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Student Teaching Lesson Plan Template – Spring 2018 Final

(Indirect Instruction / Discovery Learning)

Omit the shaded cells

Subject: Mathematics Central Focus:

Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to
multiply a fraction by a whole number.

Essential Standards/Common Core Objective (2): Date submitted: Date taught: 2/12/18
CC.4.NF.4a Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple
of 1/b. For example, use a visual fraction model to
represent 5/4 as the product 5 × (1/4), recording
the conclusion by the equation 5/4 = 5 × (1/4).

Daily Lesson Objective (1):

Write a fraction as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction and solve word problems.

21st Century Skills (1): Academic Language Demand (if Handbook applicable)
Multiple, unit fraction, factor

Prerequisite knowledge and skills Global Awareness (1):

needed (1):
Add fractions with like
Use multiples

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Engage (3) Talk in your table groups about how you use 5 minutes
Check students’ prior knowledge in a multiplication to solve repeated addition. For example,
fast way how do you write 3 x 4 using repeated addition? (have
them talk, expect the answer to be 4+4+4 or 3+3+3+3.
A unit fraction is a fraction with a numerator of 1. Unit
fractions can be written as the product of a whole
number and a unit fraction. Using the same concept,
how can you write 10 as a sum of unit fractions? (Write
the possibilities on the board of what they think but
don’t tell them the answer until the elaborate stage)
2. Explore (3) At each table, there is a task card. We will rotate cards 30 minutes
Tasks student will solve by themselves while you stay at your table. You must solve each card
using their prior knowledge as a group. Before we start, tell me the definition of a
multiple and a unit fraction (accept unit fraction as a
fraction with a numerator of 1 and multiple is the result
of multiplying by a whole number). They will put the
answers to their cards on the worksheets. At the
stations, the students can use manipulatives if needed.
The answers to each card are as follows:
Card 1 – 2 x
Card 2 – She reads 6 of the book everyday (I expect
them to draw out or explain that if she read 6 of a book
over 5 days, that must mean she read 6 of the book
everyday since you can divide it)
1 123456
Card 3 – False. The multiples of 6 are 6 6 6 6 6 6
Card 4 – 3 x
2345 1
Card 5 - 4444 I know this because it is 4 times the
whole number, going up the next 4 numbers
Card 6 – 9 x 4

3. Explain (3) Starting with card number 1, each group presents their 30 minutes
Students explain their solutions to the answers. The table that had card 1 goes first. The class
tasks they solved during the “Explore” then talks about whether they refute or accept the
phase answer. We continue this pattern until we have done all
6 cards.
4. Elaborate/Extend (3) 7 10 minutes
I will 10 is a unit fraction and we will look at the answers
Extra task(s) or generalizations of
the previously had to deduct to the right one. We will
then do the next problem. I will hand out a sheet for
them to glue in the notebook. Nigel cut his banana
bread into 12 equal slices. His family ate some of his
bread and now 12 of the bread is left. If Nigel wants to
put each slice into its own bag, how many bags will he
The class will have to tell me step by step on what to
do. We will copy it into their notebook. They will take
5. Evaluate (Assessment methods) (3) I will have an exit ticket to see what they know. It will 5 minutes
Include the “Exit ticket” to assess be a quick worksheet for them to fill out.
students’ understanding of the new The answers are
concepts 1. 5 x 16(4 points - 1 for choosing multiplication
(Conceptual Understanding), 1 for the right
answer (Procedural Fluency), 2 for a model
(Mathematical Reasoning))
2. 9 x 110(4 points - 1 for choosing
multiplication (Conceptual Understanding), 1
for the right answer (Procedural Fluency.), 2
for a model (Mathematical Reasoning))
3. 11 x 112(4 points - 1 for choosing
multiplication (Conceptual Understanding), 1
for the right answer (Procedural Fluency), 2
for a model (Mathematical Reasoning))
4. Sarah lives 13 miles from school. I know this
because she walks two ways everyday – 1 way
to school and 1 way to back. If she walks 23
everyday and walks 2 ways, that must mean
each way is 13. (3 points - 1 for multiplication (
Conceptual Understanding), 2 for explaining
(mathematical reasoning))

Conceptual Understanding (1 POINT PER QUESTION) -

student accurately chooses to use the right operations
(multiplication) and uses it

Procedural fluency (1 POINT PER QUESTION) - the right


Mathematical reasoning (2 POINTS PER QUESTION) -

students demonstrated answers with a model.

If they do not finish exit ticket in class, they are to finish

it for morning work the next day.

Student(s) & Student/Small Group Student/Small Group

Modifications/Accommodations (2): Students will be working in small
1. There will be manipulatives on the
Differentiation (low students): Differentiation (advanced students):
tables for students to use to help solve
Include exact task(s) Include exact task(s)
the problems.
When finished, students may use
other manipulatives to try to solve
2. the same problems to recognize
there is more than one way to solve
3. things. They may use laptops to
help find new strategies. The
websites will be posted.
Materials/Technology (1): Worksheets, exit tickets, homework sheet, sheet to glue in notebook.

Reflection on lesson: Overall, this lesson went well. The only problem I ran into was the students didn’t like to not
know how to do the task cards. They wanted to make sure that they had the right answer. Next time, I need to make
sure that students know it is okay to be wrong and that we are learning.

CT signature:____________________ Date: __________ US signature: ______________________ Date: ____________

Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

Write the fraction as So far, Monica has

the product of the read of a book.
6 There is no multiple
whole number and a She has read the same 1 3 4
unit fraction. number of pages each of 6 between 6 and 6.
day for 5 days. What True or false?
fraction of the book Explain your
does Monica read each
2 day? Show your work.
reasoning using
words and pictures.
Card 4 Card 5 Card 6

In words or pictures, What are the next 4 Write the fraction as a

explain how you can multiples of ¼ ? product of
write as the product Use a model to a whole number and a unit
of a whole number show your thinking. fraction.
and a unit fraction.

Name ____________________________________ Date ___________________________

Fractions and unit

fractions card answers
Card 1 -

Card 2 – show your work

Card 3 – explain your
reasoning using pictures
and words

Card 4 – explain using

words or pictures
Card 5 – use a model to
show your thinking

Card 6
Name _____________________________ Date________________

Exit ticket
Write the following fractions as a product of a whole number and unit
fraction. Represent it using a model.

2. +


Solve the following problem. Explain your

answer using words or pictures
1. Sarah walks from home to school each morning and back home each
afternoon. Altogether she walks miles each day. Express the
fraction as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction. Explain
what the whole number means and what the fraction represents.

Glue this into your notebook:

Nigel cut his banana bread into
12 equal slices. His family ate some
of his bread and now of the bread
is left. If he has 5 bags, what fraction
of the bread goes into each bag?

Glue this into your notebook:

Nigel cut his banana bread into
12 equal slices. His family ate some
of his bread and now of the bread
is left. If he has 5 bags, what fraction
of the bread goes into each bag?

Name___________________ Date_____________
4 1
1. is a multiple of . Yes or no? Explain your
5 4

2. Write as a product of a whole number and unit
3. List the next 3 multiple of the unit fraction

4. Will uses olive oil to make 3 batches of salad
dressing. How much olive oil does Will use for
one batch? Show your work.

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