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<center><font color="#4285F4"><h2>My CSD 4464 Course Web Page</h2></font></center>

<h3><u><font color="#FBBC05">Course Description</font></u></h3>

As a continuation of Programming Java SE, students (1) manage databases using Java; (2) build two- and

client-server applications; and (3) refine industry-standard coding practices. Students build a complete

application that incorporates three-tier development including client-side, server-side, and database




<h3><u><font color="#EA4335">List of Topics</font></u></h3>


<li>Java installation and configuration</li>

<li>Eclipse installation</li>

<li>Writing first program in Eclipse</li>

<li>Object oriented Programming</li>

<li>Oops feature - inheritance</li>

<li>Oops feature - Abstraction</li>

<li>Oops feature – Encapsulation</li>

<li>Oops feature – Polymorphism</li>

<li>Oops feature – Platform independent</li>

<li>Class Members – Data and Methods</li>

<li>Variable scopes</li>


<li>Control flows</li>


<li>Interface and Sub class</li>

<li>Abstract classes</li>

<li>Access privileges</li>


<li>Overload methods</li>

<li>Override methods and Runtime polymorphism</li>


<li>Data Transfer Object</li>

<li>Static and Final keyword.</li>


<li>Exception handling</li>



<li>User Defined Exception</li>



<li>String class</li>






<li>File IO operations</li>

<li>Package Jar and Configuring Classpath</li>

<li>Class loaders</li>




<h3><u><font color="#34A853">List of Assignments</font></u></h3>

<center><font size="4"><b>CSD 4464_2</b></font></center>

<center><font size="3">Assignment 1</font></center>


Give the XML Schema corresponding to the following XML document. We assume that StudID should
always be in the format s999999999 and Status takes one of the values “Freshman”, “Sophomore”,
“Junior”, and “Senior”. We assume there is, at least one student. The name and address are of type



&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?&gt; <br>

&lt;Students&gt; <br>

&lt;Student&gt; <br>

&lt;StudId&gt;s111111111&lt;/StudId&gt; <br>

&lt;Name&gt;John Doe&lt;/Name&gt; <br>

&lt;Address&gt;123 Main St.&lt;/Address&gt; <br>

&lt;Status&gt;Freshman&lt;/Status&gt; <br>
&lt;/Student&gt; <br>

&lt;Student&gt; <br>

&lt;StudId&gt;s222222222&lt;/StudId&gt; <br>

&lt;Name&gt;Mary Smith&lt;/Name&gt; <br>

&lt;Address&gt;145 Main St.&lt;/Address&gt; <br>

&lt;Status&gt;Junior &lt;/Status&gt; <br>

&lt;/Student&gt; <br>





<center><font size="4"><b>CSD 4464_2</b></font></center>

<center><font size="3">Assignment 2</font></center>


<font size="4"><b> Introduction </b></font>


The purpose of this project is to practice writing basic web pages with HTML and deploy them. You will
have to write two static web pages .You can do this using a text editor such as TextPad or Notepad
editor. You are not allowed to use any HTML-generating tools, such as FrontPage, for any part of this
project. The first web page is your personal home page. The second web page is your CSD 4464 course
page, where you will post your finished projects. </p>


<font size="4"><b> Part 1: Personal Home Page </b></font>



Create a page named index.html that describes you. On your page, include some or all of the following
information (just a suggestion):

<li>Your name </li>

<li>A short bio or description of yourself. </li>

<li>A list of classes you are taking right now. Make a link to your CSD 4464 course web page. </li>

<li>Your 3 favorite sports, movies, books, or TV shows. Make at least one link to an interesting site.

<li>Two images(e.g. one of your personal pictures). </li>

<li>Include a table. </li>

<li>Should use at least 15 different HTML tags </li>



<font size="4"><b> Part 2: Personal CSD 4464 Course Web Page </b></font>



Create a personal course web page that describes the course and a list of topics and assignments.









OUTPUT:- Course Web Page

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