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Thermal safety between trophic guilds

Thermal safety was calculated for herbivores (N=x sp), carnivores (N=x sp) and
omnivores (N=x sp).
Under full radiation. TS was neutral for herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
actually and in the proyection to 2070 Actually TSxxxxx
Proyected TS to 2017, was lower for carnivores (X=, s.t.=, range=) than for
herbivores (X=, s.t.=, range=) and omnivores (X=; s.t.=, range= , ANOVAxxx,
Figure x).
Under the cover. TS was positive in the three trophic guilds actually and in 2070
(Table x). Actual TS, was lower for carnivores (X=, s.t.=, range=) than for
herbivores (X=, s.t.=, range=) and omnivores (X=; s.t.=, range= , ANOVAxxx,
Figure x). In the proyection to 2017. TS was for carnivores (X=, s.t.0, range=) than
for herbivores (X, s.t.=, range=), and omnivores (X=, s.t.=, range0) (ANOVA
XXXP=…prueba posthoc, figure x)

Thermal safety between taxa

Thermal safety was calculated for Hymenopterans (N=45 spp), Dipterans (20 spp),
Odonates (10 spp) and Coleopterans (5 spp) and Lepidoptera (N= x sp).
Under full radiation, now and for the proyection to 20170: TS was negative for
hymenopteros, negative for odonates and lepidopteros, and neutre for dipterans
and coleopterans. Actually TS was lower for himenopteros (X=, S.T.=, range=)
than for dipteros (X=, S.T.=, range=) and odonates (X=,S.T.=, range=)
(ANOVAXXX, P=). ST was similar between Coleopterans (X=, S.T.=, range=) and
lepidopterans (X=, S.T.=, range=) (PRUEBA; P=), (Table x, Figure x). In the
proyection to 2017,,,,,,,,,-------------------………….

Under the cover. Actually and for the proyection to 2017. TS was higher in
hymenopterans (X, S.T., range=), than in x ( X, S.T., range=) y (X=, S.T., range=) z
(X=, S.T., ange=). (PRUEBA X; P=; Table x; Figure x):

Thermal safety according to size

Under full radiation.

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