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- BLOG #1.

( February 26, 2018 11:30 pm) My capstone project is mainly about how the
homeless youth lack the basic necessities for successful transition to adulthood. My goal
for this project is to do my part and make some type of difference (big or small) towards
the youth homelessness community.I also hope to learn and better understand at least
two local transition youth programs to work specifically with the homelessness issue.
Steps I plan on doing is 1. visit two different local programs, the first one is operation
safe house. The second one would be the transitional aged youth program. 2. Interview
the agency supervisor/ staff member to learn about their programs, gain knowledge and
information about the issues and methods for assisting homeless youth from
professionals in the field. 3. Obtain brochures about those programs, and
written/documented resources that agency provides to clients. 4. Research/ read about
some of the topics related to homeless youth and provide the names of the articles.

- BLOG #2. (February 27, 2018 11:45 pm) The steps that have been already taken
already are I have visited three different local programs and have obtained brochures,
(all shown below) I have visited a transitional aged youth program and interviewed a
man named Scott Mcclung on November 23, 2017,(shown below) I gathered a list nine
different interview questions to ask, I interviewed a man named Stephen Morales on
January 26, 2018, and a woman named Dana Darby on January 30, 2018. While visiting
these programs I received brochures, and activities regarding to these programs.
- BLOG #3. (February 27,2018 1:18 pm) The reflection/ conclusion of the experience was
visiting three different local programs, getting information about each program, and
interviewing three different supervisors. I have read and have done research on three
different articles, 1. “​Better options for troubled teens” 2. “These are the faces of
America’s growing youth homeless population” 3. “A hidden population: Homelessness
is on the rise” ​These three articles addressed what are the causes of youth
homelessness like overwhelmingly family conflict/breakdown, abuse or neglect, alcohol
or drug addiction of a family member, or pregnancy. By researching I was able to get a
better understanding on what the term “homeless youth” really means, which means
single-handed minors ages twelve through seventeen living apart from their parents or
legal guardians. It also means young adults who are ages eighteen through twenty four
and have economically or emotionally detached themselves from their families.
While interviewing the supervisors I asked them “ is there anything a regular person like me can
do to help your program or homeless youth in our community?” There responses were:
- 1. Direct/ provide things to hand out like hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and food
gift cards
- 2. Provide encouragement to others my age. Help to point them in the right direction.

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