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30/1/2018 Bold, italics and underlining - ShareLaTeX, Editor de LaTeX online

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ShareLaTeX guides
Creating a document in ShareLaTeX
Bold, italics and underlining
Uploading a project
(/learn/Uploading_a_project) El dar cierto formato a un texto ayuda a resaltar conceptos importantes dentro de un documento y
Copying a project lo hace mucho más legible. Por medio del uso de cursivas, negritas o subrayado se puede cambiar
(/learn/Copying_a_project) la percepción del lector sobre una palabra.
Creating a project from a template
Including images in ShareLaTeX Contents
1 Introducción
Exporting your work from
2 Texto en cursiva
3 Texto en negrita
4 Texto subrayado
Using bibliographies in ShareLaTeX
(/learn/Using_bibliographies_in_ShareLaTeX) 5 Enfatizar texto
6 Lecturas adicionales
Sharing your work with others
Debugging Compilation timeout
errors Introducción
En este artículo se explica el uso de tres herramientas básicas para dar formato a un documento:
Knowledge Base
cursivas, negritas y subrayado. Empecemos con un ejemplo:

Some of the \textbf{greatest}

LaTeX Basics discoveries in \underline{science}
Creating your rst LaTeX document were made by \textbf{\textit{accident}}.
Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
(/learn/Choosing_a_LaTeX_Compiler) (/learn/File:Biu1.png)
Paragraphs and new lines
Bold, italics and underlining Como se puede ver, hay tres comandos básicos que pueden ser anidados para combinar su efecto.
Nota: Los comandos \it y \bf también funcionan para convertir en cursivas o negritas el texto, pero
Lists (/learn/Lists)
su uso no se recomienda ya que no preservan los estilos previos. Por ejemplo, con estos
Errors (/learn/Errors)
comandos no se puede crear texto en negritas y cursiva

  Abrir un ejemplo en ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com/project/new/template?
Mathematical expressions
(/learn/Mathematical_expressions) zipUrl=/project/52e2cf6fcd3ae4400500066d/download/zip&templateName=Bold_Italics_Underline&compi
Subscripts and superscripts
Brackets and Parentheses
Texto en cursiva
Fractions and Binomials Escribir texto en letras cursivas (también llamadas itálicas o bastardillas) es muy simple, sólo hay
(/learn/Fractions_and_Binomials) que usar el comando \textit:
Aligning Equations
(/learn/Aligning_equations) Some of the greatest
Operators (/learn/Operators) discoveries in science
were made by \textit{accident}.
Spacing in math mode

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Integrals, sums and limits
Display style in math mode
List of Greek letters and math   Abrir un ejemplo en ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com/project/new/template?
symbols zipUrl=/project/52e2cf6fcd3ae4400500066d/download/zip&templateName=Bold_Italics_Underline&compi
Mathematical fonts
Texto en negrita
Para escribir texto en negritas se debe usar el comando \textbf:
Figures and tables
Some of the \textbf{greatest}
Inserting Images
discoveries in science
were made by accident.
Tables (/learn/Tables)
Positioning Images and Tables
(/learn/Positioning_images_and_tables) (/learn/File:Biu3.png)
Lists of Tables and Figures
(/learn/Lists_of_tables_and_ gures)
Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX   Abrir un ejemplo en ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com/project/new/template?
(/learn/Picture_environment) zipUrl=/project/52e2cf6fcd3ae4400500066d/download/zip&templateName=Bold_Italics_Underline&compi
TikZ package (/learn/TikZ_package)

Texto subrayado
References and Citations
Subrayar texto es también muy sencillo, el comando a usar es \underline:
Bibliography management in LaTeX
Some of the greatest
Bibliography management with
discoveries in \underline{science}
biblatex were made by accident.
Biblatex bibliography styles
Biblatex citation styles
Bibliography management with   Abrir un ejemplo en ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com/project/new/template?
natbib zipUrl=/project/52e2cf6fcd3ae4400500066d/download/zip&templateName=Bold_Italics_Underline&compi
Natbib bibliography styles
Enfatizar texto
Natbib citation styles El texto se puede enfatizar por medio del comando \emph. A veces éste comando se comporta
(/learn/Natbib_citation_styles) igual que \textit pero no son exactamente lo mismo.
Bibliography management with
bibtex Some of the greatest \emph{discoveries}
(/learn/Bibliography_management_with_bibtex)in science
were made by accident.
Bibtex bibliography styles
(/learn/Bibtex_bibliography_styles) \textit{Some of the greatest \emph{discoveries}
in science
Languages were made by accident.}

International language support \textbf{Some of the greatest \emph{discoveries}

(/learn/International_language_support) in science
Quotations and quotation marks were made by accident.}
Arabic (/learn/Arabic)
Chinese (/learn/Chinese)
French (/learn/French) (/learn/File:Biu5.png)
German (/learn/German)
Greek (/learn/Greek)
Italian (/learn/Italian)
Japanese (/learn/Japanese) Lo que en realidad hace el comando \emph depende del contexto. Dentro de texto normal el texto
Korean (/learn/Korean) enfatizado se imprime en cursiva, pero este comportamiento se invierte cuando se usa el comando
Portuguese (/learn/Portuguese) con texto que ya está escrito en cursivas. Ver el ejemplo anterior para entender a qué se re ere
Russian (/learn/Russian)

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Spanish (/learn/Spanish) Más aún, algunos paquetes, como por ejemplo Beamer (/learn/Beamer), cambian el
comportamiento de comando \emph.
Document structure
  Abrir un ejemplo en ShareLaTeX (https://www.sharelatex.com/project/new/template?
Sections and chapters
Table of contents
(/learn/Table_of_contents) Lecturas adicionales
Cross referencing sections and Para más información consultar:
(/learn/Cross_referencing_sections_and_equations) Paragraphs and new lines (/learn/Paragraphs_and_new_lines)
Indices (/learn/Indices) Lists (/learn/Lists)
Glossaries (/learn/Glossaries) Paragraph formatting (/learn/Paragraph_formatting)
Nomenclatures Line breaks and blank spaces (/learn/Line_breaks_and_blank_spaces)
(/learn/Nomenclatures) The not so short introduction to LATEX 2ε (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/)
Management in a large project
Multi- le LaTeX projects
(/learn/Multi- le_LaTeX_projects)
Hyperlinks (/learn/Hyperlinks)

Lengths in LATEX
Headers and footers
Page numbering
Paragraph formatting
Line breaks and blank spaces
Text alignment
Page size and margins
Single sided and double sided
Multiple columns
Counters (/learn/Counters)
Code listing (/learn/Code_listing)
Code Highlighting with minted
Using colours in LaTeX
Footnotes (/learn/Footnotes)
Margin notes (/learn/Margin_notes)

Font sizes, families, and styles
Font typefaces
Supporting modern fonts with
XƎLATEX (/learn/XeLaTeX)

Beamer (/learn/Beamer)

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Powerdot (/learn/Powerdot)
Posters (/learn/Posters)

Commands (/learn/Commands)
Environments (/learn/Environments)

Field speci c
Theorems and proofs
Chemistry formulae
Feynman diagrams
Molecular orbital diagrams
Chess notation
Knitting patterns
CircuiTikz package
Pgfplots package
Typing exams in LaTeX
Knitr (/learn/Knitr)
Attribute Value Matrices

Class les
Understanding packages and class
(/learn/Understanding_packages_and_class_ les)
List of packages and class les
(/learn/List_of_packages_and_class_ les)
Writing your own package
Writing your own class
Tips (/learn/Tips)

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Universidades (/university?ref=footer)

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