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2. Yanda Pathogenesis and Pathobiology of Brucellosis in live stock
3. Masrin
4. Amen Leptosporosis Pada Hewan dan Manusia
5. Fitri Uterine rupture and fetal maceration in an Indian Mongel bitch
6. Ricky Management of mummification of foetus in a Murrah Buffalo-Case report
7. Falna. Seroprevalence of chlamydia abortus infection in sheep and goats in iran
8. Fenti Fetal mummification in the major domestic species: current prespectives on
causes and management
9. Zevanya Canine foetal mummification
10. Fairuz Uterine torsion in buffaloes: a critical analysis
11. Wana a case of torsion in sheep
12. Injum Hysterotomy through colpotomy combined with cervicotomy for the
treatment of fetal maceration in a cattle
13. Mario Early embryonic death in cattle
14. Ina
15. Tantri. Tritrichomonas foetus infections in female beef cattle with abortion in wyoming,
16. Parore Uterine prolaps in a buffalo
17. Jen Complication of Uterine Fibroids and Their Management, Surgical
Management of Fibroid, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy versus Hyserectomy,
Haemorrhage, Adhesions, and Complication
18. Izha Early embryonic death in mares : clinical and hormonal aspects
19. Ratih Fetal Maceration in Crossbred Holstein Frisian heifer-a case report
20. Yopi
21. Vivi Secondary Abdominal Pregnancy with foetal mummification diagnose
22. Nurika A7-year-old extrauterine pregnancy in a cat
23. Allyn Bovine Trichomoniasis : Understanding this Tricky Profit Taker!
24. Bangga. Uterine prolapse in a sheep and its management : a case report
25. Dimas Twin Mummified foetuses in a holstein fresian cow : a case report
26. Riskiyanto placenta retention in the cow: report of three cases
27. Gita Asymptomatic Congenital Lobar Emphysema in a Pekinese Dog
28. Dyah Abortion due to Brucella abortus in sheep in Nigeria
29. Sari Haematic Foetal mummification in a Sahiwal cow : case report
30. Faiz Causes of stillbirth and time of seath in Swedish Holstein calcves examined
post mortem
31. Dafi utama : how to perform non-surgical correction of acute uterine torsion in the mare
pendukung : mare problem in last month pregnancy
32. Nuha Uterine torsion in the mare : a review and three case report
33. Islah The monitoring, prevention and treatment of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcemia
in dairy cows
34. Lani
35. Fani Early pregnancy diagnosis in a bovines : current status and future direction
36. Stella
37. Al
38. Abel
39. Henoch Clinical Approach to Abortion, Stillbirth, and Neonatal Death in Dogs and
40. Tiara Uterine torsion in a full term pregnant cat
41. Akmalinda Equine Brucellosis : Review on Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical Signs,
Prevention and Control

The monitoring, prevention, and treatment of milk fever

and subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cows

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