1Controversy2 = 75
AwardingFiefs_Step1RelationAssignedToSelf = 50
AwardingFiefs_Step2Controversy = 25
AwardingFiefs_Step2RenownPerCenterPointDivider = 66
AwardingFiefs_Step2RenownPerCenterPointMultiplier = 66
AwardingFiefs_Step3Controversy = 50
AwardingFiefs_Step3Controversy2 = 50
AwardingFiefs_Step3MinimumRelationship = 20
AwardingFiefs_Step3MinimumRelationship2 = 20
AwardingFiefs_Step3RenownPerCenterPointDivider = 66
AwardingFiefs_Step3RenownPerCenterPointMultiplier = 66
AwardingFiefs_Step4Controversy = 25
AwardingFiefs_Step4Controversy2 = 25
AwardingFiefs_Step4MinimumRelationship = 0
AwardingFiefs_Step4MinimumRelationship2 = 0
BanditInfest_BanditsDivider = 1,2
BanditInfest_BanditsMultiplier = 1,2
BanditInfest_ChanceForInfestation = 32
BanditInfest_FarmersMax = 29
BanditInfest_FarmersMin = 25
BanditParties_DesertBanditsMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_ForestBanditsMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_LootersMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_MountainBanditsMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_SeaRaidersPartiesMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_SteppeBanditsMaxParties = 10
BanditParties_TundraBanditsMaxParties = 10
BattleMapSize_Desert = 430500
BattleMapSize_DesertForest = 256250
BattleMapSize_Plain = 430500
BattleMapSize_PlainForest = 256250
BattleMapSize_Snow = 430500
BattleMapSize_SnowForest = 256250
BattleMapSize_Steppe = 430500
BattleMapSize_SteppeForest = 256250
BattleMisc_ExpDivider = 1
BattleMisc_GoldDivider = 100
BattleMisc_MaxPossibleRenown = 50
BattleMisc_RenownDivider = 100
Cattle_MoveType = Checked
Color_PlayerKingdom_Conversation = 16711680
Companions_DisableCompanionInteraction = Unchecked
Companions_DisablePostBattleComplaints = Unchecked
Companions_WeHangDesertersDialog = Unchecked
Enterprise_BakeryInitialCost = 1500
Enterprise_BakeryInput = 6
Enterprise_BakeryOutput = 6
Enterprise_BakeryOverhead = 30
Enterprise_BreweryInitialCost = 2500
Enterprise_BreweryInput = 1
Enterprise_BreweryOutput = 2
Enterprise_BreweryOverhead = 50
Enterprise_Input = 1000
Enterprise_Input2 = 1000
Enterprise_IronworksInitialCost = 3500
Enterprise_IronworksInput = 2
Enterprise_IronworksOutput = 2
Enterprise_IronworksOverhead = 60
Enterprise_MinimumFactionRelation = 0
Enterprise_MinimumLordRelation = 0
Enterprise_MinimumTownRelation = 0
Enterprise_OilPressInitialCost = 4500
Enterprise_OilPressInput = 6
Enterprise_OilPressOutput = 2
Enterprise_OilPressOverhead = 80
Enterprise_Output = 1000
Enterprise_TanneryInitialCost = 8000
Enterprise_TanneryInput = 3
Enterprise_TanneryOutput = 3
Enterprise_TanneryOverhead = 50
Enterprise_TimeToStart = 7
Enterprise_WeaveryLinenInitialCost = 6000
Enterprise_WeaveryLinenInput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryLinenOutput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryLinenOverhead = 120
Enterprise_WeaveryVelvetInitialCost = 10000
Enterprise_WeaveryVelvetInput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryVelvetOutput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryVelvetOverhead = 160
Enterprise_WeaveryWoolInitialCost = 6000
Enterprise_WeaveryWoolInput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryWoolOutput = 2
Enterprise_WeaveryWoolOverhead = 120
Enterprise_WinePressInitialCost = 5000
Enterprise_WinePressInput = 4
Enterprise_WinePressOutput = 2
Enterprise_WinePressOverhead = 60
EscapeRates_EscapeChanceInParty = 50
EscapeRates_EscapeChanceInTownNoTower = 30
EscapeRates_EscapeChanceInTownWithTower = 1
FiefIncome_BaseIncomeCastle = 1200
FiefIncome_BaseIncomeTown = 2400
FiefIncome_BaseIncomeVillage = 1200
FiefIncome_Divider = 120
Food_TroopsFed = 10000
Honor_AbandonCauseOfPretender = -20
Honor_AllowEnemyLordGoFree = 5
Honor_AllowFreedLordGoFree = 0
Honor_AttackNoProvocation = -1
Honor_BreakTruce = -5
Honor_CauseProvocationStartWarSuccess = -5
Honor_ConfirmRansomDemand = -2
Honor_DeclareWar = 0
Honor_DefeatVillageBanditsAfterTrainPeasants = 5
Honor_DefeatVillageBanditsDuringInfestation = 5
Honor_DuelFailed = -5
Honor_DuelSuccessAcceptReward = 5
Honor_DuelSuccessDeclineReward = 1
Honor_IgnoreProvocation = 0
Honor_IncriminateCommanderFailed = 3
Honor_IncriminateCommanderReject = 2
Honor_IncriminateCommanderSuccess = -10
Honor_IncriminateRefuseSacrifice = 3
Honor_IntrigueAcceptBlame = 5
Honor_IntrigueDeflectBlame = -2
Honor_JoinFaction = -5
Honor_KillFugitiveSuccessDeclineReward = 5
Honor_MakePeace = 0
Honor_PersuadeLordsMakePeaceAcceptDeclineMoney = 5
Honor_RejectRandomPrisonerLord = 0
Honor_SelectNobleBackground = 3
Improvements_BuildSpeed = 100
Improvements_DaysAdded = 3
Improvements_EngiNumDivider = 10
Improvements_EngiNumToSubtractFrom = 50
Improvements_MillInitialProsperityIncrease = 5
Improvements_MillPermanentProsperityIncrease = 5
Improvements_SchoolRelationGained = 10
Improvements_WatchTowerAdditionalLootingTimeDivider = 150
Improvements_WatchTowerAdditionalLootingTimeMultiplier = 150
Improvements_WatchTowerSpottingDistance = 2
Merchants_ArmorMax = 500
Merchants_ArmorMin = 250
Merchants_ArmorThreshold = 1000
Merchants_GoodsMax = 1000
Merchants_GoodsMin = 500
Merchants_GoodsThreshold = 1500
Merchants_HorseMax = 500
Merchants_HorseMin = 250
Merchants_HorseThreshold = 600
Merchants_WeaponsMax = 500
Merchants_WeaponsMin = 250
Merchants_WeaponsThreshold = 1000
Misc_DisableStatLoss = Checked
Misc_HoursToReadBookProgressPerHour = 143
Misc_HoursToReadBookTotalProgressRequired = 143
Misc_MercenariesAvailableMax = 2500
Misc_MercenariesAvailableMin = 1000
Misc_MercenaryContractLengthInitial = 30
Misc_MercenaryContractLengthRenewed = 15
Misc_RouteTimer = 100
Morale_LossPerHero = 0
Morale_PointsPerLeadershipKing = 15000
Morale_PointsPerLeadershipNotKing = 10000
PartySize_BaseSize = 20000
PartySize_LeadershipBonus = 500
PartySize_RenownForMoreTroops = 1
Prisoners_LordEscapeChanceAfterBattle = 5
Prisoners_MoraleLossFromRecruiting = -3
Prisoners_PrisonerLordRansomChance = 25
Prisoners_PrisonersPerLeadership = 50
Prisoners_RecruitInterval = 24
Prisoners_RecruitModifier = 0
Prisoners_TavernKeepersBuyEndRange = Unchecked
Propserity_GoldPerIncrease = 3000
Propserity_GoldPerIncreaseRemoved = 3000
Prosperity_CastleTakenPlayerInvolvement = -5
Prosperity_ConqueredPlayerNotInvolved = -5
Prosperity_DeliverCattleSuccess = 4
Prosperity_DeliverGrainSuccess = 4
Prosperity_FarmerGain = 1
Prosperity_FarmerGainChance = 5
Prosperity_InfestedWithBandits = -1
Prosperity_LossUnderSiegeChance = 33
Prosperity_MinimumGold = 3500
Prosperity_VillageLooted = -60
QuestsGuildMaster_AddMeetToMenu = Unchecked
QuestsGuildMaster_DealWithLooters = 30
QuestsGuildMaster_DealWithNightBandits = 15
QuestsGuildMaster_DeliverWine = 20
QuestsGuildMaster_KidnappedGirl = 30
QuestsGuildMaster_MoveCattle = 20
QuestsGuildMaster_PersuadePeace = 100
QuestsGuildMaster_TroublesomeBandits = 30
QuestsLady_DeliverMessageToPrisonerLord = 30
QuestsLady_DuelForLady = 50
QuestsLady_RescueLord = 73
QuestsLord_BringBackSerfs = 20
QuestsLord_CaptureEnemyLord = 80
QuestsLord_CapturePrisoners = 20
QuestsLord_CollectDebt = 20
QuestsLord_CollectTaxes = 20
QuestsLord_DeliverMessage = 10
QuestsLord_EscortLady = 30
QuestsLord_FollowSpy = 50
QuestsLord_HuntDownFugitive = 30
QuestsLord_IncriminateCommander = 180
QuestsLord_KillMerchant = 30
QuestsLord_LendCompanion = 30
QuestsLord_LendSurgeon = 50
QuestsLord_MeetSpy = 50
QuestsLord_RaidCaravan = 100
QuestsLord_TrainTroops = 15
QuestsVillage_AddMeetToMenu = Unchecked
QuestsVillage_DeliverCattle = 20
QuestsVillage_DeliverGrain = 20
QuestsVillage_ElderOffersAnotherQuestAfterDecline = Unchecked
QuestsVillage_TrainPeasants = 40
Reinforcements_SiegeBelfryThresholdAttackers = 6
Reinforcements_SiegeBelfryThresholdDefenders = 8
Reinforcements_SiegeBelfryWavesAttackers = 5
Reinforcements_SiegeBelfryWavesDefenders = 7
Reinforcements_SiegeLadderThresholdAttackers = 6
Reinforcements_SiegeLadderThresholdDefenders = 8
Reinforcements_SiegeLadderWavesAttackers = 5
Reinforcements_SiegeLadderWavesDefenders = 7
Reinforcements_StandardBattleThresholdAttackers = 6
Reinforcements_StandardBattleThresholdDefenders = 6
Reinforcements_StandardBattleWavesAttackers = 2
Reinforcements_StandardBattleWavesDefenders = 2
Reinforcements_VillageRaidThresholdAttackers = 6
Reinforcements_VillageRaidThresholdDefenders = 6
Reinforcements_VillageRaidWavesAttackers = 2
Reinforcements_VillageRaidWavesDefenders = 2
RelationLady_DuelAccept = 30
RelationLady_DuelFailure = 60
RelationLady_DuelReject = -1
RelationLady_DuelSuccess = 10
RelationLady_EscortLadySuccess = 20
RelationLady_RescueLordSuccess = 80
RelationLord_AllowEnemyLordGoFree = 5
RelationLord_AllowFreedLordGoFree = 7
RelationLord_AskForPardonAccept = 3
RelationLord_AskForPardonReject = -5
RelationLord_BattleAttackFriend = -30
RelationLord_BattleAvoid = -7
RelationLord_BattleCallOffAttack = -1
RelationLord_BattleSurrenderOrDie = -1
RelationLord_BringCattleAccept = 1
RelationLord_BringCattleSuccess = 2
RelationLord_BrinkBackRunawaySerfsFailure = -1
RelationLord_BrinkBackRunawaySerfsLetGo = -10
RelationLord_BrinkBackRunawaySerfsSuccess = 2
RelationLord_CaptureLordAccept = 1
RelationLord_CaptureLordSuccess = 4
RelationLord_CollectDebtAccept = 1
RelationLord_CollectDebtSuccess = 2
RelationLord_CollectTaxesAccept = 1
RelationLord_CollectTaxesFailure = -1
RelationLord_CollectTaxesSuccess = 2
RelationLord_DealWithBanditsAccept = 1
RelationLord_DealWithBanditsFailure = -5
RelationLord_DealWithBanditsSuccess = 3
RelationLord_DeliverMessageEnemySuccess = 1
RelationLord_DeliverMessageReject = -4
RelationLord_DeliverMessageSuccess = 1
RelationLord_FollowSpyAccept = 1
RelationLord_FollowSpyCaptureBoth = 4
RelationLord_FollowSpyCaptureFacilitator = 1
RelationLord_FollowSpyCaptureSpy = -1
RelationLord_FollowSpyFailure = -2
RelationLord_IncriminateCommanderAccept = 2
RelationLord_IncriminateCommanderFailure = -5
RelationLord_IncriminateCommanderReject = -5
RelationLord_IncriminateCommanderSuccess = 5
RelationLord_JoinClaimant = 50
RelationLord_KillFugitiveAccept = 1
RelationLord_KillFugitiveFailure = -1
RelationLord_KillFugitiveSuccessAcceptReward = 1
RelationLord_KillFugitiveSuccessDeclineReward = 1
RelationLord_KillMerchantLetGo = 2
RelationLord_KillMerchantSuccess = 4
RelationLord_LendCompanion = 3
RelationLord_MeetSpyAccept = 1
RelationLord_MeetSpySuccess = 3
RelationLord_ReportForCampaign = 1
RelationLord_ScoutAccept = 1
RelationLord_ScoutSuccess = 1
RelationLord_TakeEnemyLordPrisoner = -3
RelationLord_TakeFreedLordPrisoner = -30
RelationLord_TrainTroopsAccept = 30
RelationLord_TrainTroopsSuccess = 70
RelationTown_BuyDrinks = 1
RelationTown_DealWithLootersSuccess = 5
RelationTown_DealWithNightBanditsSuccess = 1
RelationTown_DeliverWineSuccess = 1
RelationTown_EscortCaravanSuccess = 1
RelationTown_MoveCattleSuccess = 3
RelationTown_PersuadeLordsMakePeaceAcceptDeclineMoney = 8
RelationTown_PersuadeLordsMakePeaceAcceptTakeMoney = 5
RelationTown_RescueKidnappedGirlSuccess = 2
RelationTown_TroublesomeBanditsSuccess = 2
RelationVillage_DeliverCattleAccept = 3
RelationVillage_DeliverCattleSuccess = 5
RelationVillage_DeliverGrainAccept = 5
RelationVillage_DeliverGrainSuccess = 5
RelationVillage_TrainPeasantsAccept = 3
Resting_InfiniteCampMaxHours = 87600
Resting_InfiniteCampSpeed = 20
Resting_StandardCampAttackable = 1
Resting_StandardCampMaxHours = 8760
Resting_StandardCampSpeed = 40
RTR_CompanionReturnsSpreadWord = 5
RTR_CompanionReturnsWithLetter = 10
RTR_GetMarried = 15
RTR_MakePeace = 3
RTR_RecruitLord = 5
RTR_ResolveDisputeAborted = -2
Sieges_LadderDivider = 3
Sieges_SiegeTowerSpeedMultiplier = 1
Sieges_TowerMultiplier = 6
TaxInefficiency_CentersRequiredAverage = 4
TaxInefficiency_CentersRequiredGood = 2
TaxInefficiency_CentersRequiredPoor = 6
TaxInefficiency_MaxInefficiency = 65
TaxInefficiency_PercentInefficiencyAverage = 4
TaxInefficiency_PercentInefficiencyGood = 5
TaxInefficiency_PercentInefficiencyPoor = 3
Tournament_Bet1Amount = 10000
Tournament_Bet2Amount = 5000
Tournament_Bet3Amount = 2000
Tournament_Bet4Amount = 1000
Tournament_Bet5Amount = 500
Tournament_RelationGainedWithTown = 20
Tournament_Renown = 25
Tournament_XPGained = 250
TournamentFrequency_ChanceOfGettingTournament = 30
TournamentFrequency_MaxDays = 14
TournamentFrequency_MinDays = 12
TournamentFrequency_ThresholdForAddingTournament = 3
TroopRecruitment_ChanceOfGettingHigherTier = 99
TroopRecruitment_LargeRecruitmentAdd = 6
TroopRecruitment_LargeRecruitmentDivider = 2
TroopRecruitment_LargeRecruitmentMinRelation = 0
TroopRecruitment_MinTroops = 1000
TroopRecruitment_RelationPerTier = 1
TroopRecruitment_SmallRecruitmentMaxTroops = 1000
TroopWages_BaseWageDivider = 100
TroopWages_CompanionMultiplier = 2
TroopWages_GarrisonDivider = 2
TroopWages_MercenaryDivider = 100
TroopWages_MercenaryMultiplier = 100
TroopWages_MountedDivider = 100
TroopWages_MountedMuliplier = 100
TroopWages_ReductionPerLeadership = 7

# AMMO VALUES (do not remove this line)

itm_tutorial_arrows = Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_tutorial_arrows = Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_arrows = Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_barbed_arrows = Barbed_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_blood_drain_throwing_knives = Blood_Drain_Throwing_Knives = Max ammo = 300
itm_bodkin_arrows = Bodkin_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_tutorial_bolts = Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_tutorial_bolts = Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_bolts = Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_cartridges = Cartridges = Max ammo = 300
itm_darts = Darts = Max ammo = 300
itm_disarming_throwing_axe = Disarming_Throwing_Axe = Max ammo = 300
itm_doom_javelins = Doom_Javelins = Max ammo = 300
itm_heavy_throwing_axes = Heavy_Throwing_Axes = Max ammo = 300
itm_jarid = Jarids = Max ammo = 300
itm_javelin = Javelins = Max ammo = 300
itm_khergit_arrows = Khergit_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_light_throwing_axes = Light_Throwing_Axes = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_arrows = Practice_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_arrows_10_amount = Practice_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_arrows_100_amount = Practice_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_arrows_2 = Practice_Arrows = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_bolts = Practice_Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_bolts_9_amount = Practice_Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_javelin = Practice_Javelins = Max ammo = 300
itm_javelin_bow_ammo = Shooting_Javelins = Max ammo = 300
itm_steel_bolts = Steel_Bolts = Max ammo = 300
itm_stones = Stones = Max ammo = 300
itm_team_change_dart = Team_Change_Dart = Max ammo = 300
itm_throwing_axes = Throwing_Axes = Max ammo = 300
itm_tutorial_throwing_daggers = Throwing_Daggers = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_throwing_daggers = Throwing_Daggers = Max ammo = 300
itm_practice_throwing_daggers_100_amount = Throwing_Daggers = Max ammo = 300
itm_tutorial_throwing_daggers = Throwing_Daggers = Max ammo = 300
itm_throwing_daggers = Throwing_Daggers = Max ammo = 300
itm_throwing_knives = Throwing_Knives = Max ammo = 300
itm_throwing_spears = Throwing_Spears = Max ammo = 300
itm_war_darts = War_Darts = Max ammo = 300
itm_weak_beserker_dart = Weak_Beserker_Dart = Max ammo = 300

# RELOAD VALUES (do not remove this line)

itm_tutorial_crossbow = Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_tutorial_crossbow = Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_crossbow = Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_flintlock_pistol = Flintlock_Pistol = Shots/load = 300
itm_heavy_crossbow = Heavy_Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_hunting_crossbow = Hunting_Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_light_crossbow = Light_Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_practice_crossbow = Practice_Crossbow = Shots/load = 300
itm_sniper_crossbow = Siege_Crossbow = Shots/load = 300

# SKILLS VALUES (do not remove this line)

skl_athletics = Athletics = Party skill = False
skl_athletics = Athletics = Max level = 15
skl_athletics = Athletics = Base stat data = Agility
skl_engineer = Engineer = Party skill = True
skl_engineer = Engineer = Max level = 15
skl_engineer = Engineer = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_first_aid = First Aid = Party skill = True
skl_first_aid = First Aid = Max level = 15
skl_first_aid = First Aid = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_horse_archery = Horse Archery = Party skill = False
skl_horse_archery = Horse Archery = Max level = 15
skl_horse_archery = Horse Archery = Base stat data = Agility
skl_inventory_management = Inventory Management = Party skill = False
skl_inventory_management = Inventory Management = Max level = 15
skl_inventory_management = Inventory Management = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_ironflesh = Ironflesh = Party skill = False
skl_ironflesh = Ironflesh = Max level = 15
skl_ironflesh = Ironflesh = Base stat data = Strength
skl_leadership = Leadership = Party skill = False
skl_leadership = Leadership = Max level = 15
skl_leadership = Leadership = Base stat data = Charisma
skl_looting = Looting = Party skill = True
skl_looting = Looting = Max level = 15
skl_looting = Looting = Base stat data = Agility
skl_pathfinding = Path-finding = Party skill = True
skl_pathfinding = Path-finding = Max level = 15
skl_pathfinding = Path-finding = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_persuasion = Persuasion = Party skill = False
skl_persuasion = Persuasion = Max level = 15
skl_persuasion = Persuasion = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_power_draw = Power Draw = Party skill = False
skl_power_draw = Power Draw = Max level = 15
skl_power_draw = Power Draw = Base stat data = Strength
skl_power_strike = Power Strike = Party skill = False
skl_power_strike = Power Strike = Max level = 15
skl_power_strike = Power Strike = Base stat data = Strength
skl_power_throw = Power Throw = Party skill = False
skl_power_throw = Power Throw = Max level = 15
skl_power_throw = Power Throw = Base stat data = Strength
skl_prisoner_management = Prisoner Management = Party skill = False
skl_prisoner_management = Prisoner Management = Max level = 15
skl_prisoner_management = Prisoner Management = Base stat data = Charisma
skl_riding = Riding = Party skill = False
skl_riding = Riding = Max level = 15
skl_riding = Riding = Base stat data = Agility
skl_shield = Shield = Party skill = False
skl_shield = Shield = Max level = 15
skl_shield = Shield = Base stat data = Agility
skl_spotting = Spotting = Party skill = True
skl_spotting = Spotting = Max level = 15
skl_spotting = Spotting = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_surgery = Surgery = Party skill = True
skl_surgery = Surgery = Max level = 15
skl_surgery = Surgery = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_tactics = Tactics = Party skill = True
skl_tactics = Tactics = Max level = 15
skl_tactics = Tactics = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_tracking = Tracking = Party skill = True
skl_tracking = Tracking = Max level = 15
skl_tracking = Tracking = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_trade = Trade = Party skill = True
skl_trade = Trade = Max level = 15
skl_trade = Trade = Base stat data = Charisma
skl_trainer = Trainer = Party skill = False
skl_trainer = Trainer = Max level = 15
skl_trainer = Trainer = Base stat data = Intelligence
skl_weapon_master = Weapon Master = Party skill = False
skl_weapon_master = Weapon Master = Max level = 15
skl_weapon_master = Weapon Master = Base stat data = Agility
skl_wound_treatment = Wound Treatment = Party skill = True
skl_wound_treatment = Wound Treatment = Max level = 15
skl_wound_treatment = Wound Treatment = Base stat data = Intelligence

# BANDIT PARTY SIZE VALUES (do not remove this line)

pt_leaded_looters = Band of robbers (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_leaded_looters = Band of robbers (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_leaded_looters = Band of robbers (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_leaded_looters = Band of robbers (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_bandits_awaiting_ransom = Bandits Awaiting Ransom (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_bandits_awaiting_ransom = Bandits Awaiting Ransom (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_bandits_awaiting_ransom = Bandits Awaiting Ransom (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_bandits_awaiting_ransom = Bandits Awaiting Ransom (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_kingdom_caravan_party = Caravan (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_kingdom_caravan_party = Caravan (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_kingdom_caravan_party = Caravan (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_kingdom_caravan_party = Caravan (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_cattle_herd = Cattle Herd (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_cattle_herd = Cattle Herd (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_default_prisoners = Default Prisoners (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_default_prisoners = Default Prisoners (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_desert_bandit_lair = Desert Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_desert_bandit_lair = Desert Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_desert_bandits = Desert Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_desert_bandits = Desert Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_forest_bandit_lair = Forest Bandit Camp (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_forest_bandit_lair = Forest Bandit Camp (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_forest_bandits = Forest Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_forest_bandits = Forest Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_kidnapped_girl = Kidnapped Girl (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_kidnapped_girl = Kidnapped Girl (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_looter_lair = Kidnappers' Hideout (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_looter_lair = Kidnappers' Hideout (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_looters = Looters (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_looters = Looters (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_manhunters = Manhunters (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_manhunters = Manhunters (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_merchant_caravan = Merchant Caravan (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_merchant_caravan = Merchant Caravan (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_merchant_caravan = Merchant Caravan (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_merchant_caravan = Merchant Caravan (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_mountain_bandit_lair = Mountain Bandit Hideout (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_mountain_bandit_lair = Mountain Bandit Hideout (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_mountain_bandits = Mountain Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_mountain_bandits = Mountain Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_spy = Ordinary Townsman (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_spy = Ordinary Townsman (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_raider_captives = Raider Captives (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_raider_captives = Raider Captives (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_center_reinforcements = Reinforcements (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_center_reinforcements = Reinforcements (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_center_reinforcements = Reinforcements (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_center_reinforcements = Reinforcements (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_runaway_serfs = Runaway Serfs (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_runaway_serfs = Runaway Serfs (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_runaway_serfs = Runaway Serfs (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_runaway_serfs = Runaway Serfs (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_sea_raider_lair = Sea Raider Landing (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_sea_raider_lair = Sea Raider Landing (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_sea_raiders = Sea Raiders (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_sea_raiders = Sea Raiders (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_steppe_bandit_lair = Steppe Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_steppe_bandit_lair = Steppe Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_steppe_bandits = Steppe Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_steppe_bandits = Steppe Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_troublesome_bandits = Troublesome Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_troublesome_bandits = Troublesome Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_taiga_bandit_lair = Tundra Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_taiga_bandit_lair = Tundra Bandit Lair (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_taiga_bandits = Tundra Bandits (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_taiga_bandits = Tundra Bandits (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_spy_partners = Unremarkable Travellers (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_spy_partners = Unremarkable Travellers (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_spy_partners = Unremarkable Travellers (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_spy_partners = Unremarkable Travellers (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_village_defenders = Village Defenders (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_village_defenders = Village Defenders (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_village_defenders = Village Defenders (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_village_defenders = Village Defenders (troop 2) = Max troops = 25
pt_village_farmers = Village Farmers (troop 1) = Min troops = 2
pt_village_farmers = Village Farmers (troop 1) = Max troops = 25
pt_village_farmers = Village Farmers (troop 2) = Min troops = 2
pt_village_farmers = Village Farmers (troop 2) = Max troops = 25

# FACTION COLOR VALUES (do not remove this line)

fac_ccoop_all_stars = All Stars = Color = 11184810
fac_commoners = Commoners = Color = 11184810
fac_deserters = Deserters = Color = 8947848
fac_forest_bandits = Forest Bandits = Color = 8947848
fac_innocents = Innocents = Color = 11184810
fac_kingdom_3 = Khergit Khanate = Color = 13408767
fac_kingdom_4 = Kingdom of Nords = Color = 3399133
fac_kingdom_5 = Kingdom of Rhodoks = Color = 3398963
fac_kingdom_1 = Kingdom of Swadia = Color = 15628100
fac_kingdom_2 = Kingdom of Vaegirs = Color = 13417369
fac_manhunters = Manhunters = Color = 11184810
fac_merchants = Merchants = Color = 11184810
fac_mountain_bandits = Mountain Bandits = Color = 8947848
fac_neutral = Neutral = Color = 16777215
fac_outlaws = Outlaws = Color = 8947848
fac_player_faction = Player Faction = Color = 11184810
fac_player_supporters_faction = Player's Supporters = Color = 16729139
fac_kingdom_6 = Sarranid Sultanate = Color = 14540083

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