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C-Spine Program

Description Sets and Reps DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4


Lateral line 3 locations, 4breaths, 4 rolls. Followed by side lying breathing 4ea x4ea x x

upward rotation / lat standing L or chips pose, 4 breaths x4ea x x


pelvic floor Ball on side of each sits bone, and in the middle for 4 breaths x4 x x

tapping tapping arm, neck, head, and side body 3 times each x3ea x x

ROM With towel roll to maintain upper cervical ROM. x4ea x x

breathing Laying on wedge or 30 deg incline. Exhale completely out mouth and spell x6-8 x x
name out loud, wait for inhale breath to come on its own and direct through
the nostrils only by closing mouth

chest lift w/ ball Laying in hook lying place 10” slightly deflated ball just proximal to the TLJ. x8 x x
Place hands in a basket behind head at the occiput so elbows are within your
peripheral vision. Give the weight of you head to your hands. Exhale
completely out mouth, let inhale breath come on its on in nostrils directly air
towards ball. On the next exhale allow the thoracic segment just below the
ball to drop down allowing the chest and head to rise like a better tottter. Be
sure not to flatten lumbar spine, brace or tuck pelvis. on the inhale direct into
ball and slowly lower head back down.


scap circles 4 times each direction x4ea x x

arm arcs on Foam roll, x8 retraction and protraction 2x8 x x

wall slides Use towels to help hands slide, be sure to initiate with shoulder blade 2x10 x x
movement forward and up like a “J”

KB rolls Supine shoulder flexion to 90, continue to maintain arm position as roll body 2x8 x x
around scap.

cross leg to Seated in cross leg position, dorsiflexion ankles rotate upper body opposite to 2x6ea x x
rotational bear the leg in front. Place hands at the width of the thigh, lean forward and stand
into hands to lift hips.

Description Sets and Reps DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Deep Stabilizers

Eye/SO Exercise #1: With franklin ball under one side of the occiput, rotate head to x4ea AND x3-5min x x
the side the ball is on, next turn eyes to the same direction and follow with
head, next look at point on the ceiling above you the entire time your head
moves to the side, last look to the opposite side while moving head to the
same side as the ball. Exercise #2: Go outside and look far way, then focus
on something up close. Work to move your focus farther and farther away
and returning to upclose.

DNF On a bench in an incline position, nod chin and slightly lift head from bench. 2x5ea x x
Hold for 5 breaths.

lateral holds On your side, lift top leg into abduction with a dorsiflexed foot, lift bottom leg 2x3, 4 x x
to meet it, lift head in line, breathe and hold for 3 breaths follow by 4 head
side bends.

helical field DaVinci Stretch prone and spine 2-3 breaths each. 1xea x x

Pilates Spring-

forward place strap attached to spring around forehead. Maintain Spine neutral and x4 walks, x8reps x x
be sure scapula are elevated to neutral. Walk out as far as can maintain post
and 3D breath. At the end of range on last rep flex head segmentally and

backward place strap attached to spring around forehead. Maintain Spine neutral and x4 walks, x8reps x x
be sure scapula are elevated to neutral. Walk out as far as can maintain post
and 3D breath. At the end of range on last rep extend head segmentally and

side place strap attached to spring around forehead. Maintain Spine neutral and x4 walks, x4 side x x
be sure scapula are elevated to neutral. Walk out as far as can maintain post bending reps, x4
and 3D breath. At the end of range on last rep side bend head segmentally rotation reps
and return, followed by rotation and return.

diagonal (fwd and place strap attached to spring around forehead. Maintain Spine neutral and x4 walks, x4reps ea x x
back) be sure scapula are elevated to neutral. Walk out as far as can maintain post
and 3D breath. At the end of range on last rep flex and extend head
segmentally on diagonal and return.

Description Sets and Reps DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4

Global Movers /

neck pulls 3x8 3x8 x x

T6 extension from childs pose or forehead supported position lift head while maintaining 2x10 x x
cervical nod.

TRX row Be sure to start and finish with shoulder blade movement. 2x10 x x

TRX T Be sure to start and finish with shoulder blade movement. Reach knuckles to 2x10 x x
side of the room.

TRX SA Row with Slowly lower and use shoulder blade movement, further ROM with trunk 2x8ea x x
Rotation rotation on a stable scap, and return in same fashion.

Inverted ROW Do not tuck butt up under you, and do not lead with ribs. Use shoulder blades 2x8 x x
to initiate and finish movement.

Hanging L Feet and ankles supported off ground hold on to bar or TRX with arms 2x8 x x
depression/ overhead, in a position where you can maintain good thoracic control. Use
elevation shoulder blade movement in depression and elevation.

Half kneeling SA Dumb bell light, initiate with scapula upward rotation. 3x8 x x
OH press

Shrugs Maintain, head neck and thoracic alignment. 3x8 x x

KB OH Press Single arm, upward rotation and shoulder flexion, maintain potion and walk 3x10yds ea x x
Walking without flaring ribs, sticking head out, or tucking but.

Single Arm Farmers While carrying weight, maintain an elevated scapular position and 3D 3x10yds ea x x
walks breathing


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