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*Form 5

*Make a copy for Senior Project Box & turn in

Due March 8th
Project Self-Evaluation

Name: Natalie Klotz Date: 2/27/2018

Using COMPLETE SENTENCES, answer ALL the questions regarding your individual project. Don’t forget
to BOLD your answers!

1. To assist the evaluating committee, please describe (in detail) your completed project in at least three
mature sentences.

For my project I shadowed Celeste Gassman, a global insurance broker, and Alan Salts, a CFO. I
chose to shadow these two individuals because they have a lot of experience in business finance
and international relations. I am interested in studying these things next year, so I wanted to make
sure this was a realistic career path for me.

2. Fill in the blanks:

A. Estimated total hours spent on project: 29.5

B. Date project started: 6/22/2017
C. Date project completed: 7/22/2017
D. What was the most unique material you used or most unique experience you encountered?

I had a unique experience when the internet went down in the middle of a work day. I saw what
should and should not have been done in order to solve a problem.

E. Would you recommend your project area for others? ___yes___ Explain your answer:

Even though this project was a little boring, I think it really helped me understand how a business
works, what it takes to be successful in that type of setting, and if I feel like I belong there.

3. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation? Explain your answer.

I feel confident about my project and the things I have learned.

4. List two things you have learned (about yourself and product) after completing this entire project:

1. I learned that I have the skills it takes to be a successful leader.

2. I learned that I am still interested in international relations and economics, although it might be
in a different setting.

5. List all personal satisfactions or knowledge you gained from this project:

1. I gained confidence in my own abilities.

2. I learned what a leader looks like.

6. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or community members?
For example: “I never knew you knew so much …”—Mrs. Terrell.

“That sounds boring.” —everyone

7. Describe what level of growth you experienced in completing this project. Consider not only the physical
growth, but also an emotional or intellectual challenge.

During this project, I grew out of my comfort zone. I became much more comfortable
communicating in a professional setting, and I became much more confident that I will be
successful in my career.

8. List problems you encountered:

1. Being comfortable in an uncomfortable situation

2. Reaching out and communicating with strangers

9. Describe how you handled/solved these problems:

1. I worked through my discomfort.

2. I asked for help from my mom and learned how to write professional emails.

10. Is your project original or creative in any way? Explain.

My project was original because I shadowed two people in contrasting business settings.

11. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from experience?

I would have taken more notes and tried to learn more about the business itself.

12. What grade would you give yourself for your project? __A__
Explain why you would give yourself this grade in at least two, specific, mature sentences.

I believe I deserve an A on my project because I did everything I was supposed to do. I chose a
creative project that helped validate my future career choice.

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