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I. Personal information:
1. Name :
2. Age : ( ) above 50 ( ) 40-50 ( ) 25-40 ( ) below25
3. Gender: ( ) male ( ) female
4. Education qualification: ( ) post graduation ( ) graduation ( ) H.SC ( )other
5. Experience: ( )above 15 yrs ( ) 10-15yrs ( ) 5-10yrs ( ) below5yrs
6. Income: ( ) 15000 & above ( ) 10000-15000 ( ) 5000-10000 ( ) below 5000
7. Department:
8. Designation:

II. Performance appraisal system

1. When is the performance appraisal conducted?
( ) Weekly ( ) Fornightly ( ) Monthly ( )Yearly

2. What is the method used for conducting performance appraisal?

( ) Grading ( ) Ranking ( ) 360 Appraisal ( ) Checklist

3. Who is conducting the performance appraisal?

( ) Immediate supervisor ( ) Supervisor ( ) HR manager

4. Are you satisfied with the method of your performance appraisal?

( ) Mostly satisfied ( ) Satisfied ( ) Fairly satisfied ( ) Dissatisfied

5. If not give comments ____________________________

III. Purpose of performance appraisal

Please read each of the following statement and indicate your level of agreement of disagreement
with each statement

1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Disagree 4. Strongly disagree

1. Performance appraisal is very much helpful for our promotion and transfer

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD
2. Performance appraisal is important for improving self-confidence staff motivation

behavior development the next trading year

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

3. Performance appraisal gives mutual awareness, understanding and relationship

between the appraise and appraiser

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

4. Performance appraisal feeds into organizational annual pay, grading reviews and
Planning for the next trading year

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

5. Performance appraisal improves team role clarification and team building

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

6. Performance appraisal develops personal and organization career and succession


( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

7. Performance appraisal plays a major role in delegation, additional responsibilities,

employee growth and development

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

8. Performance appraisal establishes individual training needs, analysis and planning

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

9. Performance appraisal classifies and defines the objectives and priorities of the company

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

10. Performance appraisal identifies the personal strengths and direction including unused
hidden strengths

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD
11. Performance appraisal provides a formal, recorded, regular review of performance and a
plan for future development

( ) SA `( )A ( )D ( ) SD

12. Periodic orientation programmers are conducted to explain the objectives

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

13. Managers take performance appraisal seriously

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

14. Efforts are made by appraiser to be objective in their appraisal

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

15. The reviewing officer take appraisal seriously and try to educate subordinate to
overcome their personal biases and favoritism

( ) SA ( )A ( )D ( ) SD

16. Any other specifications, give comments _________________________


Score your own capacity on knowledge in the following areas are all the below mentioned
questions takes place in performance appraisal form? Are you satisfied with the appraisal
taken in the area?

1.poor 2.satisfactory 3.good 4.exellent


1 Commercial judgment

2 Product / Technical knowledge

3 Time management

4 Planning, budgeting and forecasting

5 Creativity

6 Machinery skills

7 Delegation and communications

8 Adaptations, flexibility and mobility

9 Meetings expectations, deadlines and


10 Steadiness under pressure

11 Reporting, administration and integrity

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