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Monitoring Kids While Watching TV

Television becomes one of the most important devices which takes place in almost houses.
It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it important to
know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely “Yes” and that
should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have tried to protect the
children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so on.
Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the
day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time
spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of
being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot
and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:
1. Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day
2. Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms
3. Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch
4. Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show

Analisa Generic Structure Contoh Hortatory Exposition Text 1

1. Thesis: Apa hal penting yang ingin ditunjukkan oleh penulis kepada pembacanya. Dalam
contoh diatas, thesisnya seperti dibawah ini.
It is important to accompany children while they are watching TV show.
2. Arguments: Beberapa argumentasi yang perlu diberikan dalam mendukung thesis yang
telah disampaikan pada paragraf pertama. Dalam contoh teks hortatory diatas, argumentnya
adalah sebagai berikut!
There are a great relationship between watching TV and the watcher’s personality.
Much time in watching TV can cause bed-time disruption.
Possibility of becoming an aggressive character because of watching television too much.
3. Recommendation: Paragraf penutup berisi sebuah tindakan yang perlu diambil oleh
pembaca stelah menunjukkan betapa pentingnya hal atau thesis yang sudah dijelasakan diatas
Parents should protect the children from the bed effect of watching TV by 4 steps like
mention above in the text.

life. 2. Television Should be for Social Construction

Television is today a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news
and information. television is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry
What makes television even more interesting is that action is accompanied by sound, so
that we can see as well as hear what on the television. Today we can stay at home and
enjoy entertainment that once could be seen only in cinema, theaters and sport arenas.
Television enables to meet important people. It can bring important guests and important
scene to receivers who are located anywhere.
Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong. It
influences the way which we should behave. Television has close related to our life in
general. Some times the value and life style we get from television are in conflict with those
that we get at home and school.
Critics point out that crime and TV show often appeal to taste for violence, while many
games and quizzes appeal to greedy. it is important to suggest that television should be used
for socially constructive purpose for the shake of better

5. Property Market to Make Money

Dear friend,
Are you tired of the daily grind? Sick of working all hours of the day for litle reward?
Tired of having enough money to really enjoy yourself? Well, now there is a way out.
We can show the way to give up work. Sit back and make millions for yourself and your
loved ones on property market.
Albert Smith felt just like you untill he read our leaflet. Now he drives a sport car arround
the South of France and his wife has one of her own too.
Contact us soon

6. Tourism Should be Benefit on Local People

What is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to
the economies of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job vacancy and
advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often goes into the
pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.
Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example,
multinational hotel chains don’t care about the surrounding nature when they build new
hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local people
may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in case of missing
that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.
Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in
restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that multinational chains. They less go to such
places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the
local people’s business from becoming even larger.
Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it
can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local people will get
the risk.
So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will make
the benefit spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not cause any
harm to any local people or places.

7. Lead should be removed From Patrol

In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere) there
doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the
While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when
you travel through the country, where you only see the another car every five to ten
minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to
appreciate that, in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one’s own
vehicle is the only way to get about.
I feel that the country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town
and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the
people who live in the city.

8. Pontentiality of Online Job

Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many, and some have taken more
seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has
its advantages if we manage efectively. Why not?
It offers flexibility and convenience that no other job can give. We can work from home
with minimal investment and get a good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket
and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.
The reason behind this great opportunity is that every day there are new companies to join.
Every day and every minute men are seeking information aboute verything under the sky
of the Internet.
As we know, the Internet is the answer to every question, web sites need to update each
section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an
expansive space for articles.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommeded
are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very
careful because scamming opportunities are always there.

9. Gesang Should be a National Hero

Two opular English aphorism and national adage say; “Those who don’t learn from
history are condemned to repeat it” and “A great nation is one which fully appreciates its
heroes.”. Then, proposing an important person who has taken a role in our nation history
is important. I think Gesang should be a national hero.
Who have never heard Bengawan Solo song? I doubt it if there is. This keroncong song
has been a part of national voices. Gesang is a senior composer whose songs gained fame
all the way to Japan. He has received a number of awards in art and everyone will admit
that his art talent was dedicated to this nation.
Government has declared the other great composer; WR. Suratman and Ismail Marzuki as
national Heroes. Gesang might not be compared to others, but in my opinion, Gesang is as
great as them. All of them are maestros. Due to his keroncong music maestro, Gesang has
taken a role in building our national identity.
It is obvious that government should name Gesang National Hero. We should not delay
and wait for, in case, our neighbor countries or other international communities go a head
to recognize him and grant an award for what he deserves.

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