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Object Oriented Programming Using C++


1. a)' Explain array and stack

b) Write rules for operator overloading.
2. a) Explain Exception handling constructs.
b) What is pure virtual function? Explain.
3. a) Explain constructor and destructor.
b) Write note on tree and graph.
4. a) Explain queue with its types.
b) What is inheritance? Explain single inheritance.
5. a) Explain pure virtual base class.
b) What is friend function? Explain.
6. a) What is an abstract function?
b) How to create object of a class? Explain.
7. a) Explain polymorphism.
b) How to use a friend class.
8. a) List and explain benefits of object oriented development.
b) Explain class template.

a) Define class. Explain it's syntax and give example.

b) What is stack? Explain operations on stack.
2. a) Write note on exception handling in C++.
b) Explain Pure Virtual function with example.
3. a) What is OOPS? G.ive features of OOPS.
b) Define tree and Graphs? Explain with application.
4. a) Write a difference between class and structure.
b) What is constructor? Explain with example.
5. a) Explain public, private and protected access specifiers.
b) What is template? Explain function template.
.a) Define inheritance, List it's type and explain multiple inheritance with
b) Write a programme in C++ to count odd and even numbers from an array.
7. a) What is queue? What are application of queue? Explain.
b) Explain friend function with example.
8. a) What is operator overloading? Explain binary operator overloading with
,, example.
b) Explain File Stream classes.
a) Differentiate between structured and object oriented programming
b) How class is created in C++? Give an example.
a) Explain data encapsulation and abstraction.
b) Define inheritance. Explain any two types of inheritance.
a) How exception handling is done in C++? Explain
b) Write a C++ program to show use of friend class.
a) What is constructor? Enlist and explain its types.
b) Explain function template with a example.
5. a) Explain access modifiers in C++.
b) What is virtual and pure virtual function? explain
6. a) Explain following terms
queue Link List
b) Give an example of friend function using a C++ program.
7. a) Write rules for operator overloading.
b) What is the need of destructor? Explain using example.
a) Explain virtual base class with example.
b) Write a short note on tree and graph.

1. a) Differentiate between structured and object oriented development.

b) Explain,
i) Data encapsulation. ii) Abstractbn.
2. a) exœption handling is done in C++? Explain.
b) function overloading.
3. a) 'Mat is constructor? Explain parameterized constructor.
b) Explain functbn template. with an example.
4. a) to creato a class in C++?
b) List arø explain access specifiers.
5. a) What i8 virtual function? Explain.
b) Explain following terms. I) Link List ii) Graph.
6. a) friend function with an example.
b) to overload an operator?

7. a) Explain any two types of inheritance.

b) How to use destructor in C++?

8. a) Explain virtual base class with an example

b) Write note on stack and queue.

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