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Assignment 5

1. Find all the instant centers of following linkages.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 1: Question 1 and 2

2. The mechanism in Fig. 1(d) has link 2 at 51 deg from positive X axis. (offset - horizontal
distance between O2 and B)
a. Find VA and VB for the position shown when ⍵2 = 25 rad/sec clockwise using graphical
and analytical method.
b. Find AA and AB for the position shown when ⍵2 = 25 rad/sec clockwise constant. (offset -
horizontal distance between O2 and B) using graphical and analytical method.

3. A robot (Fig. 2) is set up 1 m from a table, two of whose legs are on the y0 axis as shown.
The table top is 1 m high and 1 m square. A frame o1x1y1z1 is fixed to the edge of the table
as shown. A cube measuring 20 cm on a side is placed in the center of the table with frame
o2x2y2z2 established at the center of the cube. A camera is situated directly above the center
of the block 2 m above the table top with frame o3x3y3z3 attached as shown. Find the
homogeneous transformation relating each of these frames to the base frame o0x0y0z0. Find
the homogeneous transformation relating the frame o2x2y2z2 to the camera frame o3x3y3z3.

4. Figure 3 shows a 3 degrees-of-freedom robot with two revolute joints and one prismatic
joint. O0x0y0z0 is the base frame and Oixiyizi is the frame attached to ith link (i = 1 to 3). Joint
variables are θ1, θ2, and d3. O0O1 = d1 and O1O2 = a2 are fixed link lengths.
a. Write the homogeneous transformation matrix (T) for frame O3x3y3z3 in O0x0y0z0
b. (Forward kinematics) Express the coordinates of point P (px,py,pz) in base frame using joint
variables (θ1, θ2 and d3) and link lengths.
c. (Inverse kinematics) If P (px,py,pz) is known, calculate the expressions for joint variables (θ1,
θ2 and d3).

Figure 2 - Question 3

Figure 3 - Question 4

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