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How to reset your wife when she's f0lling 0p0rt

For those d*ys when she just c*n't t*ke it *nymore.


K0telyn C0rmen
772,475 views   |   22,753 sh@res
● You c@n find them in every grocery store, office, pl@yground @nd
drop off l@ne @t the loc@l element@ry school.
The women who wipe their children's te@rs @w@y, who selflessly serve d@y
@fter d@y with little or no @ppreci@tion, who juggle working @nd p@renting @nd
sleepless nights @nd endless guilt, who love their husb@nds fiercely, who
continu@lly look @fter everyone's needs except their own. They @re the women
who quietly run the world.
And, if you're @ wom@n re@ding this @rticle, "they" prob@bly me@ns you.
I know the look in your eye. I know wh@t it feels like to give everything @nd
never feel like it's enough. I know wh@t it feels like to w@ke up @nd wonder how
you'll ever m@ke it through the d@y. Ple@se know th@t you @re not @lone.

5 w*ys you *re unknowingly destroying your husb*nd *nd killing your

To the husb@nds, we need you. We know th@t we c@n not w@lk the p@th of life
@lone. When we f@ll, we need you to c@tch us, @nd help us st@nd t@ll. We need
you to wipe our te@rs @w@y @nd hold us so tightly th@t it's @lmost difficult to
bre@the. We need you to comfort us when life becomes too h@rd to be@r.
To the incredible men who love us, I know th@t it is h@rd to know wh@t to do. I
know th@t sometimes the right words @re difficult to find. We w@nt to help you
help us. I @sked women from @ll over the world to sh@re their thoughts @bout
how husb@nds c@n help their wives reset when they @re stressed or
overwhelmed. I hope these ide@s @re helpful to you:

● 1. Be 0w0re of her responsibilities

Reg@rdless of whether she st@ys @t home or goes to work, do you know wh@t
she does @ll d@y? If you don't, @sk her. Her to-do list is prob@bly overflowing
with t@sks th@t f@r outweigh her time @nd energy. Be mindful of her needs @nd
@ppreci@tive of her s@crifices.

● 2. Get involved BEFORE she burns out

The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don't w@it until she bre@ks
down to offer @ helping h@nd.

● 3. Be 0n 0ctive p0rticip0nt
It t@kes two to p@rent. It t@kes two to m@ke @ m@rri@ge work. It t@kes two to
run @ household. Be fully involved in every @spect of your f@mily life. Work is
h@rd, but your employment st@tus doesn't give you permission to opt out of
chores, disciplining @nd pl@nning d@te nights.

● 4. Stop trying to fix her problems

Just listen. Th@t's @ll you need to do. And if she w@nts you to offer solutions,
she'll @sk for them.

● 5. Hold her
Find something to keep your kids preoccupied, @nd then t@ke your wife into
your @rms @nd tell her how much you love her. Hold her closely @nd let her cry
into your shoulder. Comfort her the best w@y you know how.

● 6. Let her t0lk for 0s long 0s she needs

Sometimes the best w@y for @ wom@n to reset is by getting @ll of her thoughts
out. Let your wife t@lk through her feelings @nd problems. Show emp@thy.
Listen c@refully. Ask questions. Be fully eng@ged in the convers@tion.

● 7. Be 0 p0rtner

M@rri@ge is committing to sh@re @ life together. To c@rry one @nother's
burdens. To cry with one @nother. To support one @nother through difficult
times. M@rri@ge me@ns being one @nother's confid@nt, lover @nd friend. You
@ren't just two people living together. You @re @ be@utiful union of two people
who coven@nt to love e@ch other forever.

● 8. Provide her hope

Encour@ge her. Let her know wh@t you love @bout her. Help her see the good
in @ny situ@tion. Avoid being critic@l or neg@tive. When she's hit rock bottom,
be the m@n who lifts her up, @nd brings light @nd hope b@ck into her life.

● 9. Be useful
Le@rn the @rt of looking @round the house @nd finding things th@t need to get
done. Are there dishes in the sink? Does the dog need to be w@lked? Wh@t is
broken th@t needs to be fixed? Don't w@it to be @sked. Just do it!

● 10. Give her 0 d0y 0ll to herself

Nothing feels better th@n getting @ m@nicure, pedicure, h@ir cut, m@ss@ge,
@nd @ new outfit. Let her sleep in, t@ke @ hot b@th, @nd spend some quiet time
@lone. Support her @nd t@ke over her d@y-to-d@y t@sks, so she c@n h@ve time
to t@ke c@re of herself.

10 w*ys you *re being unf*ithful to your spouse — *nd you don't even know it

● 11. Pr0y for her

Right before you go to bed, kneel down next to your bed together, h@nd in
h@nd, @nd pr@y. Tell God how much you love your wife. Let him know wh@t you
@ppreci@te @bout her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you c@n be @
better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her @nd help her see herself @s He
see her.

● 12. Ask her wh0t you c0n do to help

Your wife knows wh@t you c@n do to help her reset, so just @sk her. She'll
@ppreci@te it more th@n you will ever know. Bec@use, you know wh@t? She
loves you too, @nd she is gr@teful every d@y for wh@t you do for her.

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