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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior

1. Four Perspectives of Organizational Effectiveness:

1. Open Systems Perspective
2. Organizational Learning Perspective
 Intellectual Capital
1. Human Capital
2. Structural Capital
3. Relationship Capital
 Organizational Learning Processes
1. Knowledge Acquisition
2. Knowledge Sharing
3. Knowledge Use
 Organizational Memory
3. High-Performance WP Perspective
4. Stakeholder Perspective
 Stakeholders: any entity who affects or is affected by the firm’s objectives and actions

2. Types of Individual Behavior

1. Task Performance
2. Organizational Citizenship
3. Counterproductive Work Behaviors
4. Joining/staying with the Organization
5. Maintaining Work Attendance

3. Globalization
4. Increasing Workforce Diversity
 Surface-level diversity
 Deep-level diversity
 Implications
5. Employment Relationships
6. Organizational Behavior Anchors
 Multidisciplinary Anchor
 Systematic Research Anchor
 Contingency Anchor
 Multiple Levels Of Analysis Anchor
Chapter 2: Individual Behavior, Values, and Personality
1. MARS Model of Individual Behaviour
a. Employee Motivation
b. Employee Ability
c. Employee Role Perceptions
d. Situational Factors
2. Types of Behaviour in Organizations
a. Task Performance
b. Organizational Citizenship
c. Counterproductive Work Behaviours
d. Joining/staying with the Organization
e. Maintaining Work Attendance
3. Values in the Workplace
4. Schwartz’s Values Model
5. Values Congruence
6. Individualism- Collectivism
7. Power Distance
8. Uncertainty Avoidance
9. Achievement-Nurturing
10. Three Ethical Principles
a. Utilitarianism
b. Individual Rights
c. Distributive Justice
11. Influences on Ethical Conduct
a. Moral intensity
b. Ethical sensitivity
c. Situational influences
12. Supporting Ethical Behaviour
13. Personality
14. Big Five Personality Dimensions
a. Conscientiousness
b. Agreeableness
c. Neuroticism
d. Openness to Experience
e. Extroversion
15. Locus of Control and Self-Monitoring
Chapter 3: Perception and Learning in Organizations
1. Perception
2. Perceptual Organization/Interpretation
a. Categorical thinking
b. Mental models
3. Social Perception through Social Identity
a. Categorization process
b. Homogenization process
c. Differentiation process
4. Stereotyping
5. Problems with Stereotyping
a. Overgeneralizes
b. Discrimination
6. Attribution Process
a. Internal Attribution
b. External Attribution
7. Attribution Errors
a. Fundamental Attribution Error
b. Self-Serving Bias
8. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Cycle
9. Other Perceptual Errors
a. Halo effect
b. Primacy effect
c. Recency effect
d. False-consensus effect
10. Strategies to Improve Perceptions
11. Johari Window
12. Learning
13. Explicit vs.Tacit Knowledge
14. Behavior Modification
15. A-B-Cs of Behavior Modification
a. Antecedents
b. Behavior
c. Consequences
16. Social Learning Theory
17. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model
Chapter 4: Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
1. Emotions
2. Attitudes versus Emotions
3. Traditional Model of Attitudes
4. Emotions, Attitudes and Behavior
5. Cognitive Dissonance
6. Emotional Labor
7. Emotional Intelligence
8. Job Satisfaction
9. EVLN: Responses to Dissatisfaction
a. Exit
b. Voice
c. Loyalty
d. Neglect
10. Job Satisfaction and Performance
11. Job Satisfaction and Customers
12. Organizational Commitment
a. Affective commitment
b. Continuance commitment
13. Building Organizational Commitment
a. Justice and support
b. Shared values
c. Trust
d. Organizational comprehension
e. Employee involvement
14. Stress
15. Consequences of Distress
a. Physiological
b. Behavioral
c. Psychological
16. Stressors
17. Psychological Harassment
18. Sexual Harassment

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