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Journal of Sports Sciences

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Are adaptations to combined endurance and

strength training affected by the sequence of
a a
Mitchell A. Collins & Teresa K. Snow
Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Health and Physical Education ,
Kennesaw State College , PO Box 444, Marietta, Georgia, 30061, USA
Published online: 14 Nov 2007.

To cite this article: Mitchell A. Collins & Teresa K. Snow (1993) Are adaptations to combined endurance
and strength training affected by the sequence of training?, Journal of Sports Sciences, 11:6, 485-491, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640419308730017


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Journal of Sports Sciences, 1993, 11, 485-491

Are adaptations to combined endurance and strength

training affected by the sequence of training?
Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Health and Physical Education, Kennesaw State College,
PO Box 444, Marietta, Georgia 30061, USA

Accepted 10 December 1992

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the sequence of strength training before endurance training
(ST/ET) is more or less effective than endurance training followed by strength training (ET/ST). Twenty-three
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

females and 11 males were assigned to one of three groups: ST/ET (n= 15), ET/ST (n= 15) or control (n = 4).
The 7-week training programme consisted of strength training using 10 exercises for two sets of 3-12 repetitions
and running for 20-25 min at 60-90% of heart rate reserve. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) was measured
during a graded treadmill test, and muscular strength was assessed using one-repetition maximum tests for the
bench press (BP), shoulder press (SP), arm curl (AC) and leg press (LP). The VO2 max significantly (P < 0.05)
increased 6.7 and 6.2% for the ST/ET and ET/ST groups, respectively. There was no significant (P > 0.05)
difference between the two experimental groups. Muscular strength significantly (P <0.05) improved by 15.2%
(BP), 16.6% (SP), 17.2% (AC) and 11.9% (LP) for the ST/ET group and 19.9% (BP), 24.1% (SP), 20.9% (AC)
and 14.0% (LP) for the ET/ST group. There were no significant (P > 0.05) differences between the two
experimental groups for the BP, AC and LP; however, the ET/ST group increased (P < 0.05) SP strength more
than the ST/ET group. In conclusion, adaptations to a combination of short-term endurance and strength
training as assessed by VO2 max and BP, AC and LP strength appear to be independent of whether endurance
training occurs prior to or following strength training.

Keywords: Maximal oxygen uptake, resistance training, aerobic conditioning, muscular strength.

Introduction Concurrent endurance and strength training has been

reported to interfere with the development of muscular
Previous research has clearly established that endurance strength without compromising the development of
and strength training induce distinctly different adap- aerobic power (Dudley and Djamil, 1985; Hickson,
tations of the human body which are specific to the mode 1980; Lee et al., 1990), except in previously endurance-
of exercise stress (Holloszy and Booth, 1976; Klausen et trained individuals where strength was not impeded
al, 1981; MacDougall et al., 1980; McDonagh and (Hunter et al., 1987; Paavolainen et al., 1991). Although
Davies, 1984; Saltin, 1969). However, more recently it concurrent training might not be advisable when
became apparent that training programmes employing optimum strength development is important, both
both endurance and strength training concurrently activities are still commonly used concurrently in
might impede some physiological adaptations to train- physical fitness (American College of Sports Medicine,
ing (Hickson, 1980). Although much data are available 1990) and athletic conditioning programmes (Pauletto,
on the adaptations to endurance training and strength 1985).
training performed separately, there are fewer studies Since strength and endurance training are often
which have investigated concurrent endurance and performed concurrently, it is important to understand if
strength training programmes (Chromiak and Mulva- there is an optimum training pattern or sequence for
ney, 1990; Dudley and Fleck, 1987). enhancing the physiological adaptations to exercise.
Sale and colleagues (1990) reported that the pattern of
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. training on opposite days was more effective for

0264-0414/93 © 1993 E. & F.N. Spon

486 Collins and Snow

improving muscular strength than training on the same 1987; Paavolainen et al., 1991). Therefore, if the
day when performing concurrent endurance and sequence of training influences adaptations to concur-
strength training. Also, Bell et al. (1988,1991) reported rent training, it might be more easily detected in
that the sequence of training might impact adaptations untrained individuals. Written informed consent was
to training; however, their endurance and strength obtained from all subjects.
training programmes were not concurrent.
Although the sequence of training may be important,
there are no data documenting whether strength train-
ing should precede or follow endurance training when The subjects in the two experimental groups partici-
both activities are performed on the same day. Previous pated in a 7-week cardiovascular endurance and
investigations on the effects of concurrent training have strength training programme. Although the adaptations
utilized various sequences, including strength training to endurance and strength training are well docu-
before endurance training (Hickson, 1980; Hunter et al., mented, a small control sample was selected to substan-
1987), endurance training before strength training (Lee tiate improvements in maximal oxygen uptake
et al., 1990) and alternating the sequence during the (^O 2 max) and strength resulting from training. The
training period (Sale et al., 1990). Based on previous subjects in the control group did not participate in the
research designs, it is unclear whether the sequence of
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

training programme, and they were instructed to retain

training affects the adaptations to concurrent training their normal daily activity levels during this study. The
programmes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was training programmes for the two experimental groups
to determine if the sequence of strength training before were matched to ensure that training modes, frequen-
endurance training is more or less effective than cies, durations and intensities were equal; however, the
endurance training before strength training when both sequence of training was different. One group partici-
are performed during the same session. pated in strength training immediately followed by
endurance training (ST/ET) on the same day, while the
other group undertook endurance training immediately
followed by strength training (ET/ST) on the same day.
Methods All endurance and strength training occurred in the
morning and on the same day for both experimental
Subjects groups.
Twenty-three females and 11 males volunteered to
participate in the study. Ten females and five males were
Training programme
recruited for each of the two experimental groups and
the remaining three females and one male were assigned The endurance training programme consisted of run-
to the control group. Random assignment of the subjects ning 3 days a week for 25 min with an exercise heart rate
to the three groups was not possible due to the time between 60 and 90% of heart rate reserve. The exercise
commitment required for training; therefore, the sub- duration varied from 15 to 25 min of continuous running
jects volunteered for either the control or experimental during the first 2 weeks of training to allow the subjects
groups. The sequence of training was randomly to adjust to the exercise stress. Each subject was
assigned to the two experimental groups. The physical instructed how to palpate the carotid pulse and to count
characteristics of the subjects are presented in Table 1. pulses for 15 s to determine exercise pulse rates. Pulse
Untrained subjects were recruited for the experimental rate and continuous running time were recorded by each
groups because previous studies have suggested that the subject on a training log to assist in monitoring the
development of strength might not be impeded in training intensity and duration. Mean exercise heart
previously endurance-trained individuals (Hunter et al., rates for the experimental groups ranged from 76 to 84%

Table 1 Mean ( + S.D.) physical characteristics of the subjects

ST/ET ET/ST Control
Variable (n=15) («=15) (n = 4)
Age (years) 23.2±5.4 21.0 + 3.0 33.8 + 11.3
Height (cm) 168.1+9.8 166.4 + 8.5 171.4+14.4
Body mass (kg) , 63.7+13.0 63.5+17.5 71.9 + 25.1

ST/ET, strength training followed by endurance training; ET/ST, endurance training followed
by strength training.
Adaptations to combined endurance and strength training 487

of heart rate reserve for each week of training. Mean log. The exercise intensity (percentage of pre-test
heart rate values for each group were not significantly strength) increased weekly using the principles of
(P>0.05) different for any week of training. Therefore, periodization (two training cycles). Figure 1 illustrates
the endurance training programmes for the ST/ET and the mean (+ S.D.) percentages of pre-test strength for the
ET/ST groups appeared to be matched for mode, bench press, shoulder press, arm curl and leg press for
frequency, duration and intensity. Pre-test VO2 max each group (ST/ET and ET/ST) for each week of
values (ml kg"1 min"1) were not significantly different training. Mean values for each exercise were not
between the ST/ET and ET/ST groups. significantly (P>0.05) different between the two
The strength training programme consisted of groups. Therefore, the strength training programmes
approximately 45 min of strength training using for the ST/ET and ET/ST groups appeared to be
Universal equipment and free weights. Each subject matched for exercises, frequency, sets, repetitions and
performed two sets of 3-12 repetitions using 50-90% of training loads (percentage of pre-test strength). Pre-test
his or her one-repetition maximum (strength). The strength scores for each exercise were not significantly
subjects undertook the strength training on the same 3 different (P>0.05) between the ST/ET and ET/ST
days each week as the endurance training. The strength groups.
training programme consisted of four lower-body exer-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

cises (leg press, leg curl, leg extension, heel raise), five
upper-body exercises (bench press, shoulder press, arm
curl, lateral pulldown, tricep extension) and sit-ups. Maximal oxygen uptake was determined using a con-
Each subject recorded the daily training weights used tinuous, progressive, grade-incremented treadmill test.
and number of repetitions performed on the training Following a 10 min warm-up, the females began

Bench Press Shoulder Press

140 120
• rr/ST ET/ST

— 100
in « 80
60 v
s- 60
'S 60

40 40

Arm Curl Leg Press

120 140

100 120
or or
80 )

}/ 100

a. 1

/ w
~- 80
1 o
40 60

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Week of Training Week of Troining

Figure 1 Mean ( + S.D.) training resistances used for the bench press, shoulder press, arm curl and leg press expressed as
percentages of each pre-test one-repetition maximum for the ST/ET and ET/ST groups for each week of training.
488 Collins and Snow

running at 9.7 km h ' , 0 % grade and the males ran at Results

11.3 km h" 1 , 0% grade. The speed remained constant,
but the grade was incremented by 2% at the end of each Endurance development
2 min period of exercise. Each subject was encouraged to
Maximal oxygen uptake (FO2max) increased signifi-
exercise until exhausted as indicated by an inability to
maintain the work rate. Expired air was collected cantly (P<0.05) in the ST/ET and ET/ST groups by
continuously during exercise and analysed using a 6.7 and 6.2%, respectively, but not in the control group.
Quinton Q-Plex I automated gas analysis system. The There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) between
gas analyser was calibrated using standard calibration the two experimental groups; however, both experi-
gases immediately before each exercise test. The flow mental groups improved more than the control group.
meter was calibrated using a 3 litre syringe. Heart rate Table 2 illustrates the mean pre- and post-test values for
was monitored using a Quinton Q-4000 electrocardio- the subjects and the absolute and relative changes in
graph. One of two criteria was used to determine if FO, max.
VO2 max was achieved: (1) a plateau or decrease in VO2
with an increase in workload as evidenced by a rise less Strength development
than 2.1 ml kg"1 min"1 (Taylor et al., 1955), or (2) a
respiratory exchange ratio greater than 1.1 and a heart The two experimental groups significantly (P<0.05)
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

rate within 10 beats min"1 of age-predicted maximum. increased muscular strength for the bench press,
If one or both of these criteria were obtained, VO2 max shoulder press, arm curl and leg press. Increases in
was the highest VO2 achieved during the test; otherwise, strength ranged from 12 to 17% for the ST/ET group
a second test was administered. and from 14 to 24% for the ET/ST group. The control
group did not improve muscular strength significantly.
Muscular strength (one-repetition maximum) was There were no statistical differences (P>0.05) between
assessed using Universal equipment or free weights for the two experimental groups for the bench press, arm
the bench press, shoulder press, arm curl (free weight) curl or leg press; however, the ET/ST group improved
and leg press. The subjects were given two lifting (P < 0.05) shoulder press strength more than the ST/ET
sessions to familiarize them with the correct lifting group. Both experimental groups improved muscular
techniques (Stone and O'Bryant, 1987) prior to any strength more than the control group for all four
strength testing. Strength was measured for each exercises. Table 3 illustrates the mean pre- and post-test
exercise by progressively incrementing the weight lifted values for the subjects and the absolute and relative
using the procedure described by Stone and O'Bryant changes in the four strength measures.
(1987), which minimizes the influence of fatigue. Both
strength and VO2 max were determined prior to and
following the 7-week training programme.
Data analysis
Much research has focused on the physiological adap-
The data were analysed using a two-factor (pre-/post- tations to endurance training and strength training.
test, group) ANOVA with repeated measures. In Endurance training (e.g. running, cycling or swimming)
instances where a significant interaction was present, elicits changes that facilitate the transport and utiliza-
tests for partial interactions and simple main effects were tion of oxygen (FO 2 max) (Holloszy and Booth, 1976;
performed. In addition, simple descriptive statistics Pollock, 1973; Saltin, 1969), without increasing muscu-
were also computed. The alpha level was set at the 0.05 lar strength (Hickson, 1980; Klausen et al., 1981).
level. Conversely, strength training elicits increases in muscu-

Table 2 Mean ( + S.E.M.) VO2 max(ml kg ' min ') before and after 7 weeks of
Group Pre-test Post-test A %A
ST/ET 43.6 ±1.9 46.5 + 1.8" 2.9 6.7s
ET/ST 43.8 + 2.3 46.5±2.1" 2.7 6.26
Control 49.0±2.2 49.8 + 4.5 0.8 1.6
ST/ET, strength training followed by endurance training; ET/ST, endurance training followed
by strength training; A, post-test—pre-test; %A = ((post-test—pre-test)/pre-test) x 100.
" Significantly greater than pre-test value (P<0.05); * significantly greater than control group
Adaptations to combined endurance and strength training 489

Table 3 Mean ( + S.E.M.) muscular strength (kg) values before and after 7 weeks
of training
Group Pre-test Post-test A %A
Bench press
ST/ET 35.5 + 5.2 40.9 + 5.8" 5.4 15.2*
ET/ST 42.2±8.4 50.6 + 9.3" 8.4 19.9*
Control 56.9 + 32.6 57.1 + 21.3 0.2 0.4
Shoulder press
ST/ET 27.7 + 3.5 32.3 + 3.7° 4.6 16.6*
ET/ST 29.9 + 3.9 37.1+4.3" 7.2 24.1*'c
Control 34.4+11.8 34.4±7.9 0.0 0.0
Arm curl
ST/ET 27.3 + 3.0 32.0 + 3.5° 4.7 17.2*
ET/ST 29.2 + 2.9 35.3+4.0" 6.1 20.9"
Control 34.1 + 12.1 33.4 + 7.9 -0.7 -2.1
Leg press
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

ST/ET 99.2±7.3 111.0 + 7.9" 11.8 11.9*

ET/ST 106.5 + 8.5 121.4+10.0" 14.9 14.0*
Control 118.8±21.7 113.2+15.5 -5.6 -4.7
ST/ET, strength training followed by endurance training; ET/ST, endurance training followed
by strength training; A, post-test —pre-test; %A = ((post-test—pre-test)/pre-test) x 100.
" Significantly greater than pre-test value (P<0.05);' significantly greater than control group
(P<0.05);' significantly greater than ST/ET group (P<0.05).

lar strength with little or no change in the ability to are necessary to determine if certain training patterns or
transport or utilize oxygen (Hickson, 1980; MacDougall sequences might help facilitate the adaptive process.
et al., 1980; McDonagh and Davies, 1984). Less Very little is known regarding training patterns or
research is available on the adaptations to a concurrent sequences during concurrent endurance and strength
training programme. The experimental groups training. Concurrent training programmes have been
improved VO2 max by 6-7%, which is similar to values studied using various training patterns, with endurance
reported for other concurrent training programmes and strength training performed on alternate days
(Hickson, 1980; Hunter et al., 1987; Lee et al., 1990; (Dudley and Djamil, 1985; Sale et al., 1990), the same
Sale et al., 1990). Similarly, the improvements in day (Hickson, 1980; Lee et al., 1990; Sale et al., 1990) or
muscular strength (12-24%) were also comparable to a combination of the two (Hunter et al., 1987). Also, in
data from other studies (Dudley and Djamil, 1985; studies where concurrent training occurred on the same
Hickson, 1980; Hunter et al., 1987; Lee et al., 1990; Sale day, different sequences have been used, including
et al., 1990). endurance training prior to strength training (Lee et al.,
Although the adaptations are similar for concurrent 1990), strength training prior to endurance training
endurance and strength training compared to individual (Hickson, 1980; Hunter et al., 1987) and a combination
programmes, there appears to be antagonistic effects of both sequences (Sale et al., 1990). At the present time,
with concurrent training (Dudley and Djamil, 1985; there is no clear understanding of the best pattern or
Hickson, 1980). Studies by Hickson (1980) and Dudley sequence of training for optimizing the adaptive re-
and Djamil (1985) have shown that concurrent endur- sponse to concurrent training. Although some data do
ance and strength training does not affect VO2 max, but suggest that it is better to train on alternate days than the
the acquisition of muscular strength appears to be same day when undertaking a concurrent training
compromised with concurrent training programmes, programme (Sale et ah, 1990), there are no data on the
except in previously endurance-trained individuals effect of the training sequence. Therefore, the purpose
(Hunter et al., 1987; Paavolainen et al., 1991). Factors of the present study was to determine if the sequence of
such as overtraining, alterations in efficient motor unit training might play a role in facilitating the adaptive
recruitment patterns, possible changes in myosin iso- response to concurrent training.
zymes, and/or alterations in the endocrine response to It appears to be fairly well documented that concur-
training may account for the antagonistic effects. Since rent endurance and strength training has no effect on
concurrent endurance and strength training appears to improvements in VO2 max. Also, whether one trains on
hinder the adaptive response to exercise training, data alternate days or on the same day during concurrent
490 Collins and Snow

programmes, VO2 max is not influenced. The training Many coaches and athletes have a preference for
programmes for both experimental groups in the performing endurance training or strength training
present study were carefully matched for modes, first, but training sequence does not appear to influence
frequencies, intensities and durations of endurance the adaptations to training. Although one might hypoth-
training. Therefore, any differences in improvements in esize that the first activity (endurance or strength) would
VO2 max might be explained by the sequence of cause fatigue, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the
training. Our data suggest that VO2 max (6.7% vs 6.2% second activity (strength or endurance), this does not
improvement) is not influenced by the sequence of appear to be true, since the subjects in both experi-
training. This finding is consistent with other studies mental groups were able to maintain equal training
which have shown that improvements in VO2 max are intensities, and improvements in VO2 max and strength
not influenced by concurrent training programmes or by were the same. In conclusion, adaptations to a combin-
the pattern of training (Dudley and Djamil, 1985; ation of short-term endurance and strength training as
Hickson, 1980; Hunter et al., 1987; Lee et al, 1990; Sale assessed by VO2 max and bench press, arm curl and leg
et al, 1990). Although the subjects in the ST/ET group press strength appear to be independent of whether
'strength trained' before running, they were still able to endurance training occurs prior to or following strength
maintain both the intensity and duration of running as training.
the ET/ST group which ran first; therefore, there was
Downloaded by [New York University] at 01:30 08 January 2015

no advantage to running before strength training with

regards to improving VO2 max.
Adaptations to muscular strength appear to be more
sensitive to concurrent training programmes than We thank Mrs Lynn Samples for her assistance in the
VO2 max. Concurrent training programmes appear to preparation of this manuscript.
interfere with improvements in strength (except in
endurance-trained individuals), and increases in
strength appear to be greater when endurance and
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