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Chapter 5 Magnetostatics Problem 5.1 Since v x B points upward, and that is also the direction of the force, q must be [positive,] To find R, in terms of a and d, use the pythagorean theorem: (Rd +e =e Rome eta a R—Lte R The cyclotron formula then gives in - a| opie +) p= qBR=|qB Problem 5.2 ‘The general solution is (Eq. 5.6): ult) = Cy coset) + Casin(ut) + Ze+ Cy; z(t) = Cacoslot) ~ C1 sin(ut) + C4 (a) v(0) = =(0) = 0; 9(0) = B/B; 2(0) =0. Use these to determine C1, C2, Cs, and Ce (0) =0 = O, +03 =0; §(0) = uC, + E/B = E/B = Cz =0; 2(0) =0> C2 + C= 03 =0; 30) = 0, and hence also Cs = 0. So[y(t) = Bt/B; z(¢) = 0.] Does this make sense? The magnetic force is q(v x B) = ~q(E/B)B2 = ~gE, which exacily cancels the electric force; since there is no net force, the particle moves in a straight line at constant speed. 7 (b) Assuming it starts from the origin, so Cy = ~Ci, Cy = —Cp, we have £(0) = 0 > C, = 0 > C; =0; aft) = se psin(ot) + Be, 2) =~ coslot) + 3, of | y(t) = a ut —sinfut]s z(t) = 5 east) | Let a = £/tus, Then y(t) = Blut ~ sin(ut)};_2()= BIL ~ coswt)]; w= Rat) = Szeto | BVH ~Becostut) -> (y — 2But)? + (z — 8)? = 8". This is a circle of radius # whose center moves to the right at constant speed: yo = 2Bwt; 2 = 8. » Cy = 2Q= (9 0) = 0) = 5 + Cw = 5 89 90 CHAPTER 5. MAGNETOSTATICS & sintwr) (1 +t ~ cos(ut)] 2(8) = = = RZ Fesintwo.|ut0) 0B; thea {y ~ B(1-+.t)) = ~Beos(wt), 2 = Dsinlwt): fy BU Fu + Let 6 (6. This is a circle of radius # whose center is at yo = B(L-+t), 29 = 0. ; : le | 8 | y y ) re © Problem 5.3 ~ (0) From Bq, 62, F = qIB-+(v xB) =0- B= 0B s|u= 2 (b) From Eq. 5.3, mv = ¢BR=> Problem 5.4 Suppose I flows counterclockwise (if not, change the sign of the answer). The force on the left side (toward the left) cancels the force on the right side (toward, the right); the force on the top is JaB = Iak(a/2) Tka? /2, (pointing upward), and the force on the bottom is IaB = —Tka*/2 (also upward). So the net force is F =[Thot, Problem 5.5 because the length-perpendicular-to-flow is the circumference. a [ feteas= tna [ds tron > 0 53 = ersind} [J = pursind d,| where p = Q/(4/3)xR® Problem 5.7 dp dt says V+ (23 2 pete f (Se) rere ~ few str tr he otis ent. Now rete #5 2(V-J)4+J- (We). But Vz =%, so V- (2) = 2(V-J) + Je. Thus fy(V -Jjzdr = [ V-(eI)ar— f Jedr. The first term is f,2J -da (by the divergence theorem), and since J is entirely inside V, i is vero on the surface S. Therefore f,(V -S)zdr = ~ fy Je dr, of, combining this with the y and = Sy Sdr. Or referring back to the fist tine, P= 3dr. qed = components, fy(¥ Med Problem 5.8 v2u01 aR (a) Use Bq. 5.35, with 2 = R,0, = -0, = 45°, and four sides: B = (b) 2=R, = ©, and n sides: B= a1 (©) For small 8, sind 8, $0 as n +00, -» TOE (E) o| MOL) (ame as Ba. 5:38, with 2 = 0). Problem 5.9 (@) The straight segments produce no field at P; The two quarter-circles give B =| #0! (#G- 121) | coup). () The two half-lines are the same as one infinite line: #24; the half-circle contributes 22 aR a T(,,2 SoB= et (i+2) {isto the page). Problem 5.10 (a) The forces on the two sides cancel. tthe bottom, (up). At the top, B = Fa ale 5 (down). The net force is Ir(s +a) (b) The force on the bottom is the same as before, jig Fay (29 + dy 8). Bus the # component cancels the GF = I(dl x B) = Ide + dy9 +24) x (jat2) Pa 2 fsleep2} mb fide. Hore y = VBe,s0 hy pol? (siv3 + a/2 Wan ava eo the rangle | #2 = Problem 8.11 ‘Use Ba, $38 for ang of width ds, with I+ nde For an infinite solenoid, 62 = 0, @1 = x, 80 (cos #2 ~ cos6;) = 1 - (1) = r

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