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Total deflections of a beam considering Creep and Shrinkage

Beam supporting T-2404

Grade of concrete = M 30
Support condition(c = cantilever, ss = simply supported, co = continuous at one end, fc = fully continuous)
= ss
Span of the beam, l = 6 m
Depth of beam, D = 500 mm
Width of beam = 250 mm
Clear cover to the main reinforcement = 50 mm
Clear cover to the compression reinforcement 50 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement bars = 25 mm
Diameter of compression reinforcement bars 10 mm
Effective depth of the beam = 437.5 mm
Short term Elastic Deflection of Beam using Ieff
Igross = b D3 / 12 = 2.60E+09 mm4
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel = 2.00E+05 N/mm2
Short term modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec = 27386.13 N/mm2
Modular ratio, m = 7.30
Flexural Tensile strength, fcr = = 3.83 N/mm2
Moment required for rupture, Mr = 3.99E+07 Nmm
d'/deff = 0.13 Use charts with d'/deff = 0.15
Area of main(tension) steel provided, Ast = 1963.2 mm2
Area of compression steel provided, Asc = 157.0 mm2
pt = 1.795 pc = 0.144 pt-pc = 1.651
pt m = 13.1 pc(m-1) / (pt m)
= 0.07
From Table 87 of SP-16-1980 Ir / ((bd3)/12) = 0.5200 Ir = 9.07E+08 mm4
For d'/deff = 0.15 referring to table 93 of SP-16-1980 x / d = 0.307
Moment at service loads, Ms = 150 kNm = 1.5E+08 Nmm
Mr / Ms = 0.266 From chart 89 of SP-16-1980 I eff
/ I r
= 1.15 Ieff = 1.04E+09 mm4
Concentrated load on beam = 112.00 kN
UDL on beam = 22.56 kN/m
Short term elastic deflection = 30.97 mm
Ieff (calculated manually from SP-16) = 1.05E+08 mm4
Ieff (using Effective modulus of elasticity Ece) = 1.84E+08 mm4
Shrinkage deflections
Support condition constant, k3 = 0.125
Shrinkage curvature constant, k4 = 0.8012
Ultimate shrinkage strain of concrete, ecs = 0.0003
Shrinkage curvature, ycs =( k4 ecs ) / D = 4.81E-07
Shrinkage deflection of concrete, acs = k3 ycs l2 = 2.16 mm
Creep deflections
Age at loading (7days, 28 days, 1 year) = 28
Creep co-efficient, q = 1.6
Effective modulus of elasticity, Ece = Ec/(1+q) = 10533.13 N/mm2
Modular ratio considering Ece, m'(= Es/Ece) = 18.99
For d'/deff = , pt m' = 34.1 & pc(m'-1) / (pt m')
0.15 = 0.08
From Table 89 of SP-16-1980 Ir / ((bd3)/12) = 1.0300 Ir = 1.80E+09 mm4
Referring to table 93 of SP-16-1980 x / d = 0.44
Moment due to permanent loads alone (approx 60% of Ms) = 90 kNm = 90000000 Nmm
Mr / Mp = 0.444 Ieff / Ir (from chart 89 of SP-16) = 1.25 Ieff = 2.25E+09 mm4
ai, cc (perm)
(Initial + Creep deflection due to perm load) = 37.39 mm
Concentrated load due to permanent DL alone = 112.00 kN
UDL on beam due to permanent DL alone = 15.00 kN/m
ai (perm) (Short term deflection due to permanent load) = 26.50 mm
acc (perm) = ai, cc (perm) - ai (perm) = 10.89 mm
Allowable deflection, (span / 250) = 24.00 mm
Total deflection (elastic + shrinkage + creep) = 44.02 mm
Total deflection of 44.02 mm > 24.00 mm of allowable deflection, hence UNSAFE, NOT OK!

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