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One years ago my sister and I went to the Madiun city for buy some thing.

We leave
from home at around 9 in the morning us motorcycle. In the street I asked for my sister
“Where we will went?” she said “We will went to Town Square in the Madiun City.”

Upon arrived in the Town Square madiun we go around benefit from view which the
Madiun. After that I feel thirsty finally I buy a drink in around Town Square. After buy a
drink we sit down pigeons flying around. In there we can also give to the food that pigeons.

After long enough we sit down in there. We breaked for went. We continue went to
the jewelry store, because my sister wish buy ring and necklace she like, finally she buy that

Not feels the time is already very afternoon, finally we decided went to the home. But
in the way is not complete. Finally we must pay the money as big 50.000,00. After that we
back went to the home, arrived at home I take a bath last it I rest.

I hope the event is not repeated again. Because it is my first experiens traffic by the
Nama : Desi Pratiwi
Kelas : XII JB B
No : 11


Bahan :
- Singkong
- Garam
- Gula
- Coklat Batang
- Keju untuk isian

Alat yang digunakan :

- Pisau
- Telenan
- Mangkok Stenlees
- Dessert Plate
- Uleg – Uleg

Cara Membuat :
1. Kukus Singkong
2. Tumbuk singkong bersama garam dan gula sampai halus
3. Setelah halus bentuk bola-bola dan beri isian keju
4. Lelehkan coklat batang, lalu celupkan bola-bola getuk tadi ke dalam coklat
5. Sajikan

Kriteria Hasil ;

KEndala saat proses pengolahan :

Pemecahan Masalah :

Bahan :
- Rambutan secukupnya
- Soda tawar secukupnya
- 1 kantung the hijau
- Air
- Gula
- Selasih
- Es batu

Cara Membuat :
1. Didihkan air bersama dengn gula lalu masukkan rambutan yang sudah dikupas masak
bersama air gula
2. Didihkan air untuk the dan beri gu.la sedikit
3. Kemudian, siapkan gelas masukkan rambutan yang telah direbus, selasih. Kemudian
es batu lalu campur air the dan soda aduk rata
4. Sajikan

Kriteria Hasil ;

KEndala saat proses pengolahan :

Pemecahan Masalah :

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