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THE CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE” and “ON TARGET IN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, « monthly sry aspeet of the world revolutionary move- (in the English-speaking world $8 a year; first-class «THE CANADIA ‘enor dealing with ve Beer Considered one of the bet fates Canada & USA): second-class mall Be ayear. Overseas by airmail only - $11 4 Yer. GN TARGET, a wecly review of news highlights and back «ON a tatormaion, wth emphasis onthe Canadian poliica-eo er cone, Rates: second-class mail - $7 for six months; one aa S12. Firscclass mail (Canada & USA): one year - $16 Overseas by airmail only - $22 year | THE NEW TIMES, a monthly published in Australia, dealing ‘vith every anpect of world revolution. Features excellent articles Jneconomics and finance, and Commonwealth affairs. Airmail only - $10 year. A Call to the Business Community Genuine progress and stability are possible only when the sound principles of personal responsibility and increasing diversification through the private enterprise system operate. Increasing power centralization and bureaucracy destroy both initiative and stability. Harassed businessmen with increasing problems and responsibili- ties can help themselves by helping to finance the League’s educa- tional and organizational activities. Adequate financial support is essential for the League to discharge its responsibilities Send a Donation and Subscribe to “The Ca- nadian Intelligence Service” and “On Target.” INTRODUCING The Canadian League Of Rights © Objectives © Brief History © Publications NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS ox 190, Heserton, Ontario NOC 0 BRITISH COLUMBIA SASKATCHEWAN ox 2797, 1h Bindve, Voneover, 8. Pega, Sask, vee 3x2 sar owe ‘se ox 631, Brooks, ‘Neer, Tw00 De Arey ZO 2 W5= A006 The objectives of the League vy League of Rights is a free association or move- ‘The Canadien [eabaiated 10 the preservation of freedom and ment ot “Canada, and the defence of our Christian heritage, ae cage pledge themselves to frther the foo Sims and objectives «To promote loyalty 10 God, Family and Country «+ Todefend our constitutional monarchy and Christian heritage. ‘anadiat The «+ To work for the restoration of more responsible parliamentary government, and to oppose government-by-regulation.. « To encourage personal responsibility and individual initiative as ceseential to the preservation and expansion of personal freedom. © To oppose monopoly, centralized power and bureaucracy in government and in every sphere of national life. * To uphold national sovereignty and the ties of the Common- wealth, and to expose all forces operating against them. + Tostrive for a genuine association of free and sovereign nations, co-operating for the wellbeing of all peoples. * To oppose and expose every form of totalitarianism — be it fazism,’ ‘Communism,’ or any other ‘ism.* ‘MEMBERS of the Canadian League of Rights: — * REJECT the materialistic concept that the individual can do nothing, that he is but flotsam drifting on the sea of history; * BELIEVE that the individual does count; and further * BELIEVE that the individual, calling upon God’s grace and suidanee, can be more than a helpless victim of environment; that the individual, working in association with others of faith ‘and courage — the dedicated minority — can help to shape and ‘mould history, and make a constructive contribution to the fu- ture of this country. CEENING GOVERNMENT: “‘It is not the legitimate apa 10 do for people what they can and should o ane De prime role of government should be encore he exer of personal aioe ee ceo the peopl inloking ter ther own welfare Ron Gostick, National Director ofthe CLR, BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LEAGUE Ron Gostik, upon his discharge from thea vecame engaged inthe publishing fl By 190, head anne The Canadian Inelligence Service, a monthly report publishes continually since that time. Seventeen yeas later, in 1967, Canar dian Intelligence Publications responded to a growing demand for up-to-the-minute information respecting national and world devel opments by launching the weekly On Target report. And it was primarily out of the readership of these publications that the Cana dian League of Rights was born and developed. Readers of these journals increasingly felt that it was not enough to merely be informed — they wanted to “do something.” And it ‘was in response to this grassroots feeling and need that the League was formed in 1968 under the national direction of Ron Gostick. “The League is designed to serve asa vehicle to assist people 10 get involved in public affairs and the political life of our nation, but ‘outside and beyond the narrow bounds of party politics. ‘The Canadian League of Rights i the only organization in Can- ‘ada fighting totalitarianism (centralization of power) at all levels. ‘And it has developed an effective liaison with anti-Marxist organi- zations throughout the free world, sharing knowledge and experi- ‘ence with others who are battling to defeat the Communist chal- lenge. Through Canadian Intelligence publications and literature, the League brings to Canadians a service which is essential for our survival as a free people. ‘The League does far more than merely oppose and expose all threats to individual freedom; it also holds up the vision of a world that could be one of expanding freedom and security for all, in which every individual could participate freely in association with his fellows to build the finest civilization yet created by man inspired by God. The League is creating a body of dedicated and informed men and women who see themselves not as party hacks or seekers after some petty material gain, but as the custodians of those truths and values which must be the basis of all successful ef- fort to defeat the enemies of human dignity and freedom. The League is a new type of organization, offering an opportunity f service to those who want to do something useful and P tion to those who seek to drive man sin cei eae these et st 2006 0 Tistaageat leu 1s nig routed ai around the English-speaking world. ‘There are Leagues ‘Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom; ‘Commonwealth association of these Leagues. Weng la Canadian League gue of Rignts * Case 130, Flesherton (Ontario) oc 1R0 Téléphone (519) 924-2848 ih viet A B80 ed Sie 9 décembre 1980 shi Lthon, Harry Hayes, président, Conité mixte des Communes ot du Sénat_ sur la constitution dy Camda, C. P. 10ddty Edifices du Parlement, ~ ” iL OTTAWA (Ontario) K1A OAT Monsieur le Sénateur, ee a ee Je dewande par la présente A me présenter devant je Comité pour exposer ee mies ous Ja question du "rapatriement" de lAste de 1ldnérique du mona Nord eee et de la réforme constitutionnelle, = les relations sMematmr nate ot a étome HN) | ‘tionnelle; bea, i VNR GRY EVA + les dangers du "repatricnent RR i q } Gu Nomi britannique; \ Ukeve eo Lansrigue wh 4 4 a = les réformos constitutionnelles essenticlies LR ied ltunité |) de nationale et/1a foi en notre avenir, hie ) j \ Nous vous demanidons d'accueillir favorablement notre demande et attendons: votre prompte réponse, Nos voeux les meilleurs @ l'occasion de ce temps de No¥l. i i Cordialement votre, SpA TCP 4 ty, coset (Darectour ie PsS.2( Se Joint notre Déclaration eiprdine: ay Oe 28 detnaipns dh « q sad + Bref historique ee + Publications ee He onl Be Doe ee ee SURGE NATIONAL ! [ Base pietade Lae ee ee ee ‘ Flesherton (Ontario) Noc - OL! a " ABA ve iy im ¢ COLOMBIS-BRITANNIQUE s ‘ugg bs ©. P. 2797, ' F Vancouver (C,=B,) VOB 3x2 Heide, ALESSPA etl badh, AGhES st uno association ou mouvenent, WA Ned tal Stes Libre de Canadiens Ti ont 3 Soeur ta seuvegarde do 1a liberté et de le Justice au Canada et a ae io nares héritage chrétien, Les uenbrea : , ‘ Wiig, oa Het hh de la Ligue Stongagent & Promouvoir lee puts suivante: pre) im + -, Promouyoir 1a fideite a be a aa fanfare) al au Beyer) Travailler au rétablissement d'un gouvernement Parlementaire plus res. BUN Livia ip & ihe ek Ponsable et 8!opposer au gouvernenent, par reglenents, ae Andividuelle « Encourager la responsabilité Personnelle et x a joni id «parce +> Tee & la sauvegarde et & L'expansion de a ‘i aut RV AP DOM,. qe ENy & liberté personmnelle. Stopposer aux ee au ae contralisé 4 Ala ae NS au gouvemenent of dans tout S + Combattre et dévbiler toute Yorme de totalitarian, que ce soit 1s nasisme, le comminisme ou n'importe quelleiuutre doctrine. Les MEMBRES de la Ligue: He |. RSUSUEENT 20d ettdeiaa thie beton .abueii en dpateagy ne pout La faire et Qa n'est qu'une gpave qui dérive sur la mer de l'histoire; + GROZENT que Lindividu gompte vraiment; et, en outre, CROIENT que L!individu, faieant appel Ala grace et & L'inspiratdon de Dieu, peut étre plus que la victime impuissante de l'environnement; que 1'individu, agissant en association avee d'autres personnes de foi et de courege =» la minorité décidée —- peut aider A fagonner et A mouler l'histoire et fournir un apport constructif & l'avenir du | BREF HISTORTQUE DEEA LaquR, ‘A sa démobilisation en 1946, Bon (Gamtick s'est soups do 1'éaidon, En 1950,) 42) aymde um Pied The Canadian Inteliigence Service, rapport anmel ‘a cessé de paraitre depuis, Die sept ans plus tard, en 1967, les qui. nl Gauadian Intlligence Publications ont répondu a une demande grundicsante de renseignements de dernitre heure sur les événemehts d'ordre canadien eb nondial en langantile rapport hebdomadaire On Target, Glest) surtout & partir Le: des.) Lecteurs de ces publications que la Ga: est née et a grandi, Les leeteurs de ces publications ont de plus en slus pensé qu'il ne suffisait mas d'8tre siuplement informés-- ils voulaient "faire quelque chose", Clest pour répondre & e¢) sentiment et 4 ce. bisa ia de Ta Liguexgtest formée en are de eee nationale de t Sethe @ (Ga Tague doit so hs cil Ol affeipes) publigues), ou S cb emdRia des Lait a | “ee Mt abd RY ‘ohne as ot dee experiences avec atautres tilats ai luttent ‘POUF asene® 1h désatte du ades Commniste, (Per le moyen des vee sate at des Shrtngs ay s08i¥ (i leshadiond id sorvide essehetal Wnmtte survivance,‘eonne [peuple libre. |) ‘Ta Ligue fait plus que sigplement combattre et aévailer toutes les menaces 4 la liberté individuelle; elle nourrit pay aa e d'un monde qui pourrait @tré un monde de liberté et de sécurité grandissantes pour tous, ob chacun ipousihe it parcel iar librement en ins abeenL oe avec ses obi coneitoyens a édifier 1s civilisation la ae ities jamais scabiie ei livia encore par l'homme inspiré par Dieu, La Ligue est en train de constituer ncbtiler Lae do ba un ensemble d'hommes et de femmes décidés ct informés qui ne se considdrent { Ege & coux qui voulent Barquor leur trie de a } sition 4 ceux qui veulent ‘ d 4 ghéchi. par opsosil oan? eae ao thage he if doled dha betta Wl Soph cipal og sy une Ligue au ce on seman (i anglophone, I} existe Zélande et au Royaume-Uni; il existe aussi une ashes dea fa ommonwealth . Ligues au sein du C pete classe - 39 par année, S (Oot ame, SS 2 GLTANGEL, rev un an= $12, Courrier de le prenitre classe (Canada et, eave \ ae fi an- $16, Outre-mer: par avion seulenent ~ $22 par ange, WH TUBS, rériodique mensuel PUbIAG en Australie, qui ue Wy ES. mi porte sur chaque aspect de 1a révolution mondiale. " Présente clexcelients articles sur 1!économiqie et 10s finances et sur les affaires au Comonvealth Par avion seulement — $10 panvannées. Appel ‘au-menieides affaires Tl ne peut y avoir de progrés et de atabi1ité authenbiques que lorsque jouent les sains prineipes de la responsabilité ee ND o> yeuypnt s'aider en aidant & fan ©

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