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DOI 10.1007/s12080-012-0164-2


Implications of seasonal mixing for phytoplankton

production and bloom development
F. Peeters & O. Kerimoglu & D. Straile

Received: 14 September 2011 / Accepted: 28 May 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract Based on a 1D model considering phytoplankton Keywords Phytoplankton . Mixing . Light . Nutrients .
and nutrients in a vertical water column, we investigate the Phenology . Seasonal mixing . Algal bloom
consequences of temporal and spatial variations in turbulent
mixing for phytoplankton production and biomass. We
show that in seasonally mixed systems, the processes con- Introduction
trolling phytoplankton production and the sensitivity of
phytoplankton abundance to ambient light, trophic state Light energy and mineral nutrients are important factors
and mixed-layer depth differ substantially from those at determining primary production in aquatic systems. In the
steady state in systems with time-constant diffusivities. In pelagic zone, both resources, light energy and nutrients,
seasonally mixed systems, the annually replenished nutrient exhibit strong vertical gradients in the water column. Sea-
pool in the euphotic zone is an important factor for phyto- sonal changes in the intensity and distribution of vertical
plankton production supporting bloom development, where- turbulent mixing causes pronounced seasonal variations in
as without winter mixing, production mainly depends on the the availability of these resources to primary producers. The
diffusive nutrient flux during stratified conditions. Seasonal vertical structuring of the water column and its seasonal
changes in water column production are predominantly variation caused by seasonal changes in mixing are key
determined by seasonal changes in phytoplankton abun- characteristics of pelagic habitats that have led to the clas-
dance, but also by seasonal changes in specific production sical distinction between epilimnion, metalimnion and hy-
resulting from the transport of nutrients, the exploitation of polimnion as zones where similar ecological processes
the nutrient pool and the increase in light shading associated occur and the classification of lakes according to their mix-
with phytoplankton growth. The interplay between seasonal ing regimes, e.g., monomictic, dimictic or polimictic lakes,
mixing and the vertical distribution of mixing intensities is a indicating similarities in typical seasonal behaviour of lake
key factor determining the relative importance of the pro- ecosystems (Hutchinson 1957). Seasonal and vertical varia-
cesses controlling phytoplankton production and the sensi- tion in mixing intensity have a major affect on the vertical
tivity of the size and timing of the annual maximum distribution of primary producers relative to their light en-
phytoplankton abundance to the abiotic conditions. ergy resource and on the vertical distribution of the nutrient
concentrations. Therefore, the seasonal change in mixing
intensity is an important factor for water column production
and spring phytoplankton bloom development in the ocean
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (e.g. Falkowski 1994; Sharples et al. 2006) and in lakes (e.g.
(doi:10.1007/s12080-012-0164-2) contains supplementary material, Sommer et al. 1986; Peeters et al. 2007a).
which is available to authorized users.
The onset of spring phytoplankton growth sets the begin-
F. Peeters (*) : O. Kerimoglu : D. Straile ning of seasonal plankton succession, one of the most prom-
Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz,
inent features and intensively studied topics in lake ecology
Mainaustrasse 252,
78464 Konstanz, Germany (Sommer et al. 1986). The annual spring maximum in
e-mail: frank.peeters@uni-konstanz.de phytoplankton concentrations is a key event in plankton
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succession whose timing and magnitude is important for ocean and systems in tropical regions or with a permanent
food web interactions and biogeochemical processes. For ice cover), seasonal mixing results in a seasonal increase
example, the timing of phytoplankton blooms is important in downward transport of phytoplankton leading to in-
for the interaction between phytoplankton and herbivores creased water column light limitation and consequently
(Edwards and Richardson 2004; Winder and Schindler to a substantial reduction in phytoplankton abundance,
2004). In some cases, even the life cycle of herbivores but also results in a seasonal replenishment of nutrients
may be especially adapted to exploit the annual phytoplank- in the euphotic zone, thus providing the resource for
ton bloom (Seebens et al. 2009). Phytoplankton blooms can seasonal phytoplankton growth. Hence, seasonal changes
have a significant effect on biogeochemical fluxes by influ- in vertical mixing cause seasonal changes in water column
encing sedimentation rates due to density-dependent coag- production and therefore support phytoplankton bloom
ulation (Kiorboe et al. 1994). Furthermore, blooms of development. This suggests that the understanding of phy-
harmful algae can influence overall ecosystem integrity as toplankton abundances during the season requires consid-
well as human health and industries (Landsberg 2002). eration of seasonal changes in the spatial distribution and
In numerous studies, the role of mixing intensity, mixing intensity of vertical mixing.
depth, sedimentation and light limitation for phytoplankton One possibility for investigating the non-equilibrium
production has been investigated assuming time-constant conditions arising in seasonally forced systems is to
mixing intensities (e.g. Huisman et al. 1999, 2002; Diehl consider transient dynamics in theoretical modelling stud-
2002; Diehl et al. 2002; Huisman and Sommeijer 2002; ies. For example Huppert et al. (2002, 2005) investigated
O’Brien et al. 2003). These studies illustrated, e.g. that transient dynamics in minimal one-box models and con-
mixing, counteracting sedimentation in shallow systems cluded that phytoplankton blooms can develop if nutrient
and transporting phytoplankton to depths below the euphotic levels exceed a threshold value and develop recurrently if
zone in deep systems, affects the persistence range of phyto- phytoplankton production changes seasonally. Jäger et al.
plankton. Survival of sinking phytoplankton populations is (2008) studied the effects of nutrient availability and
only possible in water columns between a minimum and mixing depths on plankton bloom magnitudes and phe-
maximum water depth and a minimum and maximum level nology by analysing the transient dynamics of a phyto-
of mixing intensity. The values of critical depths and critical plankton–herbivore model, but without considering
mixing intensities depend on the parameters of specific pro- spatio-temporal patterns in mixing or resolving the verti-
ductivity and sinking rate (e.g. Huisman et al. 1999, 2002). cal dimension. The transient dynamics approach however
Nutrient limitation, a key factor restricting phytoplankton relies critically on the assumption that the model results
production during seasonal succession in many lakes, alters the are insensitive to the prescribed initial conditions.
conclusions on the role of mixing for primary production Here, we employ a vertically resolved phytoplankton
inferred from the simplified models considering only light model and simulate seasonal phytoplankton dynamics
limitation (e.g. Yoshiyama and Nakajima 2002; Huisman et over several years. The analysis is focussed on the con-
al. 2006; Ryabov et al. 2010; Jäger et al. 2010; Mellard et al. sequences of seasonal changes in vertical mixing. Sea-
2011). When including nutrients, mixing does not only affect sonal changes in solar radiation are not addressed (for
the transport of phytoplankton relative to its resource as in the the latter, see Litchman and Klausmeier 2001). First, we
case of light energy but additionally affects the distribution of investigate the consequences of seasonal mixing for phy-
the resource itself. Jäger et al. (2010) concluded that persistence toplankton production and abundances in a 50-m deep
boundaries with respect to water column depth and mixing water column. Based on numerical experiments, we dem-
intensity of a nutrient- and light-limited phytoplankton popula- onstrate that the seasonal variation and the vertical het-
tion are determined by sinking losses and light limitation, erogeneity in mixing intensity significantly affect timing
whereas nutrients are the most limiting factor for total biomass. and height of the seasonal maximum in phytoplankton
These previous studies considering light- and nutrient- production and phytoplankton biomass. Furthermore, we
limited phytoplankton in vertically resolved systems fo- illustrate that the sensitivity of phytoplankton biomass to
cused on long-term solutions of models assuming time- external forcing factors (light intensity at the lake sur-
constant diffusivities and did not include seasonal variation face, nutrient loading) and the control of phytoplankton
in mixing conditions. However, as pointed out by Hastings during the season is different in seasonally mixed sys-
(2004): “with seasonality, long-term solutions can be essen- tems than at steady state conditions arising in models
tially irrelevant” which might be important especially for assuming time-constant diffusivities. Finally, we demon-
plankton communities where “steady state is the exception strate that the abundance and persistence of phytoplank-
rather than the rule” (Sommer 1985). ton in water columns of different depths depends on the
In many lakes and in major parts of the oceans (with the combination of seasonality and vertical variation in mixing
exception of advection-dominated regions in the coastal conditions.
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Methods Llimit and nutrient limitation Nlimit are described as:

The model and analysis of model results IðzÞ

Llim it ¼ 1  ; ð2Þ
h þ IðzÞ
The model applied in this study corresponds to the model by
Jäger et al. (2010). Concentrations of phytoplankton carbon  
biomass (A), particulate nutrients bound in algae (Rb) and Nlimit ¼ 1  1 
dissolved nutrients (Rd) are simulated as dynamic state
variables in a 1D vertical water column and are linked to a
sediment pool of nutrients (RS) that is also simulated dy- For detailed information on variables, model parameters and
namically. The model considers limitation of specific pro- initial conditions see Table 1 and Jäger et al. (2010).
duction pspec by light intensity I that is attenuated in the However, in addition to Jäger et al. (2010), we consider
water column by algae and background attenuation, limita- seasonal mixing by assuming vigorous winter mixing
tion of pspec by nutrients using a cell quota model with cell throughout the water column prevailing for a prescribed
quota q and nutrient uptake rate ρ, losses of algae by duration tmix beginning on day 15 of each year of 365 days
respiration with rate lbg, transport of algae and nutrients (dtmix 01,000 m2 day−1 at all depth). Transition from winter
by turbulent mixing expressed as a turbulent diffusivity mixing to mixing under stratified conditions occurs within a
d, sedimentation of algae and particulate nutrients using day assuming a linear transition in time at each depth.
a sinking velocity v and return of dissolved nutrients During stratified conditions, we consider profiles of d with
from re-mineralization of particulate nutrients at rate r vertical variation in mixing intensity (d0d(z)), which results
in the sediment pool to the bottom of the water column in transport terms in Eq. 1 slightly differing from those of
(see Jäger et al. 2010): Jäger et al. (2010). The profiles of d assume a three-layer
system consisting of a surface layer (epilimnion) with thick-
  ness Sd and mixing intensity dS, an intermediate layer of
@A @A @ @A low turbulent mixing (metalimnion) with mixing intensity
¼ Pspec ðI; qÞ  A  lbg  A v þ d
@t @z @z @z dI and a deep water layer (hypolimnion) with mixing
  intensity dD. In the simulations with vertically varying
@Rb @Rb @ @Rb
¼ ρðq; Rd Þ  A  lbg  Rb  v  þ d diffusivities, we assume that the metalimnion is 5 m thick
@t @z @z @z
and the diffusivity in this layer is dI 00.5 m2 day−1 (Li
@Rd @ @Rd 1973; Lehr and Lehr 2000 and references therein). With
¼ ρðq; Rd Þ  A þ lbg  Rb þ d
@t @z @z these parameters, the exchange velocity between hypolim-
nion and epilimnion is 0.1 mday−1 and corresponds to the
@Rs value of the parameter a in Jäger et al. (2010) describing the
¼ v  Rb ðzmax Þ  r  Rs ð1Þ
@t connection of a surface layer to an indefinitely deep water
qmin IðzÞ body. The transition between the diffusivities of surface and
Pspec ðI; qÞ ¼ μmax 1 
q h þ IðzÞ intermediate and of intermediate and deep layers is linear and
0 1 occurs within 0.5 m.
  Rb The model equations were implemented in MATLAB
IðzÞ ¼ I0 exp@ k  A þ kbg dzAq ¼
A as in Peeters et al. (2007a), using the method of lines, a
second-order spatial discretization of the diffusion equa-
  tion and a van Leer flux-limiter method for the advection
q  qmin Rd
ρðq; Rd Þ ¼ ρmax 1  equation. The resulting system of coupled ordinary dif-
qmax  qmin m þ Rd
ferential equations is solved by an implicit method with
dynamic time stepping (ode15s). The vertical resolution
Thereby, t represents time, z is depth below the water was 0.1 m. All results shown are from the model out-
surface and zmax is z at maximum water column depth, come after 24 years of simulation when a constant sea-
μmax is the maximum specific algal production rate, qmin sonality was achieved.
and qmax the minimum and maximum algal nutrient As in Jäger et al. (2010), all state variables were assumed
quota, respectively, h the half-saturation constant of to have a zero flux across the lake surface and a zero
light-dependent algal production, k the specific light- diffusive flux across the water–sediment boundary at the
attenuation coefficient of algal biomass, kbg the back- bottom of the water column. Sediment arises exclusively
ground light attenuation coefficient and m the half- from the sedimentation of algae with their bound nutrients
saturation constant of algal nutrient uptake. Light limitation out of the water column. The model runs were started with
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Table 1 Definitions of varia-

bles, initial conditions and mod- Variable Value Definition and unit
el parameters (adopted from
Jäger et al. 2010) (a)
A 100a Algal carbon density (mg C m−3) zR
B Algal biomass in the water column Adz (mg C m−2)
−2 0
Bmax Seasonal maximum of B (mg C m )
Bmin Seasonal minimum of B (mg C m−2)
Bmean Annual mean B (mg C m−2)
Bstead B at steady state in simulations assuming time-constant
mixing (mg C m−2)
Bsurf Algal biomass in the surface layer Adz (mg C m−2)
Light intensity (μmol photons m−2 s−1)
pspec Specific algal production rate (day−1)
q Algal nutrient quota (mg P mg C−1)
ρ Specific algal nutrient uptake rate (mg P mg C−1 day−1)
Rb 2.2a Concentration of particulate nutrients bound in algae (mg P m−3)
Rd 10–60b Concentration of dissolved nutrients (mg P m−3)
Rd,mean Depth-integrated mean Rd for the water column (mg P m−3)
Rd,surf Depth-integrated mean Rd for the surface water layer (mg P m−3)
Rs 0a Pool of sedimented nutrients (mg P m−2)
Rtroph Trophic state: total mass of nutrients in the system including Rs
per cross-section divided by water column depth (mg P m−3)
t Time (day)
TBmax Time of the occurrence of Bmax (days elapsed since the onset
of winter mixing)
z Water depth below the lake surface (meter)
d 0.01–,000b Turbulent–diffusion coefficient (m2 day−1)
dS, dD 0.01–1,000b Turbulent–diffusion coefficient in surface and deep water layer,
respectively (m2 day−1)
dI 0.5 Turbulent–diffusion coefficient in the intermediate layer (m2 day−1)
d(tmix) 1,000 Turbulent–diffusion coefficient during winter mixing (m2 day−1)
h 120 Half-saturation constant of light-dependent algal production
(μmol photons m−2 s−1)
I0 100–600b Light intensity at the surface (μmol photons m−2 s−1)
k 0.0003 Specific light-attenuation coefficient of algal biomass (m2mg C−1)
kbg 0.4 Background light-attenuation coefficient (m−1)
lbg 0.1 Specific algal maintenance respiration losses (day−1)
m 1.5 Half-saturation constant of algal nutrient uptake (mgP m−3)
μmax 1.2 Maximum specific algal production rate (day−1)
qmax 0.04 Maximum algal nutrient quota (mgP mg C−1)
qmin 0.004 Minimum algal nutrient quota (mgP mg C−1)
For the motivation of parameter r 0.02 Specific mineralization rate of sedimented nutrients (day−1)
choices, see Jäger et al. 2010 tmix 20–100b Duration of winter mixing (day)
Initial values ρmax 0.2 Maximum specific algal nutrient uptake rate (mgP mg C−1 day−1)
Range of environmental condi- Sd 3–25b Thickness of the surface layer (m)
tions examined v 0c, 0.25 Algal sinking velocity (m day−1)
Simulations S3 without zmax 1–50b z at maximum water column depth (m)

the same initial conditions as in Jäger et al. (2010), i.e. at t0 100 mg Cm−3, Rb 02.2 mg Pm−3 and Rd was a value chosen
0 RS 00 mg Pm−2 and the concentrations of the vertically from 10 to 60 mg Pm−2 depending on the nutrient enrich-
resolved state variables were the same at all depths with A0 ment scenario.
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In the presentation of the results, we consider water by using modifications of MS and MC assuming that (1) the
R0 flux of dissolved nutrients Rd across the metalimnion is zero
column phytoplankton biomass B ¼ AðzÞdz, surface (MS,Rd0, MC,Rd0), or (2) the diffusive flux of phytoplankton A
z max
R0 and bound nutrients Rb across the metalimnion is zero (MS,
layer biomass Bsurf ¼ AðzÞdz, mean nutrient concentration ARb0, MC,ARb0), or (3) the sinking velocity is zero (MS,Sed0, MC,
Sed0). These three scenarios will be employed to investigate
in the water column Rd,mean and in the surface layer Rd,surf,
the role of diffusive transport of dissolved nutrients, of diffu-
and water column production P ¼ pspec ðzÞAðzÞdz. In sive transport of algae with their bound nutrients and of
z max sedimentation for phytoplankton abundance.
case of seasonally varying conditions, the annual maximum, The sensitivity of the simulated seasonal course of phyto-
Bmax, the annual minimum, Bmin, and the annual mean, plankton abundance and production to changes in Sd, incident
Bmean, of water column biomass, and the annual maximum light Io, duration of winter mixing and trophic state Rtroph, is
of water column production, Pmax, are presented, as well as studied by numerical experiments considering Sd between 3
Rd,mean at TBmax, the time of the occurrence of Bmax mea- and 25 m, which is within the range of epilimnion depths
sured relative to the onset of winter mixing. In case of time- reported for very different sized lakes (Boehrer and Schultze
constant diffusivities a steady state develops and B at steady 2008), Io between 100 and 600 μmol photons m−2s−1 and
state is identified as Bstead. durations of winter mixing between 2 and 100 days. The
sensitivity analysis with respect to Rtroph covers the range from
Model forcing oligotrophic to meso/eutrophic conditions (10–60 mg Pm−3).
Finally, the sensitivity of seasonal phytoplankton develop-
The models consider spatio-temporal mixing conditions ment to water column depth is investigated by extending the
typical for monomictic temperate lakes (e.g. Li 1973; Lehr conditions assumed in Jäger et al. (2010) with seasonal and
and Lehr 2000), i.e. an intensive period of winter mixing is vertical variation in mixing intensities.
followed by a stratified period during which a layer of low
mixing at intermediate depth resembles a metalimnion char-
acterised by a strong thermocline. The density stratification Results
associated with a thermocline suppresses turbulence and
hence leads to reduced mixing (e.g. Fischer et al. 1979; The seasonally changing mixing conditions in MS with Sd 0
Imboden and Wüest 1995; Lehr and Lehr 2000; Etemad- 5 m result in a seasonal variation in the vertical distribution
Shahidi and Imberger 2006) thereby acting as a bottleneck of phytoplankton and nutrient concentrations that exhibits
boundary between surface and deep water (Schwarzenbach most features typical for lakes of temperate regions (Fig. 1).
et al. 2003). This bottleneck limits upward transport of Phytoplankton concentrations are low during winter mixing
nutrients from the nutrient-rich hypolimnion to the nutrient- and increase rapidly in the near-surface region when mixing
poor epilimnion and also the diffusive downward transport of is reduced and the low mixing intensity in the intermediate
algae. Our standard model with seasonal forcing considers a layer limits export of phytoplankton to larger depth (Fig. 1a).
50-m deep water column, seasonal winter mixing with a The rapid increase in phytoplankton concentration is followed
duration of 50 days with dtmix 01,000 m2 day−1 and a stratified by a decline in phytoplankton concentrations resulting in a
season after winter mixing with a three-layer structure con- pronounced maximum in the phytoplankton abundance soon
sisting of a mixed surface layer with dS 01,000 m2 day−1 and after the onset of phytoplankton growth. Concentrations of
thickness Sd, a 5-m thick intermediate layer with dI 0 dissolved nutrients in the upper 10 m are maximal at the end of
0.5 m2 day−1 and a deep water layer with dD 05 m2 day−1 winter mixing and decrease thereafter due to the uptake by
(dD is on the typical order of magnitude as in Lake Zurich: Li phytoplankton (Fig. 1b). In the deep water, dissolved nutrient
1973). In the standard simulations, Io 0300 μmol photons concentrations increase during the stratified season until the
m−2 s−1 and trophic state Rtroph 032.2 mg Pm−3. Rtroph is onset of winter mixing (Fig. 1b) due to the mineralization of
defined as the total mass of nutrients in the system per cross- particulate phosphate available from phytoplankton sinking
section divided by water column depth. downwards from the euphotic zone. The sinking-out of algae-
The results from models considering seasonal mixing (MS) bound particulate phosphate from the mixed surface layer is
are compared to steady state solutions of corresponding mod- also visible in the change of the concentration of total phos-
els (MC) which do not include winter mixing but assume that phorus, Rb +Rd, especially around day 100 when the phyto-
the vertical distribution of the diffusivities of MS during the plankton bloom in the mixed surface layer leads to a large
stratified season are constant in time. sedimentation flux of phytoplankton (Fig. 1c). The seasonal
The sensitivity of the simulated results to the different variations in water column production and water column
transport processes incorporated in the models is investigated phytoplankton biomass are similar in timing (Fig. 1d). Water
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0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30

2 2

P (103 mgC m-2 d-1)

B of MS

B (104 mgC m-2)

10 P of MS
B of MC

depth (m)
20 P of MC

1 1

a A (103 mgC m-3) b Rd (mgP m-3) c Rd + Rb (mgP m-3) d
0 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
time since the 1st of January (d)

Fig. 1 Seasonal variation in the vertical distribution of a phytoplank- variation in water column biomass and production with the
ton, b dissolved nutrient concentrations, and c total nutrient concen- corresponding values at steady state of MC that neglects winter mixing.
tration Rb +Rd in a 50-m deep water column simulated with the model In M S and M C surface layer thickness S d 05 m, I o 0300 μmol
MS that considers seasonal mixing. d Comparison of the seasonal photons m−2 s−1 and Rtroph 032.2 mg Pm−3

column production is minimal during winter mixing and the season and at steady state in MC (Fig. 2d, e, i, j, n, o).
increases rapidly with the onset of stratification. The annual Hence, maximal specific production rates occur in the upper
maximum in P occurs slightly before the annual maximum in water layers during winter mixing when phytoplankton con-
B and then declines approaching steady state water column centrations are at their annual minimum. However, these large
production of the model MC (Fig. 1d). specific growth rates do not result in phytoplankton growth
The seasonal pattern in phytoplankton abundance is an because winter mixing leads to pronounced vertical transport
important factor contributing to the seasonal pattern in water of phytoplankton in the gradient of the light climate and
column production since production equals pspec ·A. Note that consequently to light-limited water column biomass produc-
the seasonal course in phytoplankton abundance not only tion. After the onset of stratification, nutrient limitation in the
depends on pspec at a given depth but additionally on mixing seasonally mixed systems is substantially smaller than at
altering the vertical position of phytoplankton in the light steady state in MC, and remains smaller until the nutrients
gradient. However, specific production at a given depth are significantly depleted by the development of the seasonal
changes over the season, indicating that the factors limiting algae peak (Fig. 2e). At the seasonal algae peak and thereafter,
phytoplankton production at a given depth change seasonally light limitation is larger in the seasonally mixed model than at
(Fig. 2c). During winter mixing light limitation and nutrient steady state in MC because of self-shading by the phytoplank-
limitation are both significantly smaller than during the rest of ton (Fig. 2i, n). Specific production thus decreases after the

phytoplankton production spec. production light limitation nutrient limitation

1.5 0.8
5 0.6
0.5 0.2
15 a 103 mgC m-3 b 103 mgC m-3d-1 c d-1 d e
depth (m)


0 0
f g 103 mgC m-3d-1 h i j -0.1
103 mgC m-3 d-1

50 50
MC 100

0 0
-50 -50
15 k % l % m % n % o %
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
time since the 1st of January (d)

Fig. 2 Temporal changes in the vertical distribution of phytoplankton between results from simulations with MS and MC are shown in k–o.
concentration A(z), production pspec(z) ·A(z), specific production The black lines (f–o) indicate zero deviation between results from MS
pspec(z), light limitation and nutrient limitation as simulated with the and MC. Note that during the first 15 days of the year the results from
model MS (a–e). Colour bar units are provided in each sub-panel. The scenario MS with seasonal mixing (a–e) closely agree with the results at
winter mixing period is indicated by white vertical lines. The differ- steady state of scenario MC. The simulations consider a 50-m deep
ence between simulation results assuming seasonal mixing using sce- water column of which only the top 15 m are shown. Surface layer
nario MS and simulation results with time constant diffusivities using thickness S d 05 m, I o 0300 μmol photons m −2 s −1 and R troph 0
scenario MC are depicted in f–j (units as in a–e). Percent differences 32.2 mg Pm−3
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2 2
end of winter mixing and eventually becomes even smaller a b

Bsurf (104 mgC m-2)

Sd: 3m 15 m

B (104 mgC m-2)

5m 20 m
10 m 25 m
than specific production at steady state in MC. Phytoplankton
abundance, production, specific production and limitation in 1 1

the seasonally mixed model differ substantially from the

corresponding properties at steady state in MC, with deviations
0 0
typically exceeding 50 % during much of the year and in a
large part of the water column (Fig. 2k, l, m, n, o). c d

Rd,mean (mgP m-3)


Rd,surf (mgP m-3)

The thickness of the surface layer is an important factor
influencing seasonal variation in phytoplankton biomass 20

and nutrient abundance in the water column and especially 25

in the surface layer (Fig. 3). With increasing surface layer
thickness, Bmax increases reaching a maximum at Sd 010 m 20 0
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
and decreases again when Sd is further increased (Fig. 3e). day since the first of January day since the first of January
The unimodal dependence of Bmax on Sd results from op-
e f

Bmax (104 mgC m-2)

posing effects linked to Sd. With increasing Sd, the accessi-

(104 mgC m-2)

Bstead and Bmax
2 2
ble pool of nutrients increases and supports higher
phytoplankton biomass, whereas light limitation of phyto-
1 MS 1
plankton mixed over a larger depth range increases and MS,Rd0 MS MC,Rd0
reduces water column production. Additionally, the relative MS,Sed0 MC,Sed0
0 0
importance of the effects of phytoplankton transport 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25

changes with Sd, since concentrations and gradients and thus Sd (m) Sd (m)
also sedimentation and diffusive flux of phytoplankton
across the metalimnion typically decrease with increasing 300 MS
TBmax (d)

Sd. The thicker the surface layer the later reaches phyto- 200 MS,ARb0
plankton biomass the annual maximum (Fig. 3g). Shortly
before TBmax, dissolved nutrients show a minimum (Fig. 3c)
and become very low or even completely depleted in the 0
5 10 15 20 25
surface layer (Fig. 3d). Note that the rapid decline of Rd,mean
Sd (m)
after the onset of winter mixing (Fig. 3c) is accompanied by
a rapid increase in Rb,mean (not shown) but not in phyto- Fig. 3 The impact of surface layer thickness Sd and transport process-
plankton biomass, because the rate of nutrient uptake is es on timing and size of the seasonal phytoplankton peak. The typical
much higher than its conversion to production under the seasonal patterns of the integrated phytoplankton biomass (a, b) and
the mean nutrient concentration (c, d) in the entire water column (a, c)
severe light limitation during winter mixing. The subsequent and in the surface layer (b, d) depend on Sd. The role of different
increase in Rd,mean during the winter mixing period (Fig. 3c) transport processes for model outcome (e–g) were investigated by
arises from the decline in water column biomass and the simulations assuming (1) zero diffusive flux of dissolved nutrients
associated release of stored nutrients. across the metalimnion (MS,Rd0, MC,Rd0), (2) zero diffusive flux of
phytoplankton and Rb across the metalimnion (MS,ARb0, MC,ARb0), (3)
As Bmax in the seasonally mixed model, Bstead in the zero sedimentation of phytoplankton and Rb (MS,Sed0, MC,Sed0). Simu-
model without winter mixing shows an unimodal depen- lations that consider seasonal mixing, i.e. scenarios MS, are depicted in
dence on Sd (Fig. 3f). The mixed layer depth Sd at which e and g, whereas steady state solutions for models without winter
Bstead in MC becomes maximal is slightly larger than the Sd mixing, i.e. scenarios MC, are shown in f. The grey bar in g indicates
the 50-day time period of winter mixing. In all simulations is tmix 0
at which Bmax in MS becomes maximal. At small Sd Bmax is 50 days, Io 0300 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and Rtroph 032.2 mg Pm−3
larger than Bstead but at Sd 025 m Bmax and Bstead have
essentially the same value. In fully mixed systems with time
constant mixing, steady-state phytoplankton biomass also whereas in the simulations with seasonal mixing sedimen-
showed an unimodal dependence on water column depth tation losses from the mixed layer are not as important but
(Huisman and Weissing 1995; Diehl 2002). This functional the reduced production due to the lower total amount of
dependence of steady-state phytoplankton abundance on nutrients initially available in the epilimnion contributes to
water column depth was explained by an increased impor- the reduced Bmax at shallow Sd.
tance of sedimentation losses in systems with shallow water Bmax not only depends on the thickness of the surface layer
depth and by reduced production due to increased light but also on the diffusivity within this layer. If Sd ≤10 m Bmax is
limitation in systems with large water depth (Diehl 2002). essentially independent of dS as long as dS ≥10 m2 day−1, where-
The same arguments explain the dependence of Bstead on Sd as for Sd >10 m Bmax is maximal at dS of about 10 m2 day−1 and
in the simulations with time-constant mixing (Fig. 3f), is smaller for larger and smaller dS (Electronic supplementary
Theor Ecol

material (ESM) Fig. O1a). When dS ≤50 m2 day−1 in the surface simulations without winter mixing (MC,Rd0, MC,ARb0, and
layer, phytoplankton biomass shows a distinct seasonal peak MC,Sed0 in Fig. 3f) than on Bmax in seasonally-mixed sys-
before the onset of winter mixing even at the largest Sd (ESM tems (Fig. 3e). Without winter mixing, phytoplankton
Fig. O1b, c), but not so in simulations with dS 01,000 m2 day−1 becomes even extinct if the diffusive flux of Rd across the
(Fig. 3b, g) when the slow increase in B is finally terminated by metalimnion is zero (Fig. 3f MC,Rd0).
the onset of the winter mixing, i.e. before nutrient limitation
becomes sufficient to cause a decline in B. Sensitivity to forcing factors

Sensitivity to transport processes Phytoplankton biomass not only depends on Sd and ds, i.e.
on the vertical distribution of mixing intensity, but also on
Compared to simulations employing MS, Bmax is lower for surface light intensity Io and trophic state Rtroph (Fig. 4).
MS,Rd0, higher for MS,ARb0 except if Sd 03 m, and higher for Rtroph, i.e. the total mass of nutrients in the system (including
MS,Sed0 (Fig. 3e). These deviations between the results from Rb, Rd and RS) per cross-section divided by water column
the different mixing scenarios indicate that the phytoplank- depth, very closely agrees with the mean water column
ton abundance in the seasonally mixed system profits from concentration of dissolved and particulate nutrients (Rb +
the diffusive transport of dissolved nutrients but suffers Rd) before onset of stratification, i.e. at day 65. If the surface
from diffusive transport of phytoplankton cells and their layer thickness is Sd 05 m, Bmax in the seasonally-mixed
bound nutrients (except for shallow surface-mixed layers) system, MS, increases strongly with increasing Io, whereas
and from sedimentation losses. In MS,ARb0, the effect of the the effect of Io on Bstead in MC levels off fast (Fig. 4g). Note
diffusive transport of phytoplankton and of the algae-bound that at Io ≤200 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and Sd 020 m, Bmax is
nutrients on phytoplankton abundance depends on Sd be- less than Bstead suggesting that phytoplankton survival
cause at large Sd diffusion causes an export of phytoplank- requires higher Io in the seasonally-mixed system with Sd 0
ton from the productive zone, whereas at small Sd diffusion 20 m than in the corresponding model without winter mix-
results in an upward flux of phytoplankton and of stored ing (Fig. 4g). With respect to trophic state, Bmax in MS and
nutrients allowing for additional production. In scenario Bstead in MC both increase at a similar rate and almost
MS,Sed0, the rapid increase in phytoplankton biomass after linearly with Rtroph (Fig. 4i). If the surface layer thickness
seasonal mixing is not followed by a decline but by a slight is Sd 020 m, both, Bmax in MS and Bstead in MC increase
increase in biomass until winter mixing sets in (Fig. 3g). strongly with Io and are rather insensitive to nutrient enrich-
Apparently, the development of a phytoplankton bloom in ment (Fig. 4h, j).
the model requires sedimentation which is consistent with Altering the duration of the winter-mixing period in a
the close agreement between Bmax in the seasonally-mixed seasonally-mixed system with Sd 05 m has essentially no
scenario MS,Sed0 and Bstead in the scenario MC,Sed0 (Fig. 3e, f). affect on Bmax but leads to a significant shift in the timing of
However, the modifications in vertical transport assumed Bmax (Figs. 4e, k and 5) because it delays the termination of
in the different scenarios have a larger influence on Bstead in winter mixing. Winter mixing durations as short as 2 days

Sd = 5m Sd = 20m Sd = 5m Sd = 20m Sd = 5m Sd = 20m

(104 mg C m-2)

a 600 300
500 200
400 100
b c 62
d 62
e 100
f 100

1 600 300
500 200
400 100
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
time (d)
(104 mg C m-2)

Bstead Bmean

g h i j k l
200 400 600 200 400 600 20 40 60 20 40 60 0 50 100 0 50 100
Io ( mol photons m-2 s-1) Rtroph (mg P m-3) duration of winter mixing (d)

Fig. 4 Sensitivity of water column biomass to incident light (a, b, g, same parameters in MS and MC. Except for the parameter of the
h), trophic state (c, d, i, j) and duration of winter mixing (e, f, k, l). a–f sensitivity analysis of the particular panel Io 0300 μmol photons
The seasonal course of B for different abiotic conditions, whereas g– m−2 s−1, Rtroph 032.2 mg P m−3 and the duration of winter mixing in
l depict Bmax and the annual mean of B, Bmean, of simulations with MS was tmix 050 days. Note, that Sd 05 m in a, c, e, g, i, k, whereas Sd 0
seasonal mixing MS and Bstead of simulations without winter mixing 20 m in b, d, f, h, j, l
MC. B, Bmax, Bmean, and Bstead, respectively, were simulated using the
Theor Ecol

Fig. 5 Sensitivity of the timing

a b c d

Timing of Bmax relative to the onset of stratification (d)

of Bmax to incident light (a), 350 350
Sd = 20 m
trophic state (b), timing of the Sd = 5 m
onset of stratification (c) and 300 300
overwintering biomass (d) for
Sd 05 m and Sd 020 m. The grey
area in the panels a, b, and c 250 250
indicates the time period of
winter mixing. In d, the timing

TBmax (d)
200 200
of Bmax is measured relative to
the onset of stratification. TBmax
is not shown for Sd 020 m and 150 150
Io 0100 μmol photons m−2 s−1
because under these conditions
100 100
phytoplankton becomes extinct.
Note, that d is based on the
model scenarios with different 50 50
durations of winter mixing: The
longer the duration of winter
mixing the lower Bmin 0 0
200 400 600 20 40 60 0 50 100 0 2000 4000
Io Rtroph onset of stratification Bmin
( mol photons m-2 s-1) (mg P m-3) (days since the onset of mixing) (mgC m-2)

are sufficient to induce the typical seasonal development of slope in this relationship is larger than 1 indicating that with
the phytoplankton abundance (Fig. 4) suggesting that the increasing mixing duration the time between the onset of
conclusions from this study not only apply to monomictic stratification and the phytoplankton maximum slightly
lakes but also to dimictic lakes between the beginning of increases. With Sd 020 m an increase in mixing duration
spring mixing and the onset of autumn mixing. results in an increasingly stronger delay of peak timing
If Sd 020 m, Bmax is essentially independent of the dura- relative to the termination of winter mixing. The delay of
tion of winter mixing as in the case with Sd 05 m, but the peak timing relative to mixing termination results from the
annual peak develops substantially later than in the case of lower over-wintering abundance associated with a longer
Sd 05 m (Fig. 5c) and Bmax is only slightly larger than B duration of winter mixing (Fig. 5d). Compared to the
immediately before the onset of winter mixing (Fig. 4f, l). changes in TBmax associated with the mixing duration sce-
In all simulations with Sd 05 m, Bmax is substantially larger narios, forward shifts in TBmax due to increasing light inten-
than Bstead, whereas in the simulations with Sd 020 m, Bmax and sity (Fig. 5a) and delays of TBmax due to nutrient enrichment
Bstead are similar. The annual mean B in MS, Bmean, and Bstead (Fig. 5b) are small, if the surface-mixed layer is small, i.e. at
have similar values if Sd 05 m. This agreement however results Sd 05 m. However, at Sd 020 m decreasing the light intensity
from averaging large positive deviations between B in MS and from 400 to 300 μmol photons m−2 s−1 or increasing Rtroph
in MC during the stratified period with large negative devia- from 30 to 40 mg Pm−3 leads to a delay in TBmax of 124 and
tions during the time period of strong winter mixing. Never- 83 days, respectively, which is larger than the delay caused
theless, in the simulations with Sd 05 m, Bstead not only closely by shifting the onset of stratification by 40 days (Fig. 5). A
resembles Bmean but also shows a similar sensitivity to external delay in the timing of the phytoplankton peak in systems
forcing factors, e.g. to incident light and trophic state (Fig. 4g, with larger mixing depth or lower incident light intensities
i, k). Hence, in systems with a shallow mixed-surface layer, the was also observed in simulations investigating the transient
steady state phytoplankton abundance in models with time- dynamics of phytoplankton and was explained by slower
constant mixing can be used as approximation for the annual phytoplankton production in these systems due to increased
mean phytoplankton abundance in the corresponding models light limitation (Diehl et al. 2005).
with seasonal mixing. This however is not valid for systems
with large surface-mixed layers, as in the cases with Sd 020 m Phytoplankton development and water column depth
Bmean is smaller than Bstead (Fig. 4h, j) and the difference
between Bmean and Bstead increases with increasing duration The consequences of seasonal changes in vertical mixing for
of winter mixing to more than 100 % of Bmean (Fig. 4l). phytoplankton abundances in water columns with different
When the duration of winter mixing differs (Fig. 5c), depths are investigated by comparing steady state solutions
phytoplankton peak timing relative to the onset of winter for systems with temporally constant diffusivities that either
mixing is delayed at Sd 05 m almost in parallel with the are spatially constant, d0const., or vary with depth, d(z), with
delay in the termination of winter mixing, or equivalently, simulation results for systems that additionally consider winter
with the delay in the onset of stratification. However, the mixing by assuming temporally varying diffusivities. During
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the stratified period, the time-dependent diffusivities are either become extinct even at the largest water depths and largest
spatially constant d(t) or vary with depth, d(t,z). surface- and deep-water mixing intensities considered. In-
The simulations with d0const. using the parameter values stead, the largest mixing intensities support the highest Bmax.
of Jäger et al. (2010) confirm the results of the earlier study In simulations in which both vertical and seasonal variation
and the validity of our numerical procedure (Fig. 6a, e, i). of d were introduced, d0d(t,z), phytoplankton does not be-
Phytoplankton becomes extinct when lake depths and d are come extinct and Bmax only weakly depends on the value of d
large, phytoplankton biomass is small when mixing intensity in surface and deep water layer (Fig. 6d). For a 50-m deep
is small and becomes maximal for d010 m2 day−1 (Fig. 6a). water column, simulations assuming dS 01,000 m2 day−1 and
Introducing seasonal variation in mixing intensity by assum- dD 05 m2 day−1 as in MS result in essentially the same Bmax as
ing winter mixing with a duration of 50 days and dtmix 0 simulations in which dS 0dD ≥10 m2 day−1 (Fig. 6d). In the
1,000 m2 day−1 results in significantly higher Bmax at large simulations in which d varies with depth, Bmax becomes
water depth and low mixing intensities for d0d(t) than for d0 considerably larger if seasonal mixing is considered, i.e. d0
const (Fig. 6b). In simulations with large mixing intensities, d(t,z) (Fig. 6c, d).
i.e. d0100 m2 day−1 and d01,000 m2 day−1, phytoplankton In the seasonally-mixed systems, considering a metal-
becomes extinct in water columns of similar water depths imnion with low mixing intensity during the stratified peri-
independent of choosing d0const or d0d(t) (Fig. 6a, b). od, Bmax is rather insensitive to total water column depth and
Reconsidering temporally constant diffusivities but assum- to the mixing intensity in the surface and deep layers during
ing that d varies in the vertical d0d(z) by adding a 5-m thick the stratified period (Fig. 6d). This is reasonable, because in
intermediate layer (dI 00.5 m2 day−1, Sd 05 m) increases the deep systems with strong vertical mixing, a metalimnion
persistence range of phytoplankton (Fig. 6c). In contrast to the with low mixing intensity supports phytoplankton abun-
simulations without a metalimnion, phytoplankton does not dance by preventing downward transport of phytoplankton
to depths with strong light limitation (Fig. 6c) and in sys-
d = const. d = d(t) d = d(z) d = d(t,z) tems with weak mixing during the stratified period, seasonal
Bmax (104 mgC m-2)

a b c d mixing supports phytoplankton abundance by replenishing
1 dissolved nutrients in the upper-mixed layer (Fig. 6b).
The insensitivity of Bmax to mixing intensity in surface and
0 deep layers in the scenarios d0d(t,z) implies that in these
40 scenarios nutrient uptake rates and sedimentation rates are
Rd,mean (mgP m-3)

e f g h
similar for different mixing intensities. This explains why at
the same water column depth Rd,mean and Rs, respectively,
deviate much less for different mixing intensities in the sce-
0 1000 m2 d-1
100 m2 d-1 nario d0d(t,z) than for d0const (Fig. 6e–l). Note, that Rs
10 m2 d-1
i j k 1 m2 d-1 l declines with increasing water column depths (Fig. 6i–l) be-
Rs (mgP m-2)

0.1 m2 d-1
cause in deep water columns, most of the sinking particulate
100 nutrients are mineralized before they reach the sediment.
0 50 0 50 0 50 0 50
water column depth (m)
Fig. 6 Consequences of water column depths and mixing intensity on
phytoplankton and nutrient concentrations in models assuming con-
stant (d0const.) and temporally (d0d(t)), spatially (d0d(z)) and tem- The results from the models considering seasonal variation in
porally and spatially (d0d(t,z)) varying mixing intensities. Bmax is vertical distribution and intensity of mixing differ significantly
depicted in a–d. Mean nutrient concentration (e–h) and the pool of from the steady-state conditions obtained in models assuming
nutrients in the sediments (i–l) are shown for the time when B0Bmax.
Lines of same colour indicate simulations with the same dS 0dD (see
time-constant mixing. Water column production, phytoplank-
panel k). In the simulations with spatially varying d, i.e. d(z) and d(z,t), ton abundances, and nutrient concentrations in seasonally-
an intermediate layer with dI 00.5 m2 s−1 was introduced between 5 and mixed systems (scenario MS) and in corresponding systems
10 m water depth whereas in the other simulations dI 0dS 0dD. The without winter mixing (scenario MC) are only comparable at
intermediate layer of low diffusivity dI has no influence on simulations
in water columns with depths ≤5 m (dark grey regions) and is only
the end of summer, just prior to winter mixing (Figs. 1, 2 and
partly developed in water columns with depths between 5 and 10 m 3). A detailed quantification of the differences between the
(light grey regions). In the simulations with temporally varying d, results from the scenarios MS and MC is provided in the ESM
seasonal mixing was considered by applying d(tmix)01,000 m2 day−1 (Figs. O2 and O3).
in the entire water column between day 15 and 65 of each year of
365 days. Model results considering a 50-m deep water column as-
The time scale required to reach conditions that closely
suming d0d(t,z) with dS 01,000 m2 s−1 and dD 05 m2 s−1 are depicted resemble steady-state depends especially on processes
as circles (d, h, l) which involve feedback mechanism operating throughout
Theor Ecol

the water column, i.e. consumption, remineralization and winter mixing, thus depends on the size of the nutrient pool
transport (sedimentation and mixing) of nutrients and the and on the rate of its exploitation in relation to the rates of
response of nutrient-limited phytoplankton distributions. In production and losses of phytoplankton.
contrast, the response of phytoplankton abundance to pro- The rate of pool exploitation is determined by the stand-
cesses associated with light assimilation are much faster, ing stock and the specific growth rate of phytoplankton, the
because feedback mechanisms (e.g. self shading) mainly accessible nutrient pool and by the supply of nutrients from
depend on the upper water layers and the response of the the diffusive nutrient flux. All these factors change season-
underwater light climate to changes in phytoplankton abun- ally. With increasing depth of the mixed surface layer Sd,
dance is instantaneous. This suggests that deviations from light limitation of the phytoplankton mixed over a larger
steady-state conditions due to seasonal mixing should be depth range leads to a reduced growth rate of phytoplankton
larger in systems where nutrient limitation plays a role (e.g. (e.g. Diehl 2002) but the accessible nutrient pool increases.
Jäger et al. 2010 and this study) than in purely light-limited Hence, the rate of exploitation of the nutrient pool decreases
systems (e.g. Huisman et al. 2002). and the time required for the development of a phytoplank-
ton peak increases with mixed-layer depth and may even
Processes determining the abundance of phytoplankton extend over the entire season (Fig. 3g). In the latter case
in the water column abundance and the role (mixed-layer depth Sd 025 m), the timing of the occurrence
of the mixed-layer depth of the peak abundance is not determined by the exhaustion
of the resource pool but by the onset of the winter mixing
A major difference in the control of phytoplankton produc- period. However, reducing surface layer mixing to dS 0
tion in models with and without seasonal mixing arises from 10 m2 day−1 increases the specific growth rate, thus also
differences in the spatio-temporal patterns of nutrient supply: the rate of pool exploitation, and a seasonal peak can devel-
whereas the steady-state biomass in time-constant environments op also at a mixed-layer depth of Sd 025 m (ESM Fig. O1).
predominantly depends on the resources provided by the diffu- In our model, sedimentation is essential for the develop-
sive flux from the hypolimnion through the metalimnion, the ment of a seasonal peak, as without sedimentation losses,
biomass and production in the simulations with seasonal mixing phytoplankton biomass continues to grow until the onset of
are strongly influenced by the nutrient pool available after winter winter mixing (see Fig. 3g, MS,Sed0). In all our simulations
mixing. At steady state in systems with time-constant mixing shown in Fig. 4, only a single phytoplankton peak devel-
(scenario MC), all nutrients supplied by mixing across the metal- oped during the season without further oscillations. This
imnion are taken up and consumed in the surface layer at the absence of oscillatory behaviour differs from results by
same rate as they are transported. If the flux of dissolved Huppert et al. (2002) for nutrient-limited phytoplankton
nutrients across the metalimnion is zero as in MC,Rd0, phyto- with fixed stoichiometry in a simplified one-box model. In
plankton production will be essentially restricted to deeper water our vertically resolved model, the transitions in phytoplank-
where light intensity may not be sufficient to support survival of ton abundance remain smooth with a single seasonal peak,
the phytoplankton population (Fig. 3f MC,Rd0). In systems with independent of whether the stoichiometry is flexible or fixed
seasonal mixing, the annually renewed nutrient pool available (results for fixed stoichiometry see ESM Fig. O4), and
after winter mixing is a major source of nutrients utilised by whether light shading by phytoplankton is considered or
phytoplankton and explains why phytoplankton does not be- not (not shown). Only if the vertical diffusivity is reduced
come extinct in scenario MS,Rd0, that considers seasonal mixing to a very low value of 0.1 m2 day−1 throughout the entire
but assumes zero flux of dissolved nutrients through the metal- water column during stratified conditions, the phytoplank-
imnion during the stratified season (Fig. 3e). ton abundance in a 50-m water column shows damped
The exploitation of the annually renewed nutrient pool by oscillations after winter mixing. This suggests that the dif-
the growing phytoplankton population (in the following ferent dynamic properties of the seasonal phytoplankton
called pool exploitation) is the main factor determining the development in our model and in the model of Huppert et
nutrient concentration in the euphotic zone and thus has a al. (2002) most likely arise from the resolved vertical di-
strong effect on seasonal changes in production and phyto- mension in our model that (a) allows for a consistent calcula-
plankton biomass (Figs. 2 and 3). The utilisation of a re- tion of nutrient and phytoplankton fluxes from vertical mixing,
source pool for phytoplankton production may result in the whereas nutrient fluxes were prescribed boundary conditions
development of a phytoplankton peak, as pool exploitation in Huppert et al. (2002), and (b) enables the consideration of
may eventually exhaust the nutrient pool in the euphotic light limited production in a vertical light gradient.
zone and the diffusive flux of nutrients from below is not In real systems, phytoplankton is not only controlled by
sufficient to support the standing stock of phytoplankton bottom up processes but also by top-down processes. Her-
resulting in a decline in biomass. Whether a seasonal peak bivorous zooplankton increases the loss rate of phytoplank-
in phytoplankton biomass can develop before the onset of ton and thus additionally contributes to the generation of the
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seasonal peak in phytoplankton biomass. In our bottom-up is predominantly limited by light intensity. Therefore, the
controlled phytoplankton model, only one seasonal peak supply of nutrients by an annually renewed resource pool in
developed (see above), but no clear water phase typical for seasonally-mixed systems or higher nutrient concentrations
seasonally stratified lakes (Sommer et al. 1986), suggesting in systems of generally higher trophic state, Rtroph, have no
that the occurrence of a clear water phase may require significant affect on the annual maximum water column
zooplankton grazing. This is supported by simulations of phytoplankton abundance (Figs. 3e, f and 4j). Consequently,
the transient dynamics of phytoplankton which shows a at a surface-mixed layer depth of Sd 020 m, the maximum
clear water phase if Daphnia grazing is considered (Jäger water column abundance in seasonally-mixed systems,
et al. 2008). Including zooplankton necessitates simulation Bmax, and the steady state water column abundance in
of further details on the abiotic environment, e.g. in case of corresponding systems without winter mixing, Bstead, agree
daphnids seasonal variation in water temperature is a key closely and are not very sensitive to changes in trophic state
factor for population growth (Schalau et al. 2008). (Fig. 4j), but increase significantly and at a similar rate with
increasing intensity of the incident light (Fig. 4h).
Sensitivity of phytoplankton abundance to nutrient Our model did not consider seasonal changes in incident
enrichment and incident light intensity light intensity, although this is known to affect phytoplank-
ton dynamics (e.g. Litchman and Klausmeier 2001). How-
The size of the nutrient pool and the processes controlling its ever, in the standard model MS considering a 50-m deep
exploitation explain why the response of water column water column with a mixed surface layer depth of Sd 05 m,
biomass to changes in incident light intensity, nutrient load- seasonal mixing resulted in a seasonal change of water
ing and the vertical distribution of mixing intensities differs column biomass that was four times larger than the change
between time-constant and seasonally varying mixing sce- in steady-state biomass in model MC resulting from an
narios. If the surface-mixed layer is shallow, light intensities increase in incident light intensity from 100 to 600 μmol
within the surface-mixed layer are high and the standard photons m−2 s−1. Note further that the main seasonal change
value for the intensity of incident light (Io 0300 μmol in light intensity typically occurs over the winter/early
photons m−2 s−1) supports a steady-state surface layer phy- spring period when vertical mixing is intense and light
toplankton biomass in systems with time-constant mixing limitation of water column production in deep systems is
(scenarios MC) that is predominantly limited by the nutrients dominated by the downward transport of phytoplankton
available from the diffusive flux of nutrients. In systems within the vertical light gradient. Seasonal changes in inci-
with seasonal mixing (scenarios MS), the maximum biomass dent light intensity thus probably have a minor effect on
during the spring bloom exceeds the steady-state biomass in phytoplankton abundance in deep seasonally-mixed lakes
the corresponding systems without winter mixing, because with shallow surface layers (see also Peeters et al. 2007a),
phytoplankton production additionally can utilise the annu- but may be more important in aquatic systems that are e.g.
ally renewed nutrient pool. This resource pool supplies shallow, eutrophic, or located at high latitudes.
sufficient nutrients that biomass production and the rate of
pool exploitation is controlled by light limitation. An in- Persistence
crease of incident light intensity therefore increases specific
production whereas loss rates remain unaffected. As a con- Seasonal mixing also affects the persistence ranges of phy-
sequence, the net production rate of biomass is larger and toplankton by decreasing the annual average of light avail-
the exploitation of the nutrient pool is faster the larger the ability for phytoplankton and by increasing the nutrient
intensity of the incident light, Io. Because the cumulative supply via replenishment of the nutrient pool during winter
losses of phytoplankton through sedimentation increase mixing. In systems with low diffusivities during stratified
with time, the maximum biomass produced from the same conditions, seasonal mixing can thus support the develop-
nutrient pool is larger the faster the nutrient pool is ment of higher abundances of phytoplankton (Fig. 6a, b) or
exploited. This explains why in the simulations with sea- even prevent the extinction of phytoplankton (Fig. 3 MS,Rd0)
sonal mixing the annual maximum water column production compared to systems without winter mixing. In contrast, in
and water column abundance, Bmax, increase significantly systems with low light intensities and large surface-mixed
with increasing incident light intensity, whereas steady-state layer depths seasonal mixing may cause extinction of phy-
water column production and steady-state water column toplankton as light limitation is more important than nutrient
abundance, Bstead, in the simulations with time-constant limitation (Fig. 4b). Introducing an intermediate layer of low
mixing are rather insensitive to light intensity in case of a mixing during stratified conditions reduces vertical transport
the shallow surface-mixed layer (Sd 05 m). of phytoplankton from the euphotic zone to deeper water
At large surface-mixed layer depths Sd, water column layers and thus reduces the overall water column effects of
production by the phytoplankton mixed vertically over Sd light limitation. Hence, the presence of an intermediate layer
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supports persistence of phytoplankton in systems, in which simulations also indicate that the sensitivity of phytoplankton
the mixing intensity without the intermediate layer would phenology to changes in nutrient enrichment and light inten-
cause such a rapid export of phytoplankton from the euphotic sity depends on the mixed layer depth. In systems with small
zone that the effects of light limitation lead to extinction of the mixed-layer depth, the influence of incident light intensity and
phytoplankton population (Fig. 6a–d). However, because the trophic state on phenology is of minor importance compared
intermediate layer also reduces the flux of nutrients from the to that of the timing of onset of stratification. This conclusion
nutrient-rich deep water to the surface layer, it not only lowers is consistent with the findings from Lake Constance (Peeters
the effects of light limitation but also increases nutrient limi- et al. 2007a), where temperature stratification during the
tation in the euphotic zone. Hence, low diffusivities in the spring season reaches almost to the lake surface.
intermediate layer may result in a reduction of phytoplankton The duration of winter-mixing affects bloom timing by
abundances (e.g. Figs. 3e MS,Rd0 and 6c) or even extinction of changing the onset of stratification, but also by changing
phytoplankton (Fig. 3f MC,Rd0). The consequences of an overwintering biomasses, i.e. the annual minimum water col-
intermediate layer of low mixing for phytoplankton abun- umn biomass. The sensitivity of timing of the phytoplankton
dance and persistence depends on the mixed-layer depth, the bloom to overwintering biomass increases with mixed-layer
mixing intensity in the surface layer and on the consideration depth (Fig. 5d) suggesting that overwintering biomass may be
of seasonal mixing. important especially in deeper lakes and marine systems.
Consequently, for these systems, predictions from the analy-
Phenology of phytoplankton blooms ses of transient dynamics (e.g. Jäger et al. 2008) which rely on
the assumption that results are insensitive to initial conditions,
The sensitivity of the timing of the annual maximum in should be carefully evaluated. In the seasonally resolved
water column phytoplankton abundance to light intensity, model employed here, overwintering biomass evolves as part
trophic state, mixed layer depth and mixing duration sup- of the seasonal development of phytoplankton and follows
ports the important role of pool exploitation for phytoplank- mechanistically from the seasonal change in abiotic condi-
ton bloom development. An increase in light intensity tions. The model predicts a slight delay of bloom timing with
increases specific production and thus leads to a faster decreasing overwintering biomass (Fig. 5) as was observed for
exploitation of the resource pool and hence to an earlier example for two diatoms in Lake Windermere (Thackeray et
bloom development. In contrast, nutrient enrichment delays al. 2008). Several other field and experimental studies also
the phytoplankton peak as it increases the nutrient pool and suggest that winter conditions can be important for biomasses
thus the time required to exploit the nutrient pool. Nutrient and processes as the season progresses (Sommer and Lewan-
enrichment also increases specific production but this has dowska 2011; Anneville et al. 2004; Wiltshire et al. 2008).
only a small effect since nutrient limitation is already low
after winter mixing (see Fig. 2). With increasing mixed-
layer depth the annual phytoplankton peak is delayed, be- Conclusions
cause the nutrient pool increases with mixed-layer depth and
the average specific production within the surface layer This work has shown that models with and without seasonal
decreases with mixed layer depth due to increased light mixing make different predictions regarding phytoplankton bio-
limitation of the phytoplankton. mass, phytoplankton production and their sensitivity to environ-
The model results on the phenology of phytoplankton are mental conditions. In seasonally-mixed systems, the vertical
consistent with in situ observations in different temperate distribution of mixing intensity during stratified conditions,
lakes and mesocosm studies. For example, the spring bloom especially the depth of the transition from high mixing in the
can be delayed by a decrease in light intensity (Sommer and surface layer to low mixing in the thermocline, determines the
Lengfellner 2008), by an increase in mixing depth (Berger et importance of the exploitation of the nutrient pool in relation to
al. 2007) and by a late termination of winter mixing (Peeters the diffusive nutrient flux, and also in relation to light limitation
et al. 2007a; Thackeray et al. 2008). However, in contrast to resulting from vertical transport of phytoplankton. Hence, the
the model predictions Thackeray et al. (2008) observed an combination of seasonally and spatially varying mixing intensi-
advance of the timing of the spring bloom of the diatom ties has a major effect on the relative importance of abiotic
Asterionella formosa with increasing nutrient concentration conditions (e.g. vertical transport, incident light and trophic
in Lake Windermere. This discrepancy might be because state) versus biotic properties (e.g. physiological parameters
other factors related to trophic state (e.g., abundances of relevant for the specific growth rates and sedimentation velocity)
competitors, e.g. of earlier blooming Cyclotella, or of her- for the growth of light- and nutrient-limited phytoplankton.
bivores) have interfered with the predicted effect of This suggests that seasonal mixing may differentially
nutrients, or because phosphorus concentrations in Wind- affect the performance of phytoplankton with different
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