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piensa ‘TABLES OF 4th TERMS, > ALWAYS THE FIRST TERM. (40) 00 00 0 | 80) 60 60 | 60, 60 j 60, 99 “| 1 99) 0 Tt |r) | | TH lt 338 a0 40 21] 2 ss 3/50/90 | 81 [90 a || 05 0 8 149 | 9091 92] 90 94] 95 96) 97 i 91 |02|98]04]05| 96 97 | 98, 8 3 s 3 8 #33 ssa 3 8 sea|lseaegieaca BBUSASRSSE, 7 5] 8587] 8S 0 ‘0/91 | 2] 93 | 94 86 Mapas accor rarer Le | i ‘The foregoing Tables, In which 00 19 the tat a fare just ao mnch Tablew of Proportionals as thone pre-{ {coding thom and anv x0 called, T computed both Tables’ oud now give them to the poblic, Neary, elx thou Exod enleulations were “necessary to do the Work | Should any one discoveran error sn shy of my ablen, | Er whall be dhanktUt to be informed. Q Ea the Tables are useful only to persons who make | astronomleal ceilations, each persons wil understand tr use at a nee, ff Is unnecessary to enter upon” sy labored explanations. Thavepisoed 60 atthe head ot nh calms to show that 0s the Int term, Cheer {ach 0 is number as a second erm wile the 30 ters pre In the Bese column, from 1 to 90 on the left hands ge and fromm to GO on the Fight hau ‘Hose term, or answer iat he potnt of fmersetion | HHetween tied aud tty the aaine'ns Sang HAs ¢ {or Dec: fom the ‘ables of Such. : : emanccuccnnnnenumnnnasnnnncnemty 1 ‘Tables of Oblique Ascen sion,: : B.A, [Itight Ascomsion,] does not mena elther mor=# ng to ihe ight nor rislng, a8 1 seoms to Imply. Right? Jo used in the sense understood when we aay right angle, | Frneantngan angle of 0° or the fourth of elrele. Ansob- 2 FE rlquo" eagle Ib ope that contains either more, oF les, Elin 00%. Ve naj she sunrises” hat toes not; it only appears to rise; Ifthe sin rose exactly in the enst cult SDated in the zenith and set in the west, thi would be R. A. {beense ts psh woul be at igh angi with the pate of the horizon, ut we never witness this phenomenon. $those who live Ju the northern liemisphore eee the sunt ‘rise north of the east, culminate south of the zenith at {noon, and set north of the west, daring aummer, In the ‘svinter qo seo it rise south of cast and set south of the Eyrest. Hence, ne always find the sun's path oblique tof he line of the horizon, alfering more or lesstrom aright Eangle. ‘This difterenee is called A. D. [Ascensioas! Dit- Eference.] We frst lid the R.A.;_ next the A. Day they! either add the A.D. to the R. A., or aubtrnet it from the ER A. to find the O, A., according to the rules elsewhere $ given, ‘To make Tables of Houses, we first find the B.A, § [ofthe M,C. [Metin Cali, meaning Mliheaven,) and ‘add to it 90°which gives the 0. A. of the 11th houses add £ to {eto for tho 0. A. of the 12th, and wo on. Having! {found the 0. A, of each cusp, from the 10th to the dra Hnclusive, we must then couvert that O. A. into longl- tude, which may be dove by trigonometry, oF by these? Stables cocci oocarciontregesi HOW TO USE THe TABLES. & suppose we slsire to make » horoscope for 0° N. at. {We must first find what are called “poles of the housen”” # Hor that latitude, which means the Intitude of ench eusp, ‘Hoooking ina ‘Table of the Poles of the Honsey," we see thatthe pole of the 11th i827; the pote of the 12th ta 4” and we know that « the laliude of the country,” that te, 2 {the place for whlch we desire to compute the horoscope, ¢ pamely 6°, I the pole of the Tst, or Ascendant. The pote # Sof the 2d ia tite same as the pole of the 12th because? the cusp 18 the same distance from the lower meridian; hat the 120) ts from the upper mezidian, or M,C. For’ ‘tho same reason the pole of the 8a In the same as the ? pole of the tith, The 10th, or M. C., ss no pole, or Eintitude, ecause that Is the place we begin to mnensure & ie latitude, which, stondly ineremtes fo the Lat atte 4 Soest seme a ra nos thing the lower meridcian, 3. Buppose 1° of m isonthe cusp of the 10th house, We? took in the Table of R.A. ce that the R. A, te 208° 517; £ Sad 80° to it, we have 298° B1°as the O.A. of the 11th. {le pole of tho 121) being 2° we turn to Tables of ©. at 2 latitude and Took for an 0. A, méarest; at the top of § 4th colunm we see 238° 59° which is the newest. At the Shenitof that coltnm we seo + , showing thatthe longitude’? $e im some pnrt of # ; we look to the extreme left Inthe $ Feolumn headed Tougitudeaud see 0. Then we must place £10" op the eusp of the Lith : 5 Neat 00" to the 20861 (or 844 0" to the 0. A. ot : 13 10) ree 185 336 1 108 199 7 110 1 1115 {the 11th) and wo have 268° 51" for the 0. A. of fhe 19th-* ‘The pole of the 12th 1s4°; so we turn in the Tables Sto 4° lat., and find the nearest O. A. {6 268° 287. Thats [column is headed # and atthe loft, Jo the eolumn of Lon—= Foghindes, we Hee 27, showing that we must j luce 4 9725 eorenaccewee monet i) RE 3 fom th cuap ofthe 1h; ad 90° more and we hove 28°-£ Eov as tho O, A. of the tnt : ‘The pole_of the 1st is the Intitude of the country tor! J whlch we are making the horoscépe, namely, 6°, Wetura Ho the ‘Toble and see 208718’ as the next smaller OA. “At the head of the column is ¥ and at the left 24°. Ay this is the Ascendant wo must figure for minates thu We sec that 20871 1s 23" leas then our O. A., showing: hat we must And how much longitude 29” of O. A. will? F make. ‘The O.A, next larger than 298° 15’ te 200°17 show= £ ‘Hog that it requices 62 of 0.A.tomicke 60’ of longitude, £ Then we say: If 62 be 60 what will 23 be? On page 107 fot “Proportionnls” we fini the answer to he 22. ‘Thon # 4 the tongstude of the cusp of the 1st houo is 24°22" of -$ £ “Add 30° to the O.A. of the Tet and we have 998° 51 as? J the O.A.of the 2d. Then in 4? lat. 828° 15° te the near = 3st 0.4. which glves = 25 for eusp of 24, : | Add 30° to the 0. A. of the 24 and we have 959° 51’ as $ eeuesieeess) eer ggeee 1 10 im 7 192 9 193 99 193 Bt eT 40) Fhe 0. A, of the dil. ion tn 2 tat, 869° tbo earent it 388 50 £0. A. whieh pve oF the cu Of the Ga, 3 ri ed E After rectifying a Noi iy (or the purpose of comput i9 200 80 Eping Directions, ten tu cusps are all calculated to min- ¢ 2 a ‘Entes, ast as the cusp of the Yet wos calculated herein, en aT P'Stplmations lll hevetter be glven for. computing £ iz Bt i | rabies ot Heine foray given itade, from Trt0 008 f Hd working by these Tubles of (.A. Also fall dirsctions a3 2 ‘or computing Tublox of 0, A for any elven decree ic x ae Yminate, or to make « liorascipe for any latitude of de~ | an 2a ae = # grees and minutes, i i 268 15/300 50 Q — : $20 269 21/301 32 i i $90 250 M4) 503 BA cammmsinmiocaenteencncensoncnmipeiennsic’ i BT Sk eee EUR NK abode 6 TABLES OBLIGUH ASCENSIONS. QP NORTH LATITUDE—NORTHREN BIONS, ANA E EE CREAR R AIH 7 8 TABLES OBLIGUN ABCENSIONS. BP NORTH LarrruDE—NowriinNN RIONE, 7Tey,epelal@ Long | : i == ; i : 1) 0 4) 28 26/98. 6) 90 13/132 sOlne 4 ng : 2| $40 | 20 a3 [ a9 6] ax tol19s oslins 9 Be i S| a 43| 90 10] 00 11] 92 24|r28 BbliD4 80 a5 : a) 8 [a1 ie] or 18] 99 So|ie5 BB lioe os ag : sb S a Be Be tes 3 : 3 tas Mj as iW) vs 40 3 io 4 | 6 2 Et : a 7 2 gs 4 3] 3 0 io # wo is ao i hy oy tn 1B : 8 w me Ofte as : B 3 in ta i is 2 ba 1 i i 5 ao : 2] it i 8 3 Le 1 1 3 Bn 18 o 4 » ro i. 20 a 2 i a 22] 33 im 2 * ta 2 5 = fot 35] 99 dom at) sa 4i]tie tilts Soltis Be 3) BG) R W]e A/T In wy Te tT wr ai] ot 40] 53 a9 (a5 o2/1i8 19/448 az rrr 13 a S| lm a |as alt ali elim |e cl | 3 Ba] me 2] ae “s)t20. aalibo law 4 : sol at ao] or tle list alist a011e 0 iw 1ORLIQUE ASCENSTONS. 2? Nour sanrTupe—sourners s10Ns, Long. 3/250 351 253 Slat ol 0 Shh lest 32390) S24 bal S8R88 |Seeee ssessl 10 ORLIQUE ASCENSIONS omy : = eo BLIQUE ASCENSIONS. 8° Norm LArrrupe—socrimmy sxaxs. 4 4° NORTH LATITUDR—NONTHENS GIONS, B* NORTH LATITUDE—NORTHERN sEaxE. ‘ = T ik : PRERERE BU EAIS Py oo 4/0 a) a7 49) 07 0/ as salso1 ajax 5 hal a ar a| 1 45/9 44/58 1] 00 oli melissa 3) 2 0 &] 9 | 29 a0 | 50 3] 91 Bliss sili & bal be 4] B 32/90 85/60 4) 92 11\194 go] 155 1 $5] 47 5] 4 25 /s1_o2/61_7| 98 17/195 #6) 156 0 ra “Go ie) moe] OF 0) OF S96 a1] 100 38 al 6 is a] 6 s0| a8 24| 03 11| 05 25|t97 4eli07 30 gala é| 1 4/84 31] 64 13] 96 34/195 a6 |138 os do) aa | ¢ s7| 8 18] 65 10| 97 vol120 40/130 54 fol sw wl _& 80/86 34/66 10| 98 45/180 51/100 38 —— Se Ti) 9 43) at 2) G7 47) 10010) ny 0 a] a i] o7 22) v0 oo) im a5) 101 50 Hl 8 B]B Be ali ails fia] a | a 10] 60 3/100 soli voli £15) IL >] 89 24) 00 03/103 27) 13k 3 18| 11 90/89 7] 9 2/102 1/188 87/163 45 Bia) ie 30/40 22 | 70 so[aos a2 135 diel 24/40 5 | 70 slim alin soliee Gan] yn 29/41 20] 73) iot_ yi 10 fis] ta it/41_s| m1 stlioe slime i/t0s_ ot ray 76/105 2) pig) ti) @ 1) 4)10 put 8/100 oe nis 74 1i(i05 47] 188 in| a5 's| as 0] ta 45|t00 22/158 4| 167 38 16) 18 5 a i5|t0r 53] 139 418] 15 08 | 49 38] 74 40/107 gel 199 5/108 33 19) 10 69 16 20/108, 57\ 140 30] 16 62] 46 st | 75 34] 108 2/140 5/160 31 20) 17_ 54 et 35/110" 9) 141 32 3746.1 45 b5| 76_00|100_s7/141_ 610 287 — — a ——— —— ap 7S woth 7 ta iy 18 a [46 8) Tu] 0 aay t43 T/T as ao 10 to 34{ i213] 148 ae] 9 35 [a7 84/79 8] t11 47/143 Tlie oe 23) 2) 3s 60 sy] us 17] asd 33| 2 28 |48 si-| 80 12) tia t2\14¢ 8/17 90 24| at BL 44} 114 30/145 4) at 32 | 40 o4| 81 18/115 57\145 8 | 374 18 3 ap] us 24 148 sl 28 i oot [8 luis “ida ot ae Bs o|uT aa] tas gil da 7 | sa 6 | 84 Sa|ti7 s0ltas tli O85 Bt ff 5] 37/149 28) @% 2|58 56/85 33/118 15|140 6ltms OF cy St 11|119 40/130 90) 25 58] 5 67 | 86 adlii0 15/130 g|i9 37 88 10|120 44/191 | 26 65] 5 55 | 7 aa]io0 Solis 5|s80 07 wpe," |? Le) Poe ]*®)]+,[*)|=* «4 Sip ote oer oleae Ste 7 = eL 340, 90) 272 40 | 004 1/180 97 & 48 2| oat Ble Bp) aos ali: ee & Ba 58 3 beet |r “0,300 3]is0 ot 50 55 83 ‘ 3 Gila 8 an ‘is a By sao 1 i Sue ee iz ES I @ ame 0 a 3 oe pin a[iss a 3 30 Bn i alist 333 8 oo an ia | 196 & sat 30 2408 10] 180. 83 23 4 T1100 By * 5 2 8 2 8 i 6 SELEELE RBS. 77 (a ee ip ie SIs. sila alse wo Ulin 2 fon Mier Sle tlie is 10) 38/308 olaso sli 's isles Hise lee 38 p08 aa eo ae ue Sls alse Seles af Blan 4 & Rigs ¢ S Blin ' 5 ae op = : slam ier at 3a Sian slo “olan tole clase a ‘Bi ia Slise alg simu ‘olsss isle ee Bliss Bina st to 89 i i : 18 ‘ TABLES i TABLES . ' or : ‘ o” OBLIQUE ASOENSIONS.' OBLIQUE ASCENSIONS $e worm rarrvoe—xoxrimn come 1? worn Amerobe—voxrneny same, : ay v e a] FL. e 7] el ale ii oe Shee ls ole eee 1) 0 sa] at 35 g 1/0 58127, 99 | 58 14) 88 1/390 40/51 a4 gel io aL : 2| 1 44/28 18|s7 15] 89 T1921 aaline 41 38) 2 us a0 0 : &} 3 86/99 i2| 58 i7| 00 15/120 alts 41 3 Bla 8 i {5 | 73/8 iol lis elie ae 5] 4 2] a1 6 i Sa toe 8 ste Pog 3)8 e Ta] B is] st ov) or a) oy Wo) Iau T)i55 a9 2 a] o 7/3 9 : 7] 6 5 [83 54 |e2 2| 0s Ssltar A)int a7 fs] Tila 6 : 8] 6 t/a Si | as 26] 95 a2li26 7/108 30 fo] 7 e/a 2 : | 1 4334 a |e4 20] 06 a7/i99 10/109 Bp fol 6 do] a5 98 : 308 41] 85 43105 ax] or 69/ 190 13/100 apd Stl) p wy so oe “Be To) wo [oe wy ws OD $t2| a 2 | 37 1 oF ia| 10 a | ar as 100 5 Ga ie e183 RE RIBS : 3 bul a i gust ts | 40 i at : ae tie) 4) at n 1345165 a2 : Ta oe bu] 8 20/105 Stir 46 |io7 30 ¢ i liar 29 #18) 1 50 | 48 B[tor “3|ia8 48| 165 28 $ : ise 31 419] 16 44) 44 90 | 7% 30/103 8/139 49/169 262 i 180 83 fo] tot | sil to ss|109 13/40 folio 24! 2 140 : Saris at ps we Teta Sipitt at ir Tar we) ITs 22| 10 26 | 47 33 23/42 52 io} is 142 atl 16 fax] 90 19 | 48 3 Fy mi ~ $33] i438] 13 15 ful ar i [49 a a3] Be A 144 30/14 124 fal 22 17 | 50a | Be ie io|ims_10$ rarer 70 t 2h =a 22] 50 | 52 a8 Be ig Sos] 21 Go | 5a 3 BE is $20] 25 ds | oa 38 ae 2 5 s0| 26 at | 55 35 oF bo erent nett en os OBLIQUE i a 8. 5 @ Nowra Larrrope—souTime stoKs, ; ae a a ee Ce ee | af 421905 20/m04 15 ¢ Sle alte 9205 ~48 a4 i 48) 306 26/335 10 2/181 56/211 20] 15/308 43/885, 3 Sa) sor 26/a0 4 3]isa celeis 20 13) a7 48] 096 a4 33/908 36/306 50 4}ies 3/213 90 5|o08 43| 337 ad Blam Solon 50 ¢ alte sola at a0|500, 47/308 8% iv 8) 50 26) aa8 as Tier as/ais a 10 41) 088 oT at aelstt 3e|a50 at nltea 4|a16 22 40|si1 4o|300 Bt Hy aie wise &: lise dalais 35 Glia alan : Blas 25 #10 See e: x0lis6 411310 20 isis 13a be inj ‘O/SS 9a TT Two we] 20 27/2 Orywe Ai | a oe #12] 20/818 ~20| 344 10; 12/101 87/231 30| {aig 40/344 17 “ ay wie a) Ble Glee i gs? 225 83) 85 | 546 in Sie iis | Blin Slot os safain_salse_ob ¢ fi 31) a0 18)aaT a T6/19s 80) 257 “i6 (20 80) aT 4B in Slee 0/ae Yi|tea 20/328 49] wie mise ae iB Bolsee “3/340 38 Selior arlae 43} 33|s20 25) 800 a3 ou 850 at 430/198 pe)a38 45] 2 26/823 a1 | 850, 2 520 ue 20/108 95/390 47 30 [24 ie] a51_10 4 Po FE 3120031] 300 50) ‘is 1 so tS '2 30 201 24/231 53) 264 18] 206 84/396 9/855 28 : 53 302 83) 269 60) 205 24/207 Solse7 6/858 os iu rs 203 31/238 60] 200 $0 [208 false lame as ¢ 3 38: [i ails "elon malin) me silos 0! : 303 80) 208 8) 205 2 t : |f-27|206 10|257 3| i By 3/07 19/208 1¢| 97 53, : 9/209 20/30 20) a71 58 4 : 900 801240 35) 319 “Afs0r i femoneneiamntenticwiiin te 90 | TABLES OBLIQUH ASCENSIONS. 8° MONTH TATITUDE—NORTHERN s1G30R 3 Es wv) oo aT Ai 5 ofa aa {er as| or 4 $ 90/3) 10] es ar) a 40 7 42[ 94 15] 63 | os 8 10} oat] or 4 7) % ab ne 10 19 Ws | 30 12 WL we 33] 1908 | 40_ "9 102_80 isf iy) s or] a1 6) 1s) eB) an TO ws Te [4 4 {as 4] ta 30/105 T]ist tr tos 4 Wt #2 1(t2 salt00 14li99 tft 18 Ws 43|t51 36/0 19 06 Bal tm) “Ole 13 ¢ 30[ 17 a1 | 44 07/45 $1] 408 24/140 18 ]170_ 16 f or fala altho te Bi] 18 1) 4 oo] 76 4) 100 voy IO;an tas wiih 5yi 4 10 2 m| 0 | 40 54 [77 Go| 110 a5|149 g0|ama 123 gajuio nifue slim 84 a] 90 0 [47 a] 78 cain alii aa] ire ies asf is ali 84 24| 20 63] 45 53|0 “Olt1 45|iaa alata 10 glam sila olin 1e S| oat | a0 po] er _altis solu salty 8 iliis so] wits 6 Bi) @ at poo Gi] Soy 114 85/400 25) 170 7 SI 49] 11d 8 40 T/T og ala a [ogre ato -oltur asim 5 @ 49{us stig ali § 33] 24 at | a Bt] et dol ti7 -bluus aol its 4 fi sa[iln 43/48 1 | 2 28 | 53 90] as/tis ola ali 2 Se gsi aia ili 3 30) a an |e Boas a0 119 1H ha0 selsa0 8 SB] St de | eo “Sluis aris 13|100 sien ovrarn arnt cnn nono aman Jin ea spina emnemica cs masecnenmetcanain ae OBLIQUE ASCENSIONS, 9° Nokr# Latrrope—sourm 180 59/210 40/249 wl st} att 47/243 483 66] 212 47/244 s5)a13 40/265 BAL21d 601210 5 iS 68) 915 61217 I i | i i i 15 35 ; Hsla ofa elim ie lief i i i | 52] 219 na |2u8 9 53] 217 65/249 2 50/218 51/250 i 49] 919 58/953 a aL S88 3a us| 20 41/334 43/207 43135 oesh OBLIQUE ASCENSIONS Ey TABLES 10° ont LATITUDE—NORTURRN 81G3H 11° xonra ratrrupr—xonTuenx IKE, | *Ley,2 et *[*[#]e = WG ale ale ole ane Ao ale ala ole atu alm « a{ 3 ai |e aa| 30 | a7 a3[120 Se 3) 1 toler a5 |as 42| sr 2 ist 8 §| 3 fs si [ ar | ee cslie ae $| 2 f|as ie |t0 42| os 20 1b 4] a 2 | 20 25| 58 5] so belies 48 4) 3 mlm ia |or 42| es iss ob Hl 4 14 | 8020 8 5 53 5] 4 18/80 5 | 88 44} 00 88 1M TE Popo oyar 0) o2 10/1 oT @) 5 9) 00 89 | 50 a5) 1 aa) Tis 58 2 $4] 3 | 6 is|te0 4 1|-5 salar 63 |o0 40| 92 00 a0 pal cain ¢ alt 6 8] 8 Ala as |cr az| oo o6 at Oe 8] 7 98183 0 338 10 5] 7 ola a |e 40| > 2 10 of fold 81h ualioo 14 so] 8 94] 6 8 | o Bt] 90 Sie) tlio oF Hip? w/e @ 7 Lipo a) 8) %@ 6) @ Te £12] 10 12 | 86 46 a P12) 10 7) MH 88) OF 50) 8 2 ia] 1 3 [at at i 2 13] 10 st| 7 i | 66. oo] 0 } 14] 11 04 | 38 86 133 28 414] 1 go] a3 is |os 1/100 is] 13 45 | 5038 1a Eis[ ta 3] 50 35] 00 _4}io1_safiaa s5]03 3 po ar 00 w figpis w/a an | oy aa as Teo ni 14 20 [40 a a fu[t4 mat 8 |t solios si|ise iolter 8 35) 1 0 | 42 2 4 ‘tel i t3| 42 4] 42 ulin ealiay altos g 10) 18 ig] 43 a 4“ io] iw a|43 2/43 i2|io0 alias aelino pool it 4|M is & 2» 35.08 iio glt0_ 2 Hip wpe i ry ia ia By 3 felts |g 1 A fale ms 6) i slim alt alin a) eal 5s S| to mi|as ot [ar salivo oeliae srlina 8 il 2 33/43 “0 5 iil 2 soar 40% B)/iuL o3| tas soli 2 pla | io a Sb] oi] 43 48.140 acl 1i3- Bolte atts Supe 6) 0s aT Rpm Te @)0 wis ape am 7 yat| 33 10/51 4 0 Ean] 33 sol bo a5 | sr ci|itt o[ta0 so]imr 15 Bla a/m oe 0| a6) 25 s2]51 44 |e) 0/115 bolia7 at|ira oF fo| 4 se [33 8 3 | 1 Gls: aot alitt alias t/t Of 3901 25. ot | a4 3 ao] 25 a3)s0 les o]118 7/140 50110 oF Lone eee : OPLIQUE ASCHNSIONS. lo 10) sett Latch =pocasaa ome i FL= L® 1? L® 1? T™ iG Scie ot alee ns 1/190 90/210 38/249 97/275 20) 908 SA) 995 9 1 alter oolai2 “oles 4i[He s4| gor b4| a5 90 2 - al alte o3|2i3 ile 46] 27 80) 309 58] 00 50 3 4/iss br] 21a 8/24 fa /ara as|so0 pa|aa7 42 4 Glist_ ol ais 4|246 neleia 40/810 Bi/a9e Bs 5 Fist os) 20 OS a 7 ioe f a 7 & q & : a 1 ia Hy 0° 0 i Tt 100 iB iB an u 45 eu yu 3 Hoje sya on 0 ore soon apm ” a Hit|ie oe moms 8 ie 3 Dalle 8 seo 63] a0 oe an * 4 19|308 ii [Bo & in 7 ibis 8 St Sis vn 3% Lipo 0 “ie 18) 28 i is 2am 1 ier 1a] 36 a 3 game 1 we “7am 7 a 35 fila 9 3H 68. a a 35/9059 548: lay Reent loua : ian jm 4 tetlan 5 Bt a0 338) 2/219 13) w \Egsl 08 6) 8 20 12 20/973 19| 304 9 |e 0|a00 9) 59 gol 200 ST] a41 1/274 24 0 $20] 210 10| 00 hee ee niennlcahoenopet hi scarcer engage se narencsc antennas emanesosenacirnnsitasiacsesadtnilaanlaas tai _ -oesouenusconmaanegpncaengtion ae e , = ae ° TABLES TABLES or or {OBLIQUE ASOCENSIONS.: OBLIQUE ASOENSIONS. £ ag? xonrm ranrupz—wonrnnnx mas, 18? vomra LAvITODR-WORTIEAN slaw, Wess Ta | mi 7]. l=) ,e,a | 0] 20 18) 54 19) 85 47/118 40/300 40 ito asia 4] se 5a) 85 20 $ Go| ir it | os is] sb sulin sali ay 4] 2 S/H ot | se Ss] oe 2 BO) 28 4/56 18) 87 59/120 60/158 44% 8] & 96) 87 50/55 54) 87 32, § bo] 8 at | or ip] > ojtm altos 407 a] & Te]se a 86 a5] 88 0 - ae a] 4 t}20 a6) 67 06] 0 44 5 Be Te o7/ W] BS o5) ww 5 o 4] 3 aol a sa| 0 ao] or 85 $ 0 8] § Sola 10] a 1 a 6] 1 pelea 10 old Oy ail & isl « = SL in oH io 8a i 12. oe 13) 9 56) 8 ba u a 18] 10 46) 96 4 ary ie 81/37 43 | 67 % | So] 3838 | 68 if we Tw i ate 7 i ar at iw 28 a is 13 a 38 x tng i a = Siar be oF 20 108 aL 4 ° 7 ing 8 24 3 2] 110 44 a 3 2 we 25 oF o Tis 67 ia OF 86 id 2 28 40) 5 OF 28) 5 8 3] sli a Ss ant OF e ie a 80 25 26] 53 20 44/149 88 | 180 oF 1s tT 20) Soereinien sonnei sl a) BLIQUH ASCENSIONS. NONTH LATITUDR— SOUTHERN S1GX8, 7 o ® x ‘Long. 181 23/270 23/307 20/333 29 9} 935 133 2g|277 20/308 38/830 20 1 | 538 183 B4)278 83/900 BT) 237 19 | 987 89/27) 90/910 80/338 4 838 461280 45/3114 [35858 S1t_66 1339 9 | 9] 9] | 0/20 6S Gest Asa ist o|2t7 38/249 sz[os2 s3|a1 st aja a Bid 38 1/210 45 B15 25 4 31693, 2 3 3 4 4 ata someon snenfonnteSoee BH 81/8 crossing one SEzEe2 SBESSI ERR ESENSW SEE Sel ry 238 36] 33 39 0 40 a a a a 40 860.0 Pama cannninninicannntacs xa WARNER aaNet 3 . 80 TABLES U4) wownt saTmtupE—NonTHERN B1GME, OBLIQUE ASOENSIONS. 28° wont LATITUDE —Now TERN B1GNS. ‘Le le] 2 ]® eo ]*)e,e] a] 3) o9 92/94 92/118 3) 150 15 a] 0 4 84 of]1i7 30/130 9 4a( 54 ai| 85 s3[110 ofist 18 a) 2 a 8 Solis anlio 8 | 55 80] et '3)120 14|152 20 8] 2 26 88 se [110 Bilis 0 25) 56 | 68 10/121 20] 153 39 4) 3 i St 43 [120 07| 138 a1 1 Or See bla 8 s8_4gliea 8/154 14 W Stay at aT a) eo jy 0 6ajias 10/1) 17 $1 98134 at|i50 39 a] § 4 1 15(155 19 2 34[135 43[197 1 a] 8 m0 195 21157 at 9] 7 10 125 26) 158 25 | 88 iet_ia|iso_ 3 ir Tas a1] 100 20 % 120 43[101 31 % Tho 45|163 52 1a Sa) t0h 5 189) jie 135, 185 18T 138 189 40 140 20] aris 141 gal ae w at 100 54/142 38 43 20 0143 42 ia 4 5 8 180 13 [it a7 19822 1H 30 0 16 8 MT 6 143 10/178. 14) 12/180 9 t i au Wi % w u 18] 9 20 Pr a 3B a 35 a 21 2 29 50] a oF 1a 4 18 14\185 49 1s 2t)148 52 28 56/81 11/82 14/115 20/147 50 24 47| 52 9] 83 10/116 83/148 50 =| Fle 2° = a i 7 aa lee ihe ‘ aS 2/188 8/313 8 56, fe Bi Gig sine 3 z oo it alts Tate 18 5 ae Gy ise oa we 7% aH Tenia : Bat 49S 8/188 12/919 80) @ ea 40 9 9/180 18/390 35 285 23/315 28/942 49 i iiss HES au aie & 7. Tijier 20/318 10) 34 30 Mg 12) 198 19/998 48/356 47/280 34/219 15/345 19. Bis lest Slat Siem ice lela 8 295 56/959 0/201 40jas1 5/345 i 20242 991 8; 7 i : A = ates pease ait Bie ali Hr BH Rigs Gist Bie! Bo Slee St las Sle ‘B38 2808 | aaT 2 41 e 2 Sie aie : = ta ee d i 2 32 Se ae i 2 35 cts) alee : aa i = Sa eae i 2% 57 x 3 ecien gies Sha a a jo lias las 4 Bieeoiia irs sieges tia Si sblz1 So] Sh la oli fs in (Sia "Sleth 8]20n Hr[B 000 "0 See Stes Be See a Bak | | : : : : 3h — esses manus teat acm ‘oBLIQUa ASOENSIONS. 4G" NORTH SATITUDE—NORTUERN SIONS, 17? wont tarropE—sorrineRN MONS, . * 12 ie! a = 10) 52 19) 3 28/116 51/149 a z: Fy Et Tee eee ‘ 7 TPe [3 | 3 a 4 5 Secarellf crm coas 4 LOPS Bal) Seaeeleseselesses vit 80) 145 3a| a6 83 MI @ us 45 1 att A} gol 50 28] St IBl Ts 9 | 24 Bol 61 at] 62 28) 106 roommate escent tsi ets eieisine ties Stemi bdaotaaa | i ; Susy) ey i z BLIQUE ASOENSIONS, FL 1? ° |= f* 8h eT <7 1/18 2/213 g2}245 g2]o78 42/200 7/96 31 | 4 6 387 31 3 7 3 it 4 8 cy 0 5 2 a HSBSRISSSe: s BSS & iojiw 4 Bt it solo 4 3 iter ae zim Blo3 ot s Bilbo tt a aaa fi fs sya: a His 8 as 15] 240 90 Biko 4 leo ia|si2 2 Slao alo p38 8 Bolan zis Solem olan 14 95. sorett eal ea 15 [377 , | i | | i Be : ig [tsslcrealsrmecemaleeelsceer "| sens “ TABLES TABLES OBLIQUE ASOENSIONS. 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OBLIQUE ASONMSIONS. ‘34° _xonTa Larrrope—NourinER SIGNS. 35° xorrm-Lasrupr—xowrim FA PL? Spee ote ar 3 7 1] 0 80) 20 43 | 44 3)45 26 1 3 26 | 4 a9 3 8 | 40 51 4 2 | 47 2 5 35 | a “ ¢ 10 a8 a ' B 1 3| 40 8 Fr 8 48 | 50 m0 a6 ° a | ot ¥ 0 ol | 2 4 1 ir a a 8 2 a4 a Ps 8 3 6 38 irs 36 ° % 1 57 12 3 = 125 62103 1a [128 | 164 26 43) 92 St]120 17] 165 88 44| 04 “2/130 31/106 61 ia 45 2 a5 s 8 8 Fy 10 i 3 0 2 2% aT 80 | 65 ali 4 B 38 38 10 | 66 so] 172 63 o 50 89 10 | 07 uit 4 35) 1617 1 Qo) iT apa ty ww 2/18 1S iy is os 7 ai] it 85/40 82 | 09 ag) 170 3 ‘o7| 37 is |40 20 25 Sx] 18 7/41 4s | 70 asii77 8 38] 18 20/41 tL 3a po] 19 19] 42 as | are 49 | 10 a |a 2 8 so] 20 “4/43 2 | 72 ails 8/0 0 30] 10 48/42 4 180 0 Seonallcnon lo] O BLIQUH ASOBNSIONS. 84° xonr Larirupe—soUTINRN sraxe, a]? : : i i i i i : 4 i i BLIQUE 35" Nonti EartruDH sou a eo: 210 39) 218 13) Ts 183 35) 210 1 2) 3 4 5 6) 187 10) 235 7 8 | 0. Se SS + 13 23/204 ad 85) 225 100 46) 237 58 238 wh Ts 9280 tos 29/930, U5 BA) 38 198 46/230, Wr aT) 199 10/205 200. 23 | 236 aor 5 {33s 47/930 203 50/510 IS82S chee oko oktaw! mon 2/ 382 Sor io |au Bop. 43/345, aa tle iyaut 14247 312 20/290 213 98/300 17 Bt 52/951 30 2m 5[an8 4 fost 4 1" Lai OBLIOUS ASOENSIONS TABLES (oe e ASOENSIONS, : : 3 : 230° sown tarrrupr—nowriten sans, 87° xonru tarirupa—Nouritenn i 4 sp Tele, = t jet lel 8 [ = : n mF 10 40) 49 35) 71 Bui s07 22)144 a2 F 15 4: go at | 45 27] 73 olin a5[ias 47 § ‘ 8 ne 81a Ga slim alae Be : 3 ie S149 |45 12] a6 golimt ‘alts 142 ‘ 8 4% a ew a : i at @ : u og 35 § i 3 ae cH : o ane a! iz iT 405 ant : £ 1 ¢ A 33 z i 16t ' oy aot pe ! 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