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Taking the Measure of the Curvature of the Universe

Following a visit to Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr.

Andrew Walcott Beckwith of Chongqing University has
proposed a series of experiments, to be carried out jointly
by the United States and the People’s Republic of China,
which could open the door to measuring the “curvature”
of the universe along the lines developed by Lyndon H.

We have shown, in earlier locations, that the space-time curvature of creative

processes is identical with that of astrophysical, microphysical, and biophysical
space-time. This congruence is the sole basis for the possibility of real human
knowledge of the universe. Thus, nothing called human knowledge is knowledge
in fact, unless it expresses directly the product of creative-mental processes, as
opposed, for example, to the axiomatic linearity of all formal deductive
reasoning. Thus, only the intelligible representation of those mental acts of our
species by which valid fundamental discoveries in physical science are
generated and assimiulated efficiently, represents something truly appropriate
to the connotations of “scientific knowledge.”

A Non-Mystical View of the necessity of Existence of the Notion of ‘Absolute

Lyndon H. LaRouche 1988



In this 1988 memorandum Mr. LaRouche details how the

work of Professors Robert James Moon of the University of
Chicago and Daniel R. Wells of the University of Miami
(Carol Gables) provides the essential context for such
type of experiments. The basic idea is to take self-
organized Beltrami-type magnetic fusion plasmas as
specified by Daniel R. Wells and examine fundamental
electrodynamic processes, like that of “magnetic field
reconnection,” which are congruent to Robert James
Moon’s polyhedral model of the nucleus and the more
general organization of a quantized space-time
associated with that model, to measure Einstein’s
Gravitational Waves with a sensitivity hundreds of
thousands of times greater than that currently achieved.
In very general terms, the emergence of the ability to
“see” Einstein’s Gravitational Wave represents the
greatest advance in 500 million years in terms of the
realization of an entirely new “sense,” beyond that of

While formally correct, this view of these proposals

misses the fact that:

“The troublesome, merely apparent paradox, is that

caused by a naive belief in the relative silliness of
belief in what is merely sense-perception as such.
For example: there is no thinking process which
corresponds, ontologically, as an acting human-
mental principle corresponding to sense-perception
per se. Sense-perception, as such, is a mere screen,
upon which empty objects are projected. In truth, to
speak German, the important thing is the effect:[1]
the effect is that of the noëtic powers of the human
mind: the imagination which is the only actually
efficient reality encountered within the universe
which we experience.”
[1] Spukschloss im Spessart, 1960 West German comedy film..
I was first introduced to these fundamental
electrodynamics questions in terms of magnetic field
reconnection by my father, George J. Stevens over 60
years ago when he simultaneously suggested working the
realization of the nuclear fusion energy. He would
describe how the standard electrodynamics of Maxwell
might be fine for building ordinary electrical machines,
but Carl Friedrich Gauss had a fundamentally different
approach which was shut down when the troops of the
Duke of Cumberland, King Ernest Augustus, the fifth son
of the King George III of Great Britain, occupied Gauss’s
laboratory and offices in 1837—and exiled his family—
and destroyed the first international working science
association which Gauss and Alexander von Humboldt
had organized, the Magnetic Union, Magnetischer Verein.

Another term for the laws of magnetic field reconnection

is that of “electromagnetic induction.” Dr. Moon
discovered in 1921 that this process was not really
understood and began his research into the
electrodynamics of Marie Ampere and Carl Gauss. (Much
of this is presented in the two volumes of Alfred O’Rahilly


which Dr. Moon gave me in 1974. Dr. Beckwith is the first

scientist with whom I have informed of this concern to
have actually reviewed that work in detail.)

This Gauss approach was further pursued by his student,

Bernhard Riemann—as the laboratory assistant of
Wilhelm Weber. Riemann then transmitted this work to a
grouping of Italian scientists, including Eugenio Beltrami.
Beltrami and Riemann’s work was further developed by
both the German and Italian aerodynamics schools, as
represented by Adolf Busemann and Ludwig Prandtl. In
1974 Dr. Moon suggested looking into the questions of
electromagnetic induction as seen in the homopolar
generator, since this was a major focus of the work of
Gauss’s experimental collaborator, Wilhelm Weber.
George Yevick of the Stevens Institute was engaged in
building homopolar generators. He suggested contacting
Winston Bostick who reported having homopolar plasma
vortices in his plasma focus fusion plasma. Daniel R. Wells
was a student of Dr. Bostick and worked jointly with him
on the Beltrami-Busemann approach.

More to come

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