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By E. C. Leong l and H. Rahardjo2

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the three categories of permeability functions for unsaturated soils, including
empirical, macroscopic, and statistical models. The theoretical backgrounds and performance of each category
are examined against various experimental data. The paper also shows that it is possible to degenerate statistical
models to macroscopic models and then to empirical models. A new empirical equation for the permeability
function is suggested. The statistical model demonstrates good performance and can be readily applied. In some
cases the performance of the statistical model can be further improved with the introduction of a correction
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INTRODUCTION measure such a wide range of permeability values efficiently.

Permeability measurements can be performed either in the
Many geotechnical and geoenvironmental problems involve field or in the laboratory. However, field measurements are
water flow through unsaturated soils. Water coefficient of per- usually more variable, due partly to macroscopic features and
meability in an unsaturated soil is a function of pore-water partly from the assumptions made. In this paper only labora-
pressure or water content. Direct measurements of permeabil- tory measurements are discussed.
ity in the laboratory can be time-consuming, especially for low In direct measurement there are steady-state and unsteady-
water content conditions. Indirect measurements of perme- state methods (Fredlund and Rahardjo 1993). In the steady-
ability are commonly performed by establishing permeability state method, a matric suction is first imposed on a soil spec-
functions through the use of the relationship between water imen using the axis-translation technique (Hilf 1956). At
content and pore-water pressure (i.e., soil-water characteristic equilibrium, denoted by a constant water content, a hydraulic
curve). There are numerous permeability functions available gradient is then imposed across the soil specimen. The flow
for unsaturated soils. In general, the various permeability func- rate is measured and the permeability is obtained via Darcy's
tions can be categorized into three groups: empirical, macro- law. Using the unsteady-state method or instantaneous profile
scopic, and statistical models. It is important that the assump- method, a cylindrical soil specimen is subjected to a contin-
tions and theoretical backgrounds associated with each uous flow of water from one end. The hydraulic head gradient
category of function be known prior to its use in application. and the flow rate at various points along the specimen are
A review of these backgrounds is presented in the paper. The computed by monitoring water content and/or pore-water pres-
performance of each category of function is also examined sure at these points. The associated problems of direct mea-
against various experimental data. Advantages and limitations surements are
associated with each model are illustrated in the paper.
1. A long time is required to complete a series of perme-
PERMEABILITY OF UNSATURATED SOILS ability measurements as the coefficient of permeability
of unsaturated soils is very low, especially at high matric
Permeability of saturated soils k, is a function of void ratio
suction values.
e only. For unsaturated soils, the coefficient of permeability
2. Because of the low flow rate, the measurement of water
with respect to water kw is a function of both void ratio e and
volume change must be very accurate. Water loss from
water content w. Since void ratio e, water content w, and de-
or within the apparatus and air diffusion through the wa-
gree of saturation S are interrelated, kw can be expressed as a
ter can introduce serious errors in the volume measure-
function of any two of the three parameters, i.e.
kw =!(e, w); kw =!(S, e); kw =!(S, w) (la-c) 3. In some cases an osmotic suction gradient may develop
between the pore water within the soil and pure water
If the soil structure is assumed to be incompressible, then that is used as the permeating fluid. This gradient will
it is possible to decouple the two parameters in (1) where the induce an additional osmotic flow across the specimen.
saturated permeability k., will quantify the effect of void ratio The osmotic flow becomes more significant as the water
and another function will account for the effect of water con- content of the specimen decreases.
tent in the soil. 4. As matric suction increases, the specimen may shrink
Permeability measurement of unsaturated soils is a very from the wall of the cell and also from the high air-entry
time-consuming process. The duration of the test increases as disk. The air gap will disrupt the continuity of water flow
the water content in the soil decreases. The permeability values as air is nonconductive to water flow. For the instanta-
can differ by several orders in magnitude causing direct mea- neous profile method, the soil may shrink away from the
surement to be very difficult as there is no apparatus that can instruments that are used to measure pore-water pressure
'Sr. Lect., NTU-PWD Geotech. Res. Ctr., Nanyang Techno!. Univ.,
School of Civ. & Struct. Engrg., Block NI, No. IA-37, Nanyang Ave., In indirect measurement the water content of the soil spec-
Singapore 639798.
2Dir.. NTU-PWD Geotech. Res. Ctr., Nanyang Techno!. Univ., School imen at various matric suction values is determined. The per-
of Civ. & Struct. Engrg., Block NI. No. IA-37. Nanyang Ave.. Singapore meability is then inferred from the soil-water characteristic
639798. curve, a plot of volumetric water content and matrlc suction,
Note. Discussion open until May I, 1998. To extend the closing date using a statistical model. Compared with direct measurement
one month. a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of using the steady-state method, the test duration is greatly re-
Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and duced as the test only lasts up to the time when the water
possible publication on October 31, 1996. This paper is part of the Jour-
nal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vo!. 123, No. content in the soil specimen equilibrates with the imposed ma-
12, December, 1997. ©ASCE. ISSN 1090/0241197/0012-1118-1126/ tric suction. The problems associated with the indirect mea-
$4.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. 14485. surements are

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

1. Detennination of the end point where the water content tical models being the most rigorous. These categories will be
becomes constant at an imposed matric suction can be discussed in detail in the following sections,
very difficult.
2. Similar to direct measurement, measurement of water EMPIRICAL EQUATIONS
volume changes must be very accurate. This is especially
so at a very high matric suction. Empirical equations arise from the need for an equation to
3. Air diffusion through the ceramic disk reduces the ac- describe the variation of penneability with matric suction IjJ or
curacy of the water volume detennination. volumetric water content Ow, i.e.
4. As most indirect measurement devices use an "open sys- (2)
tem" with the water pressure being at atmospheric,
losses of water through evaporation and in some cases Direct measurement of penneability is required for the de-
drying of the ceramic disk will cause a large error in the tennination of the empirical equation. The constants in the
detennination of water content of the soil specimen. equations are best detennined from a curve fit of the test data,
5. The soil specimen will shrink at a high matric suction however some researchers have attempted to define some of
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and the volumetric water content requires the detenni- these constants (e.g., Wind 1955). A number of equations for
nation of the soil specimen volume. The soil volume is the penneability function have been suggested and these are
difficult to detennine causing some errors in the soil- tabulated in Table 1. In Table 1 the penneability functions are
water characteristic curve determination. categorized into k(Ow) and k(ljJ) functions. Closer examination
of the empirical equations for the penneability function in Ta-
In both methods the soil specimen can be subjected to dry- ble 1 reveals that many of them are similar in fonn to empir-
ing and wetting processes. In the drying process the soil starts ical equations suggested for the soil-water characteristic curve.
at a near saturation condition and the matric suction is grad- The soil-water characteristic curve is a relationship between
ually increased leading to a reduction in the water content in Ow and 1jJ. The similarity in shape between penneability func-
the soil specimen. Therefore, the test is tenned as "drying." tion and soil-water characteristic curve is not surprising as wa-
In the wetting process the soil specimen starts at a very low ter only flows through the water phase in the soil. Equations
water content, or "dry," condition and the matric suction is for soil-water characteristic curves are juxtaposed in Table 1.
gradually reduced causing water to be imbibed by the soil Some of the equations for the soil-water characteristic curves
specimen. Therefore, the test is tenned as "wetting." It is in Table 1 were suggested by different researchers but by com-
generally found that the drying and wetting processes exhibit paring the proposed equations for penneability and soil-water
hysteretic behavior. characteristic curves, it becomes evident that these researchers
In summary, penneability detennination of unsaturated soils have actually suggested the following generalized relationship:
is a tedious and time-consuming process. In many unsaturated kr = EY' (3)
soil problems, penneabilities at various matric suctions are re-
quired. The relationship between penneability and matric suc- where kr = relative coefficient of penneability or ratio of per-
tion is referred to as permeability function. Since matric suc- meability k w and saturated penneability k.; e = nonnalized
tion and volumetric water content are related to the soil-water volumetric water content or (Ow - Or)/(O. - Or) where the
characteristic curve, the permeability function can also be de- subscripts sand r denote saturated and residual, respectively;
scribed by a relationship between penneability and volumetric and p is a constant. The application of (3) to fit some experi-
water content. Depending on the type of penneability mea- mental data is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 2 illustrates the
surements being carried out, there are three types of penne- penneability corresponding to the drying and wetting curves.
ability functions that can be employed: empirical equations, The exponent p has quite a wide range of values as shown in
macroscopic models, and statistical models. These categories the figures. The curve fit is reasonable in all the cases except
of functions were suggested by Mualem (1986) as an indica- at low values of volumetric water content.
tion of the degree of theoretical sophistication, with the statis- Since (3) gives a reasonable fit it will naturally follow that

TABLE 1. Empirical Permeability Functions and Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Equations

Type Permeability functions Soil-water characteristic curve equations
(1 ) (2) (3)
k =/(e..) k.. = ae~, Gardner (1958)
e.. A log ojI Campbell (1973)
k.. = k, - and b = -A--
e, )
'-l log e..
Ahuja (1973, 1974)
Gillham et aI. (1976)
Zachmann et aI. (1981)
Hillel (1982)
k,.. = k, exp[b(e w - e,)] Davidson et aI. (1969) ojI = ojIcr exp[b(1 - S,)] Farrel and Larson (1972)
Dane and Klute (1977)
k =/(ojI) k.. =a+bojl Richards (1931)
k,., = aojl-b Wind (1955) In ojI = a + b In e
w Williams et aI. (1983)
Weeks and Richards (1967)
k.. = _ _k::.,.'----,-,. Gardner (1958) 0= _ _1_ Gardner (1958)
Arbhabhirama and Kridakorn (1968) I + aojlb
I +a (...i..)b
k.. = a exp(bojl)
k.. = k, for ojI :$ ojIb
Christensen (1943)
Rijtema (1965) 0=exp [ - - - b -
(ojI - a)] McKee and Bumb (1984)
k.. = k, exp[b(ojI - ojIb)] for ojI > ojIb Phillip (1986)
Note: In the table, a, and b are constants; k IS coefficient of permeability where subscripts wand s denote unsaturated and saturated, respectively; S,
is the effective degree of saturation; ojI is the matric suction; e w is the volumetric water content; and 0 is the normalized volumetric water content.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

1e+0 1e+0
.,; Expt .><-
o Expt I
.~ 1e-1 -Eq.3 ~ --Eq.3 1

~ .., 1e-2 ~ 1e-1

p =6.23

It: It:J
8.., 1e-4
8 1e-3
.::1;; 1e-5
~ OJ ;2 1e-4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45

Volumetric water content, Ow Volumetric water content, Ow

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(a) Lakeland sand (b) Drummer soil 0-30 em depth

1e+o ._------- 1e+o
.>< 0 &pt .>< EJqlt !
~ 1e-1 _Eq.3 ~ 1801 _Eq.3i
:g.., ~0
§ 1e-2 §
p = 13.96
....08. 1e-3 p = 18.09
It: 1e-3
0 It:J 1804
0 1e-4
.~ ~ 1e-5
~ ;2
1e-5 1e-6
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Volumetric water content, Ow Volumetric water content, Ow

(e) Drummer soil 30-75 em depth (d) Drummer soil 75-90 em depth
FIG. 1. Best Fitted Permeability Function k(8..) Using (3) [Data from Elzeftawy and Cartwright (1981)]
o.\o!- o Drying ,
In (4), a, b, and c are constants with a having the same unit
as matric suction \jJ and C(\jJ) is a correction factor. Leong and
Wetting J
~ t:. Rahardjo (1997) have further illustrated that (4) is very robust
1e-1 , 6
when C(\jJ) = 1 and recommended that (4) be used with C(\jJ)

1e-2 Wetting - Eq 3
p = 11.6 ~,&


Drying -Eq 3
If kr is a power function of 0 then
P = 11.8
8 1e-3
~ • where the exponent c in (4) now becomes c' = cpo Seven
,t 0 experimental data sets having soil-water characteristic and per-
~ ,t meability data are used to assess (5). The soil-water charac-
1e-4 teristic curves and details of determination of the constants are
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 given by Leong and Rahardjo (1997). The constants a, b, and
c in the soil-water characteristic curve (4), were first deter-
Volumetric water content, Sw mined as in Leong and Rahardjo (1997). Subsequently p was
FIG. 2. Best Fitted Permeability Function k(8..) Using (3) for
determined by curve fitting the permeability data. These best
Guelph Loam (Brooks and Corey 1964) fitted curves are shown by the solid lines in Figs. 3 and 4
together with the values of a, b, and c, and the exponent p.
if is expressed as a function of the matric suction \jJ then kr Fig. 4 shows permeability values corresponding to the drying
can also be expressed as a function of the matric suction \jJ. and wetting processes. The curves given by (5) show a good
Leong and Rahardjo (1997) in the companion paper have fit to the data.
made a critical evaluation of the 0 = \jJ relationships and have The discussion thus far implied that it will be very attractive
shown that the following equation suggested by Fredlund and if the exponent p is well established for a given soil. As a
Xing (1994) fits the experimental soil-water characteristic result, the kw can then be determined indirectly from the soil-
curves well and is robust: water characteristic curve. This procedure will considerably
reduce the effort in determining k w • However, if k w has been
(4) determined directly with respect to \jJ, then the writers pro-
posed the following equation where constants A, B, and C are
determined by curve fitting:

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

le+O le+O
... ...
le-l f.Q.J. ~
.~ f.Q.J. ~ a =2.25 A =2.65
~... a =389 A =6746 ~ le-2
b =4.32 B =3.86
e le-l b =0.685 B =0.549 § le-3 c = 1.235 C=8.37
8- c = 1.176 C=201.1
....0 p = 52.12 0
le-4 p =6.04
It:i It:i le-5
8... 0 Expt 8... le-6 Expt"l
_ _ &\.5 _0_&\.51
.~ le-7
____ Eq. 6 ____ &\. 6
~ le-3 ~ le-8
0.01 0.1 10 100 0.1 10 100

Matric suction, IjI (kPa) Matric suction, IjI (kPa)

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(a) Beit Netofa Clay (b) Rehovot sand

le+O le+O
... ... f.Q.J. ~
g f.Q.J.
a =7.64
A = 8.55
g a =5.81 A =6.37
~... b = 7.05 B = 13.07
~... b = 10.59 B = 12.90
e... le-l
c = 0.506 C= 1.960 e... c = 0.381 C =2.24
....0 p =5.79
P =4.55
... It:i
le-2 i
---o-Expt 8... le-3 0 Expt
_ _ &\.5!
__ •• &\. 6
I ., .:!:
_ _ Eq.5
____ &\.6
~. .
~ le-3 -_._._--------- '" ~ le-4
0.1 10 100 1 10 100

Matric suction,ljI (kPa) Matric suction, IjI (kPa)

(C) Touchet silt loam (GE3) (d) Columbia sandy loam

le+O le+O ---______0_-
... f.Q.J. ~
g le-l
a =2.66 .~ le-l A =3.39
~... b =6.86 ~ B = 1.024
e... le-2
c = 0.525 § le-2
C =6.06

le-3 P =6.21 ....8-0
It:i le-3
It:i le-4 ---~- Expt
I 8... ~-·E;.pt·1

.:!: le-5 _ _ _ Eq.5 1 > le-4 _ _ Eq.5 I

.~ '\
'Ol ____ Eq.6 ____ Eq. 6
~ le-6 ~ le-5
0.1 10 100 0.1 10 100 1000

Matric suction,ljI(kPa) Matric suction,ljI (kPa)

(e) Superstition sand (f) Yolo light clay

FIG. 3. Best Fitted Permeability Function k(l\I) Using (5) and (6) for Several Soil Types [Data from Moore (1939), Richards (1952),
Brooks and Corey (1964), Rubin et al. (1964), and Rawltz (1965)]

similarity between laminar flow (microscopic level) to flow in

(6) porous media (macroscopic level). The flow is then solved for
a simple laminar flow system to interrelate the macroscopic var-
iables of average flow velocity, hydraulic gradient, permeability,
The curves given by (6) are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 as dotted and hydraulic radius. A direct analogy of these variables to the
lines. The values of the constants A, B, and C are also shown corresponding variables for a soil-water-air system is then made.
in the figures. It can be observed that the fit in all cases is Because of the simplifying assumptions made, all the micro-
better than that given by (5). scopic models have the following general form:
The empirical permeability functions given by (3) and (6) k, = S~ (7)
are very useful for soils with enough permeability data where
representative values of p or A, B, and C can be obtained. where S. = effective degree of saturation defined as S. = (S -
S,)/(l - S,); Sand S, = degree of saturation and residual degree
MACROSCOPIC MODELS of saturation, respectively; and the exponent 8 is a constant.
The value of 8 varies depending on the assumptions made:
The objective of the macroscopic models is to derive an Averjanov (1950) suggested 8 = 3.5, Yuster (1951) suggested
analytical expression for the permeability function (Mualem 8 = 2, Irmay (1954) suggested 8 = 3, and Corey (1954) sug-
1986). Common to these models is the first assumption of gested 8 = 4. The main criticism of the macroscopic models

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

1e+O 2. The Hagen-Poiseuille equation given by

~ EQ...Q

1e-1 a = 18.63
b =4.30
A = 19.21
B =4.82
v= -(~n (:) (8)

1e-2 c = 1.164 C =4.90 is valid, where v = average flow velocity; (d<l>/dx) = hy-
draulic gradient; r = hydraulic radius; v = kinematic co-
P =4.37
0 efficient of viscosity; C = shape constant of the flow
!t::i 1e-3 system; and g = gravitational constant. Eq. (8) is used to
g estimate the permeability of a pore channel and the total
u Expt
1e-4 _ _ _ Eq.5 permeability is determined by integration over the con-
~ tributions from the filled pores.
~ 1e-5
3. The soil-water characteristic curve is considered analo-
gous to the pore-size distribution function using Kelvin's
0.1 10 100
capillary law.
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Mattie suction, \jI (kPa)

Mualem (1986) has reviewed statistical models and con-
(a) Relative coefficient of permeability for drying process. cluded that the statistical models can be represented by three
general formulas

~ ~ EQ...n
:g a = 13.48 A = 18.28
(9, 10)
b =3.07 B =2.51
~ 1e-2 c = 1.093 C =7.49
P =4.32
=8 1e-3

1e-4 0 Expt
_ _ Eq.5
• • • • Eq.6
... k
= S= L9
• (8 w - it) dit

~ 1e-5 o t1J2+m

0.1 10 100 where nand m are constants; and {} is a dummy variable of

Matric suction, \jI(kPa) integration.
The form given by (9) was suggested by Gates and Leitz
(b) Relative coefficient of permeability for wetting process. (1950), Fatt and Dykstra (1951), and Burdine (1953). In Gates
and Leitz's study, n = m = 0; in Fatt and Dykstra's work, n =
FIG. 4. Best Fitted Permeability Function k("') Using (5) and
(6) for Mine Tailings [Data from Gonzalez and Adams (1980)] o and m varies with soil type; in Burdine's work, n = 2 and
m = O. The form given by (10) was suggested by Mualem
(1976), where n was defined as 0.5 and m = O.
is that the models neglect the effect of pore-size distribution
Eq. 11 originated from the work of Childs and Collis-George
(Childs and Collis-George 1950; Brooks and Corey 1964).
(1950), who investigated the influence of random distribution
Brooks and Corey (1964) showed that the exponent I) is 3 for
of pores on the coefficient of permeability. To study this they
a soil with a uniform pore-size distribution and that in general
consider the probability when two sections of a porous medium
I) = (2 + 3'1\.)/'1\. where 'I\. is a pore-size distribution index and
are randomly connected such that larger pores of radius r in
is positive. Mualem (1976), on the basis of data from 50 soils,
one section are connected to smaller pores of radius p in the
suggested that I) = 3 - 2m where m is a soil-water parameter
other section. The probability prober, p) is given by
being positive for granular material and negative for unstruc-
tured soils of fine texture. Mualem found that I) ranges from prober, p) = f(r)f(p) dr dp (12)
2.5 to 24.5.
S. is equivalent to 0 and therefore (7) is equivalent to (3) To make the computation simple, two assumptions were made:
where I) = p. Therefore, it shows that the empirical perme- the resistance to flow is from the smaller radius p of the con-
ability equation given in (3) has some theoretical basis and nected cross-section, and there is only one connection between
pores. Therefore making use of (8) and (12), the discharge flow
following Mualem the range of p is 2.5 to 24.5. From Figs.
1-4 it can be observed that p falls within this range for all dq of the pores contributed by the pair of r and p is
the data except for Beit Netofa clay where p = 52.12. dq = M prober, p)p 2 V<l> (13)
where M is a constant accounting for geometry and fluid prop-
erties. By integrating (13) over the filled pores and applying
The statistical models are the most rigorous models for per- Darcy's law, the following expression for permeability is ob-
meability functions. In these models the coefficient of per- tained:
meability k w is derived from the soil-water characteristic curve.
The methodology of the statistical models are based on three
assumptions (Mualem 1986):

1. The porous medium consists of a set of randomly dis-

tributed interconnected pores characterized by a pore ra- (14)
dius r and its statistical distribution is given by fer). The
areal pore distribution is the same for all cross sections Using (14), kw can be computed for any given 8 w using the
and is equal to fer). soil-water characteristic curve. Childs and Collis-George

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

(1950) have suggested transforming the soil-water character- Nielsen et al. (1960) found that the computation of perme-
istic curve ew(l/!) into a ewer) curve through Kelvin's capillary ability is significantly improved if an adjusting factor is used
law and then carrying out the integration of (14). This com- to match the computed to the measured coefficients of per-
putational procedure is tedious. Marshall (1958) improved the meability at saturation. The resulting relative permeability
procedure by suggesting the use of equal water content inter- function can then be written as
vals. This procedure led to the following expression:
2: 2([ - I; - 1
I .

kw(ew) =- - 2 L.t
n" 2 I
2(1 - i) - 1
(15) k,(llw) = ::1 1jJ; (16)
2pwgIL m ;al
1jJ, 2: 2(m - :) - 1
where T, = surface tension of water; pw = density of water; IL ;_1 1jJ;
= dynamic viscosity of water; n = porosity of soil; and m Mualem (1974, 1976) showed that the analytical form of
(=e.lae w ) = total number of intervals; 1 (=ew/aew ) = number (16) is
of intervals corresponding to ew; and I/!; = matric suction cor-
responding to the midpoint of the ith interval of the soil-water
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characteristic curve. Marshall used (15) mainly for computing

the saturated coefficient of permeability. Kunze et al. (1968) (17)
made further modification of (15) and applied it to the com-
putation of coefficient of permeability for unsaturated soils.

• 1e+0 Q----n--.....~ 1e+O Q- ~----------

~ 1e-1 le-2

1e-2 - -. t:X-p~1-~I
_ _ _ CoITllUled 1 I
_ Elcpt

It: le-5 - - - ColTlluted 1

- t r - CoITllUled 2 i - t r - ColTlluted 2
8 1e-3 • • • • n = 0.5 le-6 • _ • • n = 0.5
_ • • n= 1
l e - 7 E ' n=1
_ _ n=2 _ _ n=2
1e-4 ----------.l+----+-----+--..~ 1e-8 _
0.01 0.1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Matric suction, 'I' (kPa) Mattie suction, 'I' (kPa)

(a) Beit Netofa Clay (b) Rehovot sand

1e+0 e----------'iIl'IIII::-------, ... 1e+O



1e-2 fe 1e-1 _

....o 1e-3 _ l:Xpl- ....&

1e-2 --~--!

It: _ _ _ ColTlluled 1 It: ___ ColTlluted 1 !

8 - t r - ColTlluled 2
• • • • n = 0.5
8., 1e-3
- t r - ColTlluted 2
• _ • • n = 0.5
1e-5 _ • • n= 1 > _ • • n=l
_ - n=2 3 n=2
1e-6 ----_~J-.---_------r ~ 1e-4
0.1 10 100 0.1 10 100

Mattie suction, 'I' (kPa) Mattie suction, 'I' (kPa)

(c) Touchet silt loam (GE3) (d) Columbia sandy loam

1e+0 I)-----.... ~bli:
... le+O

.~ .~

l 1e 1


1e-2 ---- EXPI-?l
ColTlluled 1


8 1e-3
- 0 - - ColTlluled 2
• • • • n=0.5
8., 1e-3
- - - ColTlluted 11
ii n=1 I
.~ _ • • n=l ,
.... 1e-4
- - n=2 ~ 1e-4

0.1 100 0.1 10 100

Mattie suction, 'I' (kPa) Mattie suction, 'I' (kPa)

(e) Superstition sand (t) Yolo light clay

FIG. 5. Permeability Function k(IIJ) from Statistical Model for Several Soli Types [Data from Moore (1939), Richards (1952), Brooks
and Corey (1964), Rubin et al. (1964), and Rawltz (1965)]


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

which is the fonn given by (11) with n = m = O.
The tenn S: in (9)-(11) is a correction factor suggested by
""! - 1e+O

.~ 1e-1
a number of investigators to improve the prediction of the
coefficient of penneability from the statistical models. This ~ 1e-2

factor is supposed to account for the tortuosity. Burdine (1953) ~ 1e-3

used n = 2 in (9), Millington and Quirk (1961) suggested n = ....I:l...0 1e-4
4/3, whereas Kunze et al. (1968) and Jackson (1972) recom- ll:i 1e-5

_ _ Corr.,uled 1
mended that n = 1 for the Childs and Collis-George model, II)
0 ~ Corr.,uled 2
and Mua1em (1976) suggested n = 0.5 for (10). If assumption U
1e-6 • • • • n = 0.5
> _ • • n"1
is made with regards to the other tenn on the right-hand side j 1e-7
of (9)-(11), such as by Brooks and Corey (1964) that the ratio
of the integrals in (9) may be approximated by S~, the mac-
~ 1e-8 -- n-2

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

roscopic model of (7) is obtained.
The statistical model given by (16) in the summation fonn Volum:tric Water Content, 8w
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Florida Atlantic University on 10/03/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

or (17) in the integral fonn is very popular. The computed (a) Lakeland sand
coefficient of penneability for this statistical model showed
good agreement with the measured coefficient of penneability ------.----------"D-.-.----..-.
(van Genuchten 1980; Fredlund et al. 1994) without the use
of the correction factor S:.
This model will be investigated in 1e-1
depth in this paper. It is also a more common practice to carry 1e-2
out the summation or integration from the lower limit 6L ,
which is the lowest volumetric water content of the experi-
111-3 •
mental soil-water characteristic curve, to the upper limit 6s • 1e-4
• Expt
Kunze et al. (1968) investigated this effect and concluded that 16-5 _ _ Corr.,uted 1
more accurate predictions of the coefficient of penneability are ~ Corr.,uted 2
obtained if the whole soil-water characteristic curve is used; • • • • n" 0.5
1e-7 _ • • n-1
that is, from the residual volumetric water content 6r to the _ _ na 2
saturated volumetric water content 6s • However, in many soil- 16-8
water characteristic detenninations, 6r is not usually measured. 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
This effect is also investigated in this paper. The soil-water
characteristic curve described by (4) is used in the statistical Volumetric Water Content, 8w
(b) Drummer soil 0-30 em depth
~ 1e+0 ~---"-"'-tlI:r:;;;---------,

~ ...- 1e+0


~ 1e-2

1e-2 -
~ Corrputed 1
pf-- 1 l!g, 1e-3

!ti ....0 1e-4

8 1e-3
~ Corrpuled 21
• • • • n = 0.5 I
ll:i 1e-5. •Expt
_ _ Corr.,uted 1
II) 15 ~ Corr.,uted 2
.:=t;j _ • • n=1 C)
• • • • n = 0.5
_ _ n=2 >
';:l 1e-7 n-1
. .~_ ..._---.l---t----Jl-\;~---~
0.1 10 100 1000 1e-8
0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55
Matric suction, Ij/(kPa)
Volumetric water content, 8w
(a) Relative coefficient of penneability for drying process.
(c) Drummer soil 30-75 em depth
~ 1e+O r J - - - -. .- .....-=----------,
~ - - - . - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - , 6 - - - - - ,

~ 1e-1


o 1e-2 -==~~uled~ 1e-3 • • Expt
!ti ~ Corrpuled 2: _ _ Corr.,uted 1
8 1e-3 • • • • n = 0.5
1e-4 ~ Co"1)uted 2
• • • • n" 0.5
.~ n=1 1e-5 n-1
!:! n=2 n"2
~ 1e-4 -\--_ _ . 1e-6 +- ~--+-----L.-------J
0.1 10 100 1000 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55

Matric suction, Ij/ (kPa) Volumetric Water Content, 8w

(b) Relative coefficient of penneability for wetting process. (d) Drummer soil 75-90 em depth

FIG. 6. Permeability Function k(t/I) from Statistical Model for FIG. 7. Permeability Function k(9...) from Statistical Model
Mine Tailings [Data from Gonzalez and Adams (1980)] [Data from Elzeftawy and Cartwright (1981)]


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

1e+0 values is reasonably good in all cases except for Rehovot sand
[Fig. 5(b)], Yolo light clay [Fig. 5(f)], Drummer soil 0-30 cm
~ depth [Fig. 7(b)], and Drummer soil 75-90 cm depth [Fig.
:g 1e-1 7(d)]. The experimental values of k, for Yolo light clay show
a distinct kink from 4 kPa onwards and are correspondingly
i higher than the computed values. The experimentally mea-

-. -Ii

Corrputed 1 .
sured values from matric suction of 4 kPa onwards may be
erroneous. As for Drummer soil 0-30 cm depth and Drummer
soil 75-90 cm depth, deviation of the measured values from
> _ •• n=1
the computed values (Computed 2) occur at lower values of

~ 1e-4 -- n=2
9w • No satisfactory explanation can be offered for the deviation
except that direct measurements of permeability at lower water
contents are always more difficult and subject to larger ex-
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
perimental errors.
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Florida Atlantic University on 10/03/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Volumetric water content, ew The effect of introducing the correction factor into (17)
(a) Relative coefficient of permeability for drying process can be shown as follows: the curves in Figs. 5-8 for computed
k, values using 9' as denoted by "Computed 2" refer to the
~ 1e+O -r-----------;,(Jt--------, condition when n = 0 for the correction factor S:.The com-
oIo! puted k, values using 9' and by incorporating S: with values
~ of n equal to 0.5, 1, and 2 are also shown in Figs. 5-8. These
values of n have been suggested by past researchers. The effect

of increasing the value of the exponent n in S: is to decrease
the computed k, values at higher matric suction or lower vol-
1e-2 ~_. ·EXpt
umetric water content. In some cases the use of S:improves
'Ci the estimate of coefficient of permeability. Notably, improve-
I::: I --+- Corrputed 1 I ments of the fitting is obtained for Rehovot sand using n = 2
8 II ---&- Corrputed 21 [Fig. 5(b)], Superstition sand using n = 1 [Fig. 5(e)], and
1e-3 '. - .. n = 0.5 ' Guelph loam using n = 1 (Fig. 8). A value of n = 2 gives the
I___ n=1 I
lower limit for the estimated coefficient of permeability.
1e-4 -\--,I/r---'~-------l....- n =2.J
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Coefficient of permeability is required for many geotech-
Volumetric water content, 9w
nical applications. However, such measurements for unsatu-
(a) Relative coefficient of permeability for wetting process rated soil are especially time-consuming and tedious. Mea-
FIG. 8. Permeability Function k(9 ..) from Statistical Model for surement of permeability for unsaturated soil at low water
Guelph Loam (Brooks and Corey 1964) content is not easy to perform and demands a highly accurate
means of water volume change determination. The coefficient
of permeability for unsaturated soils may be determined di-
model. Fredlund et a1. (1994) suggested performing the inte-
rectly or indirectly. Depending on the availability of data, per-
gration of (17) along the soil suction axis such as

f' ewe,'}) ; ew(l/J) e~(,'}) d,'}

meability functions for a soil can be obtained using empirical
equations, macroscopic models, or statistical models. The de-
gree of sophistication increases from the empirical equations
to the statistical models. By making simplifying assumptions,
k,(I/J) = i"" (18)
it has been illustrated that the statistical models can be degen-
"'., ewe,'}) ; ew(l/J) e~(,'}) d,'}
erated into the macroscopic models and then to the empirical
equations. If a database of coefficient of permeability for a
where 9~ is the derivative of (4) and $aev is the air-entry value. local soil is available, it may be more expedient to use em-
The problem with this transformation is that one of the limits pirical equations for the permeability functions [(3) and (6)].
of integration is the air-entry value I/Jaev that is not well defined It has been illustrated that if the exponent p in (3) is known
in most soil-water characteristic curves. In this paper, there- for a given soil, the coefficient of permeability can be obtained
fore, it is suggested that integration be performed along the indirectly from the soil-water characteristic curve. The writers
volumetric water content axis as in (17) where the lower limit suggest the use of a new empirical equation for the permea-
of integration is taken as 9' that has a value corresponding to bility function as given in (6). Eq. (6) gives a good fit to all
$ = 106 kPa. The effect of using 9L and 9' on the computed the experimental data illustrated in the paper. For the statistical
coefficient permeability is shown in Figs. 5-8. The relative model, the effect of using 9L , the lowest value of volumetric
coefficient of permeability curves corresponding to the com- water content of the experimental soil-water characteristic
putations using 9L and 9' are denoted as "Computed 1" and curve, and 9', the volumetric water content corresponding to
"Computed 2," respectively. Figs. 5 and 6 show the relative the matric suction of 106 kPa, has been investigated in this
coefficient of permeability k, as a function of matric suction paper. A better estimate of coefficient of permeability will be
$, while Figs. 7 and 8 show k, as a function of volumetric obtained when 9' is used instead of 9 L • The effect of using the
water content 9... Furthermore, Figs. 6 and 8 show k, values correction factor S:for n values of 0.5, 1, and 2 was also
corresponding to the drying and wetting processes. As can be investigated. An improved agreement between the computed
observed from the figures, the computed coefficient of per- and measured coefficients can be obtained by varying the n
meability using 9' is correspondingly higher than the com- values in some cases. It appears that the n values to be used
puted coefficient of permeability using 9L • More noticeable is in the correction factor S:
ranges from 0 to 2. Unless con-
that k, computed using 9L , Computed I, tends to decrease more firmed by direct measurement of permeability, using n = 2 in
rapidly at higher values of $ or lower values of 9w • The com- the correction factor S:
will give the lower limit of the esti-
parison between k, computed using 9' and the experimental mated coefficient of permeability.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 1997.123:1118-1126.

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