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Rational PureCoverage: What it does

Rational® PureCoverage® provides code coverage information. You can use this information to
assess how thoroughly you are testing your code, and to pinpoint the parts of your application
that your tests have not exercised. With PureCoverage, you can:

 Collect and view comprehensive coverage data interactively for individual and
multiple runs. PureCoverage monitors coverage in all the code in an application, even
multi-threaded applications, including third-party libraries.

 Automate coverage data collection and processing by incorporating PureCoverage into

your automated product testing.

 Analyze coverage data in the interactive PureCoverage Viewer and Annotated Source

 Generate reports to help you diagnose and remedy testing deficiencies.

 Exclude selected files and directories from data collection to improve performance.

 Adjust coverage data to make the statistics reflect your individual situation.

 Fine-tune data collection using the PureCoverage API.

 Merge coverage data from different programs that share common source code and from
different builds.

 Check your coverage at the same time as you check for memory leaks with Rational
Purify, Rational Software's run-time error detection program, to make sure you have
checked your entire application for errors.

 File coverage defects directly from PureCoverage in Rational ClearQuest, Rational

Software's defect-tracking tool.
More information?

 The Installing and Getting Started manual for PureCoverage describes a sample session
with PureCoverage, showing how to collect and analyze data. The manual also includes
information about installation and licensing.

 For technical information about PureCoverage, answers to common questions, and

information about other Rational Software products, visit the Rational Software web site
at http://www.rational.com/

 A printable PureCoverage Quick Reference is included in the product documentation

directory in .pdf format.
 Rational PureCoverage

 To effectively test an application, you need to know which parts of the application
were exercised during a test and which ones were missed. Without this information,
you can waste valuable time editing, compiling, and debugging your software
without actually testing the critical problem areas.
 With Rational PureCoverage, you can quickly and easily identify the gaps in your
testing of Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Java programs.
 PureCoverage is especially useful as a companion to Rational Purify and Rational
Robot: it can tell you whether you are exercising your code sufficiently for Purify to
find all of your memory errors and for Robot to test all of your application's
functionality (see Figure 36). It is essential to an automated testing environment.
 Rational Quantify
 Rational Quantify quickly locates performance bottlenecks in Visual C++, Visual
Basic, and Java programs. It takes the difficulty and guesswork out of performance
tuning by delivering accurate, repeatable timing data for all the components of your
program, even if you don't have the source code.
 Quantify gives you the insight you need to write more efficient code and make any
program work faster (see Figure 37). It can turn everyone on your team into a
performance engineer.

Learning Basics of Rational Robot (7.0)

1. Features of Rational Robot
Rational Robot is an automated functional, regression testing tool for automating Windows,
Java, IE and ERP applications under windows platform. Rational Robot provides test cases for
common objects such as menus, lists, bitmaps and specialized test cases for objects specific to
the development environment. It integrates with tools like Rational Test Manager, Rational
ClearQuest and Requisite Pro in the Rational Unified Processor for Defect Tracking, Change
Management and Requirement Traceability. It also supports UI technologies like Java, the Web,
all VS.NET controls, Oracle Forms, Borland Delphi and Sybase Power Builder applications.
2. Rational Administrator
It is a tool for managing associations between Rational artifacts such as Test Datastores,
Requisite Pro projects and Rose models.
 Rational Projects are created using Rational Administrator
 Users and Groups can be maintained
 Project assets can be upgraded
3. Recording Options
Using Object-oriented technology, Robot identifies an object by its name property not by its
location coordinates. There are two different options
 GUI – Functional Testing
 VU – Performance Testing
4. SQABasic language
SQABasic is similar to Microsoft Visual Basic. All the scripts will be in scriptname.rec format.
When you playback the script, Robot automatically compiles and runs the script, which repeats
your actions and executes the verification points.
5 Shell Scripts
It is a master script that calls other automated scripts and plays them back in sequence. “call

script test1” is a command to call script named test1. Combined into a single shell script, scripts
can run in unattended mode and perform comprehensive test coverage. It centralizes test results
into one test log.
6 Low-level Recording
Turn “Low-Level Recording On” in Robot during recording, mouse and keyboard actions are
automatically stored in an external file.
7 Verification Points
Verification points verify that a certain action has taken place, or verify the state of an object.
There are 11 Verification points in Robot
 Alpha-numeric: Verifies alphanumeric data. Used for edit boxes, pushbuttons, labels,
text fields, etc.,
 Object Properties: Tests object attributes such as colour, font and position.
 Menu: Verifies the menu values and optionally their state (enabled or disabled) of a
 Clip Board: Verifies the contents of the windows clipboard
 Window Existence: Tests to see if a particular window does or does not exist on the
 Region Image: Graphically compares an area of the screen you specify
 Window Image: Graphically compares an entire window such as a window box.
 Object Data: Test data contents of objects(eg. Dropdown)
 File Comparison: Compares the contents of the two files (size and the contents)
 File Existence: Checks for the existence of a specified file
 Module Existence: Used to verify whether a specified module is loaded into a specified
context, or loaded anywhere in memory.
When you are creating verification points, there will be two options – Wait State and Expected
Wait states are useful when AUT requires an unknown amount of time to complete a task.
Using a wait state keeps the verification point form failing if the task is not completed
immediately or if the data is not accessible immediately.
Expected Results – Click Pass or Fail in the Verification Point Name dialog box.

8 Variable Window
During debugging, if you want to examine variable and constant values, you can variables
window. View->Variables.
9. Object Mapping
If AUT contains a custom object or any object that Robot does not recognize, you
can create a custom object mapping before start recording. By adding the object’s
class to the list of classes that Robot recognizes, and then associating the class to a
standard object type. Robot saves this custom class/object type mapping in the
project and uses it to identify the custom object during playback.
10 Debug Tools
Animate(F11) – Animation mode allows you to see each line of script as it executes.
Step Over(F10) – Use to execute a single command line within a script
Step Into(F8) – Use to being single step execution
Step Out(F7) – Use to step out of the called script and return to the calling script.

Go Until Cursor(F6) – Use to play back the active GUI script, stopping at the text cursor
11 Library Files and Header Files
Header files have .sbh extensions and contain the procedure declarations and global variables
referred to in your script files. There are two types of library files. Those with .sbl extensions
can’t have verification points. Those with .rec extensions are stored in the project and can have
verification points. Both Header and library are in \SQABAS32 in the project directory.
12 Image Masks used for dynamic objects
Image masks are used to hide an area of the screen. When you play back a script that contains an
Image VP and a mask, Robot ignores the masked area when comparing actual results to the
recorded baseline.
13 Data Pool
A Datapool is a test dataset that supplies data variables in a test script during playback. Using
data pools allows you to run multiple iterations of a script using different data each time. It can
be created and managed using Test Manager for data driven tests.

Rational Quantify: What it does

Your application's runtime performance--its speed--is one of its most visible and critical
characteristics. Developing high-performance software that meets the expectations of customers
is not an easy task. Complex interactions between your code, third-party libraries, the operating
system, hardware, networks, and other processes make identifying the causes of slow
performance difficult.

Rational® Quantify® is a powerful tool that identifies the portions of your application that
dominate its execution time. It supports C and C++ applications, as well as Java applications
running on a Solaris SPARC 32-bit Java virtual machine (JVM). Quantify gives you the insight
to eliminate performance problems so that your software runs faster. With Quantify, you can:
 Get accurate and reliable performance data
 Control how data is collected, collecting data for a small portion of your
application's execution or the entire run
 Compare before and after runs to see the impact of your changes on performance
 Easily locate and fix only the problems with the highest potential for improving

This chapter introduces the basic concepts involved in using Quantify. For complete information,
see the Quantify online help system, including the Java Supplement for Quantify.

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